Friday, April 29, 2011

Why hello spring, we missed you. Please get comfortable and stay a while.
Don't hurry off so we can take time and enjoy your flowering 'popcorn' trees, your tulips, crisp breeze, and mostly the fact that the grass isn't covered with snow.
Yesterday really had to be the loveliest day of the year so far. We filled the day with painting toes, picking dandelions and drawing chalk rainbows. I also continued to teach how to share, cleaned sippy cups, broke up some girl fights over Woody doll... who knew he was such a ladies man ;)
and finished up a class for Scrapfest. My class is designed with the Hello Sunshine line from AC... really cute stuff!!

Gotta go chase after these girlies. Have a fun weekend, any plans?
We are shipping out the Something Splendid envelope kits. Join us because it should be a fun class!!! And I promise I'll have some crafty posts next week, cross my heart.


  1. I love spring! However here in southern AZ it seems that we go straight from winter to summer.. Its been out of control windy here. we're talking 40 mph gusts. Boo. No fun.
    This weekend the Festival of the Southwest is in town which means carnival fun for the family! It also means FAIR FOOD which is my favorite food ever! Who can resist all the greasy goodness? Puts me in my happy place EVERY time! Good thing its only here for the weekend otherwise it would be trouble ;]

    Enjoy your beautiful weather and chasing those sweet little darlings of yours <3

  2. sounds fun and tasty!! :)

    have a great time!

  3. we are having some great spring weather too, thanks for the promise of some crafty posts, would love to see a page or two about your little one, she's SOOOO beautiful!!

  4. My daughter was picking dandelions today. I have about 12 of them in a cup in the kitchen.

  5. here in New Mexico it was 83 degrees out with 70mph gusts :( hopefully this weekend the weather will mellow out so we can enjoy the Childrens Festival at the Hot Air Balloon Museum on saturday!

    speaking of Hot Air Balloons, if you have never been to Balloon Fiesta in October (in Albuquerque) and witnessed the Mass Ascension - you should come see it. hundreds of hot air balloons fill the sky, lifting off in row after row as the sun comes up over the Sandia Mtns - it is something to behold.

  6. Here in North Carolina it is going to be 77 degrees and perfectly sunny this weekend! So we are camping in our travel trailer. The younger boy is out fishing all day while the tween is hanging out.

    Have a beautiful weekend!

  7. We are heading to the local Home Show to get inspired when baby wakes from nap, then beginning some gargen work as our yard is defrosted and starting to green! My 6 yr old is watching Cars with Daddy's bike helmet on, must go and grab camera... have a great weekend!

  8. I have to move this month and unfortunately will be so busy with that. I hope you'll do more fun classes in the future for me to join. :(

  9. Fun pictures! And I feel like I have such good fashion taste because my daughter has the same dress as Q is wearing! Maybe someday I'll be as fashionable as you ;)

  10. Although the background of your blog shows up white on my cheap laptop, your blog is quite possibly the cutest thing i have run across. The post topics and the pictures are the most adorable things ever.

    Also, the title of this post made me super happy :)

  11. Ha, love the Littlest Pet Shop on the sidewalk. So adorable:)

  12. I always love seeing your photos! They are wonderful, especially the ones taken from a different perspective (like the first one in this post). Thanks for sharing.

  13. I got to go shoot the Prom pics in another town. It was fun!

  14. Whoa, that last picture looks like the kids on Inception.


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