Friday, April 15, 2011

signs of spring

Here I am, just like years past, waiting impatiently for spring to make its fashionably late arrival. Which actually reminds me of my sister. Just like her, some things are definitely worth the wait! (Hey camille & ash love you both so much!!)

Avery, on the other hand, is not impatient at all. She finds the sweetness in everything. It doesn't even matter if they are weeds and you have to dig in the dirt to find them-they are beautiful & signs of spring to her.
One of the reasons I am anxious for this season to arrive is seeing the girls running with dandelion bouquets, "for you mommy!"
That's just what we did this morning while the grass was still dewey and the sun stretched out to warm our cheeks.

PS Thanks so much for everyone who joined our Something Splendid site! We are so thrilled and moved by your support and excitement. Thank you!! xo Lizzy


  1. Dear Lizzy,

    Thanks for the inspiration!! Can't wait to take my fabric flowers class!! Beautiful pictures!

  2. Great pictures, as always. You deserve all the support and excitement because you are so very talented.
    I´m really happy because from now on it seems I´ll be able to take more of your classes. Thanks for providing us all the opportunity to learn from you.

    Ana (from Brazil)

  3. Great perspective! I really loved this post. Can't wait to learn from your website!

  4. I love these photos!!! Have you seen the Design Seeds website? They have a photo, and then (I'm assuming) they use PhotoShop to choose a few colors and make a beautiful color scheme. It's so lovely. :-)

    This photo inspired me to do that today! I created a beautiful pallet of spring colors. Thank you for continuing to inspire! :-)

  5. I'm so excited to see your new website! I'll be checking it out! What a cheerful way to spend a snowy morning! (it's NOT supposed to be snowing in April! LOL!)

  6. my beautiful friend.. i am so proud of you.. so happy for you. Huge congrats from our family to yours.. because we all know, without family support, all this will not be possible. *hugs*

  7. i just got a bouquet of fresh weeds yesterday myself! love these days!

  8. OMGosh! How sweet! I wish my sweet little bouquets had the pretty purple added to it! Will have to remember to take a picture like this next time! :)

  9. aaaw, a dandelion bouquet ;-) I remember getting those too some years back :D Sweet :)

  10. Thanks for the inspiration!! Can't wait to take my fabric flowers class!! Beautiful pictures!


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