Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Big Three Oh! (hijacked by Collin)

Before we delve into the celebratory festivities, here's an actual conversation we had early this morning:


(Baby starts crying. Cue baby)

Lola: "WAAAAHHH...WAH!! WAAAAH!! Will someone give me some friggin' milk for cryin' out loud and wipe the poop off my toosh?!!" (she's already conversing well at just 5 months)

(I abruptly end my dream of riding Falcor from the Neverending Story RIGHT when the bullies are about to jump in the dumpster, drag myself out of bed and pick said crying baby up. I lay Lola down next to Liz, walk around the other side, stub my toe on the portable stair stepper that wasn't put away, and flop back on the bed.)

(baby stops crying, 45 seconds goes by)

Liz (whispering): "Collin....Coll....Collin?"

Me: "What?"

Liz: "Can you die from a rattlesnake bite?"

Me: "Uh...yeah, if you don't get to a hospital in a couple days."

Liz: "Oh...okay."

Me: "Wha??"

Liz: "ZZZZZzzzzzz......"

It's MAY 4th people!! Liz is 30!!

Adios twenties. (cue Toni Braxton's "Unbreak My Heart") It's been a fun and very busy 2 decades for Liz. Let's recap, shall we?

1981: Born. Learned her first awesome trick, "I can hold your finger while I poop! YAY"
1982: Started walking. Sort of.
1983: Found her eyes, ears, mouth and nose.
1984: "You are super duper pooper! You can potty with the best!" ($5 for whoever knows what song that's from)
1985: Preschool: ABC's and eating delicious glue on a popsicle stick. (I actually got an invitation from my preschool teacher inviting me to my 25th Preschool Renunion. There's no way I'm going though, I've put on like...160 pounds since then
1986: Kindergarten
(skip along to the juicy stuff)
1993: Jr. High. Cut bangs. LOL'ed with BFF's all day. Way cute Keds. Decided to do something about rampant Tooth Fairy robberies and got braces (Anti-theft devices) Slow danced to "Lady in Red" with an 8th grader wearing Girbaud jeans and a striped Guess T-Shirt.
1996: Freshman year of H.S. Walks in on first day, sees pimple faced sophomore boy with heinous clear braces (that was me).
1996: Dad dies unexpectedly from diabetes complications. Leaves 5 kids under 15 and a wife. The Lord steps in and takes the wheel.
1997: Pimple faced sophomore boy is now cleared up faced Junior (thanks Neutrogena!) Boy gets the guts to ask Liz out to Homecoming dance. Buys a gallon of ice-cream and a shovel, sticks shovel in ice-cream with a note "I'd DIG it if you came to Homecoming with me!" and doorbell ditches Liz's house. (asking to date dances is a Utah thing)
-Liz says yes
1999: High school graduation. Senior trip to California with 7 other friends including the now extremely good-looking college freshman boy.
1999: Boy leaves to Taiwan for 2 years to serve as a church missionary, writes Liz every week (except last month). Tells her she should date whoever she wants while he's gone.
1999 and 2 days later: Boy kicks himself for telling her to date whoever she wants while he's gone.
2001: Boy comes home from Taiwan. Has to scare off current boyfriend.
2001 and 48 hours later: Boy scares off current boyfriend. Liz and boy go see Shrek 1 in the theaters then go to the Bridal Veil waterfalls at dark. Liz is wearing a white shirt with white capris (she'll kill me for this, she SWEARS it wasn't white-on-white but some light blue shirt....whatever. I know what I saw :) Boy and girl sit on park bench. Boy asks girl "Can I kiss you?" Girl says "Uh...yeah?"
2002: Boy and girl get married. (release flock of white doves)
2002: Boy and Girl buy a 750 sqft. condo in Orem, UT. Great neighborhood. Boy's car stereo gets stolen twice, and tires get stolen once.
2002-2005: working, going to school. Boy thinks he wants to be a dentist. Girl thinks she wants to work at juvenile correctional facility.
2005: Boy fails miserably at becoming a dentist. Girl pursues hobbies that don't want to stab her.
2006: Baby #1 is born. Avery shakes up the very threads of our lives (in a very good way)
2006: Sell condo and move to new home.
2006: Liz wins "Scrapbooker of the Year" and throws us into a new whirlwind of crafting craziness.
2008: Baby #2 is born: We can do this...
2010: Baby #3 is born: What were we thinking....?

