Sunday, February 20, 2011

princess lola

Last week was Lola's baby blessing. A tradition to receive a special prayer from Collin & an excuse to dress up like a princess.
All three of our girls have worn this dress that was made by Collin's mother. It's raw silk and has beautiful lace details. At first I wanted everyone to have their own dress but now it's so sweet that they all have worn it.
Our whole family came to our church that day and then over to our home for a small luncheon. The grandmas are both clearly smitten by this sweet baby.

In other news: I am so tired of the above decals on my wall. I want to paint or even wallpaper instead. But that wall is vaulted and goes over a wall into the other room. I guess it's hard to explain.
I am just tired of those decals. Any ideas? Here's a picture of what the vaulted wall that it connects to in the other room looks like. here.

Hope you're having a nice weekend!


  1. congratulations on lola's baby blessing!

    that dress is gorgeous...and she looks so happy in the picture with the second grandma (your mom?).

    as for the decals on the wall, maybe you can do something with a collection of 'K's? I think i've seen you do that before...i'm sure that whatever you come up with will look great, though. it's funny how we can get so sick of our home decor when we absolutely loved it just a few months ago :)

  2. What a beautiful girl, dress, and day! I LOVE the idea of wearing the same gown. My great-grandmother made one that my aunts, uncles, and mom wore. Then, the cousins and I wore it, and now our own children are wearing it - I can't think of anything more special for such an important day!

  3. Congratulations on the baby blessing. I hope it was a wonderful day for everyone.
    I say wallpaper that wall. Something rich and bold (teal?) I think it would look great just peaking over into the other room.

  4. What a beautiful dress!! I have two boys and a third boy on the way. I am hoping one day to have a beautfiul dress like this made for a blessing day! :)

  5. Just Beautiful! (all of it)

  6. That is so sweet. I was like you and wanted my girls to wear different dresses on their blessing day. But as luck would have it, a new dress just didn't happen. It is so sweet to see pictures of them side by side on that special day now. Thanks for sharing pics of Lola's special day. And good luck with the wall decor:)

  7. What a special day, congratulations to your whole family! And the grandmas don't even look like "grandmas" at all!

    Love all your decorations for the celebration :)

  8. Your photos are always so amazing. How do you feel about wide shadow stripes? Like a softer color, or even creme on the current wall color. It's pretty easy to do and you can easily paint over them when you get tired of it. The vault wouldn't be an issue. Hugs!

  9. What an angel she is...and what a special day for her and the family. Beautiful dress!

    I haven't posted lately, but am still loving your site, your inspiration and your positive, witty outlook on life in general. You are amazing, girl!

    Now on to enjoy the warm fire that my hubby built for me...well, after we finish plowing the 18+ in of snow that just got dumped on us! ha ha! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  10. love the silk dress! As far as the decals...couldn't you just take them off? lol Maybe I'm not understanding the predicament but if you only hate the decals why repaint the whole wall when you can just take them off?

  11. What a beautiful baby and dress! I can understand wanting a different dress for each but imagine enlarging and framing a shot of each girl for the wall in the same dress - how amazing!

    As for the decals, I love the idea of painting wide stripes in either a shade darker or lighter on the wall then depending on how the wall wraps into the connecting room you could either stop at a corner or just stop at the point where the rooms "change" or continue just over the small vaulted area.

    Good luck!

  12. thanks for the nice comments!

    love that idea Emma J

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  16. Cortney,
    Yes, good idea to just take them off but I wanted to do something "new" :)

    Kristen, I know our grandmas are so cute.

    Good idea Brenda!

  17. I love having an heirloom passed through the family. For us it was the bassinett - all my children, the cousins and now my grandchildren slept in it. That gown is beautiful! As for those decals - paint, paint over them. Its easy and cheap!

  18. My two cousins and my sister all shared the same blessing dress... and later in life the all shared the same wedding dress! Crazy that it happened that way...

    Here is my idea for your wall! ... the greatest wallpaper ever.

  19. What a beautiful dress and precious little girl! I can definitely see Q in her smile :)

    I have been reading your blog for some time and am always so inspired. Keep doing what you do!

