Wednesday, February 4, 2009

How do you say...

I love you!
Je t'aime
Ti amo
wǒ ài nǐ
minä rakastan sinua
Te amo
jeg elsker dig

Do you say it with a heart shaped egg or on a call to a friend?

Do you express it in a card or seal it with a kiss?

card from (little brown pen)

Well, this blog wants to say I love you with a couple giveaways from Peachy Cheap. I love a good deal & Peachy Cheap posts scrapbooking/craft supplies daily from 35-99% off. Check them out so you don't miss a smokin' deal.

Two awesome giveaways for two winners all you have to do is leave a comment with something you love (besides your spouse, children or pets) because we all love them, at least most of the time;) or leave a comment with how you say I love you.

You are going to win this time-I can feel it! :)


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jamie said...

i love when all my family and extended family gets together for games. we drink fun drinks and nosh on snacky food and laugh outloud. i love that!

SawyerSharks said...

chocolate, 70 degree weather, puppies, babies in white onesies, flowers, dinner out with my husband, green grass,

katijsmom said...

I love books about Tudor England. King Henry XIII facinates me.

Gina said...

I LOVE Blue Bunny Birthday Cake Ice Cream!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love lip gloss! ;-)

pieces of us said...

I already love this little one growing deep inside at only 5 weeks along. We've been waiting to love him/her for a year now.

Anonymous said...

lol with the "i can feel it" :)

i love nap time and free time to play and create.

thanks for sharing with us!


Anonymous said...

i love big fluffy snowfalls that frost the trees and make everything look like it's sugar coated. it just takes my breath away. i know i may be alone here but...i *heart* winter.

Anonymous said...

I love the first snow of winter, the first sprout peeking up in spring, the first day hot enough to wear shorts and the first day I notice brilliant red in the fall trees. Maybe I just like change?!

tammy inman said...

I love the magazine Where Women Create! I look at this for hours just admiring and getting ideas... love it!!!
If you haven't had a chance to enjoy this magazine then your missing out.

Have a great day,
tammy i

Shaina said...

Lately, I'm loving making purses!!

Tamdsgns said...

I love all things Fashionable! Give me a new pair of hottie heels and a scrapbook mag. and I'm set!!!!!
Thanks Elizabeth for a chance to win! Luvin your blog! Your world is just cool!

Libby said...

I love to look at my completed scrapbook albums & reminisce. Just yesterday, I looked through my wedding albums and found myself welling up with tears of joy :) Such fun stuff! I love HAPPY TEARS!

keeshaobrien said...

I love being a mom. I love watching my child learn something new, and seeing things through his eyes like it is the first time! said...

I love Cupcakes! There, I said it....and I'm not ashamed!!! :) It's all about moderation baby. Valentine's Day does make a great reason to make a whole lot of these yummy treats!!!

Alicia said...

I will page my hubby (yes he uses a pager still) with 11111 just to say hello and I love him!

Erica said...

I love my new camera that is helping me create my project 365!!

Erica said...

I love my new camera that is helping me create my project 365!!

Erica said...

I love my new camera that is helping me create my project 365!!

Erica said...

I love my new camera that is helping me create my project 365!!

Erica said...

I love my new camera that is helping me create my project 365!!

Unknown said...

I love snuggles from my husband. I love that he calls me his sizzling fajita. I love warm coffee with lots of creamer in the mornings. I love my scrappy space. I love your blog. I love all creative blogs. I love that you provide me with inspiration. and the occasional give away:) thanks I love that my house is clean right now. I love that a plumber is here fixing my dishwasher. I love that I am so content with my life right now. I love this happy little place I am in.

Unknown said...

I love indulging in a warm cup of English tea and either scrappin' or reading some of my fav scrappin blogs while my little one is napping! :)

Elizabeth said...

i love dunkin donuts & vanilla cappucino; i love fall & spring; i love simple things; i love rainbows; i love music...okay, so I couldn't just name one something :)

Shanna said...

I love, love cheesy, gooey enchiladas with fresh made salsa and warm queso. YUM!

dawn said...

I love our Arizona winter days of 75+ degrees. I love living here!!!!! The natural beauty is amazing & is all around us!

Anonymous said...

I am a teacher and I say it in cuddles.... no matter what children need to be shown love through cuddles.... and it always fulls my heart with happiness!!!!! mandyb from NZ

Amanda said...

