Friday, March 18, 2011


One second you are pouring a bowl of cereal or checking an email from a friend and the next second devastation hits. The tragic events in Japan really put life into perspective. Abruptly reminding us what really matters in this life and to be thankful for even the roof over our heads. When watching the footage of Japan it was overwhelming and you couldn't help but hug the ones you love and squeeze them a bit tighter.
Such a time reminds us to give to others and to be prepared.
Places to help you be prepared: Red Cross, Food/Water Storage Information, 72 hours
Places to give: For Japan With Love

Thanks for all the name suggestions for project make-a-memory-book-for-someone-special, see it definitely needs a better name. I think I will choose the top 3 then we will vote on the winning name.
Happy Friday to you!
Photo Actions: Totally Rad


  1. I'm working on my senior portfolio right now and one of my chapters is titled "Remember This...." It's a letter to myself of all the things that I want to remember about now, this life, because it'll never be the same. I think it would work great for this too!

  2. This post really resonates with me. I I'm feeling very, very thankful my family and loved ones are healthy and safe.

  3. Voting sounds like a great idea. :)

  4. It resonated with me, too. Your post captured my feelings on refocusing my priorities and using my time for the people who matter most to me rather than all the busyness that tends to consume us. Thank you.

  5. Just thought that you might want to know that your layout of Averys 4th birthday has been copied and you havent been credited for it. Its almost an exact replica. Heres the link:

  6. My husband and I were just sitting her watching 20/20 about the total devastion in Japan and we both said the exact same thing..."it puts things in perspective." And you said it, hug the ones you love a little closer.

  7. I am so thankful my family and friends are safe. I am so blessed. Thanks for putting a voice to feelings so many if us have.
    Name suggestion: "Special Memories by Those Who Can"

  8. Just stumbled across your blog, you are so inspiring! I love this post :)

  9. It's kind of campy, but what about "This is Your Life!"? Ya, too cheesy.
    Anyway, I'd love to help out! Ready and waiting ...


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