Thursday, October 6, 2011

our time is limited

"Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” Such an inspiring quote from the late Steve Jobs
my new Petal Pillow //Tights: H&M//

PS Yes, we have antlers hanging up in our home. It was quite the fiasco to get them up there. But I coaxed Collin and after some battle wounds (those things are heavy) and some bribery there they are. I like 'em. I should hang tiny twinkle lights from them soon.
PPS Did I mention it was snowing here today? Snow was falling from the sky for a few hours. Yep, if you don't believe me--evidence right here


  1. OMG girl you so need to get some fairy light on them :)

  2. RIP. steve jobs.
    i love your new pillow, look so comfy. is there really snowy? cool :) so heat in here... :)

  3. LOVE the quote & the A*N*T*L*E*R*S...

  4. Great post. I LOVE that quote, and actually needed to read that today. The antlers are AWESOME ... perfect place for twinkling lights if you ask me!!! :)

  5. Lovely quote. Very inspiring.
    And I can't believe you got snow!! We are experiencing summer-like weather here in MN (which is not typical for October!)

  6. wow. so inspiring!! And I love your new pillow! So cute!

  7. Steve Jobs certainly Said som very inspiring thing. My favorite quote is about waking up and realizing you don't want to do what you're doing. If it happens too many days in a row you need to change something. It's so true! You are so good at getting yourself in the pictures. Perhaps I should change that I'm always behind the camera ;-)

  8. Your words came at a great time! Trying to make childcare decisions for my children while I head back to work and in my heart I didn't feel great about the decision, and your words made me realize my decision had to be mine and mine alone! Thanks! :0)

  9. Liz- I have the exact same pillow on my couch right now, and my husband loves to hunt, so we have plenty of antlers around right now. They are kinda the "in" thing right now. Do you mind posting how you painted them, as well as hung them like that, etc..they are super cute! Thanks!

  10. Oh yes... Email is I love your blog and been following for awhile now, your style is so cute and it's fun cause we have 3 kiddie right around the same age! Thanks again!


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