When I told Collin our agenda for the night I'm sure there were plenty of other adventures he could think of but let me tell you... he was engrossed with painting his bowl. All of a sudden this red striped work of art with the words, "add milk or ice cream" was so cool. Love the finishing touch, "you did it."

Color Me Mine has a wall full of porcelain pieces to choose from. I spotted a flower bowl and knew it would be the perfect addition to my desk where I love to fill little bowls with do-dads and buttons.

Once they fire our bowls they will be really bright and shiny the paint is dull and lighter right now. I'll be back Thursday to pick up our beauties.

Hope you had a fun weekend!
I actually worked on something crafty... I just need to add some finishing touches and take pics.
outfit: RUCHE
What a great idea for date night! There is one close to my house...I think that would be fun for me and my hubs. He loves these things! You guys are so cute. Glad you had fun.
That looks like a lot of fun!
I agree that date night really connects you more as a couple. Can't wait for my husbands and my next one. Re-starting $20 date nights, where we alternate planning weekly!
We did that once also, SO MUCH FUN!!! I made a sweet cookie jar and DH painted a square bowl black on the outside and little red and white flowers all throughout the inside. That place is great, just REALLY expensive!
Thanks Tiffany!
Good idea Julie, love $20 date nights.
Laci, the good thing is that saturday nights are date night 2 for 1 so it cuts back the price a bit.
What a great idea! Looks like a lot of fun!
What's date night? Me & my husband haven't done that in some time. BUT I think it's time to start up again. We used to go on date night's every week and I was actually scrapbooking every date {ahhh...memories}but that fell through. I think it's time we start up again and I think I want to see if we have a store like this in our town. This looks like so much fun! :]
Liz you are so stinkin cute!!!!!
wow girl!! you are so cute! where is your baby weight?!! i still need to loose mine, and my little girl is already 6 mos!
will be filing this under "date night ideas!"
Great weekend!! love the collin's bowl
That looks fun! I wanna go!
What a cool idea! Love the bowls, and I know they'll look even more wonderful after they're fired.
Oh, fun! I lived at Color Me Mine in San Diego during the college days. Well, maybe I didn't live there, but I visited enough that I painted things for everyone on my list for Christmas one year. SO therapeutic. We don't have one around here where I live now. boo.
Sometimes I forget that date nights ARE possible and then when I remember, I call up my sister(babysitter) as fast as possible. You're totally right - nothing like a night out without the kiddies to take the edge off.
Have a great week!
I LOVE Color Me Mine! My husband and I go there for every special occasion in our lives. It's amazing how much the self-deemed "un-creative man" gets into painting his dragon coin bank, or his Santa Claus treat plate :)
so fun!! you guys are the coolest!
what a coincidence...i did the exact same thing this weekend with my cousins!
and i also painted a little bowl for the little scrap stuff on my desk. strange!
Looks like you all had lots of fun! I love going to our local ceramic workshop.
what a fun date! i'm sure the bowls you made will serve as great reminders of the fun evening you had :)
What a fun date night!! I love those paint yourself some pottery places...we had one here in town and it closed due to lack of business...I was so sad. Can't wait to see the finished pieces!
my husband and i did this too long time ago. fun! yours turned out much nicer though. :D
Love pottery painting! Collin is so clever...
Are you sure the stork didn't drop Lola off? You look phenomenal!
What an absolutely adorable and fun date night! Loved your projects and your outfit!! xoxo from conroe, tx!
cute date night! Cute boots, too! Where did you get them? :)
What a fun date night! I love the ice cream bowl - too cute!
where did you get your dress from and do you know the name of it! I love it. you look amazing!
thanks guys! you are tooooo nice.
everything I am wearing:
boots, dress, sweater, belt are from Ruche.
What a fun idea...thanks for sharing! I have an important question for you...will there be more Dear Lizzy for American Crafts lines? I haven't seen any sneak peeks for Winter 2011 CHA and I wanted to ask! Your Dear Lizzy lines are seriously my favorite ever!!! They are just so my style and right up my alley! I hope you will be doing more!!!
recognized your ruche assemble right away!!
I visit a little shop in New Bern, NC when I visit my Lil Sis. It is called The Accidental Artist. I love painting the pottery. It is so stress relieving and FUN!
Great idea!
You look terrific!
Now that is a great idea for date night! It looks like heaps of fun! I'm sure my husband would love to paint a bowl, as long as he got to fill it with food afterwards :)
Thanks for the great date nite idea. We totally need a (insert whatever here) so it's our next date!!! Awesome!
I wanted to just say thank you for always being such a wonderful source of inspiration....The day after I read this we spent going through the stuff we had in storage from when my mother in law passed away 6 years ago, I never had the chance to meet her because my husband and I met later that year. We went through her large collection of mix-matched china, and I am now the proud owner of several of her small bowls, etc, that were not being used. I just wanted to thank you for reminding me to not be afraid to use something pretty to house my crafts, I now have one more small connection to my mother in law right there on my desk everytime I craft!
The same type of store in Lincoln, Nebr. is called "Paint Yourself Silly," and we try to as often as possible. It's an unbeatable date night with the right person. :)
I haven't done that in a long time (ceramic painting)! But perhaps hubby and I should plan it for a date before #2 comes along.
btw, you look FANTASTIC for just having a baby! Congrats!
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