Tuesday, October 25, 2011

what to Smash

Dear Lizzy,
I hope you'll post all of the "smashing" that you've done. I got a Smash book, but don't really know what to put in it. If I should come up with some type of theme before I start it or just kind of go with it each day & have all types of things in it. Drama Queens Mum (Kimberly)

Kimberly, I totally know what you mean and understand how at first you're thinking, "what do I do with this?" That's how I felt too. Well, don't hate me when I answer this with one of those creative cliches: There's no rules... OR whatever makes you happy.
Simplifying an idea helps me not get overwhelmed. So don't think of filling up a whole album or a Smash book. Just start with one page.
If thinking of a theme helps you get started then go with that. Whether it's a creative journal and you include sketches, magazine clippings, catalog pictures. A travel journal and you include things you've saved from a vacation. Or, for me, it's a day-do-day journal and I include fun pieces from life and Instax photos.

The above smash was from a bowling birthday party. The bottom left Instax photo is Avery right after her first-ever strike. She was pretty excited! I got a couple strikes myself, so what if it was bumper bowling!
From that event I included the print out of our bowling-fun for proof of our mad skills & tickets. The family picture is using the Wide Fujifilm Instax that's why it's larger then the smaller ones I take.
The next smash is from a dinner with my friend, Jennifer, who was in town from Mississippi for Spark. We went to a restaurant that is filled with lemon trees. I smashed my receipt, Instax, and I cut up what we ordered form a take out menu when we got home. Added some washi tape, epoxy & journaling spot titled: "reasons why we get along so well." Smash book has some fun journaling pads that help to jumpstart what you want to write about too.

She wanted to say Hello, Darling to all you bloggers!


  1. one day i'll smash! In the mean time I'll just scrap the big events and use shuttercal for my 365.

    Love my instax!!

  2. I am starting a new smash book (once it arrives in the mail) and I am going to go through old photos that I never scrapped and right what I remember about those moments past and current!!!

  3. Lola's "Kiss Curl" is the cutest thing I have ever seen. Did you know that a forehead curl was called that? I see a Layout title in your future.

  4. OMG!!! She is such a cutie!!! Just makes your heart melt!!! Mine is 19 and not making my melt so much lately ;P Enjoy your time with them!!! It flies!!!

  5. I just started smashing and have nearly finished a whole book. what i put in it was tickets from shows I took kids too, love notes from my babies, quotes, fav photos, instax pretty much anything. I thought I was going to have an 'idea' or plan but decided to go with it and just SMASH the bits in and even though its random, out of order and bits and pieces from the whole family I love it!!! My 8 yr old now wants one for all her bits she keeps!!!!! just go with it and enjoy I say, there is no pressure to be perfect or a certain way:-)

  6. i remember those polaroids from my childhood and still have some of them, but they stink too much. does your instax polaroids stink too?

  7. Thanks for sharing this! I want to use my first smashbook as an inspiration album, and then do a second day-to-day one, I think. We shall see. I love your posts though. Great ideas (and she is soooo cute!)

  8. YEP thats it...she's right. There are NO rules, whats great is to not kill yourself over the paper you are gonna use, just do it. ANYTHING that you love. A cute tag on a new piece of clothing, a movie stub. Anything goes...just "smash it" :)

  9. gotta get me a smash book asap! that Lola is just too cute, you must kiss her sweet face all day, she really looks like Avery :)

  10. Hello to you too!

  11. Thanks for this post - I want an instax so badly now!

  12. I just bought a smash book and some accessories, so glad to see this post!

  13. you got some bad uuugly baby :)))
    wow...you should really send her to me...I'll pm you my addy :)))

  14. love, love, love ms. jen fox. i too am lucky to call her a friend :)

    p.s....love your smash book too!


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