Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Friday night my phone rang. Immediately my heart started racing when I saw that it was my mom because it was really late and my grandpa was having some tough days.
Earlier that night he peacefully passed away with his sweetheart by his side.
Now I am blogging from my phone as we are driving and on our way to San Diego to celebrate the incredible life he lived and his legacy of love he shared. He truly is an amazing man! I know we will see him again but it still hurts.

a page I made for my Challenges Book:


  1. Oh Liz, I'm so sorry for your loss.

  2. Hoping you feel the peace and comfort God brings today and always.

  3. Sorry for your loss. Travel safely.

  4. I am so very sorry....I hope you can just always remember the memories and know you were very blessed to have a grandpa as an adult. Mine were gone by the time I was 14, so to be able to build those memories as an adult and have him see your children, that's a true gift...and oh my goodness, those pictures of him, he looks like a total sweetheart....
    God be with you and give you peace sweet Lizzy.

  5. Liz, I am so sorry for your loss, grandparents are the best,I hope your wonderful memories of him will help you and your family get through this tough time...hugs :)

  6. Please know I will be holding you and your family in my heart today. So sorry for your loss. Praying for the Holy Spirit's peace to surround you this day.

  7. Oh I'm sorry to hear of his passing. Through your words on your blog I know just how special he was to you. Love the page of you and your Grandpa.

  8. I am so sorry to hear about your grandpa... they are such great people arn't they... my thoughts are will you at this time...

  9. I've been thinking of you since I read this on twitter yesterday. I hope you are holding up okay, and that you can feel some peace. ((hugs))

  10. I'm so sorry for your loss, my thoughts & prayers are with you and your family. I too had a loss, my dear aunt/godmother lost her long fought battle with cancer today. She will be dearly missed.

  11. I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers for your family.

  12. thoughts and prayers are with you and your family today...

  13. Liz - i am so sorry for your loss. That is really hard to lose a grandparent. I lost my grandmother at the end of April 2 days after her 86th birthday. Although it was better for her, we are still having trouble. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Hugs

  14. We'll keep your family in our prayers, I promise.


  15. Your family is in my prayers! Drive safely!

  16. So sorry for your loss! Know you will have such beautiful memories to hold on to. Will keep you in prayer.

  17. I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my grandpa last October and I still hurt over it. Even when you are prepared, you can never be truly prepared to lose someone you love. Lots of prayers and fast healing sent your way. Hugs!!

  18. Enjoy the time with your family as you celebrate his wonderful life! How nice for you to have had such a special bond with him! This picture is absolutely precious!

  19. Liz,

    I am so sorry for your loss. Praying for you and your family today. *Hugs*

  20. Very sorry for your loss. Have a safe trip and enjoy the time with your family.

  21. Sorry to hear about your Grandpa. Sending love and best wishes your way. Take care and have a safe trip.xo

  22. Liz I am so sorry for your loss...my thoughts are with you and your family. Take Care

  23. Sending you my thoughts and prayers. Grandpas are so special. The photo of you and your grandpa is precious. Hugs to you.

  24. So sorry for your loss, safe travels and prayers for your family.

  25. Your page is the perfect sentiment. All we want to do is Hold On to the ones we love for as long as we can.
    The only thing that has ever helped me let go physically of the ones I love is the loving embraces of those of us still here. Clinging to one another as you grieve is therapeutic. Nothing comforts the soul more.
    I hope every tear you shed for his meaningful life will carry him like a river to God's arms.

  26. So sorry for you and your family's loss, Liz.

  27. What a wonderful legacy your grandfather has left. May God grant you peace as he welcomes your Grandfather home.

  28. Thinking about you. I just lost my grandfather a couple of weeks ago. Still can't believe he is not on this earth. I have great faith that I will see him again one day.

  29. I'm truly sorry for your loss. Sending you thoughts & prayers. xo

  30. oh liz.... i am so sorry for your loss. i hope you find peace and comfort in celebrating his life and love. hang in there my online friend. hugs to you and yours.

