Wednesday, February 4, 2009

How do you say...

I love you!
Je t'aime
Ti amo
wǒ ài nǐ
minä rakastan sinua
Te amo
jeg elsker dig

Do you say it with a heart shaped egg or on a call to a friend?

Do you express it in a card or seal it with a kiss?

card from (little brown pen)

Well, this blog wants to say I love you with a couple giveaways from Peachy Cheap. I love a good deal & Peachy Cheap posts scrapbooking/craft supplies daily from 35-99% off. Check them out so you don't miss a smokin' deal.

Two awesome giveaways for two winners all you have to do is leave a comment with something you love (besides your spouse, children or pets) because we all love them, at least most of the time;) or leave a comment with how you say I love you.

You are going to win this time-I can feel it! :)


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Miss Marie said...

i love rainy days and the smell of freshly cut grass!

Melissa said...

i love the time that I get to scrapbook! I text my bf xoxo and that pretty much says it all!

Anonymous said...

I love Kozy Shack sugar free tapioca pudding. My favorite non-guilty snack & so super yummy.
Brookfield, WI

hiscrappergirl said...

I love me some Chai Tea Latte - can't start the day without it!!

Shannon said...

I love to snuggle. Whether it is with my kids on my lap or snuggling with my husband in bed, I love it and can't get enough!

Anonymous said...

I love your creativity. I look forward for your article in CK each month and your blog is the first thing I hit on the web when I come home. Awesome giveways. Thanks!

Michelle P.

Anonymous said...

I love cOloR! Anything colorful totally inspires me. I love my yellow tennis shoes and my purple flats. So fun!

Unknown said...

I love my minivan that holds all 4 of my darling kids!
Heather Oswald

Shara said...

I love my reality TV, probably too much, it is absolutely my guilty pleasure. Idol, Bachelor, True Beauty, Top Chef...who can resist. Plus it is perfect background noise for scrappin.

Anonymous said...

I show my love to someone by making a handcrafted card or gift, like a mini album, made just for them. I especially like going through my photos and picking old ones with my loved one, then scrappin' & combining them with snippets of old e-mails we've exchanged to create a one-of-a-kind personal gift. Guaranteed NOT to end up at the next garage sale or trash bin. Thanks for the link to PeachyCheap!

Deborah said...

I love listening to music that takes me away to another time & place where old memories put a smile on my face :)

kelsey said...

I love a long, hot shower.

You know, when the hubby's home to watch the kiddos so you have *nothing* to worry about....

I also love cheese and lemon water.

kim said...

I love scrapbooking. I love every aspect of it...the buying, the planning, the fun of just playing with all the fun stuff. I find myself thinking about scrapbooking when I am at work, when I have a few minutes waiting at the boys practice, and sometimes I think about it before I go to yeah I would say I love scrapbooking!!I love winning scrapbooking stuff too!!LOL

Thanks for the chance..Kimber

julia d. hull said...

I love COLOR! Oh my word, if we didn't have Ruby Reds or Hot Fuschia Pink the dreariness would kill me! I must have bright Sunset Oranges and Smooth Golds to warm up my world. And don't even think about taking my Butter Yellows or my Cool Baby Blue's, those help me at the end of a long day! All I really need to do is imagine myself in a Grassy Green looking at up a Fluffy White through a Cozy Chocolate Brown with dots of Purple Passion and I'm all set! I love color and I can't imagine not having it every where I where's that paintbrush I was using? ;)

Anonymous said...

I love huge smiles...they're truly contagious. AND I love scrapbook supply giveaways! Thanks for the chance to win!! :)

Valerie said...

I absolutely love going to the beach with my husband to take a long walk in the early evening before the sun sets. I don't really enjoy the beach or the ocean at any other time.

June said...

"Mahal kita" is I love you in Tagalog.

Sarah Bessey said...

I love the music on your page and shamelessly download almost every one! Then when people compliment me on my taste in music, I look wise and say something about being a real music connisseur.;)

Etta said...

