Monday, November 7, 2011

just jump

Don't you think as women we have a lot to balance? I'm not sure if we do it to ourselves or if we are such incredible multi-taskers that people assume we can handle it and dish it out onto our plate. Regardless of why, there's usually a lot going on in everyones' lives.
At some point we have to forget about trying to do it all and say "someday" or "neverday." There's always a sense of relief when you say no.
On the other hand, it's also is invigorating to say yes & take a leap into something new. Have you taken a leap of faith recently? Do share.
Last week someone cooked up something too sweet to refuse and thus I have taken on a fun project. It's a lot of work but I'm thrilled for it. It's like after dinner when you are completely stuffed but there's always room for dessert, right?!

Happy Monday!
PS Did you win the Studio Calico December Daily giveaway? check it out...!


  1. love the GIF and the saying you included!

    p.s. i finally got my hands on a smashbook. my fiance got it for me - and i'm super excited. thanks for the inspiration, lizzy!

  2. A balancing act? Cooking, Cleaning, Teaching, Praying, Exercising, Organizing, Loving, Guiding, Reading, Fixing, Planning, Budgeting, etc. etc. etc...what balancing act? ;)

    LOVE it Liz! I like your idea to just jump! Hmmm...I think I just might ;)

  3. Yay! YOUR fun project = my fun project!!

  4. I can't wait to see what your new leap is!!!
    I wish I had something new to jump at!!
    Motherhood is a balancing act; we must all be part of a circus act in another life ;) LOL

  5. We decided to give our basement a makeover...then our washer and dryer decided to stop washing and drying, and then our vacuum cleaner decided to stop cleaning...and that was just last week :) Everything is a huge mess and we're waiting on painters, furniture, and items to arrive for our basement, the washer and dryer won't be here till next week, and I'm the OCD type that needs order and cleanliness to survive! Put three kids on top of all that...Ahhh! Balancing is sooooo overrated!!! I'd rather jump ;)

  6. That's some fancy footwork there Liz, love the jump at the end. We all need to say no to a bit more in our lives.

  7. how cute, love that little picture/movement thing!
    I need to take more Leaps of faith!
    thanks for the post!

  8. love it, love to take a jump at something, been wanting to try something new artwise, I still LOVE scrapbooking but feeling the need to get into mixed media, you've inspired me to take a jump and see what happens :) can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve...

  9. Just talking about jumping instead of balancing made me feel stressed! Ha! That's probably a sign that I SHOULD stop balancing. I love the idea of jumping into the things I want to do and just haven't done yet...

  10. SO excited to see what you are cooking up darling!

    I'm taking a HUGE leap of faith on Sunday and flying to Washington DC to the NIH (National Institute of Health) for 3 days of 7 hours a day in the hospital for medical tests. I'm nervous, anxious and hopeful they can help me with what is happening to my body.

  11. it definetly is a female thing, Gary is hopeless at multi tasking. My most recent thing is going back to school after Xmas, eekkkk i was going to do it full time, but Gary wants me to do it part time so i still have time to scrap awwwwww

  12. My daughter is super heavy into everyday but Friday and she's only 10. Plus I have two boys who are also in sports. This year Whitney has a special solo part in our studio's Nutcracker production (plus a 2nd part.) Soooo I decided our entire family will be one of the Opening Scene families. We are the "snob" family which means we are on stage more than any other family. This has added to our already busy schedule, my husband and oldest son are not so excited but I think when it is all said and done we will LOVE the video of the show. I've also successfully recruited 5 of my oldest son's friends. My five year old is OVER the moon because he LOVES wearing fancy dress shoes and any sort of costume. Oh and did I mention there are six shows 12/2-12/4 which also cuts into my Xmas prep. It WILL be fun, it wIlL be memorable, my family WIll love it! Our family may all be getting gift cards but it will be worth it.

  13. i love your analogy about having dessert even when you are too full from dinner - i may have to steal that one! Can't wait to see what you "jumped" into!

  14. I just got the same sweater from Ruche that you have on! Looks so comfy, can't wait to wear it.

  15. To cute! Howd you do that stop-motion stuff?? I know-Iknow, 'Howd' is not a word, but give me a break...I'm from the Ozarks!!! Cleetus would understand.

  16. Ah! I shouldn't have read this blog post today! Today has been one of the hardest days of my life. I am taking a HUGE HUGE leap of faith and moving back to my hometown in three weeks! We had an opportunity arise this weekend that allows my husband and I to move back to the hometown we have longed to go back to for so long! We own a house in St. George and will be leaving it to rent a house in our hometown. Today I quit my amazing job (I have been crying for an hour already), chose to rent the house, and we will be leaving our home we own behind in hopes it will sell ASAP!

    So, as I write this post with tears in my eyes and faith in my heart, please send everyone my way that wants to live in Sunny St. George. Besides, who wants to put up with all that snow anyway? :)

    I promise you would love my house and neighborhood! Let's make a deal! :) Deal?

  17. i took a leap of faith today and quit my job that I have hated for so long. I'm putting my faith in my etsy and finding a new job soon. Also taking the time to try new things like art. I have never felt so good!!

  18. Reading your blog late at night ....I realized how your post fit my "balancing act of a day"!!!! Thanks for the reminder that it is okay to say " NO" sometimes and taking that leap of faith is always a good thing,:-) your blog is so spot on about all things in life and scrapbooking & I'm so glad you enjoy sharing it with all of us;)

  19. I definitely feel like the "Queen of Multi-tasking," but sometimes it is nice to just say no....

    ...recently though, I said something way out of my comfort zone. In 36 days, I am boarding a plane bound for Leon, Nicaragua! I am so stinkin' excited to share God's love with these people and love on those little kiddos. Yep. Sometimes, you just have to JUMP!


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