Tuesday, February 17, 2009

you tried

Dear Collin,
I know your plan was to do the Master Cleanse diet for 10 days,
you had it all mapped out, pumped yourself up & even mentally prepared for it!
But let's face it, the fact that you only drank a concoction of lemon juice, maple syrup & cayenne pepper
(+ sea salt shots) for 24 hours was a victory in my eyes!! Tonight I'll use the syrup
& make you some yummy pancakes! :)



Unknown said...

That's hilarious and sweet! :)

Becky said...

tell him he's better off - you can die from the master cleanse! he looks awesome anyway. on diet needed.

JRC said...

If you use that syrup for pancakes, he might gag! Unless he likes rancid tasting black licorice:)

Kathy said...

Oh boy!! I did the master cleanse for 10 days. 10 very, very long days. After day two I could not longer drink the concoction. Instead I drank the lemon juice separately, the maply syrup by the spoonful and the cayenne pepper on it's own. Afterwards....chug, chug, chug the water. Much easier for me at least. I didn't do the sea salt I was forwarned about it. I did however use the "Smooth Move" tea. That's all I'll say about that. I lost 14 lbs. and kept 10 of it off. Not bad. At least Collin tried. Not sure why though...you both look pretty fit.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone want a bucket of organic lemons? :)

That drink sucked.

I'm gonna go pound some Ho-Ho's.

Melody Williamson said...

That's ok. Dr.s say it does not really do anything for you anyways other than starving you!

susette said...

You should make brazillian lemonade from all those leftover lemons like they make at Tucanos. Oh wait, you need limes for that. It's a super yummy drink nonetheless. It has sweetened condensed milk in it. Soooo delightful and heavenly!!

Latrice said...

Oh Collin,
This cleansing sounds terrible! Good for you for giving it a shot!

When life gives you lemons make lemonade (litterally) You have a bucket of lemons left!

jen geigley said...

i heard that beyonce did a lemonade cleanse before she did dreamgirls... maybe you could nix the maple syrup and cayenne pepper?

Joel, Jes and the rest said...

24 hours is longer than me and my hubby lasted.......:)
That stuff is n.a.s.t.y.

Monica said...

Wow, I can't even imagine trying something like that! Enjoy the hohos and pancakes!

angie worthington said...

eeeewwwww, you are one brave man to try that!!!.....

Brooke said...

My brother did that cleanse, told me it was the longest 10 days of his life...Good try tho, more than I would do!

Steph said...

24 hours is a VERY GOOD VICTORY - i tried that diet for what was supposed to be 7 days, and only made it 3 hours - drinking syrup? disgusting - who are you kidding - the pancakes sounds SO MUCH BETTER!!!! enjoy

cari runia said...

Hello cute Kartchner family...
I just stumbled here, while hopping around old high school friends' blogs... :) and I thought I'd say hi, and also: #1: your kids are THE cutest little girls, and I'd be concerned that someone will try to kidnap you to produce a new, more beautiful species. #2: Liz, you were always so nice, but I never knew you were the most talented crafter/photographer/decorator on earth. and #3: isn't that the crazy diet that nearly killed Kelly Kapoor?!?!?! Crazy!
Hope you don't mind if I plan on checking in on your cute site again! :)

Maria Therese said...

just love the tip you gave us to get larger pictures in the blog by loading them to a album first.. but my whole pictures doesn't show.. how do you remove the side-space on the blog so that you can use the whole screen to blog on?

Nicole Renee said...

That sounds gross, I woudl be surprised if any one could make it a day on that diet. At least he gets pancakes out of the deal. ; )

s a n s k u :) said...


Sandy said...

eeeeeew!! well kudos to him for making it to 24 hours!! the pancakes sound much better though....(-:

Sara Ancich said...

I found my neighbor face down on her drive way, passed out, on day 12 of her cleanse... there has got to be a better way. really. Who is Colin...Kelly from The Office?

Amy said...

hey Liz. Your husband is so brave!!!!!!! I know of a better, much easier, and you can eat on it cleanse that is great. No moaning and groaning for 10 days and you feel awesome afterwards. It is an advocare product if your interested you can check it out on advocare.com/06111491. Just a suggestion. there are so many crazy cleanses out there that most people don't make it through because it is awful. Hang in there Collin. Check this other cleanse out . Thanks.

Maria Therese said...

Thanx! whith what you told me + my littlebrother on the phone I'm sattisfied with my blog now.. Many thanx!!!

Amber Filkins said...

What a brave guy!! I saw that diet on "The Doctors", the cool medical show on CBS. They said it was NO GOOD. So feed him those pancakes and he can hold off on dessert, if he wants! :)

That letter is so sweet.