I love peanut butter m&m's. I love a clean house. I love American Idol. I love sweet iced tea. I love sleeping late. I love to travel. I love LOVE!!

And I'd LOVE to win one of these prizes.

Kari said...

Love mangoes. Can't get enough of them. Champagne Mangoes from southeast Asia. Not the kind that come from Mexico--they should be called something entirely different because they aren't in the same category at all. Every so often Costco will have them and I will pick up a pack and down them in an afternoon or so. Yum. (I wonder if they have some right now . . . must check.)

Colleen Ryan said...

I love my sunday afternoons at starbucks with my husband. The whole routine from my super-yuppy non-fat, light whip, extra hot, no sprinkle grande gingersnap latte to the couple of hours spent together hanging out is amazing.

Colleen Ryan said...

I love my sunday afternoons at starbucks with my husband. The whole routine from my super-yuppy non-fat, light whip, extra hot, no sprinkle grande gingersnap latte to the couple of hours spent together hanging out is amazing.

Carolyn Ward said...

I say I love you with a touch or a hug. Gotta be physical for me.

Pam said...

I love waking up to a love note on my pillow from my hubby and then going to wake up the kids and finding that he had written one to all of them too. It was a great start to what would have been an ordinary day. I also love your blog in a freakish stalker way :) heehee

Colleen Ryan said...

I love my sunday afternoons at starbucks with my hubby. The whole routine from my super-yuppy order of a non-fat, light whip, extra hot, no sprinkles gingersnap latte to the hours spent together is awesome.

Alicia said...

Tylenol PM in your last trimester!!!

Astrid in Bristling Acres said...

I love the birds that come visit me in the winter-including owls. I love the hummingbirds that come visit me in the summer. I love my gardens.

LG said...

love the thought of being loved. Love the internet and love scrapping

Ms. Cheryl said...

I LOOOVE me new KNEE!! I've had it since jan19th.It's just now beginning to mind me.I have a wlile before it behaves all the time. This time next year it will be allright.
Thanks for a giveaway, ms.cheryl

Danielle said...

i love love my tarte is perfectly bronzy, with no glitter, and makes my face look tan all the time...i put that on a little lip gloss and i'm ready to face the world!

christa said...

I love the feeling of slipping into freshly washed tee-shirt sheets at the end of a craZy laundry day. ohhh, and if I have freshly shaved legs it is an added bonus. oh oh, and if I have a fresh Sonic iced Diet Coke in my little hand as I slide into these yummy sheets---the world couldn't be better!!

EverydayMe said...

I love making my little doily envelopes with love notes for dh and dd during the Valentine season... and my 4 year old loves getting up each morning to see where mommy has hidden the little note for her today... such fun!!!

Reina said...

Okay if I can't say husband or kids I say SMOOTHIES!! Jamba Juice is pretty awsome and so is my blender so I can make my own once or twice a day!:)

Reina said...

Okay if I can't say husband or kids I say SMOOTHIES!! Jamba Juice is pretty awsome and so is my blender so I can make my own once or twice a day!:)

Jenna said...

I love waking up with a smile, knowing I have a fun day planned.
I love office supplies, especially when they are organized (stacked binders were my picture of the day for project 365 yesterday)
I love the little love notes my fiance leaves me randomly.
I love that my cat never grew into her ears
I love making lists!

Michelle - aka Belle said...

I love my camera! I never knew I could have so much fun with something that doesn't breathe.

Tatum said...

What a "lovely" giveaway. I love Dr. Pepper and brand new bars of soap. Silly - but true. And I love this blog. Thanks Elizabeth. Tatum Fulbright

Tatum said...

What a "lovely" giveaway. I love Dr. Pepper and brand new bars of soap. Silly - but true. And I love this blog. Thanks Elizabeth. Tatum Fulbright

christy gale said...

i love paper and I love creating with it.

Runaway Farm said...

Today I am loving color! I went searching through my house and took photos of colorful things that make me happy.

ps I love your blog too!

jennj42 said...