  31. I'm so sorry for you Lizzy - my granddaddy has been gone for a year and a half and I still miss him everyday. The best part of this hobby of ours is that we take lots of pictures. I have some amazing photos of him with the kids just a few weeks before he passed - they are treasured and help my 3 and 4 year old remember him. Saying a prayer for you.

  32. I devoured your "Challenges" book, and kept returning to the page about your grandpa because it just sang of your love for him. I've thought of you & him several times since then, and so am sad to hear that you are mourning him today. I pray that you will experience the peace that passes all understanding today and in the coming days.

  33. You and your family have my sympathy Elizabeth. I am so sorry for your loss. What an amazing pic of you and your grandpa. Grandpa's are special...I lost mine 23 years ago and I still think of him a lot! God Bless. Peace be with you.

  34. My heart breaks for you and your family in this time. While we do understand that our loved ones never truly leave us, their physical absence still hurts. My prayers to you.

  35. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. It is never easy to lose someone you love. You and your family are in my prayers.

  36. I am so sorry for your loss. But I am sure he is dancing above..

  37. So sorry to hear about your loss. Grandparents hold a special place in our hearts forever.

  38. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs.

  39. My deepest sympathies to you and your family. Take care.

  40. Liz, I'm so sorry for your loss. Safe travels, and enjoy the time with your family. ♥

  41. Liz, I am sorry for your loss. Sending up prayers for your family during this time.

  42. Oh Liz, I am so sorry for you and your family and the loss of your Grandpa. Hold on to the memories, look at the photos and talk about him often. He will always be alive in your hearts! Sending love xxx

  43. So sorry for your loss (((HUGS)))

  44. So sorry for your loss, Liz. Thank you for the bittersweet reminder to take a pic, just me and my Granddad, the next time I see him. What a truly special layout that is--now and always.

  45. Oh. My heart breaks a little for you today. Wishing you and your family all the comfort and love possible. Enjoy SanDiego as much as you can. I'm from that area {Temecula, actually} and miss it terribly.

  46. We are saying a prayer for you guys tonight! Remember his legacy and celebrate all that he was to you!!

  47. I'm so sorry for your loss. I love how you share your family with us and how truly special your grandpa was to you. I hope you find comfort in all the memories you shared and the time spent with family this weekend. San Diego is going to be beautiful this weekend, we'll be there camping and can't wait. I know the celebration for your grandpa will be beautiful as well.

  48. I am so sorry to hear that he has passed away Liz. Your page is very nice, what a wonderful way to remember him. Drive safe and take care.

  49. Liz, I am sorry for your loss. I lost my grandfather back in 1996 and it is still hard.

  50. Saying good bye is always hard. Even if it's just for some time. So sorry for your loss. I hope you and your whole family can find some comfort and some peace at the moment. Sending you my prayers.

    from Brazil

  51. i'm sorry to hear about your grandfather's passing. may the lord be with you and your family during this time of loss.

  52. I'm so sorry about the lose of your grandfather! I will be keeping you and your family in my prayers for you through this time as well as safe travel

  53. That's really sad, heartbreaking news for your family.

    Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family during this time of grief and sorrow. We pray that you and your family feel extra comfort and peace.

    Let the good memories of your grandpa live on in your heart. I like to think that he is another angel in heaven watching over you and your family/children.

    I find that when I am really sad - so sad that my heart hurts - that a hot water bottle on my heart helps. Or a hot bubble bath. Hope those tips help for you as well

    Have a safe trip.

    Love and greetings from Germany
    Brittany (Allison's sister) and Rainer Bless

  54. P.s. I found from experiance that when my Great Aunt {my serogate grandmother} went back to heaven, sharing stories of her were the BEST medicine possible to relieve the heartache. She made for the best stories too. So, don't be afraid to laugh and tell stories of your beloved to anyone that will listen. It really will help.

  55. Much sympathy for you and your family at this difficult time.

  56. I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending you and your family hugs & prayers.

  57. So sorry for your loss. I'll pray for strength for all your family in this sad moment. God Bless.

  58. Sorry to hear of your loss x

  59. so sorry liz.. seems that we are playing the same game with my sweet grandpa. it's hard not to be selfish, but he misses my grandma.

