The past 3 months I've scrapbooked 78 pages (for future schtuff)
I ate 97% of those sugar cookies myself
I watched Stranger Than Fiction 3 times the past 2 weeks (actually more like I listened to it while the kids napped & I scrapped)
Quincey has one bottom tooth :)
Avery can count to 20 (but she skips 14, 16 & 18)
I watched Chris Miles #54 & the rest of BYU's team win the MWC title
Last week I added 1 coat of Primer to 1/2 of our kitchen cabinets (yeah, it's a beautiful sight right now :)
I have 9 singing voicemails on my phone from C-Bass (his version of ABBA's Take a Chance on Me is my fave)
I drank one A&W Cream Soda on Saturday (pretty sure I was 12 the that last time I enjoyed one of those-it was yum!)

Two weeks ago at 10 am on a Saturday morning I fell in love with my new fave Etsy shop
♥♥ Miss Ruby Sue ♥♥ (That's where I got the necklace above!)
I spotted her eyecandy headbands that I had-to-have! Lori (aka miss ruby sue) thought I was crazy after 2 spazzy convos drooling over her handmade beauties & romantic vintage curiosities~ Check out this headband it has me written all over it! :)
Since it's not fun to enjoy something by yourself--leave a comment with a random number fact about you-to win your item of choice from Miss Ruby Sue's CoLorFul shop!!
1 – 200 of 507 Newer› Newest»I am number 8 (of 8 kids) in my family. Thanks for the chance to win!
Number of times I've been in the hospital for my appendix = 3
I have 2 beautiful siblings, my 5 year old brother and 2 year old sister. Love them more than anything!
Miss Ruby Sue has been on my Favorites list for a while now. Beautiful is just the best way to describe her stuff.
As for a random number fact, on the 15th of this month, I will turn 27. Not a number I'm really excited about, but I'm trying :)
I'm really good at eating an entier pint of Ben and Jerry's Coffee Heath Bar Crunch by myself. In fact, I prefer it that way! :)
LoVe that etsy shop! Gorgeous! I am 42 credits through law school, married for 6 1/2 years & have a 3 year old.
man i am a numbers kind of finding similarities :)
-my birthday is 7-4-74...i was born @ 2:22
-my bday, my dh's bday & my oldest daughter's bday's are all 4's...mine is the 4th, DH is 14th & DD is 24th.
-my middle daughter's bday is 9-19-99 & was born @ 4:44 (double of mine)
i could go on & on :)
I have 1 fake tooth and yep, its it right in front!
My goal this week, atleast 1 green smoothie each day!!
That necklace is sooo awesome!!!!
Let's see...a number...I could count up the calories I've had so far today but that would be entirely too scary...
I'll go with 83! 83 days left of being 30 until I turn 31!
Beautiful necklace...I must go check out her shop and wish...
I have gone to the bathroom 7 times already this morning. Too much coffee and water!!!
I celebrated 11 amazing years of marriage on Saturday!
I have eaten 2 un-figure friendly things today. :(
my darling love was born on 8.8.80 at 8 minutes to 8. Baptized on 8.8.88. 28 on 8.8.08. he is my lucky, lucky 8.
guess what my favorite number is?!
here are 8 simple things that make me happy:
1. early morning kisses from my darling
2. fresh artichokes
3. your playlist
4. giggling with my cupcake
5. slathering baby lotion all over my lovedove and feasting on her rolls
6. new paper
7. fresh lemons
8. white spring tulips in a white pitcher on my counter
9. phone calls from my sisters
I got to spend 6 hours on Saturday all by my very self and with that time I drove 30 minutes to my lss to use my $50 gift card and then I came back and I created 1 layout with 2 of my 27 sheets of new paper! Love it!
5 - the number of hours my husband and I worked on a leaky shower yesterday. 3 - the number of trips to Lowes. 0 - the number of plumbers we had to call. Yay!
29 days left to live in America. (at least for the next 3 years while living in Istanbul) - don't you think her stuff would look great there? I'd give her an international presence ;)
Will be celebrating 19 yrs of wedded bliss this summer just before turning the big 4-0 in October! What a year this will be!!!
I've made and decorated 90 sugar cookies for various class treats for my 3 children in the past week. 30 piggy cookies for The Three Little Pigs Play, 30 Frogs for a Wacky Wednesday treat and 30 cookies with orange sprinkles for my son's birthday and his favorite color is orange.