It's been a great 29 years for this girl. She's finally grown into that huge teethy smile of hers, and grown into an incredibly beautiful wife and mother. Sometimes I pinch myself (then I pinch her butt because I LOVE pinching) that I'm married to her. It's not all Oreo's and milk all the time, life throws everything it can at you, but we hold together and make it through (and then make-out to some Boyz II Men).

Happy 30th Birthday to my widdle-chin, my wild stallion, my Lizzy Bear.

Guess who has "Unbreak My Heart" stuck in their head all day now? YOU do.

Past Birthday must-read posts about Liz: 2009 2008


  1. lol - Happy Birthday, Lizzy!!!

  2. Happy Happy Birthday to a truley inspiring woman!
    Thank you to Collin for all the laughs this morning.

  3. Happy birthday Liz!!! I hope 30 turns out to be the best year ever!!!! And Collin...this post had me cracking up. HI-Larious!

  4. Lol! I love your breakdown of milestones! However, I just decorated my husbands office with colorful paper chains & hanging hearts... He has to figure out that the words on the hearts say... Asking him to go to a grown-up PROM. Its a idaho-Utah thing Collin!!
    Happy birthday Liz & best wishes for this years adventures!

  5. Happy Birthday Liz! Thank you Collin for this post! After reading I didn't have "Unbreak My Heart" in my head, I have "You are super duper pooper..." a friend had the bear and video. LOL

  6. No, it's not the "Unbreak My Heart" stuck in my head, it's the fact that you make out to Boyz II Men. Really? Do they even sell those tapes anymore?!

    Just kidding - happy 30th birthday!

  7. Happiest of birthdays to you! You are one lucky girl to be loved the way Collin loves you! What a great post to start the day! Enjoy!

  8. This is such a sweet post, Collin! Happy Birthday, Liz! Continue to "Live your Best Life Now!"

  9. Happy Birthday to an inspiring YOUNG LADY!
    Thanks for the great laughs Collin. I looked up that song and it is too hilarious. I will sing it to my kids when they go potty.HAHA Oh and I have a BoyIIMen cd that I love and still listen too!

  10. Nice one Collin, but just thought you should know that we do the cheesy ask you out to a dance thing here in Alaska too. Just last month a kid asked my lil sis to Prom by having her meet random people all over town giving her tips on how to save (her date) Julius from being taken hostage. Cue in the monopoly money they put on her car, which got blown away with the strong winds. She finally arrived at his house to find him in his underwear taped to a chair with a fake gun to his head with people yelling "Where's the money!", she didnt realize she was suppose to have fake money & it turned out a little crazy, ending with her going to her car (to get said money) and laughing till they gave up. Still better than baking a cake and parading in from the girls' house on a your best friend's bike, right? Or having the Alaska State Troopers pull you over to sing a little jingle... story for another day.

    Happy Birthday LIZ!!!

  11. Happy Happy Bday, Liz!! thanks for the recap, Collin! :)

  12. bon anniversaire! Lizzy!! can I just say I am so happy you are on the earth! you make my day everytime I open my computer!!and thank you Collin for the good laugh!!

  13. hahahahahahhaha! you two are the best! happy birthday again my idol... love from singapore/philippines

  14. I ♥ it when Collin hijacks your blog. Happy 30th birthday!!

  15. thanks sophie! that made me all teary..

  16. happy birthday!!!! hope you have a fantastic day :)
    Collin love what you wrote :)

  17. LOL, seriously too funny. I am totally stealing this idea. My husband turns 30 at the end of the month and could use the laughs.

    Happy Birthday, Lizzy!

  18. Happy Birthday Lizzy!

    Best post i've seen yet =)
    Love that he put a memory for every year.


  19. LOL- Awesome!
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Liz!! I hope you have a wonderful day!

  20. loved reading that... very funny! Happy Birthday!! :)

  21. OMG!! I love it!! Happy Birthday Liz! This is the reason I come to this blog every single day!! Not only are you extremely creative, but you keep me sooo entertained! I smile and laugh every time!! Hope you have an amzing day, that way when Collin hijacks again in 30 years he will have something awesome to say for today!!

  22. Happy Birthday Liz! May your day be filled with magic & fabulousness!!

  23. Happy birthday, Dear Lizzy! You have become dear to me in this blog land! And well done to Collin! He's made me laugh out loud after a long day at work.
    Enjoy today with all your loved ones,

    Best wishes from Cyprus (when are you coming out here?)

