Thursday, November 10, 2011

my dreams get bigger...

Just a small smash update tonight...
Oh, I remember the days when the bigs took naps. Somedays when we are driving to their cousins or to Target it's just enough time for them to fall asleep in the car. I don't notice until no one has made a peep for a few minutes and I look back and there they are... peacefully dreaming. Then I carry them each one up the stairs and they sleep on the couch a little longer. Sigh... That's when I soak up all the quiet before madness ensues.
Sometimes Collin jokes about how much money he would pay for a nap. I've heard it get up to the millions! ("One hundred billion dollars!!" dr. evil)

PS Don't forget to take your picture tomorrow for the 11.11.11 Photo Challenge no 2!


  1. Thanks for posting the smash book updates.... i keep staring at mine and wondering what I'll do... so i think I'll need to get more supplies... LOL!

  2. Thank you for the SMASH* update, you were a BIG part of my inspiration to get into mine and I just LOVE what you do!

  3. Loving my smash album...making one for my daughter...sssh its a surprise. Still find it hard to not search out the right paper...embellishments...ugh...just gotta SMASH right?! :)

  4. Hi! I love SMASH!! I just received Tuesday the doodle book and already my lil man who is 4 has his own page done!! I love how he is so interested in helping me!!! My older son loves to scrap as well!!! :)
    I think I will blog next week about SMASH! Thanks for the inspiration!

    P.S. I am loving the videos for the Thankful journal!! Hoping to get my cover done this weekend also!!!
    P.S.S.. Sorry I am chatty, but I am also making some of those Art Kits for two little girls for their birthday this weekend! They are going to love it!!

  5. Cute Elizabeth. you are oh so talented, I always read the blog & look for you on studio 5:)

    Is there an instax camera that gives bigger polaroids than the 2x3

  6. Cute Elizabeth. you are oh so talented, I always read the blog & look for you on studio 5:)

    Is there an instax camera that gives bigger polaroids than the 2x3

  7. I adore your smash books! Please do upload as many pictures of them as possible! :)

  8. I really need to get me one of these smash books. I've gotten out of the scrapbooking groove, and I think this (and an instax) would be just the ticket to get me creating again.

  9. This is the awesome concept of living our life i.e the Dreams & for that we all must know about the dream book. It helps to achieve what we want in or life.
    Thanks for sharing us this beautiful concept.


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