Sunday, April 17, 2011


higher mommy higher! higher!
She noticed that it didn't matter how loud she yelled "higher", I'd give her maybe an extra inch. That apparently wasn't enough--she wanted to touch the sky! You could tell she felt so free on that swing. Probably the closest feeling to every child's dream of sprinkling pixie dust on their heads and flying to Neverland.
With each pendulous glide, I was pushing and encouraging--guiding and trusting that she would hold on. She knew I was right behind her if she ever lost her grip and fell back. I hope she knows that every step of her journey, I will be right here... giving her room to grow while trusting & encouraging her to fly.

Plus, I was one of the best on the swingset my fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Zortman, had ever seen, so I can teach her how to touch the sky.
PS My blog was nominated over at Circle of Moms and I am so flattered... Wondered if you would take a second and vote for me by clicking this link and then clicking vote. I will make it up to you... somehow. ;)

Photos by Collin


  1. Sweet photos! I'm off to go vote :) hugs from Conroe, TX

  2. I voted for you! Warm regards from Manila, Philippines :)

  3. voted ;-)
    your photos are a pleasure to see. As always.

  4. These photos are just too adorable : ) Love them.

  5. hey! it seems like spring has sprung where you are!! you lust be happy! I love these photos!! and I voted for your blog! of course!!

  6. Hello lizzy,
    it's Marion (Version scrap in paris),these photos are beautiful and Quincey is more beautiful every day.
    I think Quincey has the headband that I made ​​it, is what he liked?
    and Avery and lola? and you? I sent you an email, thank you again for all these images of sweetness and love, good day

  7. I can so see why you would be nominated and i definitely voted for you!!! Best of luck! Every little thing about you and your family radiates sweetness, love and kindness!!!

  8. Hi there! I just discovered your blog from Circle of Moms. It's so nice to discover some new blogs! I am browsing through your work and your blog and love it all. And your daughter is gorgeous. My little one just turned 3. Good luck over at Circle of Moms!

  9. Hi Lizzy!!! Congrats on your nomination! I became your biggest fan in Puerto Rico since I met you at the 1st Puerto Rico Scrapbook Event back in 2009! Love your blog so I just voted for you! Lots of luck! Many blessings for you, Collin and your beautiful girls!

  10. Love reading your blog! Voted!

  11. I just voted for you, and I sent a link to my friends and family so that they could vote as well. You inspire me daily. Thank you.

  12. Love this pics...I voted :)

  13. This little girl's face always makes me smile so much.

  14. Of course, I'll vote for you! I've loved your blog for years now!

    Great pics of your sweeties. Swings are the best :)

  15. Love the photos..the colors are so great..and your girls are so pretty and adorable! I casted my vote already :)

  16. love everything about this post! what a little sweetheart!

    your blog is for sure my top pick!

  17. you are an amazing mommy and such an inspiration to to vote! ;) Have a great Monday!!

  18. Voted :)! Good Luck! Love this post...every post...LOVE YOU! Happy Monday! tee-hee

  19. Would love to see some of these yummy photos a layout...

  20. Voted. You deserve it! Good-luck! :)

  21. My twinsies have that same sweater Lola has! She's so dang precious.

  22. You are such an adorable little family! Such a sweet momma too :)

    I'm off to vote for you and thanks for the smiles. It's overcast and cold here today, so probably no swing for my little one :(

  23. i voted for you... your blog is a definite fave of mine!! Thanks for all of the inspiration you give!!

  24. So glad to have found you via the top 25 Moms on COM. Your photos from Paris are amazing...I am BEYOND jealous. Looks like a great trip! I look forward to following you.*Melanie*

  25. Great pics... love the angles. You got my vote! I was #540! Go YOU!!!

  26. what great photos! those girls couldn't get any more beautiful! I love how kids are fearless and love to go higher...thanks for sharing, I voted for your blog, it's my fave!

  27. Great every sweet pic!

  28. i love your blog so much! i just bought you book! you are so inspiring.

    XO katie

  29. Voted first thing, didn't want to forget in my old age.

    Vicki R

  30. Very sweet pictures! Those two little ladies are too darn cute!

    Homeowner Insurance

  31. sweet pics lizzy!!!
    we met us at the version scrap, if you have 1 minute look here
    have a nice day
    xoxo BA

  32. congrats on your nomination.. i'd just voted for you.. =)

  33. You are inspiring!! Just voted for you! Just wish I could look as cool as you after three kids hehe :)

  34. Congrats on being nominated! I'll vote for you. Love the outside pictures. Weather has been super cold and rainy in Chicago. I can't WAIT for nice weather to spend some time outside.

  35. How'd you take all these shots? Was someone taking the photos while you're on the swing? In the last photo, is the camera on the sidewalk? I love these photos! They really turned out well:)


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