Random numbers how fun..... I hae been a nurse for 2 years now and have been married for 10 months. I have 2 siblings, I carry 2 caddies and 2 rolling suitcases when I go to crop, I have 2 piercings and 2 tattoos. I could go on but I want to leave some room for other people :) thanks for the chance to win and I love your blog I read it daily!!
Weslie Tait
I've scraped about 18 pages in 2009. I thought that was GREAT until I read your number.
My sweet Emily (my 2nd child) will turn 2 on Friday!
In the past almost 11 years, I have been pregnant for 3.4 years and have nursed for 4.7 years.
That is a total of 8 years and 11 months. But luckily those 5 kids have been worth it (most days that is! :)
It's time to reclaim my body!
I will be 33 on Wednesday and have been parenting 2 girls for 4 years (first girl) and 2 months (2nd girl)!
Today is my 123rd day of teaching 2nd grade. There are 57 days left before summer vacation!
4 is the number of pounds I lost last week at WW.
2 is the number of layouts I scrapped very late Saturday night.
12 is the number of brownies I made yesterday.
1 is the number of brownies I ate yesterday.
5 is the number of hours left in my workday.
3 is the number of people I have waiting for me at home :)
thanks for the chance to win!
FORTY TWO. the number of items i'm drooling over in Miss Ruby Sue's shop! AAAAAAH! It's all sooo gorgeous! Thanks for introducing me to this fabulocity!
My chin slants at a 4 degree angle to the right. My forehead is 1 centimeter bigger than it should be compared to the size of my nose. My waist size is 3 inches bigger than I want it to be. I love my wife 1 google-plex times infinity worth...
I visit 6 blogs everyday, with yours at the top of the list! Thanks for making such a whimsy place to visit!
Numbers, eh....
18 years that I have been married to my high school sweetheart
71 days
1721 hours
103270 minutes until our oldest child graduates high school and starts a new chapter in her life
9 years until the next child is up for graduation
14 more years until the last is up for graduation
I have 4 sisters, 1 of which has the same mother AND father
I have 1 sister that is younger than my oldest child (weird, yes)
In mexico on the beach wearing spf 50 because I am sooo pale :) drinking about 5 cokes a day. paridise.
Four -- the number of days in my weekend this week. :)
The Numbers On My Mind Right Now...
*2.5 years of wedded bliss
*4 years of knowing my awesome birth mom -- love you 'zilla
*3 half sisters that don't know about me yet.
*1 statement necklace i'd love to own from Miss Ruby Sue's shop
The Numbers On My Mind Right Now...
*2.5 years of wedded bliss
*4 years of knowing my awesome birth mom -- love you 'zilla
*3 half sisters that don't know about me yet.
*1 statement necklace i'd love to own from Miss Ruby Sue's shop
oh fun is this post!
my baby is almost 6 months old. i've changed 4 diapers, nursed 3 times, changed her outfit twice, changed mine once...i love my life!
i would love love to win something from miss ruby sue!
Gorgeous necklace!
7-19 my birthday AND my hubby's birthday!
1 pan of lemon bars made this weekend and 2 lemon bars left...
39 degrees today! A most welcome feeling in this cold state of Michigan
Took 3 adults
4 kids
on 2 trains
to see the #1 show in NYC in my book - the Lion King
Where we meet 42 of our favorite otehr Girl Scouts
There's more to me than people know. They think I have it all together, but, I don't. Wish I did. I am soon to be a single mom of 4, I have been laid-off 2x in 1.5 years. I'd like to feel pretty with one of those gorgeous necklaces.
I think I might be in love!!! Thanks for linking to Miss Ruby's shop.
4.5 months preggers with Boy #3
2 months til we move to CA.. YEAH!!
3 is the number of cars I have ditched, dinged and broken over the last 2 months...The worst part is one of them was my mothers brand new car...:( Good thing she loves me!
26 is the number of books I've read for fun since December! And 104 is the number of songs I have purchased on iTunes since December also [no thanks to your awesome mixes ;) ]
My son Jordan's birthday is 01/21/2001 and was born ON his due date; which only 20% of babies do!
I just oiled 23 cabinet doors in my kitchen. Fun!
I just oiled 23 cabinet doors in my kitchen. Fun!
I just oiled 23 cabinet doors in my kitchen. Fun!
That necklace took my breath away!!!
