Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hunky Dory

above photos: Watercolors & that curl.//White vs orange pumpkins. White won.//My new fringe boots and a fallen leaf at sunset.

Today I was in a bugged mood about something trivial. It happens right? But life isn't supposed to always be hunky dory. My sister's advice: go eat some frosting with a spoon... she knows me well.
But it was a good excuse to sit back and recognize all the things that are wonderful in my life.
Watching Quincey try to do pirouettes and sache at dance class with a cheesy grin on her face.
Then driving home with the windows down enjoying the crisp air.
Laughing at the next Cleetus episode Collin's finishing up. It's
Seeing that the Smash books are back in stock. A little retail therapy never hurt anyone. (Pink one//Aqua Retro one that I used in my Smash post//Green //Orange Simple folio. The Retro one is my favorite but I just got the pink one and I have the Green one which is a good one for Fall.... The others are cool too.
Getting a cute message from a friend.
Seeing Lola's face will kick it into happy gear without fail.
Sheesh, I am feeling better already. What lifts your spirits?

As we were driving home from seeing Pop Pop (grandpa) on Saturday we passed a locally grown fruit stand. We are going to go to a pumpkin patch but couldn't resist the fresh peaches.

Lola is so big and a couple weeks ago started walking all around the house.

This photo is a bit more realistic to the story of my life... minus the porta-potty.

Spark is coming up quick!! Ummm, and by quick I mean, like, in a week. You should come because it will be amazing. Don't we all need a little spark in our life?!
...and that's all folks.


  1. Aw, what a sweetheart your Lola is!

  2. that baby is just so beautiful! gosh you guys make the cutest kids, thanks for sharing...I love white pumpkins too :)

  3. lizzy--you really half to start posting your outfit details! where did you go those awesome pants!?

  4. you are too cute girlfriend! LOVE seeing the everyday life know what I do when I feel bugged about something? I eat a little chocolate and then do something creative with my kids...not necessarily in that order ;)

  5. yes, i agree, the pants?? where did you get them!?

  6. Hi lizzy, how did you do the arrow thing on your photo? :D can you do a tutorial pleaseee...

  7. real life is not always "pretty"...but i love how you try to look on the positive side to "change it around"...tfs

  8. Your little lola is such a cutie and it's always refreshing to hear all the "perfect" bloggers show a little realism! Sorry you had a bum day, I'm glad it got better and as always your pictures are gorgeous and you look lovely!


  9. Sorry you had a down day, it happens to all of us! When I am feeling down, I shop. I ain't gonna lie. LOL! It might make the hubs sad though so I try to sweeten him up by buying him a little something too ;). Your Lola is so adorable. That's it. I want another baby.

  10. A.) Your girls are beautiful!
    B.) Your boots are amazing!
    C.) Dreaming of going to Spark, but Northern CA is too far from Utah. Wah! Although I'll be in UT in April for the Snap conference. Are you going?


  11. A "queensland blue" pumpkin would work really well with those pants! :)
    Love the jars.

  12. This is very lovely pictures.That baby is just so beautiful gosh you guys make the cutest kids, thanks for sharing.I like these pictures.

  13. Yay! I'm excited for spark. I'll be coming with a friend! cant wait to see you Liz!


  14. @Melissa & @Camille,
    the pants are from Heritage 1981 (forever 21) I love em! you need some in your life.

  15. @anonymous, I hand draw the arrows in photoshop. yeah a tutorial for the arrow sounds fun! thanks for the idea.

  16. @Tiffany, uh oh... Lola will do that to ya! ;)

  17. Where did you find your darling boots?? I'm far away in the Midwest and have been searching but haven't found any near as cute as yours! :)

  18. Cuuuuute teal pants! can't wait to wear colorful pants post baby's birth!

    Meggy from Chasing Davies


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