    Mariana xx

  24. happy birthday, gorgeous girl!

  25. I'm sitting at my desk here at working LMAO! Mostly cause I'm in your age range and the Girbauds and Guess jeans, boyz II men, and all the bring back some AWESOME memories. Where does the time go??
    Happy Birthday Lizzy!! Here's to the next 30 years...

  26. Happy Birthday Lizzy! 30 looks beautiful on you.

    BTW... still have a crush on Collin.

  27. Oh goodness Collin! This is awesome dude! I have got to meet your crazy a$$ one of these days.

    Happy Birthday to your sweet girl. Love her to pieces and can't wait to see her this summer at CHA!

  28. Ah're simply the best.

    Have a wonderful birthday Liz!

  29. Happy Birthday Liz!
    What a great post - you've got a keeper there!

  30. sweet and hilarious! :) Happy birthday, Lizzy!

  31. Happy Birthday Liz! Love your blog...and your hubby's sense of humor. There is no better way to ride this rollers coaster of life than riding it with a funny husband. 30 is just a number, I am almost a few years older than you but don't feel a day olders than...lets say 25, and the fact that I have a 9 and a 6 year old it just crazy. Fun Crazy! Best wishes to you Liz.

  32. LOL! You crake me up!!!!

    Happy Birthday Lizzy! I love your blog!!!!!!


  33. Happy Birthday Liz!
    Love the "Hijacked by Collin"

  34. Lacy saw this and told me their were some references made so I had to check it out. Collin, to your credit I think it took way less than 48 hours!

    Happy Birthday!

  35. Ok Collin, I am crying and totally amazed that you remembered all those details, guess that is what happens when you love someone so completely as you do Liz...How lucky is she? VERY I would say, Happy Birthday Liz!! You deserve the amazing husband and life that you have, hope it's a fabulous day for you!

  36. What a beautiful post and dedication to your wife! You guys have a great family and by the sounds of it, a great marriage! You can't go wrong when you are married to your Best friend!

  37. Wishing you the most wonderful of birthdays!!

  38. Well done Collin ----- loved it! You are a lucky little family.

  39. Happy Birthday Liz! Hope you have a wonderful day. Collin you are so funny and a great hubby for posting this.

  40. Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  41. Love the Birthday wishes from Collin! Happy Birthday Liz, 30's are amazing:)

  42. Happy birthday!!! May is a wonderful month! I'll have a sweet 2 year old tomorrow May 5th so I'll send a thought to you while eating pink cupcakes at her party :)

  43. Happy Birthday, Dear Lizzy! Hope this is your best Birthday ever!

    I've never even met you and I feel so giddy and elated to have you in my life (on my computer)! Can You imagine how much Love and Giddy-ness your Family feels for You Everyday!? Thank You for just being You...I Love You!

    Collin, HILARIOUS and You are a Sweetheart of a husband! (I missed your hijackings!)

  44. Happy Birthday Liz!!! And Collin I know the Super Duper Pooper song - have you heard the" Wipe wipe wipe yourself always front to back" set to the tune of Row Row Your Boat? That one's a classic

  45. LOL! Great post!


  46. aweeee.. so sweet!! happy birthday liz!

  47. You have a great husband! I enjoyed reading this so much and I hope that you have a wonderful birthday! At age 30, I would say that you are just incredibly blessed!

  48. Happy, happy Birthday... and many more!

  49. love this... thanks for all the laughs!! Happy Birthday! Hope you're having a great day!!

  50. happy happy birthay sweets! see you tonight! xo

  51. Happy Birthday Liz. May you have a blessed year ahead of you. (((hugs)))

  52. happy birthday liz!! What great accomplishments you have had thus far! Best wishes for the future!! (I turn 30 next year...any pointers...I'm already freaking out!)

  53. I seriously wish my husband would hijack my blog!! It's hilarious when Collin hijacks! Happy Birthday Lizzy!! It only gets better, I would know, I'm almost 31....;)

  54. Happy, happy Birthday Liz. Hope you have a good day!

  55. Happy Birthday mam! love this post. ur husband rocks. hope the birthday is perfect. and, you definately do not look 30!

  56. Welcome to the wonderful thirties, Liz! Have a very happy and wonderful birthday!

    Seriously, Collin, your posts need to come with a warning label not to be consuming liquids while reading due to risk of spitting them onto the computer or choking.