I love my job as a high school English teacher!

Unknown said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my soft chennile blanket. It is so soft and cozy for snuggling on the couch. I love it so much, I have been sleeping with it under my sheet and comforter!

candy said...

I love making list and getting to mark something off my to do list is always so fun.

Anonymous said...

Conversation hearts! Love'em - can't help it...

Anonymous said...

After putting the kiddies to bed, I grab a bag of peanut butter m&m's and a diet coke, then get on the computer and read other people's blogs. It makes me so happy and I LOVE chocolate, all day, any day!

Anonymous said...

i love waffles
i love pink epoxy buttons
i love turqoise tees
i love cashews
i love my ratty old slippers
i love spicy gum
i love crisp new magazines
i love short hair
i love this day with all of these things.

Anonymous said...

something I love...really good coffee with a little whip cream, some sprinkles on top and loving it from the comfort of a leather cozy chair watching the rain outside and enjoying naptime while my little ones sleep! I cannot wait for that cup of coffee today!

Amy said...

Love your blog and your great giveaways! Look how popular you are girl!!

Anonymous said...

I love a good comfy sweater to keep me warm. I couldn't live without them.

Peachy cheap is great,I check it everyday. Thanks for the chance to win great stuff!

Ann said...

I love a hot shower at the end of a cold day...makes every muscle relax and sleep oh-so blissful!

Unknown said...

I love the red candy hearts that Sees candy sells near Valentines Day - and of course I love Jesus!

Tracey Holdyk said...

Lets see... I love my coffee, definately love my coffee. Can't start the day without it. And I love colour, fabric and playing with paper, paint, ink... you get the picture so I'll stop now.
Have a great day and thanks so much for your inspiration everyday. :-)

Tracey Holdyk said...

Lets see... I love my coffee, definately love my coffee. Can't start the day without it. And I love colour, fabric and playing with paper, paint, ink... you get the picture so I'll stop now.
Have a great day and thanks so much for your inspiration everyday. :-)

Dacia said...

I love blogging!

Meredith said...

I love the way it feels to sneak back into bed after an early morning workout and catch an hour more of sleep!

Oh, and as I am # 453 or whatever to past I had to smile at your...come on you know you you are gonna win this time!

Thanks for the awesome blog and inspiration!

Jen said...

I love Snelgroves Burnt Almond Fudge Ice Cream - mmm, there's just nothing better!

Vikki said...

I love a soy chai latte no water and no foam from Starbucks. I can't live without the color pink and great high heels. Hope I win....

RyanandSheree said...

I love a Strawberry Frappacinno from is so yummy and hits the spot everytime!

clippergirl said...

I LOVE the smell of is permeating (spelling?) throughout my whole house...just finished baking Double Chocolate muffins for my son's birthday, we're taking them to his class for a celebration tomorrow, just for him...turning 8 is a big deal! My baby is growing up too fast!

flibbertigibbet said...

I love how beautiful this earth is!

Ashlee said...

I love mornings with a cup of coffee and soft music just before my sweet girl has woken up. Everything is still and it's the perfect "me" time to think and just be

Linda said...

I love to be surprised! Don't tell me what i am getting for my birthday or Christmas.....the anticipation is the best! Any surprise will long as it is a good one of course!

Linda M

Chris said...

I love sleep. Especially today since I had to wake up super early.

Megan Anne said...

I took the 365 photo challenge and I LOVE it! It's such a great way to chronicle a year no matter how big or small the picture. :)

Mary W said...

I love my girlfriends! My best friend lives over 600 miles away, but we're still BEST friends with the distance between us.

Mary W.
Chas., SC

Anonymous said...

I love Cadbury Dairy Milk! Only the imported kinda. I have to find my local Irish import store to get it! I buy lots to last a few weeks!

I also love NYC in the spring! Sightseeing and boat rides and central park!
Jennifer B.

Cassi said...

