Wednesday, March 2, 2011

just a list

my mind is filled with to-do lists at the moment so here's a little list for you.

praying for: my grandpa
wearing: comfy dress, leggings & over the knee socks. (picture: wearing hello kitty shirt & blue floral shirt from Ruche)
working on: four workshops for Paris
eating: the almonds and m&ms out of trail mix
dreaming of: springtime
realizing: when not wearing makeup take an overexposed blurry photo like above
impatiently waiting: for next weeks Bachelor
anticipating: working with Jefra & Rosie on a little project
loving: our mini talent shows when the girls stand on the coffee table and sing
stalking: the ups man for much-needed packages
feeling: quite blessed


  1. the photo of you here has such a lovely feel to it! So whimsical...♥

  2. Cannot believe you just had a baby - you're killin me!

  3. Lizzy, you're so cute! I love your tidbits! And honestly you look great in this pic!! With or without make-up! Just beautiful!

  4. You look beautiful with or without makeup.
    I've been loving your blogposts lately.

  5. Hey Lizzy, LOVE the overexposed photo tip. Ha! Smart thinking lady! (Though I'm sure you'd look gorgeous with one in focus and no make up anyhow :) I've been reading your blog for a while, but lurking in the shadows. Just wanted to say hi and tell you I think everything you do is lovely. I don't mean that as a cliche at all, I just think it's the perfect word to describe it. Lovely.


  6. Love the photo tip but miss thang you look beautiful with or without!! Thanks for sharing, and lots of prayers for your grandpa! hugs

  7. A beautiful photo -thanks for sharing! :)

  8. gosh you're a cutie! loved reading your list. also love how you incorporate lists and things into your pages. so original and how do you stay so thin?

  9. Love your photo and your list. You just inspired me to do a LO based on this. TY for inspiring me- LOVE your blog!!!

  10. I don't know how you do it, but I swear you look younger in every photo I see you in! I need to either get a camera like yours or drink your water. ;) Hugs!

  11. Totally random question but what brand of jeans are those? Love your blog :)


  12. your comments are making me happy. thanks SO much! really.


  13. Jenna,

    the jeans are from F21. I am so cheap and can't pay more than 20 bucks for skinny jeans now... ;)

  14. Angie,

    haha. i told ya it's because the photo is over exposed and blurry... :)

  15. I'm right with you on waiting for next week's Bachelor! This is the quirkiest season ever and I've loved every minute of it!

  16. um, that picture is WITHOUT makeup?

  17. I'll also pray for your grampa... I am guessing you are waiting for the Studio Calico kit from the UPS guy?? lol, that's what I am waiting for, waiting for the email telling me exactly what day it will come:)

  18. Do you love Emily like I do?!!! We need to have a bach party together! And you will be happy to know I finally got a new camera :)

  19. Oh my goodness Rosie is my cousin!! She is quite the talented little lady :)

  20. Love your list! And I'm looking fowrard to the bachelor next week too!

  21. Neicee/dlk857@aol.comMarch 2, 2011 at 10:31 PM

    That's no makeup???Jeez girly you are crazy & gorgeous! Nothing like family talent show. Indeed you are blessed.

  22. laci,

    yes, I love emily &
    yes, we need to have a bachelor party!

  23. neicee,

    haha, like I said it's a very blurry photo :)


  24. And speaking of what you are should seriously post more outfit how-tos. I love your style!

  25. Thanks for all the different inspirations on your blog. What are you doing in Paris and when are you coming?

  26. That's you with no makeup! Man, I am sooo jealous!! ;) You are just a doll and so gorgeous!! Love reading your blog; and being able to keep up with you and your darling family! It just makes me smile!! Have a beautiful day!

    Belinda :)

  27. Your hair always looks so effortlessly flawless - you've got the touch! :)

  28. Hate to meet you has Paris during your workshop(studio) of Sunday

  29. You are absolutely adorable and your blog is too cute - I always enjoy reading it!

    xoxo Sarah

  30. OH, you should tell us what the "much needed packages from UPS" are. I love hearing!

  31. Love the journaling prompts in your list. I actually borrowed them for my blog post tonight. I hope that's okay. You're so cute. Seriously, I cannot believe you just had a baby.


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