"No Fwoggie... no fwoggie" (inside joke!) hehe.
This page is more proof of how much Avery loves her rainboots. How can you blame her-who wouldn't love two smiling froggies looking up at you all day?! :)
Last night I was skimming through a book I read for college titled Authentic Happiness. I love the chapter about parenting because it's where I first read about 'Bedtime Nuggets.' We started implementing it into her schedule before naptime and bedtime. It's where we talk about things that happened during the day that make her happy. It's so important to teach positive thinking. :) Now if I could just find a good book about potty training! Any suggestions? :)
Pages as seen in my Dear Lizzy for the October issue of CK.
Liz - I really enjoy reading your blog, your family is so cute. Two questions on your pages in this blog what are the protectors you used on the small photos? And your pumpkin cookies sound so good, do you make the cake batter with ingredients on box and what size can of pumpkin?
Hi Brandi,
The photo sleeves are from www.2charm.com I put a link under my blog post where it says Photo book. To make the cookies you use that big can of pumpkin (29oz) and then add the spice cake mix but don't add the eggs or oil or water. Just the mix then add a whole bag of chocolate chips. SO easy and delicious!
I cook them at 350 for about 15 or so minutes. It depends on how big or small you make them. I use an ice cream scooper (fill it about 3/4 full) that has that button and that metal thingy to kinda unstick the cookie dough. :)
Let me know how it works! They're delish!!! :)
Hi Brandi,
The photo sleeves are from www.2charm.com I put a link under my blog post where it says Photo book. To make the cookies you use that big can of pumpkin (29oz) and then add the spice cake mix but don't add the eggs or oil or water. Just the mix then add a whole bag of chocolate chips. SO easy and delicious!
I cook them at 350 for about 15 or so minutes. It depends on how big or small you make them. I use an ice cream scooper (fill it about 3/4 full) that has that button and that metal thingy to kinda unstick the cookie dough. :)
Let me know how it works! They're delish!!! :)
I loved this layout when I saw it in CK and scraplifted it for two different layouts (if you want to see they're under the post called "passion" on my blog--but they're nowhere as nice as your page-smile.)
I "tried" potty training my daughter who's now 3, but it didn't work. She knew what to do, I just had to wait on her to be ready, which was at about 2 1/2. Two things that I think might have helped were the DVD Once Upon a Potty (which she still loves to watch; I got mine on Amazon) and the story book No More Diapers for Ducky. It's a kid's book and I think it struck a cord with her (I chanced on it at Barnes & Nobles).
ack that should have been struck a CHORD, right?
I'm going to look for that book you mentioned, too. Thanks!
Lovely layout, but then again I like EVERYTHING you do :).
I have a question. Do you print your photos at home? And if you do, what kind of printer do you use or recommend? I'm looking to start printing my own pics, but I have no clue what printer is the best and easiest to print different size photos on...I hope you don't have too much of a hard time potty training. Good luck!
Thanks Sharon I do print most of my photos at home. I use the Epson 1900 but I used to use my HP D7360and it printed out great photos too!!
Just get a printer that has different cartridges for each color of ink. That way when you run out of blue you just replace blue not the whole thing.
I use photoshop to crop and move my photos onto an 8 1/2 X 11 document to print on. Or if I plan ahead of time I arrange the photos on an 8X10 and print it out at Costco. You could start with Photoshop Elements that is reasonalbly priced or there's other great options out there.
Hope that helps let me know if you have any more questions.
Thanks Sharon I do print most of my photos at home. I use the Epson 1900 but I used to use my HP D7360and it printed out great photos too!!
Just get a printer that has different cartridges for each color of ink. That way when you run out of blue you just replace blue not the whole thing.
I use photoshop to crop and move my photos onto an 8 1/2 X 11 document to print on. Or if I plan ahead of time I arrange the photos on an 8X10 and print it out at Costco. You could start with Photoshop Elements that is reasonalbly priced or there's other great options out there.
Hope that helps let me know if you have any more questions.
love the layout!...it is funny the things that kids pick as their "favorites"...those boots are too cute, i'd wear them every day, too!...
I knew I had seen that page before as soon as I checked your blog. I love your Dear Lizzy column and it is the first thing I ready every month when I get my CK magazine.
My daughter has the same boots. In fact, she HAD to wear them to bed last night. I'm trying the potty training thing as well and not having much luck, hopefully people have suggestions!
There's some interesting info on potty training on this blog www.soshelli.com - look for the post from Nov 4 called "potty training Ashton". The blog entry references a book and a method they used.