I love to get a Starbucks drink and savor it. I usually look at craft magazines or read HBR while I drink it. Sometimes I just sit and think, other times I journal. Afterwards I'm so relaxed I usually go to my crafty place and create. I love this whole process.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love sweet pea soap bars from Bath & Body Works!! They are a great way to start of the morning or to unwind...they just smell so good and their usually a $1 each during sales! p.s. I love your blog, chalk-full of inspiration :)

Anonymous said...

My hubby and I leave each other notes in our lunches, coat pockets, and other fun places. Love it. Thanks for the chance to win!

Carol said...

I love getting in bed under my heating blanket when it is FREEZING cold outside (like now)!

It is pure heaven!!!!


Shannon said...

I love Starbucks mocha frappacinos! I have to one everyday. They are so yummy. What a great giveaway! Thanks!

Brandi said...

I love being in my pj's. They're just so darn compfy and cute!

klmpink said...

I love Kumquat Mojitos and Dim Sum cant have one without the other!!

Lauren said...

I love my afternoon walks (while rocking out with my iPod) around the neighborhood. There's just something about the fresh air!

Anonymous said...

I love taking pictures and scrapbooking websites.


Gwen Lafleur said...

I LOVE to travel! If I could afford it I'd never work and I'd just travel around the world all the time.

Anonymous said...

I love dark choclate raspberry hershey kisses and taking photographs and RETAIL THERAPY!!!

Hannah said...

I love bling... in jewelry or scrapping. I even have bling in my dog's collar. I also love the color pink. I love your blog too. I am not a big blog person, but yours is always so happy and inspirational.

Kelly said...

I love scrapbooking, clothes shopping and the color orange:)

Til said...

I love my car! Goofy I know, but it is so me, A Sporty Buick Century....Sporty which makes it look kinda young, but a buick which means more mature, Champagne in color which means good taste, Valour seats, which means I like comfort.....BUT It can get up and go, which at almost 44 yrs old I can still do (Thank you God!!!)See you at the stop light...if you dare! :0)

Okay done with my goofy for the day! Have a Happy day!

Anonymous said...

I love God...He totally RoCkS!

Anonymous said...

I love the Little Bitty bubbles that come out of the dish soap container when you set it down to hard after putting some in the water!

Hannah said...

i love snow!
Yup, even in February...when, most people in northern Michigan are sick of that white stuff...I still LOVE it! I get excited every time is starts falling from the sky!

Dani said...

I love my morning coffee-nothing beats it!

Gracie Ann Tan said...

I love chocolates! Dark, milk, white, plain, with or without nuts... Almost any kind. I once got a green tea flavored chocolate from my mom's friend who came from Japan and it was delicious! I also love scrapbooking and giveaways like the one you're having now. Thanks for the chance at winning. :)

Anonymous said...

i love food!!! my favorite snacks as of late include chips & salsa, pickles, & avacados! weird combo, but i usually don't eat them all together, no worries!
and i never say no to chocolate either... (:

Allison said...

I love getting non-bill mail!!

Anonymous said...

I love green grass and sunshine and apples and i can keep going, really... Thanks for the chance to win. I love your blog!

Hot Wheels and Glue Guns said...

What a nice reason for a contest! Spread a little love!

Something I love right now is my job. I might not love it every day, but it challenges me, makes me think, makes me feel like I am contributing something really menaingful to the world. Any, in this economy, I am truly thankful for a steady job and health insurance. Thanks for the chance to share!

Geralyn said...

There are so many things I love! Here are a couple of these things: I love blogs, especially scrapbooking ones or ones with lots of inspiration. I love warm summer days, because they're so relaxing! I love my camera too :)

Anonymous said...

I love my I-pod right now. Lately I've been listening to it all the time while I get things done. I also love the Twilight soundtrack, which I downloaded onto it. It has a great mix of music that is so fun to listen to.

Baby Payne said...

I love spending time with family and traveling, not to mention that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE scraping about them, too!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the quiet at the end of the day when everyone else is asleep.

Patti Erickson said...

