Thursday, April 21, 2011

back in the saddle

Monday I started designing the next Dear Lizzy craft line with the talented designers at American Crafts. We had our first meeting. Calling it a meeting is funny because it sounds so stuffy and boring when actually our meetings are quite fun and creative.

Two hours was long enough for Lola to be elated when momma got home.
Adore this look. Classic Lola.

Chewing on her fingers is a dead giveaway for the reason of her fussiness lately---teething. Poor thing. One thing about Lola is that no matter what she still tries to be a happy girl. You wouldn't even have known she was sick a few weeks ago because she didn't show it in her temperament. She just kept smiling through it all.

PS Check out the Something Splendid classes like the Boy/Girl Envelope book or I still have some fabric dolls available.


  1. The first photo with Lola is so precious! What a moment! My little girl is only two months older than Lola and she is also always trying to be happy no matter what... :-) Happy Easter to your wonderful family! :-)

  2. I agree with the above commenter! What a priceless photo. I'm looking forward to seeing what you have in store for your Dear Lizzy line. :) Happy Easter!

  3. She is just as sweet as can be!
    You have 3 girls and i have 3 boys...I always wanted a girl, and never got one, did you ever want a boy? Its funny how things work out though cause I have no idea what to do with baby girls!

    Cant wait to see the new line! I adore all your stuff =]

  4. Lola is so adorable! I can't wait to see the next Dear Lizzy line :)

  5. Awesome! Can't wait for the new line! Lola is so sweet!!!!

  6. What a cutie!! So excited for more Dear Lizzy!

  7. She is such a sweet baby and I love the little hair bows you put in her hair!

  8. That look she has is just one of pure joy : ) Love it

  9. how exciting!!!! i can't wait to see your next line liz!!!! :D i am so proud of you!!!! *high five*

  10. Lola is so adorable! Congratulations on starting your new line!

  11. Yay! So exciting. I love to see what you come up with...btw my little guy (9 weeks old) started smiling a few weeks ago and it just melts my heart. Sweet Lola reminded me of that! Congrats!

  12. Little Miss Lola is so adorable! I love that my 3 year old still gets elated when I get home, no matter the amount of time that I am gone!

  13. i so can't wait to see what's next!

  14. lola is P*R*E*C*I*O*U*S...
    love those gummy smiles!

  15. OMG! Lola is adorable!

    Can't wait to see your next line! I think I just hurt my neck & eyes trying to manipulate my computer screen to see what was on the table @ your meeting. Ha! Can't wait for your sneak peaks at it! Hoping for a Fall Line...your color choices, fall, family, thanksgiving, leaf jumping, pumpkin farm fun, etc. I would LOVE it! That would shine through perfectly for you...your family is so sweet & adorable! Sorry, rambling. No matter what the next line (please, let it be LineS) is...I know it'll be beautiful!

    Happy Easter to You & Your Family!

  16. I absolutely, positively can NOT wait to see what is in store for the line! I buy Dear Lizzy stuff any time I find it! I would love, love, LOVE for you to expand the beautiful paper into fabric!!!

  17. Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets. Well, let me tell you ... Lola sure got the looks. What a sweetie. I want to just squeeze her!

  18. Hi Lizzy! I had the pleasure to see Lola to Version Scrap and it is true that she is beautiful and smiling! You have a very beautiful baby!
    Domi95, Paris, France

  19. Love these pics!! Mama and baby both stunning:)

  20. you are a beautiful mama, miss.

  21. Your pictures of absolutely everything are so stunning. I love your blog!

  22. so Lizzy, I've been married for quite a while (5yrs), still young to have kids ... and every time I see pics of yer beautiful kiddos, and how much you gush about them .. i keep on wondering if all the work that goes into raising them is worth it (i mean NO harm by it ...) i used to babysit a lot and i KNOW kids are a lot of work, how do you manage with 3? how did my mom manage with 4 ?!? I dunno if i cud do it ... you must really be a supermom! :)


  23. she is so cute. i love those cheeks!

  24. so, with your new Something Splendid baby, will you not be running/hosting Spark No. 3 this year? I didn't see your name or Rhonna's name in the current line up.

    This would make me very sad!


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