Thursday, March 10, 2011

favorite spring things

Today was the most cheerful, warm day of the year! I am so ready for it to be spring. But I can't get too excited since we usually have snow falling in May. I do enjoy this time of year... not only because American Idol is on and Collin entertains us with his performances between commercial breaks. (Yes, we still in the primitive times without tivo.) But also for the anticipation of springtime.
Here are some of my favorite spring things.
1 Diana Camera: Amazon
2 Flower vases: Urban Outfitters
3 Dress: Ruche
4 Shoes: Ruche
5 Love Clip: Bando
6 Flower Shoe Clips: Fink Shop
7 Bathing Suit: Undrest
8 Dress: J Crew kids
9 Hair Clips: Bando


  1. Love it. Ruche and faves lately. Love the heart clips. So girly and fun.

  2. I've long loved that Urban Outfitters vase. Spring coming may be the perfect excuse to get it!!

  3. How I have never heard of Bando! Seriously, I feel like I've been living in another world. I guess that's why I have to keep up with your blog....good style tips. ;)

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  5. love your spring collection! I love ruche stuff too

  6. Hi Lizzy: Just wanted you to know how much your blog cheers me! I've been going through a difficult time and your blog always lifts my spirits. Especially the picks of Lola. Keep them coming! Our Heavenly Father sent a gift when he sent you.

  7. Oh my word! I love that bathing suit.

  8. love your choice of spring things, so pretty! Isn't Idol awesome this year? James Durbin is amazing, what a voice, he's my fave so far. Sun is out here today too after a week of rain, so happy for that :)

  9. Love This! Bring on the Spring!

  10. You find the most FUN things. LOVE LOVE LOVE them all!! The shoe clips are fab

    -Heidi Ann

  11. Just ordered that awesome Diana camera! Can't wait to get it and play! Thanks for sharing your awesome're a scrapbooking-Oprah :)

  12. I've been eying that UO vase for quite a while. It's just lovely.

  13. So pretty! I love the J. Crew dress. Don't they have it in big people's sizes...?

  14. where do you live with snow in May?! my parents have snow once in awhile in May *upper Michigan* , my niece cried one year because it snowed on her birthday, may 12th and she couldn't have her party outside LOL!


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  16. Adorable Spring list!
    I'm lovin the dress, shoe clips, and camera!


  17. Oh my - i would love to be one of your fave 'spring things'...when you get a chance - come check us out...!/pages/Madd-Lola/142314675826096?sk=app_169505045786
    P.s. MaddLola is named after my 2 children - Maddox & Lola :)

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