I was totally skeptical of the Potty Training in a Day method, but I tried it on the word of my pediatrician and my 3 year old boy went from no inkling of potty training to potty trained in a matter of 2 1/2 days. Sure we had a couple of accidents in new and unfamiliar places, but only about 5 or 6 total over the past 6 months of being trained. Miraculous! You just get treats and prizes for them, get a sitter for your other child that day, and have a "potty party". They get to drink soda and eat salty treats while wearing underpants and then you watch them have accidents. When they do, you role play what they will do the next time they get that feeling 5-10 times and then put them in dry underpants. Eventually, they get the idea and start going in the potty and when they do, they earn a prize. The trick is letting them have the accident and not preventing it so they figure it out. It really is amazing! GOOD LUCK!
Just been wanting to ask -- I know you are a JCREW fan (me too), but do get the BODEN magazine??? If not you HAVE to check it out -- bodenusa.com (they are really a company from the UK). I'm so addicted. I think you might like their stuff.
Nancy in Nevada
My daughter Kate has those boots.
Oh my gosh. I saw those froggy rainboots somewhere and I have been racking my brain to remember where! I would love to have them for my daughter. I saw froggies and pink cats, but I can't for the life of my remember where. Can you please let me know where you got them?
Thank you!
yep, Avery has the pink cats too.
They're from Target!
Try Potty Training In Less Than a Day. It worked great for my little guy! Good Luck!
Good Luck to ya-I think potty training is the worst part about being a parent. I am not looking forward to my almost 2 year old little boy to start.
Thank you so much for your quick response. I've been looking at the options I have to get Photoshop (which I can't wait to learn how to use) But it's a little pricey. I'm wondering if your can use photo actions (Totally Rad actions pack) with photoshop elements. Do you know if you can?
Thanks again!
I used the book Once Upon A Potty for Her; for my daughter which at the time came with a little doll which my daughter loved but that was over 16 years ago LOL!
Just make it fun, they just have to be ready, It will happen before your know it.. Good Luck
It's not a book, but we found this great ( at least our daughter thought it was great ) video called "Potty Time" and it had songs for everything. Grace especially loved the "She's a super-duper pooper" song. She would even march like the girl in the video and make us sing it to her Whenever she,...you know. Regardless it was fun and funny watching her get so excited about washing her hands and using the bathroom.
Eugene, Or
My son Simon has those same boots! He loves them to death. We had the same ones in a smaller size too and he was so upset when he grew out of them. We ended up buying him larger pair. lol
We are also struggling with the potty thing. I totally feel ya on that front. Ugh! Although having my teenage nephews over for the summer made me leery of ever letting Simon be potty trained. Sticky floors... YUCK!!
I love the layout. Avery is so cute. About potty training, I have 3 girls. My first just woke up one morning at 20 months and said she wanted to go on the potty and she did and never looked back. It was so easy. My middle daughter refused to go until she was 3. She kept saying, "I'll go on the potty when me three okay." So we just counted down until she was 3, and on her birthday she was potty trained. Now, our last little sweetheart just turned 3, so this is still fresh in my mind. She was showing all the signs she was ready, but I tried and I tried and it was not happening. Then, I found Potty Power. Potty Power is a DVD that really encourages them to finish becoming "big kids" by going on the potty. I bought her a couple pairs of panties and then I just put the video (which she loves) on a couple times each day, and after about a week she was no longer in daipers. We just played the video and waited for her to prompt us that she wanted to try the potty. She was so excited that she was a "big girl" and we rewarded her for being a "big girl" by taking her to the store and letting her make a "big girl" decision and pick several more panties she liked. I love this video. It has made the rounds to all of our friends homes as well, and we all have had success with this DVD. Good Luck!
About 3 months shy of my daughter turning 2, she would wake up dry from her naps. That was my first clue that she was ready. My philosphy is pretty simple. COTTON TRAINING PANTS with a rubber cover and two weeks. I use the cotton trainers (can be found at target) because they absorb better than regular undies. I also use rubber covers to minimize the mess yet the kids actually feel the warm wetness this way. For those kids that could care less that they were wet, it takes less than 2 weeks for them to decide they don't like being wet anymore. THat's when you know the big training can start. But in the meantime, having consistent times where she just needs to sit on the potty (ie, before naps/sleeping, before bath etc) predictable times for her. Once they have the I don't like to be wet feeling, then it's first thing in the morning, 20-30 minutes after eating and every 10-15 minutes after that until they go. All they have to do is sit for the count of 20, great time to practice numbers, because by 10 they have relaxed enough to allow the tinkle to come out. Also practice holding her on the big toilet no ring at home every day so when you are out and about, she will go on a public toilet with no ring until she gets bigger and can hold her self well.
