Thursday, May 19, 2011

I can play favorites, right?

This is one of my favorite days of the year.
I had gotten home from a meeting at American Crafts and I went exploring outside with Q&A. Since I was not up to lugging my huge camera along for the fun I opted for the easily accessible iphone. I will never regret this decision, because instead of coming home empty-handed... except for the guilt I would have filled my pockets with for being a bad mother and not taking photos (why do I do that?)... I came home with these gems!
The top right one I absolutely am obsessed with because this spring she's had a circle of yellow all around her nose from smelling those darn dandelions any chance she can get. (And if I'm not mistaken I don't think those flowers have that great of a smell anyways. ;)
My other favorite is the one of Quincey showing off her double band-aided elbows from running too fast. She gets so excited and eager to go somewhere and her poor klutzy feet can't keep up with her curious mind. Like I said in my last post... another way that we are very much alike.
(The bottom left picture is from Mother's day!)
Tell me one of your favorite moments this spring?


  1. My favorite moments this spring have been around our outdoor dinner table. We have made use of it every chance we can get with friends and family and feasts!

  2. sitting at the ballfield on a perfectly sunny day. <3 that my boys love baseball!!

    (and we'll just ignore the windyrainycoldgames and think about the sunny ones)

  3. Sitting in my back garden looking at my gorgeous new house. Every time I look at it I smile.

  4. Having a barbeque with family or friends is what I love!

    Wow...these pics are amazing!!! Seems like i need an Iphone ;-).

    I just got one of your alphas and a paper of yours: I'm very happy with it and it wasn't the last time getting your stuff :-)

    I also have a blog but it's in german unfortunately.


  5. Sitting on my bed with my sweet baby boy, snuggled in the warm clothes straight from the dryer, and watching the rain pouring down. His eyes were so wide open, even though it's been raining for three days straight!!!

  6. Since my baby boys are grown & gone, I spend a 4 day weekend every spring with my high school seniors in Florida.
    I always have 40+ teenagers that I take to Busch Gardens, DisneyQuest, Magic Kingdom and Aquatica Water Park.
    I love the looks on the faces of those who have never flown before, never seen a palm tree or have never been out the state of Michigan!
    Yep - one of my absolute favorite memories every spring!

  7. One of my favorites moments this spring is the last barbacue party in my sister's home, all was friends, sun, family, fun and yumm!

    Your girls are more cute every day!


    PD: I've done my first corsage flower this night, this slpendid classes are so cool!

  8. My favorite moment occurred a couple of weeks ago. While driving home from work one afternoon, I suddenly realized that the canopy of trees had turned green overnight! All of the spring green has made the days and days of rain a little more bearable!

  9. Love my's mama's BEST friend!
    Cute photos :)

  10. I am curious, just a few posts ago you had photos of snow. Now you are in t shirts. Is your weather so extreme in such a short time? I live in Perth Western Australia and we have LONG HOT Summers and mild winters. Not much in between.

  11. oh the return of the birds and watching them turning bright colours; the return of the flowers and grass and bugs..yes the bugs..
    all is required to make a wonderful world

  12. Such pretty photos! Our spring was last year (as we are in Autumn here now) but I loved going to the nature reserve with my two kids and watching them float their paper boats down the stream!)

  13. my son plays BASEBALL so my favorite memories are at the ball field! We're headed there again this weekend--no place I'd rather be.

  14. My favorite moments of this spring have been the few sunny days we've had sprinkled in this especially rainy time. My little ones have run outside {sometimes half clothed!} to play in the grass, turn on the hose, and soak up the warmth. It leaves me grateful that summer is on the way!

  15. Love love love the way you arranged these photos... please share! Your girls are so adorable... thanks for sharing

  16. My favorite spring moment... Sharing with my co-worker/friend all the "Hijacked by Collin" posts over the years and laughing HYSTERICAL in her cubicle. He's like a sensitive, loving info-mercial. Well.. that was up there on the list. My #1 spring moment might be cheering like a mad woman when my daughter hit a double in softball and seeing the shit-eating grin on her face as she stood on 2nd base whilst I got all teary.

  17. With nicer weather the kids are able to explore in the backyard. Well the snails are out in full steam and the kids like to put them in their buckets as if they were they're pets. My smallest who just turned 2 now calls every snail "Holly" since that's what the kids named their first "pet snail". So my favorite thing this spring has been all the times my baby shoves a snail in my face and says, "Holly!"

  18. What beautiful pictures! Looks like y'all are enjoying spring! My favorite days this spring have been spent at the beach. Spring beach days are the best b/c it isn't crowded yet (since school is still in) and it isn't too hot yet! I love spring!

  19. I LOVE playing outdoors with my kids!

    On another note, will you vote for my blog? It only takes a second. Thanks, Traci

  20. my favorite from this spring was making the drive from college to my hometown. for me that drive always reminds me finals really are over and summer really has started!!

  21. Great post. you two look good together. Your baby is so adorable.

  22. Hi Lizzie, I love your blog, its beautiful! I loved your party pictures everything was awesome. Do you think that you will be posting the recipe for the cake Jars any time soon, I would love to make these for my daughter's shower

    thanks so much,

  23. this are so wonderful pictures! i lvoe all the expressions..

  24. A big highlight of mine is planting flowers and herbs in my pots with my daughter. We are anxiously awaiting our crop of hot peppers and are already enjoying fresh herbs in our meals :)

  25. I find it very great and interesting. I was happy to see those photos, I can feel the happiness on your smile.


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