I love Seattle. It felt like home from the moment I drove into town 6 years ago. It is a beautiful city ~ full of culture, history and diversity. It has an ecclectic population that lends itself wonderfully to being open, and tolerant and accepting.

I was sad to leave Seattle but I also love adventure, so we moved to a new city...

Loren said...

Today I'm loving multigrain tostitos round nachos with tex mex shredded cheese melted on top and dipped in a medium pace salsa mixed with sour cream. Tomorrow I plan on loving exercise!!! :)

ShaniKulani said...

"Aloha Wau Ia 'Oe" is how we say I love you when my hubby and I write emails to one another.
I love being a stay at home mom and watching movies with my 2 yr old. Cause there are those parts of the movie that she loves and she will start singing along or saying the next line. Sometimes she says the funniest things that just make me appreciate the fact that I am there to hear or see it.

Helena said...

I love sparkling white wine and flip flops!!!!

good for you, Liz, you got the Finnish "I love you" just right (minä rakastan sinua) with the dots above the "a", lol!!

Sophia said...

I love that Elizabeth Kartchner will be sending this RAK all the way to South Africa just for

Anonymous said...

I love Diet Dr Pepper and my new Canon camera. :)

Drika said...

I love scrapping!!!

Baird Family said...

I love the colors blue and green! Thanks for the giveaway!

Brandy said...

I love Strawberry Waffles. Random - I know. But Waffles, Strawberries and whipped cream - what could be better than that?!


Bekah: said...

i adore new lip gloss, feeling skinny, having a good hair day, giggly kids, sunshine, and turtles.

Unknown said...

today i love strawberry frosted poptarts :)
{and you, for sending one of these sweet treats to me!}

*A* said...

Nothing makes me happier then sipping a diet mtn dew while reading a People/US magazine! ahhhhh love it!

Anonymous said...

I love Town Lake in Austin Texas!
It's a huge trail in Austin surrounding town lake
lombardopr @ yahoo. com

Anonymous said...

Can I say I love color... my home is full of love...and color! Vintage greens and blues that are both calming, but cheery! And we all need a splash of something fun, so mine is orange! Love it! Love it! Love it!

Jenny Whiting said...

I love my quiet time when my kids are napping and I'm taking a break from everything and reading blogs like yours. :)

swell news said...

I love by baking. Mostly cupcakes.

amanda p. said...

I love an empty kitchen sink! Wahoo! even if its because we ate on paper for dinner! shhhh don't tell :)

CalleLillyCafe said...

the smell of orange blossoms! Yum! Soon they'll be blooming here in AZ!

Holly said...

I love beautiful sunny days in Feburuary...the seem to put a smile on my face. I am enjoying one right now!!

Shannon said...

i love folding clean laundry and taking big whiffs of that dryer sheet smell!

Cayle said...

i dont even remember if i commented xD but im sorry if i did already

I LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY... [even though i am not that good]
and I LOVE french fries with ranch yummm

Anonymous said...

Right now, I love I mean crave non stop for oranges....that is because I am pregnant and just love it!

Michele P.

sstevens said...

Browsing the new shipments at the fabric store, even if I don't buy anything.

Anonymous said...

I *love* iced cappucino's made with chocolate milk, candy, and driving!! :D

Thanks for the give-away!

Anonymous said...

FUN!! I love giveaways. hehe ;) (does that count?)

j/k. ;) I love being canceled at work so I can spend time with my family.

Ann said...

I love the first little hug I get in the morning from my lovies!

Iska G. Wire said...

I love when my husband (firefighter) is on his 24 hour shift and everyone (two kids 6 months and 2 years) is asleep and I finally have a few moments to myself. Totally quite house (except for an occasional meow). It feels like the summer or the christmas holidays did when I was a kid - sacred, long-awaited-for and always too short!

Amy said...

I love a good book, reading blogs, blogging my little life, playing games with my WHOLE family, and laughing :)

BTW....I LOVE the little brown pen...don't they have just the cutest stuff??? :)

Emily said...

I love instances that I call fleeting moments of happiness. They are moments when the stars seem to align and everything seems right in the world. Peace comes upon me and a smile comes upon my face, and I know that I can continue living this challenge called life for another day as long as I can remember this one single moment of happiness.

Cassie said...

Hmmm....I love so many things. I'll say Spanakopita.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE being inspired!! I can find inspiration almost anywhere--from the *AMAZING* blogs I read to AWESOME photographs I see everywhere to the WONDERFUL people in my life. I think it is the greatest feeling in the world. :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE to travel to my favourite spot in Mexico - Akumal - and then scrapbook my memories. Then when I am having a bad day I can pull them out and go back to my happy place whenever I want :-)

Nancy said...

