Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Back To School Feast

Last night was the night before school started & I thought it would be fun to celebrate with a feast, like my friend Stephanie aka nie nie does. This spontaneous thought struck me only mere hours before dinner. Soooooo, that meant I didn't have much time to make it not just any typical night but a memorable one before they soar off to Kindergarten and Preschool.
One thing that I loved about my Dad is that he was enthusiastic about traditions. Many of them are still going strong to this day. I'm sure he would definitely approve of this impromptu, new tradition- a feast fit for our back-to-school princesses.

Collin was in charge of the theme and the meaning for this school year. He chose the word Discover and the thoughts behind it were very sweet. He also gave them each a Father's Blessing. A tradition both of our families did each year before we started school. It's a blessing to magnify their spirits, filled with encouragement and any added support they need for the year. I remember feeling loved and less nervous... Avery said she felt happy.
Headbands & Clips c/o: Dear Lizzie Boutique // Dresses made by my friend Annie. She has a darling online shop for fabric: Sew Obsessed. She sells all the cute designer fabrics.

I asked them what they wanted for dinner and they said spaghetti! We also enjoyed artichokes, twice baked potatoes (add equal parts mayonnaise & grated parmesan cheese to potatoes for a yummy topping then brown just before serving) garlic bread, lemonade with frozen berries & sugared donuts for dessert. Nothing fancy schmancy.
Polka Dot Shirt//Feathers & Headbands: Dear Lizzie Boutique

Generally I keep dinners very low key but for our feast I broke out the wedding china we haven't used in 9 years. The night definitely turned out to be way more work than expected. Just as I was down to scrubbing the last pot and spoon, Quincey walks into the kitchen and says "I'm hungry." haha!


  1. Simply Amazing!! Wish I had half your talent!

  2. This is such a fun and amazing family experience. Thanks for sharing all the little details for the dinner.

  3. Oh! This brought tears to my eyes -- love the whole idea/theme of this --- we never had any traditions like this, maybe I'll "borrow" ...... happy Back to School!

  4. Ann Marie,

    Definitely! I just borrowed and started it too. :)

  5. What a fun idea. your girls are adorable.

  6. Beautiful photos, beautiful family... thanks so much for sharing!

  7. You have it right! Make the kids feel as special as they are! Thanks for the idea! I may just make my kiddos a feast :)

  8. The picture of you and Avery made my eyes tear up. I can only imagine what you were thinking and feeling. Saying goodbye to summer is bittersweet.

  9. So special! What a great memory you made for your girls.

  10. beautiful family ... and love that idea ... your girls will love you for making the effort to make forever memmories!

  11. Lizzy! What a beautiful idea! Your sooo creative! I love the way it all came together and then I almost choked thinking that you've had a boutique this whole time without me knowing ;)

  12. I love how you hung the chandelier outside. The table looks fantastic!

  13. Looks like it was a lovely time! My mom & I always had a girls' day out the day before school started- I loved that tradition!

  14. Oh I love that fabric flower in Q's hair!

  15. aww how precious are they! Love the hair pieces!


  16. Aww you and your girls are so cute and lovely! And that party looked like a lot of fun! Beautiful!

  17. Everytime I read your blog it makes me want children so I can do all these fun things with them. You amaze me with the way you seem to know how to balance life. I'm still trying to figure it all out.

  18. What a beautiful idea! Is that your backyard?! It is gorgeous!

  19. Oh how beautiful...the feast and your pictures! I too, "borrowed" the Back to School Feast tradtion from nie nie. We had ours Sunday evening, the night before my son's first day of kindergarten. Mine was not nearly as fancy. Evan got to pick the food and he chose seafood pizza and crab legs! So...I boiled the crab legs, ordered the pizza and we all (me, my husband, and Evan)sat on the couch, ate and watched the Steeler game! I just wanted it to be a night of celebration and all about him...and we did everything he would have wanted to do! Oh, and out to the ice cream parlor for dessert! :) I will definitely be making this a tradition.

  20. Such a beautiful evening and what special memories for the girls! You did an amazing job putting this together Liz! Way to go!

  21. I love it! We had some traditions too when I was growing up. The blessings and dinner sometimes too, but I love the decor! Fun, fun!


  22. nothing beats a father's blessing at the start of a school year. and i love that you did the back to school feast. i can't wait to have kids of my own someday to do this with.

  23. OMG how do you come up with such an amazing idea???
    you are the best :)
    I wish I had your garden so I can make parties every night ;)

  24. you are so inspiring! I love this post...gorgeous "last minute" party! wow, you amaze me. I love the girls headbands-they are stunning!

  25. My friend loves lemonade and strawberries.. she calls it freckled lemonade!!!!!

    your family is beautiful.. inside and out!!!

  26. So cute!! What a big effort! You are a great mum!!! Just the look on those little faces made it all worth it I'm sure!

  27. what a sweet idea! love those headbands, so beautiful! the girls looked happy and that's what matters, you can see on Q's face she was loving it in that last pic! You are an amazing mom, and Collin a great dad, which all the children of the world could have such loving parents.

  28. fun idea! (and I think we have the same wedding china! AND we use it as about as often as it sounds you use yours. lol!!!)

  29. Elizabeth, That is the most beautiful thing I have ever heard of for your daughters. I wanted to be there! I wish I had thought of doing something like that for my boys. What an awesome tradition to start. I will look forward to seeing what you do every year for them...They are very blessed to have such loving and caring parents..I love you all.
    Auntie Cheryl

  30. What a fabulous idea - thanks for sharing it and love how you executed it on short notice! That seemed to work out well for you and reduced the stress of carrying out more elaborate plans in an already busy time!
    Best wishes to you and your dear family as the season passes into a new time for you all and a big adventure for Avery.

  31. the cutest!! and Avery's missing tooth! I can't wait to see you guys in a couple weeks!

  32. Oh my...everything just looks so sweet, and your girls hair accesories are soo cute, love Q's head piece!!!

  33. you are simply the cutest momma ever to be in existence.

    i won a gift card to dear lizzie! i need to go spend it like...NOW! ;)


  34. "we" do a back-to-school tradition every year too! a yummy dinner with new jammies to wear to bed wrapped up pretty on kids plates...followed by a make-your-own-sundae!!! been doing this tradition for several years now & my kids say it's the best part of going back to school...lol!

  35. To commenter Patty, I think the new jammies on their plates is a great idea! I think I'll add that to my tradition next year!

  36. This is so sweet and the Father's Blessing really touched my heart! We didn't have neat traditions like this growing up. The hubby and I don't have kids so we seem to be missing out on these neat traditions. I think it's time we start making some of our own for the two of us! Thanks for sharing this and as always the girls are adorable and the photos beautiful! Hugs from Conroe, TX!

  37. invite me to your dinner next time.. i'll do your pots and pans! LOL.

  38. awww, so sweet! What a nice blessing, too! I had a back to school pink and yellow (that was the theme of the party, picked by my daughters after seeing pink and yellow taffy)pool party a few days before school, too. My girls loved it!

  39. so fun and cute! i always look forward to Stephanie's posts, now yours too! can't wait to start this tradition too, next year! eeek!

  40. Thanks so much for posting this! It totally inspired me to host my own Back to School Feast-- something my kids totally enjoyed!

  41. This so much fun & cute and thank u for this posting i liked & this great ideas ............

  42. look like a lovely sweet girl & h family and such as great ideas ...........thanks for this sharing

  43. i think this is so attracting my heart & This is so sweet and the Father's Blessing really touched....
    thanks for this sharing


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