LOVE anything painted "happy" green (apple/lime ish)!

Unknown said...

I love so many things!! I love zebra print, magazines, flip flops, snow cones, the color teal, cats, music, lip gloss, that little smile babies do when they are sleeping, patterned paper(!), fresh cut grass, a fire in the fireplace on a freezing night, laughing, bubble baths, socks with toes, fresh flowers, naps, taking that perfect picture, quotes from The Office...

Musicmom-Amy said...

Just one word ~ Chocolate!!!!

Anonymous said...

DATE NIGHT!!! I love to have a date night with my husband of 11 years. We have four children, so it is good to get away--even though we spend the night talking about the kids!! :)

Anonymous said...

Nothing says lovin like a big bag full of free scrappin' supplies " )

Anonymous said...

I love scrapbook stores....for the way they SMELL! I don't even have to buy anything, just sniff around, lol.

Cathy Pascual said...

I love my computer. a lot. I realized that today when it was on the fritz and couldn't get on all day. I really can't live without it.... Great giveaway! I hope I win :)

Susan Slinkard said...

I love to say 'I love you' to friends and family by sending them a hand written note or card, or sending a small gift out of the blue. It lets them know that I'm thinking of them and took the time to sit down and jot them a note.

felicia said...

I love flip flops! Wear them year round here in AZ:)

Ashley said...

I love a clean house. Honestly, my favorite thing to clean is the shower. Nothing beats the sparkly, fresh scent. (My fiance loves this fact about me, too. Makes his life easier!)

Jennifer said...

I love reading your blog. You're fun and sweet. Love your work.

Jan said...

I love warm, gooey Cinnamon rolls, fresh out of the oven.

Jennie said...

I love etsy and getting some free time. And as for showing love--my husband appreciates my making a pot of coffee more than anything else.

Michelle B said...

I love a frozen coke and movie theater popcorn with butter! YUM!

Laci J said...

WOH!! When did those go on peachy cheap??? I must have missed them. Those are awesome RAK's! I love all of my RED accents! Here's a link to a post about them on my blog.
This year I'm saying "I love you" by making Valentine's packages, I even refrained from Christmas cards just so I could send something now. You get plenty at Christmas anyways.
Loving your blog as always!
Your #1 bloggy fan!

Nikki said...

I love taking bubble baths and watching tv at the same time. I love it!

Jenny said...

I love when me, my husband, our 8 y/o son & our 5 y/o daughter climb into bed together to watch family movies.

Anonymous said...

I love the fact that I was finally able to become a mommy after 3 years of trying!

Leslie Keithley

kristan martin said...

I love early mornings, a cup of coffee, and the news! I get up before everyone else every morning to enjoy this combination.

Okay, I've got everything crossed that I win!

Thanks for the chance!
Kristan Martin

Anonymous said...

I love my craft room.

Anonymous said...

I love being creative! I share my love with others by giving gifts away to those i love!

Michelle Vandepol said...

i love starbucks short cappucinos, a new book, checking my e-mail, and hitting the thrift store.

Anonymous said...

Hi beautiful people :o) My daughter has these toy groceries that she absolutely loves, so instead of her opening the boxes and pretending to pour "air" as usual, today I put little surprises in each box. Out spilled a note to say I love you, $2 coin for more shopping, candy, new hair clips, lip gloss, an index photo of the 2 of us, more notes of things she's done that have made me proud, a sparkly butterfly and some pretty ribbons. This was such a fun game and the anticipation gave me some more great photos for a future page. So by creating with love a game that my daughter loved, I was then able to do what I love, capturing great memories. There was just so much love in the room :o)

Sarah Mullanix said...

I LOVE Junior Mints...I can't help it, it's just my guilty pleasure and besides my family, friends, hobbies, etc....I really LOVE my Junior Mints!!!


dhillman said...

I love music! I love to listen to it, sing to it and I am learning to play it on the guitar. I have more new music, thanks to your playlist!

Unknown said...