I just love the smell of paper. To walk in a scrapbook store and smell that wonderful smell of paper just gets my creative juices flowing!! I know weird. :)

melissa s said...

I love my cup of coffee every morning, while checking up on my fav blogs!

tccba said...

I love the mountains--the smell of pine and dirt, the sound of rushing water and bird calls, the breeze on my face...I love the Sierras!

Anonymous said...

I love food, tv, movies, right now slumdog millionaire......blogs, SHOES, blue, when I can make someone laugh when they are sad, when i get to help someone and create an impact in their life. I love making a difference and when some makes a difference in my life. I love life!!!!

Lori said...

"1434" is how me and mine say I Love You Forever and a Day.

CrystalMN said...

I love all things scrapbook related! Love to read scrappy blogs and visit scrapbook sites.

Amber said...

Hmm, what do I love more than my hubby and baby girl? I'd have to say chocolate!! :) And DVR, how did I ever live without it?

Elisa said...

I love stay in bed late Sundays when it´s raining. Thanks for the chance to win and congrats for your beautiful designs

Anonymous said...

I love that I was finally brave enough to follow my dream and open my own Scrapbook Store. I love that I love that I am a woman, a child of God, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister and friend to some of the best people in this world. I love that my heart still misses a beat when I see my husband and my children still take my breath away when make the slightest little joke. I love that today turns into tomorrow and that I am still here to see it!

Jan said...

I love weekends..when I can read, scrap, do everything I love!!

Robyn said...


andrea said...

I love photo shoots and sewing!

Constance said...

I LOVE my job. I am a Neonatal Clinical Nurse Specialist and I get to spend my days either taking care of newborns, or teaching others how to take care of them. What's not to love about spending your time surrounded by such precious little miracles? I love the quiet moments when I get to hold a one, the moments of teaching parents about their own little miracle, and even the tender moments of holding a parents hand as they mourn the loss of their miracle. And every day I am thankful to a loving Heavenly Father who guided me to this specialty.

Ms. Cheryl said...

Im working off my laptop , not sure if it is on my side or not.i am in love with my new knee. i went to the doctor today and he was happy. got the staples out, yeah. now its time for me to think and the knee to follow mental directions.I also love my walker-couldn't locomote without it.thanks for a chance to win the giveaway, ms.cheryl

Kyle and Janell said...

I love to remember my blessings. That kind of encompasses everything else because I remind myself about living in a free country, having a house, talents, etc!

Trina Louise said...

I love my new painting class!

Anonymous said...

To wind down at night after the kiddos are in bed, I love sitting down with a good book and a cup of tea. Goodies to go with it is always good too. There's nothing more relaxing then unwinding with a book. It can take you away to a different place and you can forget about your troubles for awhile. It's so comforting and a perfect way to relax. Kari

Anonymous said...

In the summer - I love my flip flops and in the winter - I love my coffee hot chocolate surprise !!!! UMMMM I think I will go make some now....
Thanks for the Giveaways...Karen Loper

Dorans said...

I love planning vacations!

Bouf2 said...

I love Red Vines & Skinny Vanilla Lattes... not together though!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE having a coca cola in hand as I read all the different blogs about scrapbooking, crafts, and my friends life! You see, I really love drinking coke! Silly, I know!

Amy said...

I love blogging, scrapbooking and those chocolates called Toffifay!

Doreen K said...

I love to send people cards. My friend is going through a divorce right now so I made her a Valentines card and signed her kids names. Everyone loves to get cards in the mail.

Nubia said...

I love Blue Bell ice cream, Coke, and sour puch straws! Although not all at the same time :)


I love the day my CK comes in the mail:) Luckily it was TODAY!!!! WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Anonymous said...

I love White Castle cheeseburgers. I hate myself after I eat them, but I can't help it. I heart them.

Anonymous said...

I love that I was actually able to find a wee acrylic word stamp that I accidentally dropped into a sink full of dirty soapy dishes. (I was going to do them just as soon as I'd finished my page. Really.)We'd had spaghetti and meatballs for dinner, and just in case you never get to experience it, acrylic stamps feel an awful lot like soggy pasta or soggy onion and they don't seem to float.
I love happy endings!

Anonymous said...

I love joy. It's the best kind of contagious.

the ritchie's said...

