Monday, November 21, 2011

Important stuff!! :)

Hi there bloggy friends...

So I launched a new website with more functionality and a new look. The good thing is that it is there is more room to grow. The bad thing is that the email subscriptions are not transferring... SO... if you enjoy reading my blog posts in your email you are going to need to unsubscribe below and then go to my new site: and RE-subscribe.
It would mean the world to me if you would do that because I will miss you...! ;) But really I appreciate all my supportive, lovely blog readers! ((group hug))
I also have some fun things I am working on and I would hate to have your miss all the fun. ;)

  • Your homework: If you are reading this in your email inbox please unsubscribe below
  • Then head over to and RE-subscribe
Thanks so much!!! xoxo

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