"Mahal Kita" is how I say I love you in Tagalog.

Grace said...

I love Starbucks with my best friend chatting about everything from cupcakes to shopping to not being able to find a good man in NYC! I also "LOVE" new scrapbook supplies!!! Ahhh Hugs Grace

Stephanie said...

I love coffee dates at 7am in the morning with my best friend. A little java ... a lot of girl talk ... it's the perfect start to a day!!

Anonymous said...

I love COSTCO & WINNERS! Luckily both stores are right beside each other, which makes a good reason to go to both each time!!!


Anonymous said...

I love a hot cup of tea on a cold afternoon when the kids are all napping.
Miki Thompson

Anonymous said...

I LOVE iced mochas! I have to have one every morning...they're the best!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE getting a new pair of P.J.'s oh and add fresh out of the dryer sheets-even better!

Carly craftiegal @ Ckmb

Olivia said...

I love little boys. I have two and even though they are wild, crazy, busy little guys, they are both mama's boys and I love their snuggles and love. Their daddy isn't to bad either! Love them all.

Kristine aka lilditt said...

my kids and I always give the aign language sign for "I love you" and then the other will answer back with 2 fingers to stand for "I love you too"
the kids think it is kind of neat and aren't embarrassed (yet) since nothing is spoken out loud.

Jodilyn said...

I love lounging around reading a good book without feeling guilty about it.

scrapgurl14 said...

I love shopping oh so much!

Suzanne said...

Thin mints and milk. Its got to be cold, cold milk and the thin mints have to be in the freezer for a while.

Anonymous said...

I love the movie "Mr. & Mrs. Smith"! It makes me want to break out the water guns and go crazy! LOL What fun!

Nicole said...

I love your blog. tee hee. And how I love thy giveaway. I love sushi and mangos, too.

Kelly said...

I love coffee...the smell, the taste, the way it makes me feel.
Love it!!

Amanda Bynum Photography said...

OMG. with 535 comments already, I am never going to win!

But, it feels like my lucky day.

I LOVE my cozy bed & sleeping in!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE interior design. Well I am going to graduate with a bachelor's in ID next year, but it's been my passion since birth!!

Anonymous said...

I love a hot bubble bath & a good book!
ashlomb at yahoo dot com

Ellen said...

Let's see........ I just really really really love my cat. She's an exotic shorthair breed, and she's got some serious "torti-tude" but I love her!

Jenn said...

"Olive juice!" My boyfriend doesn't like to say I love you on the phone when he is at work so we say "Olive juice". If you mouth the words it looks like you are saying I love you and it kind of rhymes.

mj said...

I love...Pebbles In My Pocket blog. their ideas inspire me. it is my "go to" when I am having a creativity brain freeze.

This is how I say "i love you" when ever I cyper conv with my sweety...

i <3 u

hehe...we have been doing it before it was invented by the teen-agers!

Sara said...

I love time to myself, which everything in the house done -- laundry, dishes, that I can have ME time and scrapbook!


Amy Coon said...

I love life right now.....where I kids and the age they are.....spring just around the corner......all our health.....and this fun little hobby I have dove into called scrapbooking!

Maritza said...

i love scrapbooking!

Unknown said...

I love when I'm swimming underwater and there is that silent peacefullness! What a neat feeling. AAAHHHH!

Becca said...

I heart Cocoa with Whipping Cream!

Anonymous said...

I love my coffee!

Anonymous said...

I am LOVING life! and....this BLOG!!! Thanks for the chance to win!
bianca b

Amanda said...

pedis, manis, maui, sunsets, sandy toes, "spooning", tan feet, milkshakes, red vines, milk duds, a cute clutch, drinks with the girls, scrapbooking, your playlist, your blog and your giveaway...and this is just to name a few of my loves!!!

Kristin said...

I love warm weather!

Unknown said...