I love the smell of being at the lake in the summer time in Northern Minnesota. Pine trees, bonfire with S'mores, the lake and fresh CLEAN air.

Holly J said...

I love the feel of the sand between my toes as the Mississippi River splashes over my feet. And I love the way the warm July sun feels on my face!!

The Cox Family said...

My new found scrapbook tool/necessity that I LOVE is stickles. Not sure how I lived without them, can't wait to collect more colors, I guess I'm obsessed, -- I probably need a 12 step program... :)

Jen Cox in Rogersville, MO

Unknown said...

My husband and I used to say Te Amo to each other so that others didn't know what we were saying... that was in college before we were officially together. Thanks for reminding me. I will add that to his album for valentine's day.

I love Key West... and wish I was there versus here where it is cold and snowy.

Jenna said...

I love love LOVE my job - teaching students with severe psychiatric disorders. What I love is the reward of changing a life and helping these children grow and learn (not only academically, but also socially and behaviorally).

smileynann said...

I love the smell of baby lotion -- and my favorite is the el-cheapo Equate version from Wal-Mart!

Anonymous said...

I love thrift stores, and the joy of discovering a cool treasure!

Gordostyle said...

Ooooooohhhh..... cute stuff! I love cute stuff! And I love winning give-aways! :o)


Liz said...

I love it when I am able to sink myself into a truly amazing book. I would read all day long if I could.

Anonymous said...


Debbie said...

I LOVE photos . . . tons and tons of photos. Makes me smile.

Anonymous said...

alofa-tele ia ato oe means i love you in Samoan. I hope is spelled it right since i don't speak it fluently. i love my free time to do absolutely nothing or anything i want.

Anonymous said...

I love Saturday mornings when the kids climb into our bed in between us and just be silly.
Lisa (Manitob, Canada)

Melissa A said...

I love my office/scrapbook room/photo editing area in my house. It is MY space where I can get away, relax, be creative and just be happy! I do let my boys (hubby & son) come in and join me too, which I love even more!!!

Melanie Wilkerson said...

I love daisies and red roses, cold beer and beef jerky, watching the stars and long kisses, late night talks and hot showers, sprinkles and ice cream, play dates and friends, sunshine and rain, live music and road trips, clean sheets and books, dirty martini's and budweiser, smiles and laughing, sandwiches and fishing, arts and crafts, champagne and the hot tub, shopping and garage sales, jeans that fit and a good push~up bra, dancing and good vodka, funny jokes and my mom's stew, summer time and small bars with good people, dares and double dog dares, casino nights and lazy sundays, candy and the color pink, the smell of rain and the sound of leaves blowing in the wind, kissing and shade trees, making people laugh and taking photos, new things and open minded people, old memories and new beginnings!

Suzanne said...

I love chocolate covered cinnamon bears! I think they are the ultimate comfort food...could really use some about now. :)

chrism589 said...

I love those first few warm days of spring; the first buds on the trees, the sound of birds-I can hardly wait!

Cindy said...

i love learning something new!


Lee said...

I love the simple peace of standing on a seawall, watching the sun set over the Gulf of Mexico, with the scent of the salt water all around me...and I love the joyful bliss in my heart from being near the ocean for a few short days while on a business trip. =)

Ashley said...

I love reading through my mission journals, the show "How I Met Your Mother" and the music on your blog.

Unknown said...

I love food. Plain. Simple.

Unknown said...

I love quiet, lazy days (usually Sundays) when I can eat comfort food and do something fun for me (scrapbooking, reading, decorating, etc)... Too bad it doesn't happen often enough.

Connie said...

Actually I love peachy cheap. I love their product, their prices and some of the sample layouts and ideas they post. Always buying from there.

..feli.. said...

i LOVE Peachy cheap!! :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE all of my life experiences; the Happy and Sad AND the Easy and Difficult because it means I'm truly Living my life to its fullest and growing stronger along the way.

oh so lovely said...

I love snowy days...they are so cozy and "romantic" :) Something about them just makes me so happy!

Anonymous said...

My husband and I say "mucho mucho" to each other, which means I love you to us.

Jennifer Johnson said...

I have a one-year old that is sleeping soundly and as I watch his peaceful face I LOVE knowing that I am capturing and documenting these precious fleeting moments of babyhood to savor in the years ahead!

Unknown said...

I love your blog!!!!!!!!!!!

Susy said...

I love cloth diapers and especially LOVE making them for my boys!!

Anonymous said...

