Tuesday, March 8, 2011

fabric dolls

A few weeks ago I ventured out bravely into the cold. It was my first time flying solo with all 3 girls as we headed over to our local Quilting Cottage. I weighed out my options of either staying cozy indoors or pulling my hair at the store but went for it anyway.
Surprisingly, they were so well behaved I would have gotten them a new car or a trip to Disneyland or their own credit card but all they asked for were fabric dolls.

These are Aunt Lindy's Paper Dolls sold as fabric by-the-yard or panel. Then purchase a thick iron-on interfacing (whatever thickness you prefer) and cut them out. I've added velcro to some of them but it's just as fun without.
Avery waited very patiently as I ironed the dollies together. If your kids are older they could do the ironing and even the cutting. But since I still don't trust Avery with a butter knife I did it for her.

She named this one Billy or sometimes he goes by Alfalfa. He comes with a George Washington costume and wig.
There is fabric that includes extra darling clothes. She keeps everything in a little fabric bag and are great for keeping her happy at church.
They all have names and pets... and more clothes than I do.


  1. Those are sooooo cute! I wish I had a girl:) Try taking 3 little boys to the fabric store!

  2. That is a really great idea!!! I would've never thought of that!!! Where do yo buy this kind of fabric?

    -Gabi from Savannah, TX

  3. So Adorable. I bet it was love at first sight.

    Thanks for sharing the link.

    I'm expecting grandson #3 aka Baby Love any time now. Daughter in law is 37 weeks tomorrow! Thankyou God for the gift of this child :)

  4. I love Avery's "longing to kiss you" lips in the third picture.

    So many dollies to love and play with.

  5. ah! these are so cute! and i love my nieces for wanted fabric dollies :).

  6. These are sooo sweet!! Loving these photos of sweet Avery waiting. What a cutie she is. :)

  7. So cute! I need to grab some for my girlies.

  8. These are so cute Lizzy! I love it and I heart your playlist and your blog.. You are so good at keeping it updated! I listen to it while I am scrappin!Thx! Tina

  9. I LOVED paper dolls when I was little. These are precious.

  10. I'm a paper doll collector...MUST HAVE THOSE! found them on Amazon! So cute!

  11. i am just obsessed with you! you creative little diva!!!

  12. Love this. What a sweet mommy girl day. You are a darling thoughtful mom!

  13. I kept the paper dolls that Mary Englebreit used to put in her magazine years ago. Recently I cut them out, laminated them and put stick on magnetic tape to the backs of the dolls and all the clothes, and I put them on the refrigerator. My granddaughter spends lots of time occupying herself with them. When she leaves I put them in a ziplock bag and put them in "her basket" for next time.

  14. Adorable! I know you said you put velcro on some, but didn't need to. I was just wondering if the clothes actually stay on with the tabs or did you cut those off? I couldn't really tell from the pictures. We're in Taiwan right now, but I must pick this fabric up for my daughter when we are home for the summer!!!!

  15. sooo cute!!! and so is Avery, waiting patiently (i like her red headband) =) such a great way to bond with your girls.. =)
    thanks for sharing.. i remember, my sis and i also played dolls made of paper.. and we love to dress them up and collect the diff clothes and shoes..
    but this one is better since they are made up of fabric.. =)

  16. I LOVED paper dolls when I was little. These are precious.Need a trip to fabric store to get some for my nice.
    I know you said you use velcro but can you explain a little more on the way this works?
    Did you cut off the tabs?
    Thanks love your blog and all your posts!!!!!

  17. i just saw your post and ordered these cute little fabric dolls for my nieces. i've gotten several ideas for my nieces from you. thanks bunches!

  18. I just ordered these! Oh my goodness! So darling...love your Blog and sweet out look....
    Hugs to you and your girlies.... :c)

  19. Hi Liz...love these lil dolls and it is so cool to see Avery so taken with such an 'old fashioned' toy! and then I read the last line...HAHAHAHAHA...more clothes than YOU...still making me LOL...as I tell my daughter...she needs a 3 step program for Ruche thanks to little ole you! Hope your day is FAB...big hugs and kisses to you and your precious family! Donna Tullis

  20. Those are amazing! I had no idea they even existed. I bet they don't tear like paper dolls do! I'm going to search for those. Thanks for sharing!