  57. Happy birthday Liz, I love your blog and I loved what Collin wrote until I realised that I was starting secondary school the year you were born, oh help!!!. I hope you have a great day and I'm really looking forward to starting your mini book class soon.

  58. Very very very happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  59. Happy Birthday to a lucky lady whose husband clearly adores her and is funny!

  60. Really? Who's husband is as hilarious, sweet and loving! I hope you guys make-out tonight and rock-out to Boys II Men! You deserve it. Happy birthday Liz!

  61. Happy Birthday Liz! Your husband is a keeper and a Lucky guy! lol So funny this post was. I especially loved the part that "got a pre-school invite" whahaha...Kepp laughing and being silly together! Grace xoox

  62. Happy Birthday, Liz! Love your blog!

    Great job, Collin!

  63. This post was so entertaining and so heart-warming. :)

    Happy birthday, Liz! Hope your day is wonderful and filled with all the best!

  64. Hau' oli lā hānau and May the 4th be with you! Aloha!

  65. Blessed birthday Liz. Wishing you good health and happiness always.

    Thanks Collin for a lovely post! :)

  66. Happy birthday to you sweet friend... and yes, Collin, pinch yourself everyday for being so lucky!

  67. Hope you have a wonderful birthday Liz!! You sure have a great hubby & such a beautiful family! Enjoy your special day; may all your wishes come true! :)


    P.S.-Such a beautiful picture of you!! :)

  68. HAPPY 3-0 LIZ! You're amazing and Collin just rocks!!! Best wishes!!!

  69. unbreak my heaaaaaaaaart........... thanks!
    and happy birthday!!

  70. Happy Birthday Lizzy.. hope you have more adventures in your 30's.
    Colin is one cRaZy DUDE!!! but I just love his bantering.. I really think he needs to write a book so I can buy it, sit on the pooper and read..hehe.. sorry but there were alot of pooper comments..had to throw one in. Well enjoy your special day.xx

  71. The song comes from teh Duke University potty training video....I know, because we used it on my daughter. And, then we threw her a Potty Party! Happy Birthday to Lizzy! May 30 be the best yet!

  72. Umm... I think you need to become a comedian-- because that was AWE.SOME. Made me laugh out loud... literally! Happy Birthday Liz!!

  73. Happy Birthday Lizzy. Wonderful and cute post Collin.

  74. Happy Birthday Liz and what a great post Collin (just as usual)! I wish you all the best. God bless you and this beautiful family of yours.


    Ana (from Brazil)

  75. Oh, this is hilarious and good. I'm now following on Bloglovin. That's how good it was.

  76. Happy Birthday to you....and many more!!! :)

  77. Ahahahaha! LOVE the birthday post and recap of her life! LOL. Man, you're one awesome husband to even remember or do something this sweet for your wife's 30th. I hope to God my husband does something nice for my 30th next month.
    Happy 30th birthday!! 1981 people ROCKS! =P

  78. Happy Birthday Ms Lizzy!! Since I am older, I will tell you straight up that the 30's are the most magnificent and perfect years. Every day is wonderful but your 30s are sheer joy. You will love them - promise. As for the potty time video I too brought up two little girls on all those great songs. The only thing that I could never figure out was the "wee little man" sneaking peeks in the kids' bathrooms?? - Oh well - no harm I guess. It got the job done and my girls now 12 and 9 are extremelly well (potty) trained!! I love, love, love your playlist so here's a birthday song tip for you: Check out the group Pomplamoose on You tube. They are GREAT and you will love her/him/them. "If you think you need some lovin (that's fine)" Happy Birthday!

  79. That was toooo adorable!!! Happy Birthday!!

  80. Happy Birthday Liz! I hope it was a good one. Trust me being in your thirties is where it's at!!

  81. Happy Birthday Lizzy! And thanks Collin for indeed getting "Unbreak my heart" stuck in my head!

  82. Happy birthday Lizzy!!!!! Have a great day!!!

  83. Happy Birthday, Lizzy! Hope you had a super one!

  84. Happy Birthday Liz! I loved the post by Colin...seriously too funny!

    Ps. I'm the girl who said hi in Down East in Orem... I actually felt really dumb for stopping you and saying hi after and came to your blog today to leave you a little note and low and behold I saw it's your birthday. Anyway, I never feel like I express myself very well these days (something about having two little ones I guess) but I hope you took away from our meeting that I think you're amazing. You're obviously incredibly talented in more ways than one and I love that you intersperse your personal stories about your children and your life as a mother in your blog. I love seeing fun new ideas you post as well as reading funny posts you (or Colin) write about life with little ones!