Unknown said...

Cute! I hear not many people survive the master clense. Nice of you to be so supportive!

Anonymous said...

oh my I tried this once - couldn't stand the smell - YUCK - getting sick thinking about it! ;-)

Tina said...

Ok, that sounds absolutely disgusting! Collin, I am sure you made it 23 hrs and 59 mins longer than a lot of people!

the cummard family said...

i am laughing so hard right now...i just finished the master cleanse on thursday! it was amazing!

Olivia said...

Ugh! That sounds awful. Trying to lose weight is the pits. What happened to my metabolism??? I used to could eat anything and not gain a pound, now looking at food makes my thighs fat. LOL

I know the problem...2 kids and a husband. Dang them! They make me all happy & exhausted, and so therefore I have no desire to exercise or stop eating.

Love your blog!

Liz said...

I just picked up the IRON GYM for my hubby {per his request} and he started spouting off all of the guidlines he is now going to follow. Then it said that he needed to drink 73 ounces of water and eat broccoli. He balked and didn't even try it for 24 hours.

You guys are so funny!!

P.S. I have downloaded so many songs from your playlist ~ Thanks!

Anonymous said...

So many people visiting your site, yours' must be a very popular site indeed. I shall keep searching for informative material on your site.

Diet Cleanse

lexsmama said...

Well, you gave it the good old college try, Collin! Wtg for making it as long as you did. Now, those lemons could go for some homeade lemonade. :-)

Thanks for sharing. :)

Rosie said...

I took ONE dose of the cleanse--ONE and lost all control of my bowels--during the dance carpool! I think that it is probably not such a great idea!

Amber and Nala said...

That's too funny....I think 24 hours is an achievement too! Enjoy the pancakes!


Woodberries said...

That is super funny! I tried it for about 24 hours myself. :)

Emily Frame said...

i'll go on the ho-ho diet with you collin!

p.s. you're coming with me when i pull out the road bike, i am too scared of those feet clips.

Amber said...

Congrats on having your cute love page featured in the SIS newsletter! I love it! =)!!

Anonymous said...

24hours...well done! My mother used to do this all the time (15 years ago) she swears by it if you can do it. I've done the drink but never to fast. Fun stuff, thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

i've tried also... lasted for about 15 minutes. i couldn't even finish one glass of that nasty stuff! it's awful.

Laci J said...

I did this for a full 10 days before I went to Hawaii and it worked but like everyone says its suck'd! The 1st two days are the worst, it gets easier after that, but its really hard to come off the diet, I didnt feel like eating anything I usually like. And being in Hawaii with lots of $$$ to spend on yummy food, it was a bummer.

Jason, Dawn, Lane, and Kate said...

Just wondering...what version of photoshop do you use? thanks!

Hannah said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmm, i tried that one once....YUCK....that's all I'm gonna say!

The Boys Mommy said...

are you taking unrelated scrapbooking Q&As? Would love to know if you liked the sleepywrap? I'm shopping around for a sling and wanted mommy input...debvog@gmail.com


Libby said...

When you are ready to try it, you can talk yourself into anything! Even if you ARE forewarned about the sea salt!!! Persoanlly, I could only take 2.5 days. Halfway through day 3 I couldn't take it anymore. I don't blame him - it certainly doesn't get better or easier. "A" for effort :)

Unknown said...

hahahahahaha thats hilarious I totally would have done it with him I have always wanted to try something like that. I can see him now.

Anonymous said...

The Master Cleanse is great! I do it yearly, every January. If you can get through day 4, it gets much easier. Those are the days when your body is dumping the toxins and junk in your body. You will not feel great those first few days especially if you eat a lot of sugar, coffee, or soda. Toward the end of the cleanse, I have SO much energy.

No it won't kill you and most traditional doctors pooh, pooh it.


Anonymous said...

would love to see you continue to show your scrapbooking stuff

Kit said...


While in California I met with Lucco Crisale of "Exercise and Nutrition Works" in Irvine.

He has had clients who have done the MC and one lost 13 pounds....of muscle and water...and gained 4 pounds of fat.

Don't do it for fat loss! It will slow your metabolism, force your body to cannibalize the muscle since you eat no protein while on it for ten days. Yes, it won't kill you. But what are your goals? Lose fat? or clean the colon?
Just drink your Kangen water to clean that ol' colon!

Love you guys....Mom/Kit

Stacey said...

I also lasted one day. I also ended up eating pancakes....yum! I love real maple syrup....
your blog is sooo fun!!!

James said...

Lemon juice acts as a natural hair lightner and skin bleach which reduces the pigment melanin and prevents the risk of chemical allergic reactions which is common with hair dyes and bleaches.