  21. With three girls in a church going family...you have just added years to my life. Church is stressful with little ones. Once the Cherrios are gone you just cross your fingers and pray for the best. These are perfect, quiet toys for sitting through a sermon. LOVE it!!!!

  22. Love Love these fabric dolls and what a great idea to use them in church..eh eh eh! I am always in need of ideas to keep the kids happy and quiet at church! Love the mardi gras beads too (we just got back from Mardi Gras in New Orleans...what a blast!). And I love your Lola Bug album! As always, I love catching up with your blog! :-) Happy Wednesday!

  23. they are so cute! I am in the UK and just found these are available here too! Just ordered them! thanks for the idea!

  24. oh man my little Lucy would LOVE those!!!!

  25. OMGosh! I love it!! I am trying to figure out something that will keep my 4 year old occupied at church. We had the ipod touch with a few preschool games on it... until she learned how to get to the ipod portion, turn up the volume and start listening to music during Sacrament Meeting! Luckily it was Adele, and nothing TOO distracting..I think it is time to venture out and get her some of these! :) What was the name of the Fabric Store you went to? Thanks!

  26. okay those are cute ... my girls would love them!

  27. Hi thank you so much for sharing these... I love them an plan to make some for my daughter... Again could you explain a little more how you used the Velcro? Thank you

  28. Love your blog! I'm passing along a Stylish Blogger Award to you to let you know that we love following you & your creativity!

    Grab the award image here: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-2hX7wg5mMPQ/TXgN7WgmMYI/AAAAAAAAAVM/k74M91I5HyM/s1600/stylish_blogger_award%255B8%255D.jpg

    One of The Ettes

  29. What local Quilting Cottage? I'm local, too. Is it THE Quilting Cottage in AF?
    My little monkey would love those, too.


  30. I looked at the fabric yesterday after reading your post but didn't order. Today I decided to order and went to 4 sites online before I found a place that wasn't sold out. Vendors probably love it when you mention their product in your blog! Anyway, I ordered 3 panels for my 3 granddaughters and can't wait for them to arrive. I will enjoy these as much as they do - I always loooved paper dolls!

  31. I sooooo love this. I remember playing paper dolls like these when I was a kid. The fact these are made out of fabric is all the more fantastic. I would love to do this for my little girl. Wonderful share.

  32. i'll have to make these for my niece one day.

  33. Hi Kimberly,

    I actually cut off the tabs. I haven't ever tried it with the tabs. Plus, I think they are cuter without.

    But with the velcro, I just buy the small circles of velcro and cut the circles in half and then attach it to the clothes and the doll. Lots of her dolls don't have the velcro but I should add it...

    Let me know if you have any more questions.

  34. Carrie,

    Yes, the quilting cottage in AF. They have christmas dolls & clothes on clearance upstairs. :)

  35. anonymous,

    I buy the small circles of velcro you can find at any craft store or walmart or target.
    THen I cut the circles in half. (because it doesn't need much. And add the soft side of the vecro to the front of the doll. And the more rough side of the velcro to the back of the clothes.
    Also, A little half circle of the soft velcro to the top of their heads for the hats... does that make sense?

    Let me know if you have any more questions!


  36. LOVE your blog and LOVE these paper dolls! I have a daughter really enjoying paper dolls right now---she cuts one outfit out each week with a neighbor lady---so sweet! Anyway, we live in a smaller town in Canada and I can't seem to find these anywhere (amazon.ca doesn't carry them). Help?! Does anyone know where/how I could get them?

  37. Renee,
    I can get you some and send them to you.

    email me: elizabeth.kartchner@Gmail.com

  38. this idea is AMAZING!!! i'm gonna order some fabric from etsy!! soooo excited about this "project"!!

    thanks for sharing!!


  39. These are such a very best collection of fabric dolls. Awesome and in attractive colors.

  40. Such a sweet idea, my little girlies will love it! Thank you!

  41. WOW, those are tooooooo cute. My daughter is too old for these (25), but I'm going to get some for my friend's little girls! Thanks so much!!


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