  20. que preciso vestido! aqui en EspaƱa (Valencia) tambien existe esa tradicion. Espero que lo pasarais bien!
    un abrazo,

  21. that dress! seriously, stop it. the cutest.

  22. How sweet that all of them have worn the same dress - precious. I'm squinting at my screen to see closer to the two layouts that are on your table! Lovely. No advise on what to do with your wall, since we've lived in our house for almost two years and it's still the same basic builders baige! This is a goal for this coming year though.

  23. lola seriously looks like a "living doll"...beautiful gown too!

    go paper liz...
    make a statement...giggle!

  24. Hi Lizzy,

    I say a new color, do you like green? Then add a personal quote. My dining room says Bless All who gather here. Or maybe a family saying with a collection of your AMAZING family photos. Happy Creating!

  25. That dress is gorgeous!! And Lola looked like a princess in it, she's beautiful. My daughter wore my mother's christening gown 11 years ago and it was a bittersweet moment because my mom died when I was 9, the dress is very simple but so pretty. I love the detailing on the bottom of Lola's dress, looks almost like a wedding gown. Congrats on the baby blessing and hope you get some ideas for your wall. Isn't decorating fun!!

  26. The dress is amazing and will be a treasure for your girls' children to also wear! My boys wore a smocked outfit (and were both called girls because they were pretty babies and looked kinda girly in it) and my daughter wore a family dress. I've heard of people making a hanky out of it for their wedding but you couldn't cut that gorgeous dress up!

    The about a lovely giant mirror? Marshalls or TJ Maxx always has great buys on big mirrors. Or you could trick out a giant canvas? A friend has an amazing dining room that is a gorgeous lime green (pretty shade) with black furniture. It is stunning!

  27. That has to be the most gorgeous baptismal dress I have ever seen!

    Such a sweet moment captured perfectly with your pictures. TFS!

  28. Oh, I love blessing day. So wonderful.

    The wall... maybe I'm underestimating how many decals are there, but when looked at the photo with the intent of something different I thought, "photo wall." I'm sure I got the idea from Pottery Barn. I think they do that quite a lot.

  29. what an incredibly beautiful dress!!! and i love that all your girls have worn it for their special day :)

    as for the decals, i think they look great!!.. but i completely understand when it's time to switch things up. I love wall photo collages (i love this one ali edwards did with ikea frames:

    also... if you want to get lost a few hours and be inspired in home decoration, this is one of my favorite sites :

  30. Those are the most beautiful Grandma's!!!! I love the photo of his mom w/the baby and her gown. Just lovely. You have a darling family.....May God bless you all.

    Cheri H.

  31. Wall Decals: I was actually just thinking how well positioned your family were, standing in front of your lovely wall decals! How funny.... Maybe it's a case of tiring of them, (as we all do of our own decor) rather than them not being beautiful! Beautiful family, beautiful dress, what a great heirloom!.

  32. I saw this idea on the Nate Bergus Show..They had taken some graphic fabric and stretched it over a large canvas and then on either side of the Canvas were black and white photos in white frames.

  33. So beautiful and what an amazing day I am sure :)

  34. love your photos! she's beautiful, and that blessing dress is so pretty! how about picking up some old window panes and then painting them aqua and placing them over the vinyl for a new look?

  35. One fun idea my cousin did on her wall that turned out great was using a glossy paint and matte paint of the same color and doing thick horizontal stripes (of course alternating matte with glossy to get the stripes). It looks really great! Good luck with whatever you decide.

  36. So sweet. Your little Lola is so precious. We have a new 3 week old granddaughter, Avery Quinn. Can't get enough of her.

  37. Beautiful girls, beautiful dress... As far as the wall... just remember wall paper is a lot messier to remove when you get tire of it.. I recently saw a home with similar setup with a halfwall(9ft tall) in between the dining and den but it shared the arch...on the dining room wall at the top of the halfwall they put a wide piece of trim across and then painted the wall below it a different color. It was very pretty and clever. i hope this makes sense, its kinda hard to explain


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