I have been drinking coffee for about 10 years, in that time I have had at least 3,000 drinks from starbucks. (don't even want to know how much money that is!)
At this moment there are 104 hours until I am back in SLC to see my honey and spend time with him.
And it has been 4 hours since I left SLC from seeing my honey...
Today I have spent .5 hours cleaning the house and 4.5 hours goofing-off. OOPS!
3 The number of continious hours of sleep I got last night, 5 the number of diapers I have changed,
6 the number of times I've fed my newborn,
and can I add infinite? The best (kind of) number of all, the amount of love I feel in my heart today. :)
Oh my goodness that necklace is gorgeous! I love all the colors. . .
3. . .the number of chocolate chip cookies I sneaked before my kids could catch me and ask for them. Isn't that so bad?
This is really bad, but i have had one cadbury creme egg every day in March so far. That makes 9!
and oh my gosh, i am 100% gushing over those headbands and necklaces. you have to be kidding me!
xo - jen
8 - the number of day my husband has been in NC (our new home) and I have been in UT (our old home) waiting until I can travel out there.
(don't think my comment posted the first time, as I got an error message. if it did, i apologize).
I walked 4.2 miles in the 56 degree sunshine yesterday and it made the happiest I've been in weeks!
Thanks for the burst of color on your blog today. It made me smile.
My 2nd child has had problems with going #2 for the the past year ~ atleast in the toilet. But after 12 months of not presuring him he is fully pottytrained. Just think of the numbers of scrapbook supplies I will be able to buy now that I'm not purchasing diapers... Countless!!!!
I love that she named the headband after you!
What a fun giveaway! Here's a random number fact about me... My grandma, father and I were all born on the 29th of different months... and obviously years too :) -Sharyn
3(rd Runner Up)- My number on my roller derby team
2- CDs my 2 year-old son has happily listened to while playing in the living room, as I secretly revel that they're broadway soundtracks.
1- more check of e-mail before I get off my duff and get to work today.
You ROCK! My hubby is 34 today! :)
I was born on 2/2
Also known as Groundhogs day!
I have 15 minutes before I have to go and pick up my son from MDO...oops...gotta go! ;) Love the number facts! Great scrapbook page!!! lisa k in tx
When I was 17 I got 47 stitches in my right leg because of a snowboarding accident
At 25 I still love spending time w/ my family.
Enjoying my 2 super cute nieces who make me laugh every I'm with them.
And just enjoying love and all the love it has to offer!
My b-day is 3-3-66 and my son's b-day is 2-22-02. They are always the easiest to remember!
I am 17 years younger than my oldest sister! You can say I was an added bonus to my family 31 years ago :)
We have been best buds for 16 years:)
I have 1 daughter who is 10 months. She has at least 10 headbands. I only have 2 - hopefully I will win the 3rd. :)
82 days until my grandbaby RUBY Lynn moves to a different state... I need something to brighten my day!
that giveaway is just to fabulous to pass up :)
love love love the necklace!
HI LIzzy,
iin 11 days it will be my 29th birthday.YAHOO.
Thanks for sharing:)
I have had THREE cups of tea today which is still not helping with the grogginess I'm feeling from the ONE hour time change!
Love the name of lori's DD's name is Ruby!
I have scrapped zero(0) pages this year BUT have made four (4) mini albums already, and have one (1) more in the works :)
oh my, oh my... i have fallen in love.
with your necklace.
i don't know if that is entirely appropriate.
but ONE husband has been informed about the esty shop.
and thanks for the update on the school reunion... are you and C going? i am not sure justin is open to the idea of a school reunion...
21... the day of month both of my babies were born!
My hubby and I drove for 5 hours yesterday to Mexico for a baby dedication. It cost my husband 44 pesos to buy a brown belt and 200 pesos to buy us lunch. We drove in an out of Mexico 2 times and was stopped by immigration and border patrol 4 times!!!
12 is the number of weeks that I am pregnant with baby #3!
random fun birthday birthday is 11/1/78 and my husband's bday is 1/11/78....both of our children were born on the 23rd of a month.....however I don't think baby #3 will be a is due on September 18th, and I will have a c-section a few days before that.....
fun giveaway!
I ran the 1st leg of the TRIPLE crown (is a 5K) in 29 minutes 24 seconds and in 12 days I will run the 2nd leg (it's a 10k) and hope my time is under 65 minutes. And your necklace is FAB!
In 18 days I will have been married to my best friend for 10 years!
