Monday, September 12, 2011

self-timer photo challenge

Since you did so well with your blog survey homework, I thought it would be fun to put together a photo challenge. I enjoy taking self-timer shots and I know many of you do too. Sometimes it's the only way to get on the other side of the camera.
This week join me in taking a self-timer photo. It can be of absolutely anything! Post your photo on your blog or facebook (posting a link back here) then I will link up everyones' photos on my blog. One big par-tay! Let's do it next Monday. (Since I will be out of town later this week.)

Friday we went to see the Winnie The Pooh movie at our local sticky-shoe theatre. Avery and I snuck outside while we waited for it to start and took some self-timer photos. I just set the camera on the ground and set it to 10 seconds then took a few shots. If you have a remote that works too. My kids love pushing the button so that could be a fun way to do it.
I hope you join me this week and take a self-timer shot!!

Thanks to everyone who took my little blog survey. I think the last time I checked there were over 2,500. Unless you've taken yours in the last couple days I've looked at each one and it was fun to read your comments. Each of you get a gold star!
And thanks for still being my friend after the Cleetus episode. ;) I left to run errands with Lola for a couple hours, while the girls were at school, and came home to that. Hilarious. The part with the tractor makes me laugh so hard because there literally was a tractor coming up the road that he started hollaring at. Improvisation. I did record the the diving, karaoke and reading a CK in the hot tub clips. Try doing that with out laughing.


  1. Graet idea..I normally take self -protraits on the regular. I have one on blog from yesterday's post.

    I like your idea of everyone posting one. Can't wait to see the results.
    PS..been stalking your blog for a very long time, I just rarely comments, I think I have once or twice before..hehe

  2. sounds so fun! I think I'll give it a try.

  3. Thanks Cinnibonbo!!
    Suddenly I am craving a Cinnamon roll. ;)

  4. I'm in... too bad I don't have any shoes as cute as yours to include in the pics!

    Lemme guess... Ruche?

  5. This sounds like fun. I have a new camera & need to practice with it. I haven't taken any self-portraits with it yet.

  6. I love your photos Lizzy, Avery is so adorable!! And it's a really nice project!! I always take self-portraits because there is no one else to take them for me (alas...)^^
    So I have plenty of them and here you can find the last one of my sweet little family :D

    Can't wait to see your post gathering all the portraits, there is so much fun to be here soon!!

  7. love your self timer shots! hey that's in pg right? i've only been there a couple times, we usually see movies in am. fork! my family loves watching those videos over and over...they crack up after he burps :) had to show my husband again too...hilarious, that's some serious talent, lol!

  8. Oooh fun challenge! Love the self timer shots. Your little girl is so grown up!


  9. i just discovered your blog...and I have to tell you, you are a doll and so is your blog! Love it, and I'm excited for the photo challenge. It will be my first official link up as the proud parent of a new blog- yay :)

  10. Lately Iam in the selftimer shots too for the same reason. Just made one of myself and I looooove it ! Will send it to you!

    Just keep up with your selfportraits , they are so much fun!

  11. Loved the Cleetus post - been waiting for it all summer ;o) But i was bummed because i didn't see any of the footage that you guys took when you went to the fair. Hopefully we'll see that next time!

  12. I love your red shoes! I hope you don't mind me asking where you got them.

  13. That Cletus video is sooo funny. I love that he did that little ditty while you weren't even there. "I make a real good hush puppy" Love it!

  14. Girl... I love your shoes! Where can I find some?
    The shoot of you and A are so cute...
    Thanks for the challenge... I don't think I have ever really used my timer....

  15. Here's mine

    I love your blog!

  16. I love this... We went hiking this weekend and the only picture of the four of us was a self-timer shot... Check it out

    I can't wait to see everybody pictures


  17. Here's my link:

    Such a fun challenge!! :)

  18. Love seeing your photos! Keep em coming... and post them on monday too. k?!

  19. Rachelle,
    I don't mind at all...!
    I got them at but I am not sure if they have any left you could check. Otherwise they are by Chelsea Crew "jiminy"


  20. Took the self-timer photo challenge & posted them on my blog:
    Can't wait to see them all. Great idea, Lizzy.
    - jill

  21. I love love love your blog. It is so adorable and you have such a cute family and great sense of style. I was inspired this weekend to figure out how to do a self timer shot on my camera and give it a try, it looks like I might need some practice or some tips:)

  22. Great challenge!! I was thinking... it would be fun to take the challenge to the next level and let's all scrapbook our self-timer shots! What do you think?! I'm planning on making a page this week!
    Here's my link:

  23. cute idea! I love to read your blog! My photos aren't great but here they are!

  24. I didn't get to do the self timer thing, was able to take a self portrait photo though, and am happy that I did atleast that!

    (oh, I know I missed the monday deadline, but wanted to share it still...)

  25. Thanks for sharing all your ideas with us : here is my links!/photo.php?fbid=2401409393125&set=a.1588153222229.79916.1187773544&type=1&theater!/photo.php?fbid=2486838735451&set=at.1675209525228.93896.1387161517.1187773544&type=1&theater!/photo.php?fbid=2400783097468&set=a.1121550717458.20693.1187773544&type=1&theater

    have a great day !! And thanks again!


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