My daughter hated the cotton trainer and went straight to undies which was fine she was potty trained and dry by her 2nd bday. My son was dry in less than 2 weeks at 2.5 although we had to tell him that he couldn't turn 3 until he pooped in the potty cuz that's what 3 yr olds do. I knew he could do it and it was a control issue for him. He went the day after he turned 3 and got all his presents back. (There were extenuating circumstances of craziness at our house due to a cross country move prior to him turning 3 so hence the control issue). I know you are thinking okay she trained her two but I have told friends about this and I'm up to at least 10 kids being trained using the cotton trainers/2weeks method! Hope you find something that works for you.
This is the cutest layout ever!!
I don't have a book on potty training but I did potty train about 87 (I lost count) children over the years. I owned a Montessori school for 11 years so that's a lot of kids! Anyway, I'm a huge fan of waiting until you know they are ready (not when mom and dad are ready...let me know if you'd like signs of readiness), taking them to pick out the underwear and then going for it! No pull-ups except at sleep times. Believe me, when they feel that pee go down there leg and into their sock, they DONT like it and it teaches them quickly!
I love all your work. The potty training thing my daughter got last september 2007 she was 2.5 it takes time!! The link for the chipboard circles dosent work its the same as the font. Can yoiu post a new link? Thanks
Anika I posted the right link for the chipboard circles.
THANKS for all the potty training help! :)
My Avery and I recap everynight and have done so for about a year (she is 4). Recently she wants me to take a turn sharing my day when she is done. I love that she reciprocates the conversation! We have also had to start setting the timer for 3 minutes, because her portion of the sharing can go on forever.
Just curious...where did you go to college?
Potty training books don't work - unless the kid is already ready. I tried them all, and my daughter ended up being potty trained (within a day) after I asked her if she wanted to wear panties one morning. I had done the potty party, the potty-training in a day, the potty-training in a week. Just be patient and keep asking her about it.
good luck
Hi Lizzie, I LOVE reading your posts and seeing your pictures. It's so obvious that you are in love with your family and your life. I love seeing that! Regarding potty training......I've only ever potty-trained dogs BUT this advice isn't from me!! Shelli Gardner, CEO and Co-Founder has an entry on her blog (soshelli.com) about a potty training method she used with her grandson recently. It was done in a single day and sounded like a really positive day with a great result. The post wasn't that long ago.....just page back through and you should come across it. Good luck!!! Melanie Evans
Melanie again.....sorry, should have said Shelli Gardner is CEO and Co-Founder of Stampin' Up! Melanie
so cute!
Please send any potty training tips to me too! It's so hard! I love your little girls dimples and cute cute rainboots.
Love your page! Those boots are way too cute :)
My daughter potty trained at 23 months with the help of the dvd potty power. It is the best! Lots of cute songs. She watched it a ton before we started the whole process. Once we started we did the potty train in 3 day method. Worked like a charm. Most of my friends did well with it too. Just make sure she's ready, otherwise it will be so difficult!
I've just started potty training my son, but since I have a new baby, it's been kind of difficult so far! I read "The No-Cry potty Training Solution" by Elizabeth Pantley. I love her books. Her approach to everything is practical and gentle. I've heard of people having success with a rewards system like putting a gold star on a chart every time the child goes on the toilet and when they get a certain number of stickers, they get a small toy or other reward.
Super cute LO!! Love your style :) I think you should win SOY again :P
Love the layout! So cute! Have you seen "Twilight"?
NO, haven't seen Twilight yet!! Is it good? I'm not such a fan of the guy they picked for Edward, how did he do?
We have those boots at our house, too.
One book that we used was called "No More Diapers". I can't remember the other cute one. I think Elmo was in it.
Potty Training in a day. I swear it works. I have personally done 4 kids on the program. My in laws used it for my hubby and all of my friends who were pulling their hair out bought it and swear by it now too!!!!!! Just go to Amazon.com. It is a tough day but so worth it. Never had an accident since!!
all i can say is that you are amazing!!!
love those little froggie feeties! :)
'Diaper-Free before 3' is THE best book on PTing I have ever read! Good luck with it! (My #2 is so close to being all the way trained...I LOVE it!)
Oh, the book is by Jill M. Lekovic
Elizabeth...your blog is outstanding...so visually pleasing :)
I have one question...what would you recommend is the BEST way to photograph or get digital shots of your scrapbook layouts to post online (up to size 12x12)
I have tried laying them on the table and taking a photo...but the detail seems lost...my scanner isn't big enough so that's out. I am just at a loss.
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