Thursday, February 24, 2011

thanks Santa

I'm really glad that I was a good girl last year, because Santa wrapped up and placed under the tree the glitter heels I put on my Christmas list.
They are the perfect look for sweeping, washing dishes & baking cookies.
(using the camera remote again)
Not to mention they are quite glamorous for reading books.
I think Quincey likes the glitzy pumps because she can definitely out-run me when she sneaks an extra cookie. Thank goodness Collin finished up the last batch... not because my feet hurt & I had to sit down or anything. Promise. ;)


  1. Two of my favorite (but separately haha) things - choc chip cookies and glitter! They look like the pretty ones I saw at Steven Madden!
    You're a glamorous mama!! :)

  2. wish i could rock the glitter shoes ... they are so stinking cute!

  3. omg those are hot! and those choco chip cookies look fantastic!

  4. June Clever would be proud. So would Dorothy.
    Those shoes are gonna be catnip to your two oldest kittens.
    Genius really, glitter and high heels. Every girly girls dream come true.
    You rock them by the way ;)

  5. those shoes are quite amazing!! and i need those cookies. i will have to be a good girl this year so i can get some of those!

  6. pretty sure we have the same fridge. random thought for you.

    cute heels! have you clicked them together yet???

  7. love the glitter shoes!! I also love your tile backsplash, did you put that in?? If so what is it called and where did you get your shoes :)

  8. luRve the glitter shoes...
    you would look gorgeous in a paperbag! serious miss lizzy!

  9. thoughts of you in that stunning pair of shoes doing your household chores---Fabulous!!! =)
    wish I could do the same without hurting my feet.. haha

  10. Glitter shoes and Hello Kitty T-shirt...I LOVE IT!! You make me smile ;-)

  11. I just got pink ones like this for my wedding! Unfortunately I broke my ankle on Sat and will not be wearing them. Good thing they are good for reading books and baking.

  12. No doubt your feet hurt with a 5 inch heel!! I love me some funky shoes but I wish they would make them with a shorter heel because I can't walk in them :(


  13. I've been wanting those shoes for months! Needless to say I'm jealous :)

  14. IF you are going to clean the house, cook, really anything domestic goddess like, it requires the appropriate foot wear to be done properly. You my dear, are a smashing success! Only thing better would have been if you were sporting some sweat pants with those bad boys!

  15. one day when I grow up I hope to have my kitchen all spiffy with fun backsplashes and maybe I'll actually want to be in it and cook and stuff. *sigh* one day.

    Cute shoes ;0)

  16. Liz, I just need to drop by here to say I'm thinking of you. And I love you. Kthanksbye.

  17. I must say your blog always brightens my day and it is good to see that June Cleaver lives on through you! Heels, pearls, but where's the apron? LOL Cute post!!!

  18. I thought the last photo was going to be of Colin in the glitter heels, finishing up the cookies, Awww shucks.. maybe next time :)..

  19. LOL Pink Daisys! Love Love Love the shoes, remember I was running around at Spark last year taking pics of shoes, LOL! I would have made a b-line to these glittery shoes fo shoe! LOL

    Hugs from Conroe, TX!

  20. I got these same shoes only in RED glitter.


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