Wednesday, April 6, 2011

can I move in?

It was a tough decision, given that there is a pasty shop about every block, but this one wins the award for my favorite!
I was thinking about moving in and rolling out a sleeping bag right there in the middle of their shop but I guess that's not allowed or something... plus, I don't think it would be good for business.
But really, you might be drooling just looking at this photo. I know I am.

The floor was so cute you could have eaten your treats right off it but we stuck with the tables to be more civilized tourists.
Actually, many people stopped us to ask for directions and a couple ladies from
Korea asked to take pictures with us. I felt bad after seeing the look on their face when Collin told them we were from the U.S. not France. heee heeeeee
I already miss walking down the street and buying a fresh baked baguette... so not fair. ;)
shoes & socks: Ruche
photo actions: Totally Rad


  1. Ah this making me so jealous! I can't believe that I have never been to Paris even though it's only a train journey from England. Your photos make me want to jump into my computer screen and grab a Macaron! :)

  2. you should Gemma. If I had more time I would have totally gone to England!
    The macarons did not disappoint. :)

  3. Yum... I loved that there was a pastry shop on every corner the few times I've been to Paris! I was addicted to strawberry Nutella crepes, too. They are divine!

  4. every morning when I go and get my baguette I will think of you Lizzie, and send you a bit of its perfume accross the ocean!! love from France

  5. Good choice on moving in there :) yum!

  6. I loved Paris..I miss it! It takes a hold of you, doesn't it? I just loved the food there too!

  7. Oh dear, now another place to hunt out when we go in June! You are making me want to leave a bit early though... like NOW!! :) So glad you had a great time there!

  8. Liz,
    You always wear the cutesy shoes!! Wish I could wear HOT shoes everyday, but I don't think the butcher shop where I work would think the idea is as great as I do. Keep snapping shots of your feet so I can live vicariously through you.

    Kailey Crowther

  9. What an adorable bakery! So cute...the floor and your shoes! haha! Love the pics!

  10. Those treats looked divine! I have a wicked sweet tooth so I would probably come home from Paris five sizes bigger! So glad you had fun, you'll have to show us the project you taught over there. Love to see it!

  11. Looks amazing! Love your photos shares! hugs from Conroe, TX!

  12. Ah, Liz those pictures are making me wish I was back in France. I spent a wonderful year in Aix-en-Provence during my university days. There was a bakery just around the corner from my place. Loved it so much. Pain au chocolat was a favourite treat of mine!
    Allison M.

  13. ah! paris. bread. butter. crepes. how i long to go back. your photos are making me crazy!

  14. You are so making me miss Paris! We took a 14 day, 5 city trip through Europe 3 years ago and Paris was by far my favorite city. I loved everything about it! :)

  15. *drooling* hehe.. thanks for sharing your Paris escapades.. really hoping someday i'll get to go there..

  16. You make any place looks amazingly fabulous Lizzy! I wish you could come to our village as well ;P...I <3 all your projects and adventure! xoxo, From Switzerland

  17. Oh how sad, that they weren't as thrilled when you were no longer "French"... But an easy mistake on their part, you two have incredibly great style & fashion! Next time just say , "sure for a $1" & gladly let them believe whatever they wish... Love your pictures! Thanks for sharing

  18. We leave for Paris in 10 days. My 5 year old is so excited! Seeing your photos has made me even more excited!

  19. i will join you eating off the floor! heeeheee

  20. love the Duran Duran shoes!

  21. It used to be one of my "boulangerie" !! I was living 200 m from there !!
    But, I think you missed one of the best boulangerie in Paris, 100 m from there, in the corner of this street, called Secco. With all the parisian charm + amazing products... :-)

    I really love your blog.


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