Thursday, September 8, 2011

happy happy

One of my new years resolutions was to send out happy mail to people I love once a month. At first I was going to say once a week but then I settled on monthly. Well guess what peeps...? It's now September and here I am mailing off some letters! Finally. So I sent out 9 one for each month to play catch up.
Happy mail can lift anyones spirits. I especially love sending notes in vellum bags and envies so you can see what's inside. Also added Studio Calico stamps and my Dear Lizzy tape.
There are some bills in there but I moved them to the back of the picture for pretty's sake.

Also making me happy at the moment is listening to the record player I got for my birthday not to mention the vintage records I found in a box in our basement from when I was a little girl. There is also a whole box of Donny Osmond and Osmond Boys records, but don't worry mom we will not touch those! ;)
Collin picked up a couple more vintage Disney ones (Jungle Book and Bedtime Songs) last night when he dropped up a truck load to goodwill.
The best part of the girls listening to records, when the vinyl has a scratch and skips they think it's part of the song. So now whenever Avery sings Tomorrow from Annie... "Tomorrow tomorrow... I love ya tomorrow you're only a... only a... only a... only a... only a... only a..." haha

And last but not least on my happy list today, this dolly.
Have I told you that she took a step!!? It was more like a little scoot but still I was proud. And, yes, our kids are fast walkers.
Have I also told you that she has 4 big chompers? At first she had one buck tooth but the other on caught up. She's pretty much the cutest.
This picture was taken just before the top toofers grew in. But believe me they are there. (Ouch! bring on the bottles. ;)
I'm in the middle of moving my office back upstairs from the basement. I'm excited. Now back to work. The bigs are at school and I have 2 hours and counting...
Happy day to you!


  1. Good morning....sending out cards was on my "45 things to do" last year, unfortunately I never checked that one off. Thanks for the encouragement to still make it happen.

    Question: I clicked on the link for the DL tape, but only found this on 2Peas website -- Evergreen Dear Lizzy Christmas Decorative Mixtape by American Crafts.

    Do you have other tapes that I can't find?


    P.S. Took your survey, can't wait to hear the results....

  2. your girls are so stinkin' cute!
    you sound like me - moving the office back and forth, rearranging, trying to figure out how it all fits best (and safely since my girls have the opposing side of the room as their play room).
    i took your survey already but now that i thinmk about it i think i'd like to see your studio and maybe the nursery :)

  3. LOve your blog, it is always like opening a fresh!!! Someday I want my blog to look like that.
    I need to be on your list to receive some happy mail. lol
    Keep up the good work!

  4. Awwww, cute post! Well, they're all cute, but this was definitely a really happy post. Love the little glimpses into your cute family! That's so funny about Avery singing Tomorrow.

  5. How do I get on the happy mail list? :)

  6. What type of camera do you use! I love the pictures they are beautiul

  7. I like happy mail too! How do I get on the list?

    Have a faboosh day!!
    Shannon :)

  8. Hello :) You use Rad actions, don't you? Have you tried Rad-lab? And if you have what would you choose between Rad-lab or one of their action set's??

  9. Your baby girl could NOT look more like your husband. Holy cow. She is a cutie.

  10. ooh! I love the happy mail idea! I would love to see more pictures (to steal ideas ;))
    Your kids are so cute!!!

  11. I love snail mail. I've been writing to people since 1985. I also had a Donnie & Marie album.

  12. Happy mail is the best! What a sweet little baby doll you have too!!! :)

  13. oh my goodness...that baby...soooo cute!! she looks a lot like Avery, do you think so? Love the idea of happy mail, everyone can use that once in awhile. Enjoy the record player, it reminds me of when I was a teen and the Journey and Pat Benatar records would play over and

  14. OMG your kids are so cute!!!! Also I totally want to get a record player now! : )


  15. For a few years now, I have been sending a postcard a week to my grandparents, my husband's grandma, and a great aunt. It is sad that it started out with 5 cards a week, and now it is down to 3. A postcard is a quick way to jot down what we are doing for the week. I even copy word-for-word the ones that go to different cities. Sometimes I use my own photos for cards. It makes them very happy!

  16. Precious! And only a only a only a ... Loved it!!! You need to record her or us!!!!!! Hugs from Conroe, Texas

  17. Happy mail is the best: you feel happy sending it, and the receiver is happy receiving it. It's a win-win!

    Oh, these baby them! Such beautiful smiles and sweet expressions.

    I have many a happy memory of sitting with my dad, listening to his old albums for hours as a kid. What a great idea for the record player!

    Now go enjoy those two hours!

  18. I've been trying to do the same. I am the worst about making all my cards and never sending them. My husband has been asking for a record player and that may just be what I have to get him for his birthday! Thanks for reminding me!! Oh, and your little dolly looks more like her Daddy every day! My goodness! She is the spitting image of him!!

  19. Your baby girl is so precious. the middle picture of her shows how much she looks like her daddy. Have a great day! Love your blog!

  20. Lol you're so funny "only a, only a, only a...". How cute! I have a penpal that I have sorely neglected. Thanks for the reminder!

  21. Seriously, Lola is may be the cutest thing on the planet! Whole hanna those blue eyes are gorgeous.


  22. We had a record player growing up, and it was a treat to get to listen to one as we were drifting off to sleep. Barry Manilow was one of our favorites..."her name was Lola" should get it!! , but we did have the Annie soundtrack as well.
    And, I totally know what you mean about the teeth....eeeouch!!!!

  23. I just found your blog and LOVE your pictures! You are so so talented and take amazing pictures. Your baby girl looks just like your husband! She's adorable.

  24. Oh, please show us a little more of the happy mail! :) Love it!!


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