My son just got 4 shots so he can go to Kindergarten this fall!
My daughter just ate 1 whole bag of m&m and wants more!
There are a million snowflakes falling outside today!
I don't think a Nana like me would look good in that cutie but I have a Grandaughter that would be all over it! Thanks, Nana Janet.
I just bought 9 half yards of delicious fabric to finish my fun spring quilt!
This post cracked me up
4 times!
Inspired me 3 times to;
scrap 1 LO with by the numbers style journaling
Adorn it with cool flowers inspired by the beautiful jewelry and use those yummy color combo's.
Ok so here's some other personal numbers, it's 2:55 pm here and so far;
4 ~ number of times I've swept the floor after my kids have dropped food, cut pieces of paper, foam and God only knows what else on it... :)
3 ~ Different breakfasts since 7am
3.5 times the same movie has been played
6 ~ number of times I have had to play referee and put an end to a disagreement
I have broken all 10 toes from years of ballet. But the great news from that is that i can wear shoes anywhere from size 7.5 to 9ish (my real size) because i have almost no feeling in my toes anymore. Yeah shopping for me!
16...the number of cookies in one sleeve of GirlScout Thin Mints (all of which I ate myself while scrapping this weekend)! Hey, thanks for keeping me honest!
This was real fun! Loved reading all the comments! :)
4 - numbers of aspirins I've taken today
0 - numbers of times it helped
1 - number of splitting headaches I'm having
1 - happiness I'm still hanging on to that makes it all ok, even with this headache
4 is my favorite number-It's the day of my birthday-and I have 4 people I love more than life itself, I live in a 4 bedroom house and my hubby gets home from school at 4. Loves!
gorgeous necklace!
Here are my random number facts:
13 more days till spring!
6 layouts finished in the past week
3 mini books started
1 happy girl
lol!!! i look at this, there are 88 posts, mine being # is 8...i am born on the 8th, my daughter was born on the 8th...i graduated high school, started college and got married in 1988 at the age of 18!, 8 holds a very special place in my heart...
LOVE the blog candy today!!!...she has an awesome shop!!!...
4 - the number of days left until I get to see my sister and nephews.
5 - the number of months it's been since I've seen them - way, way too long!
I have 5 ear piercings-used to have seven, but couldn't wear earrings when I was pregnant.
I have 4 tattoos--all bugs!?!? 2 butterflies, a ladybug and a dragonfly
7 is my favorite number and also my power number (you know when you add up all the numbers in your birthday! :)
I'm 6 months married to the most wonderful man in the world. Which means I've had more than 180 days of pure happiness!
In about 2 months I will have my 2 chils and be mother to 2 beautifull kids (yupp I know the 2. is beautifull too she or he lookes like big sis when she was born on the ultrasound)
my cousin (my best friend!) and i BOTH welcomed our daughters into the world on the SAME day- Feb. 26. This past 2-26 my baby girl turned one and my cousins daughter turned 6. A special thing they will always share (besides being family) is sharing a birthday- i love it!
Here is my random number fact. I am the 6th generation in my family to have a girl first and a boy second. My mom and I were the exact same age when we had our first children....down to the day!
What a kick butt necklace! Love it. My number ...our house has been for sale for 8 months and 1 day. 8 long months. And one long day. I would love to win something kick butt to distract me! Ha. Thanks for the chance!
I am getting married in 179 days to my fiance I have dated for 6 1/2 years and I am almost finished with the 75 save the dates I made while eating approximately 27 Dove chocolates! yea!
I will be 30 this year, I have been married for 11 years to my high school sweetheart,he did 9.5 years in the Navy and we have 5 of the best kids ever. #1 and #5 are boys, we have a girl sandwich. We thought about #6 but the baby boy keeps us on our toes. All of the girls in our family including myself were born in August. We have 1 birthday per week. 3rd,13th, 21st, and 31st. We did not plan it, 2 were due in Sept., but having everyone in August makes it a very fun month in our house. Love the links!!
I have packed my suitcase 3 times in the past month. Yikes, fun month, but glad I get some time at home now.
Thanks for the chance to win!
The number 13 is me and my husbands special number. We started dating on Dec. 13, were engaged on Oct. 13, and were married on Sept. 13!