    By the way I had to chuckle when I saw your fabric dolls post as I found the fabric at the Fabric Mill in Orem and it took me back to being a little girl so I had to buy them and make them for my little girl, who just turned one last month. It just warms my heart seeing her play with them!

    Well I've written far more than I intended so I'm going to sign off.

    I hope you have a wonderful birthday and keep up the good work!

  85. Happy Birthday!! Love reading! Great Post!!

  86. Happy Birthday! <3 the hijack!

  87. haha! Happy Birthday Liz! I just told my husband how your husband "hijacks" your blog with sweetness... it made my husband look nervous. Way to set the bar, Collin!

  88. Happy Birthday Lizzy! I hope you have a blessed day!

  89. Happy Birthday Dear Lizzie. Amazing man who can remember all those details!

    --Marilyn, Northern VA

  90. A.) Sweetest post ever!
    B.) Now "Unbreak My Heart" is totally stuck in my head now. Not cool, Collin. Not cool.
    C.) Happy, happy birthday!! I hope your day has been the best! May girls are the best (my b-day is just around the corner!)


  91. Super Sweet! The thirties are the best! Happy Day!:)

  92. Happy Birthday Liz!!!! Hope this is the best year yet!

    Great post Colin, you nut bar! MAde me giggle. I like that!

  93. Happy Birthday Lizzy!! I just turned 30 myself and I have a feeling this will be the best decade yet!

    Colin...thanks for the laughs on this night shift!

  94. Hehe lol..happy birthday! What an amazing life so far! :)

  95. LOL!! This was so sweet and I loved all the little details, down to your Keds :) I can't wait to find someone as awesome as Collin. Happy Birthday again Lizzy!!!

  96. Hi there... Happy Birthday and enjoy this new decade.

  97. hope you had a fantstic birthday!!

  98. Happy happy Birthday!! 30 is awesome!!!


  99. H*A*P*P*Y B*I*R*T*H*D*A*Y...
    enjoy your 30's lizzy...

  100. Happy birthday Liz!!!

    Colin, you are awesome, funny and witty! Love it when you hijack

  101. Go Collin!

    And Happy Birthday, Elisabeth!

  102. great story telling Collin.
    And a fantastic b'day Liz! Hope you had a great day and celebrated well.
    Take care

  103. Hope you had a good one Liz! The post is hilarious!!

  104. Happy Happy Happy Birthday your blog...your kiddo's are adorable. AND now I feel like I know you even more:) Have a wonderful Day!!!!!

  105. happy Birthday Liz!!! you share your birthday with two other special women in my life!!!
    i hope you have a fantastic day!!

  106. Happy Birthday Liz! :)
    Collin you are the funniest and you owe me $5. My BFF bought my 3 year old [then 2] A VHS of It's Potty Time amd we sang that song a million times. Let me know if you need it so you too can sing along LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

  107. Happy Birthday Liz! I wish you all the best! I love your works and I enjoy every day your blog :) You're a fantastic mother and artist!

  108. Happy Birthday Liz! wishing you all the best! =)
    what a nice entry from your dear hubby... =)

  109. This is one of the sweetest tales I've ever read! Nothing beats a true love story ;)

    Happy birthday Liz!

  110. Wow, what an awesome post by Collin; so sweet and so funny. Hope you have a very happy birthday surrounded by those you love :)

  111. Oh sorry, I just realized it was yesterday...make that I hope you "had"...and continue to have a wonderful birthday all year long ;)

  112. Happy Birthday! I wish you continued good health and happiness!

  113. Happy Birthday Liz! Hope you had a wonderful day! Collin, you made me laugh with your recap. Thanks for always keeping me smiling.

  114. Happy Day to you, Liz...

    and Collin....

    you ROCK!!!

  115. That was awesome Collin. Happy 30th birthday Liz!

  116. Happy 30th Birthday Liz! You are one lucky lady being married to that man of yours. You guys must crack up every day. Have a great one!

  117. happy birthday sweet Liz!