I love to scrapbook and to edit my photos on the computer:)

Noeleen said...

i love laughter...plain and simple. but i guess it is even better when it comes from someone you love. when children know all is well with the world.

Anonymous said...

I love where I am in life! I am a newlywed, recently moved to the beautiful state of Alaska. I am amazed at the beauty out my window each day.
Stephanie P

Anonymous said...

I lurvvvve cupcakes! Both creating and eating them!!! Frosting and choc bits!

Grace Tolman said...

I love being inspired by people like you. I love that with the technology we have now, great inspirations like you are easily accessible.

Anonymous said...

i love my nikon d200 because i can take pictures of my beautiful girls.

FrancescaVe said...

I love shopping of course!!! LOL. It always makes me happy.

Kendraspaperpiecings said...

I love lamp...

tessa said...

I really love starbucks, unfortunately we don't have starbucks in Norway. So last time I went to one was at my England trip 4 years ago, and I went 1-3 times a day to get their awsome frapuchino (was there for only 5 days) but what I also love (beide my family) is a good coffemocca and a scrapbook magazine and some peace and quiet to enjoy..

Unknown said...

mmmm super easy. I love to collect scrapbooking supplies!

CopyCat said...

i love you
= in Malay
Aku Cinta Kamu

Rachel said...

I love cilantro. I try my hardest to put it in everything I make. My husband doesn't love that so much, but that's ok, I'll continue to be obsessed!

schuel said...

I love friends who offer to run errands for you when you are held prisoner at home taking care of sick child and husband for 6 straight days. I also love the word "war" I have with my 4 year old at bedtime. mom - I love you -Lucy - I love you more - Mom - No, I love you more - Lucy - I love you forever - Mom - I love you infinity ! Whoever gets to infinity first trumps, game over, good nite.

Anonymous said...

I love hanging clothes out on the clothesline. I love the way I can smell them when I am out playing with my kiddos and I love the way my house smells when I bring them inside.

Chelsea Van Tol said...

I LOVE stickers! and pens and paper!

And a clean house.

Christine said...

I LOVE a give away .... seriously, everytime there is one, I enter and anxiously wait for the results. Too bad, I'm not often the winner. I still love the anticipation of it. Thanks for a great giveaway during an especially cold February in PA!!

Christine Z. in PA

Laura Looooo said...

i love auto racing. the smell of racing fuel, burnt rubber, and all that excitement on opening day in the spring. it's all that i look forward to all year. the competition, the excitement, the friends who have become family.

and of course.. i love dragging my camera with me to capture my memories! <3

Tami said...

I love photography. Obsessed with it really and drive my famiy crazy with the camera on a daily basis. But it just makes me happy to have that thing in my hand. :-)

Anonymous said...

I love the sounds of on, my grandson playing, his parents laughing upstairs, my dog Spice chewing on her bone, the dryer running...wish I was there now.
Louise Murr

Chrissy Le said...

I'm loving cuddling with my daughter for our afternoon naps :)

Lisa said...

I love having the four seasons here in Michigan. Even though this winter has been long, it won't be long before we'll be spending time on the golf course and watching our kids in Little League.

Anonymous said...

I love listening to my playlist.

Anonymous said...

I totally love Swedish Fish. I can eat them any time of day or night. I love all the colors but tend to favor the red. One of my favorite ways to eat them are to warm them in the microwave for about 5 seconds...yummy! I usually have a bag in my house for anyone but ALWAYS have a hidden stash my kids and husband have yet to find! :)

kaylaX said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Susanne said...

I love a simple, uncomplicated life!

sherry said...

i have failed every diet i ever started because i love potato chips :)

sherry said...

i have failed every diet i ever started because i love potato chips :)

kaylaX said...

I Love my new big sister. She was adopted at birth and she has spent 15 years trying to find her birth family and last year she finally found us. She is 3 years older than me, and I never knew I had a sister till last year. So I am no longer an only child. So I guess I could add in that I love the internet because thats how she finally found us. And I asked her why it took 15 years and she said that the internet databases where not what they are now!!!!! So I love my new sister and I love the fact that the internet helped us re-unite...... :)

dbirks said...

I love opening my doors on warm days feeling/smelling the fresh air and listening to the birds. I love sharing a cup of tea with a friend.

Anonymous said...

I heart scrapbook products! and i love getting it for cheap! thanks for the tip! p.s. i can't wait to take your class at cku!

Sheri said...

I Love Coldplay!! Their music can always put me in a great mood!

