"I don't want a cupcake. I don't want a cupcake!"
Okay. Okay. Avery, I'll eat them!
I couldn't help but laugh at the looks I got... Oh, and as if we weren't already getting enough attention click to see this photo I shared from my Twitter via twitpic.
Grocery shopping has never been so eventful.

Going back to the adorable mini cupcake, that yes I had to take a photo of--What was the reason to celebrate? We launched registration for SPARK! It's exciting to see creative woman signing up from all over the country (Florida, Ohio, California, Illinois... etc etc) Are you a Spark Girl?
Frame: House of 3
PS That cupcake was delicious.
I laughed out loud at that picture of Collin and your girls... thanks for the chuckle :)
That is so classic, and I can totally see my hubby doing the same thing?? what makes those funny guys tick??
Hopefully next year I'll get to be a spark girl!!
Isn't it great to have a great laugh....I love life that is NEVER boring and FULL of laughter & silliness!!
I've always wanted to do what Collin did, but never have had the guts to do so....good for him!! :)
Boy--in our town we would get in trouble for doing that. That's totally something my husband would do if he were allowed! I think it's time to visit Utah.
Love the story and the photo of your hubby with the girls was just downright hysterical! Do you have a public twitter? I was looking for the icon on your blog and didn't see it.
Hi. My sister saw the shirt you were wearing on KSL with all the darling yo yo's on it. My mom wants to ask you about it. She does stuff like this. Is there a way she may contact you via e-mail or phone? She's 80 yrs old. Let me know. Thanks! carisieverts@hotmail.com
Now that's funny! Cupcakes are a great way to celebrate :D Even if you have nothing to celebrate.
The picture of your husband and girls made me laugh! My husband would do the same thing! I think you guys should bring the Spark event out to Missouri sometime!! I know alot of girls that would love to go to it but like myself our husbands are deployed and no one to watch the kiddos. It sounds like it is going to be amazing!! Best of luck with it all!
Yep, I can see my husband doing that! Too funny! Spark sounds absolutely amazing! Wish I lived in Utah!!!
Liz.. that is way to funny.. Isn't it these small little moments of our lives, the ones we remember the most.. and they make the BIGGEST impacts.. :)
Hey girl,
Could you email me
I have a question
Haha I was laughing out loud looking at that picture so then, I had to explain to my husband. He even laughed. Is there ever a dull moment in your house?
Random question here: What do you do use for font management on your computer? I am looking for freeware and am wondering if you can offer some guidance for me and my poor mis-managed font collection.
Hey I was wondering if you have any Utah fabric store recommendations. I am coming to Provo next week and am wanting to stock up on some really cute fabric while I am there because fabric stores here are kind of a joke. If you possibly could email me or just reply on here that would be fantastic! Thanks!!
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