  60. I'm so sorry! I am glad to hear it was peaceful though. Sending warm thoughts and prayers.

  61. sorry for your loss. your grandpa seems like one amazing guy.

  62. So sorry to hear about your Grandpa. Sending prayers & hugs.

  63. Will be praying that you and your family be comforted and that this time with your family will help heal the pain of this temporary separation. So grateful to know of eternal families and that you will be united with him again someday. xo, Lori

  64. Im sorry. Just remember he's in a better place. :)

  65. I am so sorry! That is so hard. What a great thing scrapbooking is to preserve the memories of him.

  66. My heart goes out to your family today. xx - Always missed.

  67. Grandparents are so special and when we have to let them go it is so painful. God bless you as you deal with precious memories. Praying for your family and wish you safe travels.


  68. Sorry for your loss. I pray for peace and comfort for you and your family.

  69. peace and prayers for you and your family.

  70. So sorry for your loss. Hugs and prayers.

  71. I'm so sorry to hear your Grandpa passed away. Peaceful...Sweetheart by His side is such a warm comfort to hear. My thoughts, prayers, and my heart goes out to you and your family.

    Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of my younger cousin's, J, passing. A tough 4th of July weekend. It has been a rough year and especially past week...

    May your Grandpa send you butterflies, too. ;)

  72. I am so sorry for your loss.

  73. So sorry...it's always hard to lose someone you love. Take care!

  74. Liz, My thoughts and prayers to you and your family, drive safely.

  75. I am so sorry for your loss....

  76. I am so sorry for your loss Liz. Thoughts and prayers goes out to your family.

  77. Liz I am so sorry for your loss. May your family rejoyce in laughter as your relive the wonderful moments you got to spend with him. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Have a safe trip!

  78. Sorry to hear about the loss of your grandpa... i always thought that when you blogged about him, the love you felt for him was magical and shined so bright! Will be keeping you and your family in my prayers... God Bless you! Safe Journey.

  79. Kia Kaha ♥
    (translates to 'be strong')

  80. Sorry to hear...its fascinated my that you on your way to celebrate his life what a wonderful way to say goodbye, God Bless and drive safely

  81. I am sorry for your loss. (((hugs)))

  82. I'm soooo sorry, i know exactly how u feel right now. Last year in September i lost my grandma. We knew she would pass away soon, but still it hurt a lot for sure. I spent a lot of time with my grandparents during the summer as she needed a 24 hours service. I still miss her a lot, we got so much closer in her last weeks.
    I hope u r okay, even though its a hard moment in life.
    Your layout is so great and its such a great memory.

  83. I'm so sorry... I lost my grandma when I was 24 and it was so sad... I hope you will find some peace thanks to your family's support.

  84. I don't know what's the english for "condoléances" but I hope you will find some comfort to suffer this hardship.

  85. I got that same phone call 11 months ago, my Nan would have been 95 today. Heartfelt hugs and warm thoughts to you and your family ...................

  86. "There are things we don't want to happen, but have to accept; things we don't want to know, but have to learn, and people we can't live without, but have to let go."

    Jesus bless you and family. Take care.

  87. I'm sorry for your loss. I don't ususally leave a message in such cases when I don't really know the person, but I just had to say something. I love your page. What a nice way of remembering him. I also loved how you said that you are on your way to celebrate the life he lived... such a nice and wonderful way of putting it instead of going to a funeral. Thank you!

  88. So sorry it does hurt! Going today to my bestfriends, she lost her step-father. It is hard. Be safe!

  89. I'm very sorry for your loss, but I share your opinion, someday you will again see your grandpa! hold on!

  90. Memories....
    Let them fill your mind,
    warm your heart,
    and lead you through

  91. Sending you much love and prayers...wish i could take this pain from you, but savour those treasured memories, be safe on the road sweet girl - Donna Tullis

  92. Sending you a big hug! I'm so sorry for your loss.

  93. I am so sorry about your grandpa. I know it is hard. I am praying for you and your family.

  94. So very sorry for your loss. Adding you and your family to my prayer list. Praying God's love will fill the vacancy there.