I LOVE the Medical Staff at Hope Children's Hospital in Chicago for tending to my daughter for the past three days and getting her back home to continue to recover with the family. I am so grateful for the care she received there and the respect and kindness they showed us while explaining my daughter's rare disease. Thankfully she is on the mend but will be monitored for the next 6 weeks (so I guess I'm loving my daughter's pediatrician too!! Oh, and my amazing sis-in-law who dropped everything just to come watch my 2 year old and 7 month old while I focused on my 5 year old!)


bt said...

I love my superhero designs beads and my lill studio custom handbag.

Shannon said...

I love your blog - such great inspiration, so many great ideas! Your family is adorable!

Sherry said...

I love living in this technological age...reconnecting with old friends on FaceBook, keeping up with everyone's happenings via blogs,...good stuff.

-me said...

I LOVE SWEET-TARTS! Okay so I am pregnant and LOVING the candy! :)

Louisville, KY

julieann said...

Your rules stated that we could not say our spouses or pets, so I am going to tell you that I love...MARSHMALLOW CREME!!!! That's right I said it out loud! I love to stick a spoon in a new jar of Kraft marshmallow creme and just enjoy it:)
Thanks for the great give away!!!

hollie marie said...

I love when I come home from a long day at work and see a hot dinner on the table prepared by my sweet husband!

Anonymous said...

Besides getting time to scrap (which is very little these days), I love my house filled with family. It's such a cozy feeling when everyone comes over and spends time. :)

Jenni said...

i love coffee, cookies, and the smell of dinner cooking in the crockpot : )

NewYorkerAtHeart said...

I love TIME. I love time to myself. I never realized how important that time was until I became a sahm to 3 under five and my hubby works from 7-6. :) Selfish, but needed to keep sane.

reen said...

I LOVE snow days! (gasp) Because I've used them in the last couple of weeks to organize my scrappy stuff. FUN!

Anonymous said...

i LoVe the first sip of a latte with all the yummy foam, when the baby girl in my belly flutters around, when my boys show me their dance moves, when i see them show kindness to others or one another, taking the perfect picture, crawling into a warm bed and i LoVe writing a text message or a note to someone i love (including friends) telling them i'm thinking of them. i also like to surprise people with their favorite drink from starbucks =)

Tya said...

I love the color purple.

Anonymous said...

I love the smell of fresh, clean sheets on the bed! :0)

Tales of an Alaskan Housewife said...

I love purses....Starbucks....fresh air....crafting...oh the list goes on. And I'm a firm believer in showing your love in the little things that you do each day. Big gifts are great but sometimes few and far between. What matters is how you love and appreciate people every day...your genuine kindness towards them.

Jennifer said...

I love daisies!!! I also love the spring time when the snow is finally gone!

Anonymous said...

I love the mountains-especially when you look out and you can see the tops and the bottom, but there are clouds just across the middle. Just beautiful!

Gayle said...

I love watching television (which is what I am doing right now. LOST!) But I love to say I love you by sending letters and having pen-pals!

Anne said...

I LOVE chocolate ice cream ... every night! :)

Anne B.
Madison, WI

♥Lizzy said...

I love a pair of good-fitting jeans. Ones that hide the "extra" curves..ones that look good with flip flops, heels, boots, or bare feet..ones that get dirty only when you want them to..ones that I don't need to have altered due to my less-than-tall stature..ahhhh!

Unknown said...

I love my new purple coat. Been watching it at the store for weeks and tonight the price finally dropped enough for me to buy it! Woohoo!

Deana said...

I love a good movie! One that has me on the edge of my seat and not wanting it to end.

Anonymous said...

My morning commute but only with a book on CD. I become grumpy when I don't have a book and have to listen to morning radio :(

Shawna said...

I love the change of seasons. Somehow, I always get excited at the thought of what is coming next. The new colors, the new smell, the new holidays around the corner, they all get my hopes up and make me look forward to another new day!

Lysa said...

I love lazy weekends- no plans, no to-do's- just days to sit around and do nothing in particular!

Julie Jackson said...

