Sunday, May 22, 2011

right now

Right now:
1 We are sitting on this big, comfy, glider chair listening to the thunder and rain.
We purchased this chair for one reason. Clearly, that reason was not for its beauty... but more comfort AND most importantly so I could hold more than 1 girl at once. It was nice when I had Quincey because I could hold both girls & then when we added Lola to the mix we'd all four be on this chair reading books and falling asleep at bedtime. Avery would sit on the arm. It was nice especially if you have kids close in age.
2 Getting ready for this girls birthday.
3 Planning our trip somewhere with lots of sunshine and no computers and cellphones. Yes!
4 Enjoying teaching my classes at Something Splendid.
5 Working on products for the next Dear Lizzy line.
6 Dreaming of the above number three.
7 Dreading making a dentist appointment for my toothache. Why do I have the worst teeth?
8 Dying to chop off my hair. It's time.
9 Thrilled that despite my brown thumb, our garden is sprouting corn and the raspberries are a foot high.
10 Laughing at Quincey asking me over & over & over if she can put on her new "swimming soup" from Lime Ricki.


  1. glad your garden is growing, we planted herbs and they are all dead...your hair is fab, but I am sure it will be just as fab shorter! good luck with the tooth, I have a cracked crown that needs attention, and I keep dragging it out too, teeth are a pain in the tush...

  2. My Daughter also call's It a Swimming soup and a cuddle is a huggle hope the tooth gets better soon xx

  3. Can't imagine you chopping off that glorious beautiful hair! But change is good too!

  4. Your hair is beautiful, but cannot wait to see the new cut!

  5. Your "right now" list sounds great!! Turning 5 is such a milestone!! Have a great time on your trip!! I think I need a chair like that one...if only my kids would sit and listen to me read. Maybe they would if I had a comfy chair like that :)

  6. #10 made me laugh cause my 2 year old calls it a swimming soupie:)

  7. Your long tresses are so beautiful, and your hair always looks so perfect in all your photos ... I am sure that you will continue to look gorgeous with shorter hair too ... looking forward to seeing your new Dear Lizzy line.
    Cheers, Pip

  8. Just cut my hair too, and though I've never had a short haircut that I love, I love love love my new short do! It will be so nice to have less thick hair to deal with during the hot Utah summers.
    PS, I'm so looking forward to putting on my Lime Ricki "swimming soup" too, just not looking forward to people SEEING me in said "soup"

  9. love how the "target~liberty of london" quilt turned out!

    p.s. you have beautiful smile & beautiful teeth...white and bright!

  10. 1: LOVE the thunder and rain!!
    2: Yay for birthdays!!!
    3: Lots of sunshine?? You must be coming to visit me in southern AZ ;]
    4: Im in love with your Something Splendid community!
    5: Cant wait to see what you come up with next!
    6: Amen!
    7: I dislike dentists. I try to avoid them! I hope it goes ok for you.
    8: You have beaudtiful hair but I totally get what you mean. Summer 2007 I chopped of 14 inches and donated it to Lock os Love. Ive kept it fairly short ever since but am in the process of growing it out again. Thats the beauty of always grows back =]
    9: WOW! Ive been telling husband that I want to plant a garden! youve inspired me!
    10: Swimming Soup =]

    I love it when people blog in list form so i can comment on all of the things on the list! Haha I'm a huge dork ;]

  11. You might be interested in the free .pdf "Rainbows" download being offered at this site. It would look nice hanging on your wall behind the chair.

    --Marilyn, Northern VA

  12. yes daughter - sound.I so pleased that beside me too there is daughter

  13. You and your little family are so beautiful, creative and fun. Thanks for sharing! Any chance you will have the emily jar cake recipe up soon? My twins turn 21 in a few weeks and i would love to make those. Thanks so much.

  14. The chair looks so comfy!! Don't like the dentist much here either, in high school while at an appt. to have my braces checked, I bit the orthodontist(on purpose)! Anyway, Raspberries? I never thought to add those to our garden, love those!!
    Love your hair!! But I understand my hair is the longest it has ever been and it is so hot here in NC right now and it has got me thinking about cutting mine too!! If you get a new cut, please share!!

  15. hi! I'm sure you've been asked this many times but can you tell me what paint color that is on your wall in the cute photo of your sweet daughter above? Thank you & enjoy your blog and Dear Lizzie line. :o)

  16. If you cut your hair I'll cut mine, mmmkay?? :)

    The quilt on your chair is awesome, and i am jealous of your computer-free, phone-free vacation!


  17. thanks for the lime Ricky link!
    We've been searching and searching for modest swimwear for my daughters and it has been horrible. so, thanks! I think they'll love them.

  18. You know what Lizzy... you are so great you fill my heart with love and fill my mind with happiness!! you are an inspiration to everyone and I think its great how you are a member of church like I am, just seeing that I am not the only member is great! I am only 13 but this is the best blog ever ( apart from my sisters: my handcraftedhome) I love your posts and your beautiful children and you have changed my life around about kids and how when I am older I want to have kids!!! Thankyou so much for your inspirational posts!

  19. I have that same chair that I bought when I had my first daughter five years ago. Now I have three beautiful daughters (too) and we still love to snuggle in that big old chair. I love your blog. I read it often but don't always have a hand free to write a comment.;) I guess I feel a little connected to you because of a couple similarities, my father past away a few years ago and we both have 3 girls. Anyways, you seem like such a wonderful and sweet person. Thanks for sharing your lovely world with all of us. I have a private blog but if you would want to see it just email me at suzannejhart(at)mac(dot)com. Thanks!

  20. Where did you buy the chair...looking for a big glider for my nursery.


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