Tuesday, April 19, 2011

dirty thirty birthday

I just came across these pictures on my laptop when I realized that I never posted about Collin's 30th birthday party.
It was the day after summer Craft & Hobby show. (seen here & here.) I got off the airplane and headed straight to the grocery store at 11 pm after flying from Chicago. Good thing I had planned most of the details for this cute boy ahead of time.
The theme was Dirty Thirty... so everything had to do with dirt.
Menu: Pulled pork sandwiches// I made Homemade Rootbeer labeled 'muddy water'//Brownies labeled 'Dirt Clods'// Chocolate Trifle labeled 'Mud Pie'//

I also filled 4 jars with something different including: crushed Oreos to make dirt, gummy worms, peanuts and candy rocks. Two of the jars were used for a fun game.

The first jar was labeled 'Down and dirty with Collin.' It was filled with crushed Oreos and colored gummy worms. Everyone took turns and picked out a worm and depending on the color they either told a funny story about Collin, said their favorite thing about him, something they wish for him this year etc etc. I printed out a piece of paper with the colors and questions.

The next jar was filed with candy rocks and stripes of paper that I printed my favorite of Collin's twitter updates on. Everyone took a turn and pulled out one the strips of paper and read it out loud. Lots of laughs there.

This was my first attempt making trifle and it was quite easy. I started with a trifle bowl then layered chocolate cake, chocolate fudge pudding, crushed Oreos and Vanilla Wafers & homemade whip cream... of course adding some candy rocks and worms. Yummmmy.

I also ordered sumo wrestling suits but it was a HOT day! Too hot to get in those suits. I also had stuff to have an eating contest hoping my family would get messy with that but everyone was already full. Party poopers. ;) If I had more time I wanted to give favors that had to do with soap but alas I didn't get around to that.
When I was a teenager 30 seemed so old. Now I am almost turning thirty myself in a couple weeks. Crazy.
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  1. great ideas!! tfs!

  2. Im so ready for 30! I turned 29 TODAY and Im ready to EMBRACE 30!!
    Great party! Looks like it was alot of fun =]

  3. SO COOL!

    Hope you're enjoying your 30th year, Collin!

  4. You are SO creative! I love this party idea! However, I'm going to need to modify it to fit ....Forty in just three short years :(

    The trifle sounds delicious!

  5. My husband turns 30 this year and I am very tempted to completely steal this idea! I probably won't end up doing anything but cake and ice cream though, b/c I always procrastinate..

  6. i know u love lenka, so you've probably already heard, but as of today her new labum released! i was listening to ur playlist and 'the show' came on, so i googled lenka, because i loved 'the show!' i found her site and it said her new album just released today! just letting u know if u don't already know. im excited!

  7. thanks anonymous!!

    I didn't know and i'm listening to it now... love!

  8. awesome! thanks for the ideas for my hubby's upcoming #30 bday. SO cute.

  9. Love your blog. Barely ever comment but thought I would today. Love this cute party. Super fun. I too will be turning 30 in May and I too have 3 little girls! Mine are 5, almost 4 and 2 months and very cute. Yours are very cute too. Love that Lola!

  10. Happy B-Day Collin,
    Kisses in all

  11. Yay for 30! I turn 30 in August. Told hubby I am celebrating all Month!! ;). Great party! Everything looked awesome.

  12. LOL What a cute title for a B-Day party. Love it. :)

  13. ohhh, so cute. all the decor. i bet he help spesh.

  14. LOVE IT! I always remember that your birthday is the same day as mine. May 4th! Although I turn 34. :( 30 isn't so bad. Happy birthday to Collin and to you very soon!

  15. fantastic ideas! Great to keep in mind for when my BF turns 30.

  16. Happiest birthday to Collin...I just turned 41...ugh

  17. What a cute theme!!! Happy Birthday, youg-ens! Turning the big 4 0 myself this year. It's ok, I like where I am, but I would so take 30 again, lol!!

  18. Oh my goodness! That is super cute! I just had my (first) 39th birthday yesterday!! Time flies when you are scrapbooking/mommying/cooking/cleaning/wifeying/!! What a joy!


  19. Wow! That is such a cute party idea for 30!! Wish I could have stole it back in october for my hubby! So perfect!

  20. That is such a cute idea! I would have never thought to do something like that. Such a creative way to celebrate! Great inspiration, thankyou for sharing! :)

  21. What a fun party! :) You guys are adorable.

  22. What a cute idea for a party!! Love it! =)

  23. what a great & "dirty" idea for a BIG birthday! (or any one...)
    thanks for sharing!
    happy "dirty thirty" collin


  24. I turn the dirty thirty in December! oof! I love your ideas...thanks for keeping me creative!

  25. CUTE! I love an excuse to eat dirt cake!



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