Sunday, September 25, 2011

ridiculously inspired

polka dot blouse//floral shirt: Forever 21

Trying to put my thoughts together today. I haven't felt myself recently, but not in a bad way by any means. Whenever I feel change and unprecedented growth I slow down and just try to listen to myself & listen to God. To hear in my heart how He wants me to evolve and what He wants me to learn. Nothing life changing and momentous... just me being my usual over-analytical self. ;)

Last night, Dieter Uchtdorf (a leader of the LDS church) spoke such wisdom and moved me with his outlook on joy:
Sisters, there is something inspiring and sublime about the little forget-me-not flower. I hope it will be a symbol of the little things that make your lives joyful and sweet. Please never forget that you must be patient and compassionate with yourselves, that some sacrifices are better than others, that you need not wait for a golden ticket to be happy... and never forget that your Heavenly Father knows, loves, and cherishes you.
Read or watch the full talk here.

Also, I am so ridiculously inspired by this it literally hurt my creative soul! Ah, I love it.


  1. That sure did put a smile on my face...its amazing...thanks...xxx9

  2. Thanks so much for sharing Liz....the video was awesome but the sermon snippet really spoke so much truth...exactly how I am feeling right at this VERY moment!

  3. Hey friend :)

    I'm kinda on the same journey...being that I'm turning 30 next month. I missed women's con., so thanks for linking that up. Mr. Sonboul and I were building our food storage shelves, before G.C. comes again. I've decided to check it off our list before we get told "again" to do it hehe.

    Listening to your heart is such a great thing and I've learned so much over this past 11 months. I think it's so important in order to keep growing. I'm proud of you... you beautiful creative

  4. Awesome!

    When Sister Beck paraphrased Christ teaching Martha she said something to the effect of, "you could be doing so much more." That really hit me. I thought, how could I possibly be doing more? And after thinking about it [and putting it into it's correct context] it wrapped back around nicely to be tied up in a pretty bow of less is more. Probably the thing I most needed to hear right now. Funny how that works.

  5. I'm watching you on Studio 5 RIGHT NOW! I'm a fellow blogger! Thanks for all your creative-ness!


  6. Dieter Uchtdorf is the best. I haven't been to church in awhile and wasn't even aware of the Relief Society general meeting...I'm glad you mentioned it on your blog so that I was able to see it. Just what I needed to hear.

  7. love love love this wee video! thank you for sharing, and for sharing those beautiful words from Dieter Uchtdorf, being where there is no church it can get easy to let refreshing the soul go, this is just what I needed today xxx

  8. Thank you for sharing that message. It really came at a good time for me. Thank you!

  9. I loved the talk by Pres. Uchtdorf. I was trying to recap it for my best friend who missed and was totally not doing it justice. I ended up with, "you just have to hear/read it yourself, it was awesome." :) I also love the little stop-motion video. I adore the song, any idea what or who it is?

  10. Just watched all his stuff and loved it. Love the shirts too!

  11. i am addicted to all three of thir videos!

  12. Love this video!! Soooo inspiring! :)

  13. Thank you for posting the link to the RS broadcast. I missed it (a new grandson!) and needed to hear it. Between conference and President Uchtdorf's talk, what spoke to me was that I am loved and cared about, remembered and my Father in Heaven is aware of me. I have not felt that of late and needed to be reminded. You are wonderful and we appreciate all you do for us.


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