Sunday, September 4, 2011

a wedding & a butt pinch

Friday night Collin had a wedding video shoot at Sundance and I was lucky to be his assistant. I think my exact title was Assistant to the Videographer. Which meant that I got him drinks when he was thirsty, carried some equipment in glitter heels and was in charge of turning on the mic for the ceremony. Why I was given the most important job of the whole wedding shows the kind of faith this boy has in me. I was literally sweating to death scared that I would mess up my one little task, especially knowing my luck there would have been no record of their "I dos" but alas it was recorded... I better get a promotion now! !
We also counted it as date night so here's a little he said//she said action.
-Thanks to the Groom's darling mother technically my date was with a man twice-my-age whose wife couldn't make it so I got to eat her dinner. Two dates in one night? I still got it. ;)
-I was told by two people that night that Collin looks like:
A.) Matthew McConahay & B.) Bradley Cooper.
-I looked very graceful when one of my heels got stuck between the wood planks on a bridge. Next time I'll choose the safer route and wear my ski boots.
-Weddings are so romantic. The bride and groom were freaking adorable I couldn't handle it. I was nearly in tears watching the ceremony... and I didn't even know them.

Sundance was really pretty. Probably the prettiest ski resort in Utah owned by Robert Redford that also hosts an annual film festival. I didn't see any celebrities up there this time, except Meryl Streep or it was John Madden, I couldn't tell. In high school, I went skiing at Sundance and Robert Redford was getting on the chair-lift. I yelled, "What's up, Bob?" and he looked at me and said, " Fine."

Liz got me those sweet new kicks (shoes) that I wanted to try out and they held great traction on the somewhat unfirm grass/gravel pathways. I'll probably write the 9-yr old kid in Malaysia that made those Nike's a letter of deep gratitude. Great job, Sanjeet! Anyways, Liz was a great assistant camerawoman. KC was supposed to help me that night, but he had "college" stuff and is all into his edumacation and lurning (LAME). The ceremony was beautiful and I think the video will turn out boomtastic. P.S. Totally pinched my assistant camerawoman's bum rushing past her to get some shots. I'm a professional, people.
Here's the wedding interview of the couple that had the audience busting up laughing the whole time, and if you're into The Food Network and "Cupcake Wars" or you love America and hate terrorists watch this audition tape I made for The Sweet Tooth Fairy (best cupcakes in America/the known world) it's delightful.

"That's what." -He

Collin, out.

Cute Washi Tape from Rhonna's new site: Rhonna Designs


  1. You guys are just so ADORABLE! I don't ususally comment on family stuff, but I just had to tell you how nice it is to see you loving each other the way you do! There are so many teen pregnancies, divorces etc.... bad stuff happening around the world... so cheers for you! Love your sence of humor! ;o)

  2. Awww! What great pictures of the two of you! Such a cute couple!

  3. I LOVED the audition video of Megan! You really are both rather talented ... and quite adorable! (You two, not Collin and Megan, although Megan is a doll too - love her!)

  4. You two are so cute! What a fun night.

  5. Darling photos, glad you got some cutie pie ones of the two of you at the wedding. The video was totally adorable. I'd like to know how Collin uploads that long of a video because I can't bet mine to get out of my computer EVER!

  6. I love the cupcake video! Great job!!! Good luck to her!

  7. what a gorgeous sexy couple you both make x


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