Friday, April 8, 2011

find your happy place

When we got home from our trip I will never forget the girls' faces running to the door. Oh my goodness my heart burst into confetti. They were completely elated. They did love playing with Ya Ya and ask for her everyday. Last night she came over because she was missing them too. I watched her kiss each of their heads after reading bed time stories and thought, sheesh, why in the world was I up all night worrying before I left?
One thing you should know about me is that I am the biggest worry wart. Like a huge, hairy worry wart on a witch's nose. Why do I do this to myself? I have no clue. But before I left I worked on positive imagery whenever I began to stress. It worked too. Who knew "find your happy place" really worked?
The thing is that this is my happy place. At home... wiping snotty noses, cutting apple slices, reading stories, hanging up watercolor works of art. This is where I belong. As beautiful and incredible Paris was, I was giddy landing in Salt Lake. You would have thought this place had gold-plated roads and rained gum drops. But no... it just has the reasons I am here. Three little reasons. Two of which run on pink-bunny batteries until they run out and fall asleep on their dinner plate.
what's your happy place?


  1. Aawe, how adorable!! I am glad your trip went well and that you are home safe and sound. I love that you say your happy place is at home with your kidlets that is so true. My happy place is our back prch early in the morning with the Hubs sitting beside me drinking his coffee while we read our books or talk about our plans for the day.

  2. Amen :) You hit that one right on the head.. cause THAT is so my happy place.. I have a pic of my little girl laid out on her coloring table sleeping ha...

  3. I just wanted to let you know I am a little knew to your blog and haven't ever posted a comment so I time but the present!
    You have a beautiful family, and I hope to be able to enjoy children some day (25 yo and married for 3 1/2 years!) Keep up the wonderful photos and a quick question...Do you carry your camera around with you everywhere because it seems to me that you get the best shots!

  4. Probably my all-time favorite of your posts :)

  5. That is so cute and aweeee, I bet that being with your family is better than any grand trip ;) Hugs from Conroe, TX!

  6. How precious is this! So so sweet!My Happy Place? Seeing my kids sleepy... they are always going and doing, but when they are tired and sleepy ... it takes me back to the time when they were little like your cutie pie! But they grow up so so fast... seems like yesterday my first baby boy was watching Barney, now he is working and will turn 20 in July! I don't have babies anymore... Another one just turned 15 and my baby is 10!
    Thanks for sharing these precious moments with us!
    God Bless,

  7. I totally understand having a "happy place" that is your home. I was just telling my sister about a poster I saw that said "Let's just stay home" and how I thought it was perfect for a homebody like me. Glad I'd not the only one!

    And that photo is awesome!!

  8. First off this picture is ridiculously awesome!

    my current happy place is when I get a few minutes of sitting in quiet and I can watch my stomach jump around like a little jumping bean. It's still mind blowing to me how babies are created and the blessings they are. I love it.

    The waiting is killing me.

  9. Ha ha! I laughed and shook my head over this picture! :) Quincey has gotten sooo big I can't believe it. How time flies.

    My happy place is when hubby is home and our whole little family of 4 is together and enjoying everyday simple moments...and I'm documenting them with my camera! ...that and a piece of chocolate puts me in my happy place anyday, anytime. Thanks for sharing! You are an amazing mom...have you thought about writing a mommy book? ...just a thought. ;)

  10. i love that metaphore you used...burst into confetti...because moments that yuour kids melt your heart is exactly like that...aas a mumma of 6 with a little sick guy, trips like you have gone on are out of the question, but you know what, I don't mind because I love being at home with them too...i love game days and art days and handball days and juggling days and park days and going to the movie days...if it makes them smile than that is my happy place...take care and have a great

  11. Such a cute picture!!! My little guy who is 3 loves to fall asleep at the table too. Thats a sign of a great day! =)
    My happy place is both of my boys snuggled up in my lap. Makes my heart explode! =)

  12. Wow, I could have written this! I do like visiting other places but I am so much more content at home with my kiddos. They all came running at me too when I got home from Version Scrap. The whole time I was there I was staring into strollers (Lola's included) and stopping moms and talking to kids. I needed the break but I know that I belong at home ;)

    All but my oldest (he's 9) fall asleep at the table on a regular basis!!

    I actually used to be a huge worry wort too, so much it would made me sick. Now, my SILs have called me the zen one LOL!!

    -the Canadian from Paris

  13. Oh I agree 100%!! As much as I loved Paris, there is nothing compared to being at home with the people you love!

  14. Loved this story....You inspire me!

  15. Beautiful! (Isn't it amazing that kids can actually do that...right in their plates??!!)

  16. My happy place...Sunday morning...waking up slowly...snuggled into my husbands shoulder and nodding off for just 15 minutes more...happy.
    OR...just sitting outside in my back garden listening to nothing but the birds and the gentle breeze and wishing I did it more often.

  17. Love it, couldn't have said it better myself...home is my happy place too, love it and everyone in it.

  18. anywhere my family is. plain and simple!

  19. What a sweet post and picture! My happy place is watching my three precious matter what they may be doing, it's like seeing my heart walking around outside my body! LOVE THEM SO MUCH!! :) Have a super weekend, xo Karen

  20. That just brought tears to my eyes :) I am too such a homebody now with my baby and love nothing more than snuggly days at home. He had surgery yesterday so it was a rough day so I am happy for all the good days we do have :)

  21. My happy place is also at home...with my hubbie and my bunnies. Their fuzzy cuddles can always put a smile on my face (the hubby is slight fuzzy too, haha).

  22. love reading all your comments... thanks!

  23. Holding my three month daughter in my arms and watching her sleep. So peaceful, so wonderful, so wanted for such a long time.

  24. I love this's so cute...remember me at this quedaba dormida en cualquier

  25. My happy place is on the couch Saturday mornings looking out towards the street with coffee in hand and hubby and kids there chatting away! :)
    Hey you are not the only 1, I worry like crazy! I'm trying to let God in control, but it hard sometimes.
    You have a sweet family and are so creative, enjoy following your blog.

  26. Ahhh the worry wort. YEP know all about that. My kiddo's are 23, 20 and 17yrs. and YEP you still are a worry wort when they are that age. The pic is priceless!!! Enjoy the journey, time flies!

  27. "there's no place like home" makes sense doesn't it?
    My happy place is looking into Amber's gorgeous blue eyes on weekend mornings (or holidays) and she asks me what we'll be doing that day... will we be driving to France? to the seaside? will we take the bike out and go for a ride? will we go swimming or ice skating (depending on the weather)? will we be going to the centre of Brussels for a walk? or will we simply stay in our PJ's for the day and chill?
    Love your pic Liz
    take care

  28. This picture is absolutely adorable.

  29. my happy place sounds incredibly similar. i have three little girly reasons to be happy here. :)


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