Monday, November 14, 2011

the 15 friends project

A couple weeks ago I got an email from Twig Creative and they asked if I would join their 15 friends project. What's that you ask? Well, it's a blank canvas shipped to 15 creative folks and each one adds their own style and touch to it then after it's shipped all over the county they will auction it off. I have always wanted to start a traveling art project so I happily joined in the fun! Last week, I was thrilled to receive my package. I was the second person to design something for it and the pressure was on! But I didn't think too much and just had fun creating a little corner of goodness for it using all found stuff including: catalogs, a vintage magazine ad (for the legs and shoes), doily, veneer wood and paint. I wonder how the process would have been to be later in the game and add on what others' have done. It was so fun and was already shipped off to the next lucky lady.
Keep updated with the traveling canvas at Twig Creative.

A typical scene from this weekend, just hanging out at home. ^^^
My sis, Emily, invited Collin and me to a macaron baking party with seriously some of the cutest bloggers around! We twisted Collin's arm to come, but not too much since we could bribe him with our new baking skills. He also filmed some of the night sooooooo, stay tuned for a fun video of the miraculous macaron process... and, not to mention, more about my new bffs! ^^^


  1. Ive always loved the idea of traveling projects too! If you ever host one, count me in! Hey, where do you get your paper doilies? The only kinds I can find are the cake doilies, but those have a glossy finish so I cant ink on them....any help? Those macaroons look divine!!!

  2. Ambrosia,
    you will be first on the list!
    The one I used also had a glossy finish but I have used ones that are more of a matte finish... those were smaller and from a Craft store. (Michaels or Roberts) I will keep my eye out for some.

  3. What a cute idea. I'm going to have to follow the project progress (say that five times fast)!

  4. Eeeee! I was so so happy to visit your blog today and see your post about the 15 friends project. So glad you are a part of this!!!

  5. What an interesting project! Glad to hear about it, I'll add it to my must-read blogs.

  6. What a fun idea! So want to do something like that one day.

  7. Jealous.
    Can I come to a macaroon party?

  8. Your project is darling! It's so sweet and lovely. Well done.

    And those macaron's look mighty tasty. :)

  9. I love your contribution Elizabeth! It's so fresh + fun. Just as I imagine you to be. Won't it be neat to see how these canvas look at the end?!


  10. what a fun concept! love what you did!

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