Tuesday, March 15, 2011

my monday

This is how I spent my Monday.
In the raddest white-washed building with Jefra, Rosie, Collin & Lola. Blowing up enough 3 foot balloons to carry you away. Nearly peeing our pants every time one of those balloons popped. Listening to music on Rosie's too-cool-for-school radio. Eating Wendy's on the ground. Walking up and down stairs in 4" heels that my legs were sore the next day... the real Shape Ups. Dodging box-elder bugs. Playing dress-up and eating chocolate frosties.

I'll share more details of our little photoshoot soon. It should be fun.

Yesterday was also a great day because I am thrilled for everyone who wants to be involved with making a memory book for a special person. A big thank you for those of you who nominated someone. If everything goes as planned I hope someday to make a book for every single person. For now, let's start with two books.
If you want to scrapbook a page or two for these scrapbooks please email me at dearlizzyblog@gmail.com
Also, does anyone have an idea of what to name this project?


  1. Just a name suggestion: Someone Special's Memories :)

  2. ~Heartfelt Memories
    ~Happy blessings

  3. I feel this is going to be such a blessing to those who recieve the books..I would love to be a part of it!! Just sent you out an email! :)

  4. United with scissors & Sparkle

  5. so cool. can't wait to see how the photoshoot turned out. (at least I think that was what you did on Monday.)

  6. How about Intended Acts of Kindness?

  7. Operation Lift Up aka Books, Blessings, and Balloons

  8. looks like a fun photo shoot! can't wait to see more!

  9. Cherish the living
    Cherish'd memories

  10. I kind of want to buy that toenail polish now. You make everything look so fabulous!

  11. project smile-maker?
    and i loove the clothes! so cute!!!!

  12. how about "scrap it forward'??
    like pay it forward?

  13. OMG Look at that location - pinch me now, I've always dreamed of shooting in a location like that. I can't wait to see the photographs.

  14. If this photo shoot is for another online class, count me in. Great pictures, as always.

  15. name suggestions:

    you are my sunshine


    joyful ( so simple - speaks volume )

  16. ahhhh~ your shoes! Where did you get your shoes! You usually link all your adorable clothes and shoes! I need those shoes! PLEASE~!

  17. I always wanted to do something like this Liz and in my mind it was called "Forget Me Not" . . .

  18. That photoshoot looks magical! :)
    Love it...and the project that you're doing.

  19. I recently found your blog and you are already someone I admire. I love your talents and how you capture your life, so beautiful! Also, I may listen to your playlist everyday. I love it! Thanks for sharing.

  20. i think a good name for it would be here comes the sun.

    bringing a little sunshine to their life with each page.

  21. have emailed you.
    What about "Pocket of sunshine"
    or "The sun in my pocket"

  22. These are such a very best collection. It makes smile on face. I really like it very much.

  23. Suggested name: Bountiful Bliss.

  24. Name suggestions:

    YOU Sparkle

    Smiles that Sparkle

    A Sprinkle of Sparkle

    Agape Love

  25. I absolutely love your blog and your book. How do you design your own scrapbook supplies and make it a career (wish I could do that). And what’s your secret with your beautiful photos. Do you use the camera remote a lot and hope for a great picture or does your husband take many of them. They are great photos. LOVE the blog

  26. An idea for the name of the project could be "Books of Love."

    Thank you for doing such a wonderful project like this!

  27. im liking "scrap it forward" as well!! i cant wait for more photos!! very inspiring!!

  28. Okay so I think this is a project from essentially everyone...and it is intended to love on others through photographs..

    How about...

    "From US...With LOVE <3

    Can't wait to hear what you are up to.

  29. Oh I hope hope hope this was a photo shoot for the next SPARK?!

  30. I'd love to help scrap a page,

  31. Cute clothes!!
    Suggested names:
    1) Sparkles to my Special
    2) Dear Special
    3) To treasure you dearly...?
    Going to email you!!:D

  32. Love your blog and everything you do (I'll met you in Paris in a workshop, can't wait).
    What about: "Stand by me"

  33. Here are my suggestions:
    Books of life
    Sharing is caring
    Lives: one page at a time
    One good turn
    Mission: Memories
    Turn the page
    Operation: Inspiration

    Hope this brings much happiness to all involved... "squish" those sweet babies for me!

  34. How about..."Because of You..."

  35. Scrap it forward is my choice hands down! This is such a sweet project and I would be honored to be a part of it! I just found your website today and I absolutely L O V E it!


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