  118. Happy 30, Lizzy! Welcome to the club!
    We heart all your ingenious and gorgeous creations!!!!! Keep the inspiration coming!!! Here's to many more years! Cheers!


  119. Happy Birthday Liz! I hope you have a great day today! :)

    Collin - What a great way to share Liz's last 30 years with us! Too funny! :)

  120. This was an insanely good post! new follower :) Happy Birthday! You look so good for 30!

  121. that was just too sweet! Happy Birthday Liz!! That's cool that you two were HS sweethearts :) Oh and that convo @ 3am sounds like some my hubby & I have had LOL

  122. happy birthday liz! i bet it was lovely and nonstop laughing with your husband!

  123. Best.Birthday.Post.Ever.

    Happy birthday, Liz! And an early happy Mother's Day, as well. You are beautiful and your spirit shines through these pictures :)

  124. Hey Collin,
    the super pooper song is from potty time singing bear:)
    Yays, five dollars for meh!!

  125. Wishing a very Happy Birthday Lizzy! I hope is one filled with awesome memories and I wish many more!

    Colin you are too funny! Thanks for the giggle and the song stuck in my head!

  126. Love this post!! Happy birthday to you!!!


    You guys are so lucky to have each complete each other so well.

    P.S. I responded to your email let me know if you didn't get it. ;)


  128. Happy Birthday to an amazing girl!!! Enjoy your birthday week! :)

  129. Wow I don't even know you but I was laughing so much at your husbands descriptions of each year! Hope you have a great day! I love your blog!

  130. also, forgot to say... love the hair!

  131. Happy Birthday Lizzy!!! So nice post, please Collin, have your own blog, you are great.

  132. I so love it when Colin Hijacks - totally cracks me up!
    P.S - Happy B'day from Oz.

  133. Wow Collin, you are a sweetie !!

    And Liz, Happy B day to you!!
    From the Netherlands !

  134. That is one of the sweetest things I had read in awhile! What an amazing husband you have.

  135. This is such a sweet sweet tribute! Collin gets like a million brownie points here and for the afterlife!

  136. Your husband is too funny and too sweet for doing this :) Happy Birthday (late)!! I hope 30 treats you well. You dont look a day past 21 :)

  137. Oh my goodness, such an adorable post! I just loved reading this:-) Thank you for the fun and insightful post Collin, and lastly....

    Happy Birthday LIZ!!! Hugs to you..

  138. awwh! this made my heart smile :) happy birthday lizzy! much love ❤❤❤ xoxo

  139. Happy Birthday, Liz!

    And I totally had to laugh out loud... Seriously, I was JUST singing "You're a Super-Dooper Pooper! You can potty with the best! No more diapers to get in your way! Mom is so impressed!" to my husband a few days ago. LOL. (We're about to become parents for the first time, and I told him he has to learn it. He's very silly, so he got VERY excited! LOL.)

    I learned it from the It's Potty Time! video... while my cousin (now 21) was being potty-trained. Tee hee. Good times. :-)

    Do I get $5? :-D

  140. p.s. Okay, I just read the rest of the post now.

    Hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing at the "Preschool Reunion" jokes. Oh my.

    Also... SO crazy... hubby and I were born in 1981 (both on July 30th, actually... and it's our baby's due date!), we met in 1996, graduated in 1999. We also didn't see each other for nearly 2 years. Started dating and *then* got married in 2002. But this is our first baby. :-) Craziness.

    You guys are too much fun.

  141. HAHA! AWESOME POST :) BTW- I know where that songs from..not who it's by..but on a potty training video I've seen "over and over!" right? Anyways, happy birthday!!

  142. Collin cracks me up.
    how cute though..seriously!

  143. Collin & Liz, as Liz celebrates her birthday, I celebrate my "Just Us" anniversary. The very first post on Elizabeth's blog I ever read was the 2008 birthday tribute by Collin & I've been hooked ever since. You both inspire & motivate me - I think you are AWESOME, with a lovely family & kind, wonderful spirits. Love how you share your lives with us on the 'net. All the best to both of you & happiest birthday EVER, Liz (just a few days late...)

  144. Collin, now that Oprah has retired will you do some sort of Husband classes? Seriously, you'd make a killing and make a lot of women around the world very, very happy!

    Happy Birthday Liz! Cheers to an amazing year! (turn 40 in two weeks eeeeeeekkkkkk)


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