Tuesday, June 14, 2011

it's that time...

Collin and I have sent out 45 sunglasses for SHADES OF SUMMER the past three years and we want to keep this tradition going this summer too! Remember the first year? I'm thrilled to make this our fourth year!
Here's our SOS ladies from all over the US and also Germany, UK, England, Netherlands etc from last summer.
How does it work?
  • Check back here Friday at 11 am mountain time to sign up.
  • Everyone who emails me before it fills up is put on a list. We will have 15 shades so we will make 15 lists with 10 ladies on each list.
  • You will take a picture wearing the shades then send them on to the next person on the list. Please only sign up if you will quickly pass the shades along.
It's really a great way to step outside of your comfort zone and have fun taking a photo catching you in your element this summer! Have fun with it!

I know it is such a bummer if you have signed up in previous years and never received them so please only sign up on Friday if you will pinky promise to keep the shades moving.
Also, email me & I will put a special request in for anyone who is bummed because they tried each year and still hasn't received them. :)
PS If you played last year and don't see your picture above please email me at shadesofsummer@gmail.com
I've got this summer's shades all ready to rock-n-roll... guess what color they are this year?


  1. I would love to see some PINK shades this year.

  2. Pink would be super fine! But any color will be cool! I was so excited last year because I thought I got in, but didn't get any shades in the mail. No worries, I think it's quite an ambitious task, but I'll be putting my name in as fast as I can come Friday and hopefully I can get in on the fun this year!! Thanks for keeping up the tradition!

  3. This sounds like SUCH fun and would LOVE to participate...I hope to make one of the lists...

    Twila Mooneyham

  4. Hmmm...I'm hoping for turquoise! LOL

  5. I have never done it before. It always looked really fun. I would LOVE to participate this year. I hope I can make the list.

    Well, since you have already done yellow, pink, and white...

    I would like to guess a shade of blue (I love turquoise) or red (please let it be red...my favorite color).

    Thanks. :)

  6. Nothing better than ORANGE!! Flashy and fun! Can't wait to try for the list again!!!! Good luck everyone!

  7. gotta guess GREEN for the lovely grass that is NOT covered with snow! now... how to be sure I remember to stop back at 11am mountain time friday....

  8. I got.confirmation every year that I was on the list but never got shades. :(


  9. WHAT How fun would this be! Since I'm from NY I would want them in Silver Glitter.. yes I've seen them glasses and paused and almost.. ALMOST bought them ha..

  10. i am guessing pink, and i would love to do this, but not sure you want them to be all the way in NZ unless of course you do me last or something. you guys rock :)

  11. Think I'll take the leap and participate this year if I can get on the coveted list! Hoping for some pink shades, but will be excited either way.

    Also wanted to let you know that I made your Cowboy Caviar last night, adding garbanzo beans. Truly amazing! The flavor was unique and exciting, and the fact that it was a cold meal worked perfectly with our hot summer nights here in Hawaii. Even took some upstairs to share with our neighbor. Thanks again!!!

  12. WOW! Sounds SUPER fun!!! I REALLY want to get on that list! How fun! :D

  13. I would love to do it this year! I got accepted last year but never received them :(. I'm guessing Dreamsicle Orange!

  14. Wow oh wow! Hope I make it in this year! I'd love any color you choose, but for some reason turquoise sounds super fun. ;)

  15. Sounds amazing! Sure hope I make it in this year!

  16. aqua!
    ps. I have tried before but never received any shades. :( pick me first, I promise I'll send 'em along quickly!

  17. What fun to see those pictures again ! Do you want us girls from Europe to participate again ? Sure hope so ;-) I was in charge of Germany and the Netherlands and everything worked out perfectly !
    Last year I got lucky here in Germany to get nearly the same shades as you, got ours at H&M.
    So I hope I will be lucky again this year and get similar shades, and I hope everybody will have fun again!

  18. Sounds great!!Hope to see somme turquoise this year....or black... because black is so rock-n-roll!
    xoxo cindy

  19. ou, pick me - and i`ll send back photos form beautifull, sunny days in Latvia (Europe).

  20. I am thinking....TIGER STRIPPED GLASSES! Pink/Black or Orange/Aqua! Send them to Bowling Green, KY!

  21. Oh, I hope to get in. I always end up missing the sign-up.

  22. Oh yea...I am thinking turquoise...YUM!!!!!

  23. This sounds fun!! Hope to make the list. Hot Pink??

  24. Интересно , а что если Россия тоже будет участвовать ? Думаю будет очень весело !!! и думаю цвет будет голубой ))

  25. What a fun idea! I hope I make the cut. Happy Summer!

  26. Can't wait to try this year! Purple! Cause my little girl would pick that color!

  27. OOOOooooooooooo! Any color would be grand, but I am in a turquoise mood this year....or shades of aqua! With rhinestones, cat-eyes! Woot!

  28. ok...im putting my mojo on and setting my internal clock...so i can get in on this fun!!! what color???? zebra? is that a color? yeah sure!! already plotting a cool pic...lol...happy wedneday - donna tullis

  29. this sounds so awesome. i would like some cute leopard shades:)

  30. I thought I got in last year but I must have been too late. Instead of trying to beat everyone out this year and get on the list, my friends and I are doing our own Shades of Summer.

    And if I had to choose the color for this year, it would be a blue or yellow. Pink is so played out in this industry.

  31. I want to be sure I understood (french is my first langage!) I take a picture with glasses you are sending; put it on my blog; send a link to you; do something with a mini album (???) and then send it back to another person, is that right? With goodies in the box or just glasses?

    Thank you!

  32. I joined a few years ago and never received anything. Was disappointed, but maybe this time. Would love to join and see if the shades make it my way.
    Leslie - www.scrapsofmine.blogspot.com

  33. I sooooo hope I get in this time... we have tried every time & never made the cut...

  34. I will try to sign up early this time, I tried last year but I guess I did not get my name in on time! Hope this year I do!!

  35. Oh YAY!!! Thanks for assigning a time, I've tried EVERY SINGLE year and just missed out every time. Hope I can get in, will have to wake up a little early.

  36. I'm thinking pink!

  37. Hoping they are aqua or yellow!!! I tried last year and missed out, so hopefully this year is my year!!

  38. Hmmmm...What color could they be? I'm thinking maybe pink or some sweet woodgrain. I'm hoping to get in on this this year.

  39. I'm excited to give it a try again this year. Thought I hot in last year, but didn't receive any glasses. Any color would be fabulous. Living in the great northwest, sun is rare (especially this year), so we look hard for some sunny, happy cheeriness.

  40. I'd like to play this year!! :)

    Jen Davis

  41. Hoping for pink in honor of Lola this year, and would love a chance to be in on the fun! :)

  42. I would love to play along this year!!


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