Cute cute necklace! :)
21 is my magical number...I started dating my husband on the
21st of December, married him June 21st 2 and 1/2 years later. :) He was 21 when we got married, and I was 21 when I found out that I was pregnant with our first baby...21 is pretty much a perfect number.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Cute stuff! How about: my husband has 3 sisters, married one of three sisters, has 2 daughters, who gave him 5 grand daughters! HE KNOWS HE'S OUT NUMBERED !
2008 - I became a mother at first!
My daughter Daniella has 8 teeth)))
my friends got married on 08/08/08
My dear mammy was born April 8
so...I like 8)))
U are 2 Cute!
My husband and first daughter were both born on 6-6
I have 3 other children born in the 12th month of the year!
11:11 Whenever you see those numbers on a clock it means Angels are watching over you.
Michele B.
I am getting married exactly 1 month before my 30th birthday.
Great giveaway! I've had her "favorited" for a bit now!
What a fun little Etsy shop!
My random number fact-I turned 31, 8 days ago :)
Thanks for such a fun giveaway!!!
I have moved 5 times in the last 10 years.
my only daughter celebrated her 18th bday this weekend! I can't believ i am the mother of an adult! yikes! 18!!!! impossible! i must be old! yuck! i need some of this fun artsy stuff to look young again! too cool!
3 - number of ear infections my son has had in the last 6 weeks!
I was born on the 7th of February...I have 7 siblings...and 7 just happens to be my favorite number! Wonder how that happen!!?
What a fun shop she has. Thanks!
1 little boy who has lots of homework right now
1 unhappy hubby with a store not full of customers
1 happy me who loves them both
328 days last year I took a a picture of myself.
Love her stuff!!
1 mama showered for the day
4 boys ready for their day
3 errands run by 10 am
3 loads of laundry done
& 1 mama hoping to get a nap in @ some point today!
Have a great 1!
2 years ago I was attacked 4 dogs, bitten 55 times, received 10 stitches in 5 spots and still have 25 scars
2-The number of hours I have left to work today.
Everything in her shop is so cute!!!!
29--the number of how old I am today!!
I share my birthday 10-7 with my college roommate's son and she shares a birthday 4-5 with my son. Weird, huh?!? :)
Weird Birthdays in our family - My Mom's is 5-13 and my Dad's is 5-14 and 5-15...his Mom insists it's 5-14 but the birth certificate says it's 5-15!
10 1/2 - number of years my husband and I have been married
7 - age of our daughter
26 1/2 - number of weeks until we welcome our much anticipated beautiful second child!
Miss Ruby Sue's shop is gorgeous! Me and my belly are needing a little bling to get us through this everlasting winter!
I have to limit myself to 2 Blackberry Izzes a day...I could drink the whole case! :)
I have 87 first cousins and one of them is married to your friend Erin. Small world.
this is kinda scary weird but if you look at all my family members birthday's they are all dates that some tradgedy occured. We joke that we shold notify the government of our findings so they can be careful on those days.
another random number fact. Last year I was fully convinced that I was turning 26. When I found out that I was in fact turning 27 I cried...I felt robbed of a whole year of my life!
you look hot in those pics. Dig the sunburst!
My husband has asked me to marry him at least 2256 times. That is at least once a day for every day we have been married (but he normally asks more than once, and he has never skipped a day) + the one big time I said the first yes!
I have 1 four and a half year old, 1 two year old and I just found out I have one on the way!
I bought a case of 12 mountain dews and was shocked at the spike in price...overnight!
14 - the number of Young Women I serve with at church that have been on my mind all day.
5-number of girl scount cookies I downed in a one minute sitting. Hee hee hee.
I'm a Cancer, my b-day is 6-28. My Daughter is also a Cancer, 7-21 & My Dad 7-7 & my Mom 7-17. My hubby is not a Cancer, but his b-day is 10-14 & my parents anni is 10-13.
I am 1 proud mama to 2 sweet boys whom I would do anything 4! And funny enough, one of my fave. songs at the moment is "1,2,3,4" by the plain white tee's!
Last year I had a 10 year old, 7 year old and a 3 year old....I thought that was weird because the equeation works: 10-7 = 3!
I just spent TWO hours on homework and will be done with this term in THREE weeks.
I got up at 6 a.m. then as I brushed snow off the van, realized we missed my son's seminary because it was really 7 a.m. and we both forgot to change our alarm clocks.
What does it mean that I can't think of a happier number story? lol.