Anne Thompson said...

I send my bestfriend in Alberta special packages filled with things I know only she will love :) Thanx! Anne, BC.

kellygrl27 said...

I love my fleece tops and pants. Its been pretty cold her the last week (high of 10 degrees yesterday) and I love my wood burning; 80% effecient fireplace. I am always happy when I'm warm when I'm scrappin'

Susan E said...

I LOVE embellishments. When I see them in the store or on the internet I feel like I HAVE to have it even though at that moment I have no idea what I would even do with it. :)

Anonymous said...

I love a good cup of coffee. Brewed from freshly ground beans and made with cream and sugar. Becca :)

Unknown said...

I love to watch the little girl that I nanny for brighten someone's day. She was recently adopted from China and was born with a cleft palate. She doesn't speak much English but her smile is so contagious. Anywhere we go someone comments on her beautiful smile and spirit. It is just amazing to me that complete strangers are inspired by this little person with a huge smile!

The Hathaways said...

I love bunco night! There's nothin like a girls night out with the friends you love.

Betsy Beers said...

I LOVE when my creative juices are flowing AND I have free time to be creative! Too often it seems that I'm creative when I can't get my hands on my crafty stuff or I'll have some free time, but just not feeling the craftiness. So, when they both go hand in hand, I LOVE it!

Anonymous said...

I love those days when the sky is really really blue and the temperature is just right and there is a little breeze. Everything feels right with the world then.

Lauren H.

Anonymous said...

Я тебя люблю - that is how i say this.
Ya tebya lublu.

Terese said...

I love DOTS candy. It is quite an obsession.

Anonymous said...

I love when the sun peaks out during a dreary winter day, sooo needed, sooo appreciated.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE my yoga class. Really. It is the only thing I will not miss. Ever.

Anne said...

I LOVE scrapbooking, if I win this prize I will finally get myself back into gear! I've got a couple years to catch up on!

tmwathen said...

I love my job. I am a first grade teacher and there is nothing like the spark in a child's eye when they realize, Yes, I can read!

Susan Wood said...

I LOVE rainy nights when I am just drifting off to sleep listening to the raindrops hit the leaves outside my window. It gives me a cozy feeling.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure it's been said; but I love paper!!! What traditional scrapper doesn't, right? Honestly though...the textures, colors, possiblilities. It inspires me!
Kasey Tschepen

HoneyPunches N' PumpkinStamps said...

I love it when someone I've known forever calls me by my childhood nickname "shanny". Usually it's from my parents, grandma, or one of my bestest friends. The sound of my nickname coming from one of these dear people gives me the feeling of a warm snuggle without being touched and it makes me turn up a half smile. I love how something so simple as a childhood moment can always be remembered and cherished with 6 little letters "shanny"!

Heather said...

I know I am a bit late on this but I have to say "I love your photo's"!!! So sweet!!

jaclyn said...

i love sunday afternoons and diet coke!

Anonymous said...

I love the look on a friends face when they get a surprise from me (a photo of them or some scrap thingy I made for them).

Кристина said...

Wow, such a great and "rich" candy! I'm already dreaming about it!!! And I'm from Russia and here we say "Я люблю тебя" , "ya lyublyu tebya!".
I love looking at my husband preparing pizza for me and my little sun! (he's doing this now and I enjoy the view!!!)

Aimee Ann said...

i love the feel of cold grass on bare toes!

Brock Family said...

I love that I live in Florida where it is "freezing" if it gets below 60 degrees!!!

Brock Family said...

I love that I live in Florida where it is "freezing" if it gets below 60 degrees!!!

K118sam said...

I love the quiet that falls in my house around 10pm after everyone else is asleep. and peeking in at those sleeping faces

Rachel said...

I love the way after visiting scrappy blogs I feel so refreshed and inspired with some new fun ideas!! I love your blog!!

Anonymous said...

I love chocolate is my favorite! and when sometimes when is late at night and all are sleeping, I find my stash of chocolate and I can eat it enjoy it with a tall glass of cold milk! watching my favorite reality show!

Anonymous said...

I love chocolate is my favorite! and when sometimes when is late at night and all are sleeping, I find my stash of chocolate and I can eat it enjoy it with a tall glass of cold milk! watching my favorite reality show!

Anonymous said...

I love chocolate is my favorite! and when sometimes when is late at night and all are sleeping, I find my stash of chocolate and I can eat it enjoy it with a tall glass of cold milk! watching my favorite reality show!

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