Friday, August 12, 2011

pink pants & cargo shorts

Where is the numero uno place to go on a double date when you are with family and you want to have loads of fun? The family-fun center: Trafalga.
Collin was a baby and didn't want to ride the bumper boats... he knew we would team up against him and he would be soaked by the end despite the fact that I pinky-promised we would never do that! Here's another installment of he said/she said date night.

She Said:
I blame the fact that I came in dead last g0-carting on the heels.
I didn't realize what a baby I was until I was at the top of the rock climbing wall. ("What do I do now?" Don't look down. Don't look down.)
Yes, I still brag about my skee-ball skills, which haven't changed much since I was six.
Dippin Dots are the real reason I wanted to come here.

Pants, Shirt: F21//Belt, Shoes: Ruche

Be very grateful this photo is blurry.
He said:
As you can see from the picture above, I wore cargo shorts that night. Cargo shorts say, "Hey, I'll hold all your stuff. You just worry about making friends."
I came from behind on the go-kart racing and took the Checkered flag. No really. I took it, from Dale the go-cart attendant guy. Dale chased me in his Nascar Crocs. A wiseman once said, "Don't ever judge a book by it's cover, unless that book is wearing Nascar Crocs." (I am the wiseman who said that.) I never really understood Crocs. Whenever I see someone in Crocs, my first thought is, "Did you go hiking AND swimming today?" Free yourself. Burn the Crocs. (sorry nurses)

What was I talking about again?

We climbed a fake rock wall with screwed in handgrips made for Oompa Loompa fingers. I often wonder how Andre the Giant would've climbed a rock wall, his fingers were like bananas. But then I remembered when he climbed the Cliffs Of Insanity in Princess Bride, he used the rope. I miss Andre the Giant. RIP Andre.

Chris is really tall, like Andre. I don't think he's a "Giant" though, at least according to Wikipedia. He does sometimes drive with his head out the sunroof, and it's really patriotic when the American flag is near his head, like in this photo. It's almost as patriotic as the tattoo I have on my lower back of a Bald Eagle eating a McRib. I think it'd be funny if Andre the giant drove like a Mazda Miata or something.

Yesterday we said goodbye to my sister, Ashley, Chris and Taimi... as they head back to Germany. :'( We had so much fun this summer with them & miss them already. Thank goodness for Skype!
Happy Weekend! Any fun plans?


  1. Lovely :-). Hey, u should come to Germany for some workshops then, if ur sis stays here anyway :D. What do u think? Greetings from Germany, Tine

  2. Lerato, that would be fun! What events do they have in Germany?

  3. please let me have equally cool date nights with my future husband. my friends bought the pass of all passes and they looove trafalga. they say it has the absolute best laser tagging.

  4. Yes, the laser tagging is fun!
    I bet you will with your future hubs... it takes planning with kids but it is worth it!

  5. Double dates with sisters are the best! You guys look like you had so much the pics! Thanks for sharing.

    (As per usual, Collin's comments had me laughing out loud. Especially since I am a nurse and Crocs are a staple in our house :)

  6. one of my favorite posts yet - i'm cracking up over here :)

  7. Thank you both for the giggles! I'm laid up with an injured knee and was starting to get bummed out but came over to your blog and POOF bad mood gone :)

  8. That photo of Colin is hilarious! you must laugh ALL the time!loved your writing for this post-very amusing!

  9. heading to the Ruche pop up vintage sale here in Fullerton. Hoping they have the mustard canvas wedges size 9. should I lower my expectations now?

  10. you guys do the cutest things to make your own fun whatever you do!
    LOVE it!

  11. Looks like a fun date night. I'm sorry you had to say goodbye to your sis...that is always so hard. Mine only lives across the county though, not across the world! Im cracking up at "he said" too! :-)

  12. That looked like a super fun time. We have places like that here in Illinois. I think me and the new hubby need to have a date similar to this. We could REALLY use it!

  13. oh my goodness - love your shoes!!!
    any chance you'll share the details on them??? I would absolutely love a pair!

  14. Super lovely blog!


  15. Lovely pictures...Hey you both must had enjoyed alott.You both look great in the first picture in pink and purple pants...!!!


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