I LOVE the smell of burning sugarcane! I used to roll down my windows & open my sunroof when I was going to college back in the day!

Mrs. Fletcher said...

I love the music on your blog....
I love watching my little boys dance...
I love spending time touching all the pretty paper in the craft store...
I LOVE winning - - haven't won anything on a blog yet - but you knew I was going to win this time? Right? You could feel it!

Thanks for a fun blog and outstanding photos and a lovely playlist!

Stacy Hamby said...

I truly love my morning coffee with coffeemate...and no, it isn't Starbucks, it is Dunkin' Donuts coffee made at home. Even though it is decaf, it still makes my morning.

Brooke said...

I LOVE my 8 months pregnant belly!
It's growing by the minute and that means my new little girl will be here before I know it and probably before I am ready!

Sara said...

I am so in love with photography in my life right now.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the inspiration! I really needed to think about this today, and it brightened my day in the process. I LOVE art and crafting and being around creative people, and laughing with them.

Squaek said...

I love a hot cup of tea at the end of a long day. Helps me relax and unwind. Having one right now - mmmm!

justynapalasiewicz said...

I love collecting ticket stubs. What is better than having proof that you're having so many amazing experiences in your life? Also, I show I love my husband by getting him gelato from our local Italian restaurant on days I know he's been running around like a madman. Sometimes, dessert and not words are the best way to show you love someone :-)


missyg said...

I LOVE my job! What teacher doesn't love all the holidays off and summer too, plus I love the reward that I get when the children are succesful!

Anonymous said...

I love a good bargain. The better the deal, the more excited I get!

Miss Kathy said...

I love scrapbooking, the art, the shopping for it, the blogs, magazines, the whole process. But I especially love the friendships I've made since I started scrapping.

leana said...

I love having time to myself to re-energize.

Jaime said...

I love Cream of Wheat. Oh and getting a crisp new magazine in the mail. :)

running mom said...

I love a good long run...and peppermint patties! :)

Laura Stewart said...

I love baths in my bubble tub

Jamie said...

I love polka dots. They always make me smile. Oh and I love my coffeee too. =)

Anonymous said...

i love staying up later than anyone in the house and watching a movie from the library by myself eating something really bad for me.

Karenj said...

I love planting a new plant in my garden and watching my garden get bigger each year. In spring and summer, there's no place I'd rather be than in my yard! It's so peaceful and rewarding, gives me time to think and de-stress.

yyam said...

I love my body. This is new to me because I always wanted to have a different body..leaner legs, flatter stomach etc. I've embraced my body for its strength and its resilience and enabling me to live and be with the people I love. I now treat my body right. I exercise everyday. I rest it when it signals me to. I dress it well. I eat well. I feed it creatively. I love my houses the wonderful person within!

Amy said...

I LOVE to give and get big, tight hugs. That is one way I love to express my love to friends and family. Also, my hubby and I met in Romania, so we sometimes say I love you in Romanian--Te iubesc. Love is great.
Amy Wright

Aubrey said...

We are big on Eskimo kisses around here. They make my kids true blue giggle!

Susie said...

I love blog giveaways! ;)

I love the delivery of an expected package - books are the best.

tilda said...

I love to buy quilt fabric and scrapbook paper.

Unknown said...

I am loving project 365. Love, love, love the process and the result will be the evidence of all that I have loved (my family, friends, my home, my church, my life)!

TJ said...

I love scented candles, windchimes, a good book, listening to my daughters play the piano, and being at home. Tonight I said I love you to my hubby by putting 3 candy bars on the seat of his car to find when he leaves for work in the morning.

Anonymous said...

I love making cupcakes for a friend who loves my kids! I love fabric (especially the kind my girlie sews together for me)! I love how my husband always licks his lips before giving me a little "have a great day while I am at work" kiss! I love hearing cars rolling across my boys' wooden floors above me while I am cooking supper in the kitchen!

MEvans said...

I love love love the rare days that I make time to craft- sew, scrap, or decorate- it doesn't matter, just time to be creative.

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