Monday, October 17, 2011

a fresh start

Here's to a brand new week!
a fresh start of dishes & don't forget the laundry
a fresh start of creative mid-day snacks
a fresh start at approaching that ambition...
at trying something marvelous
a fresh start at finishing that project that's been laying around for months gathering dust
at smiling more and complaining less
at finding the opportune moment to make someone's day
at laughing at yourself when you take life too seriously
a fresh start at loving more
at not being hard on yourself
at embracing what makes you distinctive
Feeling inspired for a new week! Face each day like a new adventure. ---Hopefully that was enough of a pep talk for myself that I won't hide under the covers in the morning until the kids find me. (wink)

The weekend was filled with a whole lotta of nothun. Collin had some video shoots and so I just hung out with the kids and took it easy. Picked my second awesome garage sale furniture find, Smashed, worked on some fun upcoming projects, laughed with friends and visited with my amazing mom!
Other noteworthy adventures: Was so distracted while shopping at my favorite local boutique I failed in the mothering category & looked over and Q peed her pants. Good thing I always have extras for that girl. Cried at Cafe Rio. A good cry. (That is a blog post in itself.) Tried to wear cobalt blue eyeshadow. (Fail.) Bought Collin a bright red suit coat so he could MC our church Young Women Talent Show. Next stop, David Letterman.
What was a talking about when I said "nothing"? It actually was quite an eventful, fall weekend!
Hope yours was too!
Tights: H&M//Romper: Delia's//my favorite boots & Sweater: Shop Ruche//Stringy hair: my own laziness


  1. L*O*V*E this post!!! and you are so . SO good at getting photos of the everyday and of yourSELF...gfy!
    thx 4 sharing...

  2. Big hugs and let's hope we ALL can start fresh this week because I don't wanna repeat last week either!

  3. You know what? I used to dread Mondays, but lately I've seen some blog posts like this (well, I've taken a few Heidi Swapp classes, and we know how much she loves Mondays, lol...), and I think I'm inspired...something is triggering inside of me. I think I like this idea: Monday is a fresh start. I need to embrace it - thanks!

  4. What a great perspective! Love it!

  5. This is a great post - I usually dread Mondays, but not today!

  6. Cheers to ALL that! You look great...even with the stringy hair. Ha!

  7. Hi Lizzy,
    It's your social media stalker here. ( wink wink)
    No seriously, I have a question for ya. I ordered some smashing books, but I've gotta tell ya I'm a bit intimidated. I've been inspired by you, but how do you have so many little do-dads to put into your book? I've never saved such things as movie tickets, receipts, etc.

    Where would you recommend that I start with my book?

  8. I feel like you wrote this post just for me :) I've had a few rough weeks lately and I can totally relate. Monday's are my fave because it's like getting another go at with three kids as well I'm always happy to get our weekly routine back from the craziness that the weekend seems to stir up! I feel that I may also be one of your stalkers ;) You're just so inspiring and creative I can't help myself, LOL! Have a great week!

  9. Hi Liz

    I am coming to Spark 3 this week and am so excited! Can you give me a list of some great shops to check out while I'm there? I have Dear Lizzie, Downeast Basics, and the one you mention in this blog post. Are there any others I should check out? I am very interested in a shop we drove past looking for coffee last year near Downeast Basics and the flower shop you picked up a free flower for being named Liz. It was like a vintage/antique shop with a pink awning and old bike parked out front. It was on the end of a row of old buildings. Any idea what it is called?

    I hope to see you later in the week!! You may not recognize me though. I now have short black hair!!!

    Jennifer Stanley

  10. Wow, what a weekend. Hope this week starts out and continues great for you! BTW you look gorgeous and I love the mustard tights!


  11. I have never, ever, ever seen an outfit on your blog that I didn't absolutely love! Secretly, that's what keeps me coming back: your rockin' wardrobe... well, and the crafting and family stuff, too :) Keep up the awesome posts!

  12. That was a great pep talk. I hope you'll post all of the "smashing" that you've done. I got a smash book, but don't really know what to put in it. If I should come up with some type of theme (like projects, decorating ideas, things that make me happy etc..) before I start it or just kind of go with it each day & have all types of things in it.

  13. Here's to a fresh start every day! :) Love this post Liz! Hope you have a fantastic week!

  14. Love this pep talk. You look about 13 in your second picture, seriously. I can't believe you're a mom of 3., You look great. Keep up the great posts.

  15. so cute! I wish I could wear more fallish clothes, it's still too warm here...

  16. Cute outfit!! Love your 'fresh start' list :)

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Thanks for leaving a comment below. It makes my day! Please leave your email if you have a question so I can answer it. Thanks!