I’ve had chicken pox twice. The first time, it was "American" the second time, the theory is that it was some strain from Asia.
we have only 9 school days until spring break! :) only 59 until summer vacation! :D
I would love to know how you get your hair so curly! Do you use a curling iron, or a special spray? I want hair like that!
2 children = 2 c-section
By the way, the necklace looks fabulouso!!!
1 sister in law that leaves nearby
attended 3 scrapbooking convention the last 3 years
Can't wait to get out of work and be with my little kiddos.
My luckiest number is 13 (I was born on Friday the 13th, full moon that day as well...)
1 year and 6 months - The time it took to conceive my beautiful baby girl who I am completely in love with.
Allison M.
12 is the number of times I check your website a day....looking for fun new ideas and pictures! Jennifer :-)
I grew up on a chicken farm with 150,000 chickens!
I have 3.5 hours till work is over for the day! Yippy!
I'm watching 2 amazing cute dogs this week. As I type this, they are both sleeping on my feet under the desk and I wish I could snuggle with them.
13 - the number of days until I quit my job and starts working with something more challenging!
I currently have 4 open boxes of kleenex scattered throughout my house and they are all being used constantly. URG- Cold season...
I have 1 husband, 2 parents, and 3 kids!
Thanks for the giveaway! :)
I have 1 husband, 2 parents, and 3 kids!
Thanks for the giveaway! :)
I have 1 husband, 2 parents, and 3 kids!
Thanks for the giveaway! :)
I have 1 husband, 2 parents, and 3 kids!
Thanks for the giveaway! :)
I have lived in 4 different states in 5 years and in that it has been 6 different cities on 2 different coasts!
29. that's how old i'll be the day after tomorrow.
My 5 year old told me last week he will be a TEENAGER in 8 years! Sooo cute! LOVE the necklace! So unique! :)
3...i have 3 gorgeous girls...and we love wearing fun things like these!
I have a craft room full of scrapbook stuff and have done ZERO pages in a year. I get too caught up in other projects. My goal is to scrap at least 4 pages while watching Dancing with the stars tonight!
3, the number of months my precious baby girl is!! Time flies by so fast, months go by so fast!!
Althoug my fave number has always been 5, the dates in our family all contain the number 6: anniversary 6/06, birthdays on 6, 16, 26, 26
My parents' grandchildren were born on consecutive dates (tho' not the same months or years): the oldest, my nephew, was born on the 1st (of June); next, my daughter, born on the 2nd (of October); then my niece, born on the 3rd (of August). The youngest grandchild, my son, was the holdout, born on December 9. To this day I wish I'd just asked my OB to induce me on December 4...
I was born on October 19 and my husband and I both CONSTANTLY see the number 1019 - everywhere. The time we just happen to look at the clock, my total at McDonald's the other day, a flight number, etc. It's really freaky!It's been going on for years!
14, the number of preschoolers I get to spend my day with:)
Thanks for the cool give away!!!
Well today is my 34th birthday. That is a number. Yes, I can't believe I am that old, but at least others can't believe it either. I am pregnant with my third child in less than 4 years. That means I will have 3 kids 3 and under come this summer. I have been pregnant or nursing 38 of the last 48 months. Those are some crazy numbers for you. Thanks for sharing your life in numbers with us.
Number of times I've been in love- 1, number of people who have been in love with me? 2
Lucky me
My oldest daughter was born on 9/13 at 7:13 pm and weighed in at 7lbs 13 oz. =)
13 unpopped corn kernels in my bowl. Lovingly made by my sweet Junia. She handed the bowl full of popcorn over to me and declared, "You deserve it Mommy!"
Number of lbs lost above and beyond the baby weight: 5 (that means I've got 5 to go to reach my goal before my race)
My baby also got his first tooth, just a few days ago!! Good times...
10-the number of hours of sleep a night I need to be at my best. 7--the number I usually get.
I have planted 10 beautiful pots of flowers over the last week!
ooohhhhh....I love that necklace too....
my number is 40...hours of labor it's taken to have 3 amazing kids.
I have planted 10 beautiful pots of flowers over the last week!
I have {4} more cavities to get filled!
OOOH This is fun! I am the oldest (#1). I have 2 brothers, which makes 3 children. Growing up, my family has only had 4 dogs. I was married on the 5th (of July). Yay for me 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5!
17 - the number of times my 2 yr old son watched Disney "Cars" yesterday while recuperating from Scarlet Fever.
