Sunday, October 30, 2011

Here comes the smolder...

A random mix of Instagram photos with deep, intellectual thoughts.

1 Patiently waiting outside of the grocery store for Collin. He ran in to get the necessities. So I am thinking, great, he'll get some apples, vegetables, something for dinner, a treat for me. Nope, he came back with bread & Shasta Zazz. haha!
2. Last week I taught an art class for Avery's class at school. When I walked into her class she said: "That's my mom!!!...She's thirty."
The lesson was on Color Theory then we painted tissue paper squares with watered-down glue onto paper. The colors mix when the tissue paper overlaps and the kids thought that was cool!
3. My cousin, Jaclyn, came over last week because she wanted to see the girls & she wanted me to help her make a card for her boy(friend). She thoughtfully adopted a lion for him (there's some cool reasons why he loves lions.) Hello? I doubt he's going to really care about a card after that present.
4. Sharing our favorite Toasted Coconut cupcake at Sweet Tooth Fairy! It even doesn't matter if you hate coconut you will love that cupcake. Buuuuut if you do hate it after one bite I will gladly finish it for you.
5. This is Collin's smolder... reminiscent of the Tangled movie... no frying pan was needed.
6. There's the prettiest restaurant in Provo called La Jolla Groves. The food is meh at least what I've ordered but there are freaking lemon trees filling the entire place. Who cares about pasta when you're surrounded by a fruity oasis.
7. I got her this new owl hat and she is obsessed. When she loves something she sleeps with it under her pillow. Books, toys, collected rocks, pictures and this hat have all had a turn making their way into the elite pillow club.
8. Car pool day is a fun day. I don't say a word as I drive six 5 year olds home. I just listen and laugh.
9. Last night was our annual pumpkin carving night. This picture doesn't include pumpkins instead my sister, Camille, and her darling bebe. You couldn't notice but this is my older sister, by 19 months. It's not fair that she looks twelve and keeps getting younger. If you need a reminder about my age read #2.

Happy Halloween Eve bloggies!! Need to pull a costume together for me and the Mister tomorrow.


  1. God bless Avery. I can totally picture her saying that... Thats my mom! she's thirty. Haha!

  2. These are such precious memories .... love the introduction of "thirty"!

  3. I can't wait to see your costumes this year!!

  4. For the instagrams - that's the reason I want an Iphone (and not my Android, which I love, but doesn't have a similar app)!

  5. I just recently got Instagram on my phone and am highly addicted!! I love it!! It is such a fun way to share photos!! :)

    xoxo Denise

  6. I love that about Avery and the things under her pillow! My little Otto (age 2-1/2) does the same thing! First it was his favorite ball that he would cuddle in his arm. Now it is everything from plastic dinos, puzzle pieces, books, and cars, to hula hoops. Yes. I found him one night laying right smack dab in the middle of his hula hoop. LOVE it!
    Happy Halloween!

  7. Awww your baby girls are gorgeous! Just wondering... the photos with the red streaking, are they done in Instagram?

  8. Hi Liz, I LOVE your blog and have been reading for a long time. Was wondering how you make a collage out of your iphone photos?

    PS: You inspire me to dress less frumpily (<==If frumpily is even a word)

  9. LOVE the name camille, it's my nieces name! cute cute baby she has too!!!
    How did you do the double photo of her with the owl hat? too CUTE!!
    and girl, you look YOUNG!
    p.s. my girls are 19 months and 2 days apart and best friends!
    my sister and I are both 41 right now, we are 10 months apart!

  10. Thank you for introducing me to instagrams! I am excited to start using it to change the way life captures me! I also thank you for inspiring me to revive my creative flow!

  11. Steph S,

    thanks for reading my blog!
    I download my pics from my phone then I make it in Picasa with the collage tool. It just puts it in a collage for me... I set it to the square size option. Super super easy!
    let me know if you need any other help with that!



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