Tuesday, April 5, 2011

where to begin...

It's early morning here at home but Lola and I have been up for a few hours. She was such a gem on our flight home, and on all 6 flights she's taken in her four month life. Collin said it was because he was praying the entire time. She did get a cough a couple days ago which is sounding much worse so we'll be heading over to the doctor today.
Before everyone wakes up I wanted to post some more pictures. I think I will break them up and share some quick ones of the city. Struggling to put our trip into words and I don't think it's the jet-lag but because Paris is marvelous and full of surprises.
Like take this bread for example, with in minutes of arriving in the city we strolled into a pastry shoppe with no clue what we were buying... then I find chocolate in the center?! I think that's right when I fell in love with Paris. ;)

Also fell in love after visiting the majestic buildings and seeing the architecture. Such amazing history in this city.
The rain didn't stop us from enjoying it and Lola was cozy in her stroller.

By the end of our trip we had mastered the metro. Our hotel was in a suburb near the event so we'd hop on a train and head into the city. Despite the fact that the metro is not stroller/wheelchair friendly and we'd carry the stroller up and down stairs this did help me work off my chocolate filled bread. I was surprised how often a young man would stop and help us though!
It was funny to see Collin trying to get people to crack a smile on the metro.
We laughed really hard taking these photos below but in all seriousness I love this boy. (thanks for everything!)
PS When I blog it goes to my mom's inbox so I just have to say a big thanks to her for watching Q & A... even though I thanked her a million times over yesterday. She's amazing!! Literally the first thing she said when we got home was, "when is the next trip?" Thanks to Camille who's always there for me and Kit too!

Thanks for the sweet comments and Happy Tuesday! It is Tuesday right?
And since I am apparently full of thanks today... thanks to whomever made this delicious raspberry jam Collin brought home with him.


  1. We found out how un-stroller friendly the Paris Metro was last year! We had two strollers and two girls so it was a pain but the city was so amazing I had forgotten how difficult it was to get around at times.

    Great photos by the way! I am so glad you were able to get away to such an amazing city!

  2. Sounds perfect!!
    Hope Lola feels better!

  3. So bad, I didn't meet you in the metro !!!
    True, it's difficult to see people smile here in the metro : so stressfull.

  4. WOW... want to go to Paris ..SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSSOSOSO BAD!!!! Please tempt me more with more pictures... sounds like you had a GREAT time!

  5. Oooo, I want some chocolate filled bread! Glad you got to have such an amazing adventure. Hope Lola feels better quickly.

  6. Paris looks beautiful, even grey skies can't dampen the beauty! Glad to hear it was wonderful & welcoming too.

  7. Amazing photos! Amazing Trip!! You have me dreaming of Paris!!!!
    I can't wait for more photos!!

  8. really like your photos =) love looking at them.. wondering how lovely it is to be in Paris.. thanks for sharing.. if you may, more pictures please... =)
    get well soon to your baby dear Lola..

  9. I love Paris... the metro is great once you figure it out. How fun!

  10. You look beautiful in Paris! :-) It is great to see Paris with your eyes! Hope to see more photos! I simply love this city even if I am not a fan of big cities! But Paris is so special... Hope Lola feels better soon! My little girl (she is 6 months old) had cough for last two weeks... Spring is always so dangerous for all these illnesses... Best wishes to your family!

  11. Great pictures! I especially like the ones of the Eiffel Tower in the previous post. Those should be used in some kind of promotional brochure! :) My newphew is studying abroad in Rome right now and about every 2 weeks or so he posts pictures on a family blog. You are right, the history and architicture over there is absolutely amazing.

  12. I could not stop eating the chocolate bread either!

  13. I just got back from a weeks visit in Paris too, just hubby and I went. We got back friday morning. I miss it already. I love that city. Photos on my blog.

  14. Oh, I love love love Paris!
    Want to go there, now! :-)

    I love your view of the city!

  15. Beautiful!! I love that I am blessed with a mom who is the same type as yours.. loves being with her grand babies, and wants to be with them!

  16. Love these photos! What action do you use in photoshop?

  17. So fun to see my city through your eyes, I feel like a tourist ahaha!
    Glad you had fun...
    And I agree, metros are not stroller friendly... it's something we should work on!

    It's funny, I saw your husband on Sat. at Version scrap but didn't dare to stop him and say "hello, I know you because I saw you on your lady's blog but you don't know me" -_-' sounds crazy just to write it!

    I'm happy you loved Paris, when I went to the USA, lots of people told me "Oh, you're from Paris! Parisians are so rude" ahem... maybe but not me (I think lol) and you don't seem to have noticed it ROFL!

  18. In the words of Tina Fey...
    "I want to go to there."

  19. Love the photo of you and your husband on the stairs. Who took that one? Passerby or tripod?

  20. I just came back from Paris! It is such a beautiful place. I went with my school and I have to say the Metro was an incredibly interesting experience. We were trying to fit probably around 53 people on the already crowded metro, wherever we went. I just love the architecture in Europe, everything is made to be beautiful as well as functional, it's all just so stunning. I know I would love to go back some day, it was such a fantastic experience!

  21. So Cool! Beautiful Pics! Can't wait to see more!

  22. I guess we all should plan a trip there! :)

  23. Chaucee said...
    Love these photos! What action do you use in photoshop?

    I used totally rad actions... there's a link to them in my sidebar. you should check them out. =>

  24. Natalie said...
    Love the photo of you and your husband on the stairs. Who took that one? Passerby or tripod?

    actually it's on the ground and we used a camera remote. :)

  25. i want that chocolate filled bread.. like RIGHT NOW! thanks Liz.. haahahahha...

  26. I too, fell in love with chocolate filled bread in Paris. Few things are more splendid than chocolate and bread in the same bite...

  27. My little Katty is 6 days younger than Lola. And your girl has already travelled that far!!! And you look so great!!! Hope your little girl will be ok!

  28. Satisfy with seeing that you returned well!!!
    I hope that Collin will fast get better!!!
    Soft thoughts


    A special publication, to see here:


  29. You & Collin look like you fit in Paris, I'm not surprised they thought you were locals!

  30. YUM! Bread with chocolate looks so good! ROFL at Collin's photo, he is a hoot!! hugs from conroe, tx!

  31. I loved Paris!! The best part for me was sitting in a little restaurant right on the Seine and people-watching. Our waiter was so amazingly patient with me as I butchered the menu...and would pat me on the head whenever I was close to pronouncing something correctly. I loved the architecture as well. The history was amazing. I'm so glad I've had an opportunity to visit there, and I'd gladly go back. Probably without my 2-year-old...noone in France needs to experience my American toddler temper tantrum. :)

  32. I had the same experience in Rome on the metro. Not stroller friendly but no one offered to help. My neice who was in the stroller and 18 months would stair people down until they looked at her and smiled. So cute!

  33. Absolutely gorgeous photos!! Thanks for sharing : )

  34. je suis heureuse que notre belle capitale t'es autant plus !
    c'est vrai qu'elle a su garder son charme...

  35. Oh my heck. I don't think it's possible for me to be more jealous of you right now. Paris! Seriously? Ahh not fair.
    I loove your daughters name. Lola, that is the seriously the cutest name ever. I am remembering that one for when I have kids of my own. (If you don't mind of course. :)


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