My family used to collect cars (all Chrysler products). At one time between the 4 of us we had 29 cars/trucks ranging in age from 1962 to 2005!
I {big puffy heart} love that necklace!
This year I celebrated the 7th anniversary of my 29th birthday!
Adorable stuff!
I am currently 19 wks pregnant.
I have 2 kids 15 months apart. My oldest turns 2 this month, and I finally feel like I don't lose my mind 48 times a day!
OOH what a charming Etsy shop! I could just browse on that site for hours if I didn't discipline myself.
Hmm... a # fact about me: 12, the number of students in the kindergaten class where I'm doing my stage.
today is 18...eighteen days till i take my princess to disney world...shhh its a surprise!!...and 73...73 days till my boyfriend comes to visit...i miss him...
Super Cute! I once had a dream about the number78 and all I could think about for days was that number, I really felt like it meant something,So, I've made it my lucky number and I'm waiting to see what it meant. If anything. Maybe it was lucky just for this!
Ummmm one million. The number of times it seems like its snowed since December and its doing it again! In spite of it I'm making (one)spring wreath for my front door today! Think happy thoughts!
~Alysia Monee'
Its 4:30pm and I am now getting to my 9:00am project-- love how time flies with little ones! Thanks for sharing that shop- beautiful stuff!
I was 38 years, 9 months, and 17 days old when I had my beautiful, talented and loving daughter.
THIS HEAD BAND Is... freaking to die for! LOL, just the first one that is pictured... wowzers! I love it! Thanks so much for sharing!!
Random number fact??? Well I LOVE MATH, I am a math major! :D Woot woot. does that count??
28 ... the number of items on my to-do list for today that I ignored all morning to sit on the floor & play Little People with my 2-year-old daughter instead!
Oh I am a counter - I count everything, even when I know how many are there - I just can't help myself but count. Like the panes of glass in the window, the bricks on the wall, the tiles on the floor. Oh dear, maybe I am a bit weird, but that is my confession of a number fact! LOVE your inspiration, thank you xx Janelle
My beautiful niece is now 4 months old!
I made 4 cards today! Not bad as I've been in a slump for the past week! The etsy shop is wonderful.... love vintage!!!
Gave up fast food for 40 days (lent). Hoping to lose at least 10 pounds, which will help me keep up with two active little boys (5 and 3).
26 - the number of weeks pregnant I am with Baby #2! (a boy!)
I am such an even number girl, love the number 2. So when my only child was born on 1-3-97 at 3:23 am the first thing I thought besides how precious is he... was how "odd" is that!
2 - the number of bright pink long ice cream sundae spoons that my 9 -month-old daughter is playing with.
19 - the number of adorable photos I just took of the event
2 - the number of short videos I took
hee hee :)
Wow she really has amzing stuff...
I only got 3 hours of sleep last night while I was trying to comfort my poor sick little princess.
I bought my first home at age 23!
37=years I have lived.
3=number of gray hairs I found on my head.
11=number of undeniable wrinkle lines I can count near my eyes.
7=the number of giant zits I happen to have right now which is totally unfair considering the three stats above!
I could so use an eyecatching piece to take the attention from my face! Thanks for the opportunity!
17 - The # of kids in my class today...
22 - How much money I spent at Memorable Seasons (my last scrapbook purchase)...
9 - Days until my sister's 30th birthday...
25 - How old I feel...
31 - How old I actually am...
* I adore her "WEATHERING HEIGHTS-Turbulent Love" headband!
Just ate 4 chocolate chip cookies before dinner, have 4 kiddos who also ate 4 cookies before dinner (although one kid ate 4 eggos instead), I buy everything in packs of 4 -can't help it cause everyone needs one- It has to be fair
My 2 boys are 6 years apart and share the same birthday on 05-25.
Birth Order: I'm number 2 of 3
Born in 63 making me 46. I've been married for 20 years together for 23. We became parents (finally) in 1993 to Markus who is now 15, 16 in April. Our family grew by 2 more in 2001 when we became guardian to my husbands niece and nephew, they were 14 and 9 when they moved in. Now almost 8 years later the 14 year old is now 22, graduating from college on 05.09.09. the 9 year old is now 17 graduating from high school on 05.29.09 and entering the military on 06.29.09. It's been a VERY long haul, feels like 100 years ago that they came to us. On May 30.09 we will go back to a household of 3. It will be bitter sweet, but with time comes change.
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