  95. So very sorry for your loss. What a very blessed man he was.

  96. Liz,
    I hope you and your family make it through with strength over the next couple of days, I know it's so hard. Best of luck to your family, and may I offer my great condolences. ♥


  97. Prayers and thoughts are with you and your family! Your right, you will see him again one day..but in the meantime we still miss them horribly! Big Hugs!

  98. I offer to you and your family all my sincer thoughts and prayer...a grand father is like a light in the life, that light is not dead, that light is just brighting in the sky with all the other lights...peace and love for him...

  99. My heart goes out to you and your family. My Grandpa was one of the most important people in my life and it was one of the most difficult things I have ever had to go through when he passed. HUGS!!

  100. I am with you and you're family!!!
    it's really hard to live this.

    My grandfather passed away 2 month ago...it's incredible how he miss me...

    Be strong!

  101. that picture of you holding him is breath taking. my thoughts are with you and your family.

  102. So sorry for your loss. My grandpa passed away in January and I think of him often. When I read your post, I was actually in the middle of working on some very special projects - I got a bunch of my grandpa's shirts from my grandpa, and have been putting together quilts for the youngest members of our family (both named after my grandpa), as well as belts for the boys and little dresses for the girls. I'm also planning on making a bunch of key fobs for any of the older kids & adults in the family that would like them. Just little things to keep grandpa close. I love making stuff, but I'm not usually to good at repurposing... but making these has been very comforting.

  103. Carol H, Fairview Hts, ILJune 30, 2011 at 1:54 PM

    So sorry for your loss, but am so happy for you that you have such wonderful memories with your grandpa. Have a safe trip and know that you and your family are being prayed for by many.

  104. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I'll keep your family in my prayers.

  105. I am so sorry for your loss. I will say a prayer for your grandpa and your family.

  106. I'm so sorry for your loss, Lizzy! Safe travels...

  107. I am sorry Liz. Hope you are doing well!

  108. Sending up prayers for you and your family, Liz. BIG hugs. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  109. My heart goes out to you during this incredibly difficult time. It's hard knowing there will be a time of separation until we meet our loved ones again. There simply is nothing easy about it. Saying a prayer for comfort and peace for you and your family.


  110. Dear Lizzy, no words, just cyber hugs for you & yours. It touched my heart for you to say that he passed away with his sweetheart by his side...that's love.

  111. I'm so sorry for your loss...but I can tell how loved he was from your post, and THAT is such a gift. Big hugs!

  112. I'm so sorry for your lost.
    A big kiss from Italy.

  113. I remember following your blog and reading about your sweet Grandpa and the close bond you two shared. I remember the post you did of the things he kept on his dresser...so heart breaking. I am SO sorry for your loss. It is so hard to loose a grandparent, especially when you have that close bond with them. I was close to my granny too and so I know how hard it is. Just today I found a embroidered hankie she gave me a few years ago and I picked it up and smelled it and immediately had tears squeezing in my eyes...will be thinking of you Liz!

  114. I am so sorry to hear about your grandpa. I'm so close to my grandparents, so I know how you feel. Remember all the good times. My grandpa told me once "If someone is thinking about you, you are never truly gone or forgotten."

  115. Dear Lizzy,

    What a handsome man your Grandfather "IS". How you will rejoice to be able to see him again "by and by". I am so sorry for the pain and heart ache you feel now. It will turn to joy...little by little. Baby steps.

  116. oh..I saw only today.
    much love.
    much peace

  117. Dear Liz,

    First and foremost, I am very sorry for your lost.

    I am from Malaysia and I have been following your blog for about 3 years now. You have never fail to inspire me.

    When I read about your grandpa, I just had to leave you a comment..which is my first. I lost my grandpa on the same date a year ago so I know how it feels.

    But through all the pains and sorrow, at least we can have that peace in our hearts knowing that they're in the good hands of our Great Creator.

    Know that you and your families are in my prayers. Stay strong.

  118. Thank you for sharing all your life moments...may your grandpa rest in peace. My grandpa lives close to me & he just turned 98, and recently diagnosed with stage 1 throat cancer. Radiation is complete & and we are praying everyday for his full recovery!:)


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