Thursday, December 17, 2009

naughty or nice? (Blue Moon Giveaway)

This morning I've been organizing layouts into albums and it's been quite enjoyable looking at all the different memories and reading random thoughts. Q&A are loving it too.
The pages below are all from the fabulous Creating Keepsakes magazine. The first one is a page of when my little sister got married.
(c) Creating Keepsakes
font: Fling

(c) Creating Keepsakes
American Crafts: thickers, owl paper
(c) Creating Keepsakes

The last page of Quincey is one of my favorites because Collin captured all those silly faces in sequence. The title was super fun to make too! It was my first time using the Silhouette machine and I love how versatile it is. I also love the Sassafras papers & stickers. The journaling talks about how she's definitely got the drama from her momma.

Blue Moon Scrapbooking wants to wish you a Happy Holidays and choose one lucky blog reader to win this stash of seasonal goodness! Just leave a comment saying hi or mention something you want Santa to bring you this Christmas... hopefully you've been good. ;)


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antenucci said...

I was amazed at how quickly my blue moon order came - very impressive!
As to what I want for Christmas - I want a ring; I was supposed to get one for our 10 yr anniv but I didn't find one until now. And some slippers.

Stacy Milford said...

hmmm...I don't think I have been very good LOL! Would love a digi die cutting machine...but probably not this year :o( Some Blue Moon Scrapbooking goodies would be great too!!!

Shelle and Dan said...

Fabulous layouts!
Let's see...Santa could bring me new flooring in the kitchen and dining room. Do you think Santa is a good carpenter, or would he have the elves do the grunt work?

Kacie said...

I have never used blue moon's products, but would love to work with them...thanks for the chance to win..

As for what I want for Christmas...I asked for a Crockpot and new coffee maker (a fancy one preferably)... I know these seem like boring gifts to ask for, but they are what I really want :)

Jane said...

Just found your blog and I'm hooked! I want your book!!! ;) And maybe a few pretties from L'Occitane or Rituals!!!

Jen Schow said...

My Christmas list definately has your book on it and the new Super Mario Brothers game for the Wii!! Thanks for always doing giveaways on your blog!

Theresa said...

I would like Santa to bring me a baby. Well that won't happen, but a sweatshirt or finished laundry room would be nice too =)

Unknown said...

Beautiful layouts. For Christmas...a gift certificate for a massage at the spa would be fantastic!!

Michele said...

I would love new cricut cartridges.

Courtney ;-) said...

I want Santa to bring me some extra time to spend with my family! this time of the year seems to fly by way to quickly!!!

Rachel M said...

I'm hoping that Santa brings me some more scrapbooking stuff and hopefully a couple of surprises! ;)

Jennifer Cowan said...

I want a Kindle... hopefully I have been good!

just me and z said...

I absolutely LOVE your layouts! I look forward to seeing your posts on blogger dashboard! :)

For Christmas I just really want to spend the day with my daughter. I want to see her surprise when she sees what Santa brings, and watch her enjoy her presents. That is all I could ever need for Christmas.

Thanks for the chance to win.

abbey said...

Hoping Santa will bring me a new camera - though I'm not sure I've been THAT good ;)

Ally's Corner said...

I would like a flip video camcorder and a new kitchen table would be nice!!!!

CreativeChretin said...

i want santa to bring me photoshop elements 8 and a cricut expression.

tccba said...

I want Santa to bring me a new camera lens so I can continue to play with my camera. Love your layouts! Thank you!


The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

I love their stuff, but haven't ordered anything from them yet. Are you done with Creating Keepsakes? I missed seeing you in the most recent issue. It wasn't the same without you.

jesslea said...

great giveaway! I need slippers, that's it!

Laura said...

I have been very good this year, and would love a few hundred dollars to get some MAC makeup and cute clothes on the day after Christmas. I love that tradition! Love your beautiful pages. You are my fave scrapbooker. Every single page you do is amazing!

Brittany said...

I've been good this year too! haha. I want Santa to bring me a silhouette! And I think I already spied it under the tree...haha

Julie @ Director Jewels said...

I'm wishing for Photoshop 8, and your book!!! This nice giveaway wouldn't hurt either. :)

Beth said...

I'm wishing for a full night of sleep! Santa will have to bring the same to my sweet baby girl too.

jkhenson said...

I've been a good girl. Please, Santa, bring me some cold weather running clothes. Today, in the 22 degrees, I was freezing! :)

Erin said...

HI!! :)

One thing that I want from Santa is a Slice. hehe, Hope he brings it.

ReNi said...

Hm, I need some slippers too *eyesbighole*... XD

Mama to Jayden said...

Hi ;-)

Cass said...

one lucky winner indeed!

your layouts always inspire ... they're {sigh} lovely ...

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas first and foremost and thank you for posting such great things daily. They are uplifting.

Now for my list to Santa (Hubby): Slippers, cordless mouse and organizational tools.


Debbie said...

Beautiful papers by Blue Moon!! Your blog is always fun to visit...give aways or not ~ wink!!
I'm getting what I want for Christmas..."My Family to be together"....that's all I need!!
Merry Christmas!!

Julia said...

Thanks for the chance to win! For christmas I want a necklace from vintage pearl. Hopefully my dh has gotten the hint :)

Becky said...

OH. I've been Good! *wink*
I would love for Santa to bring me a spin bike... I know. weird huh?

Rachael said...

I love those layouts; the colors make me feel the excitement in the pictures.

I want Santa to bring me a positive pregnancy test. Though, a bajillion gift cards to any craft store would also be happily received.

Maria Therese said...

I've been really good this year,and want santa to bring me more tme for scrapbooking and cardmaking. I also want a maid to clean the house.. Oh pretty please santa..well I know that's not gonna happen so I pray for the first...

Maria Therese said...

I've been really good this year,and want santa to bring me more tme for scrapbooking and cardmaking. I also want a maid to clean the house.. Oh pretty please santa..well I know that's not gonna happen so I pray for the first...

Unknown said...

I'm asking Santa to bring me an iPod touch this year. :)

-Carrie Morley

Anonymous said...

awesome layouts!!!...and, what an awesome giveaway...

i have been very good this year ;) i would love for my family to have a healthy & happy yr in 2010...'09 has been very challenging, so a 'clill-axed' yr in '10 would be awesome!...and, i would love a copy of your book :)
Angie Worthington

L84AROPIN said...

Santa, I want a new pair of nice jeans. A pair that won't give me the "mom butt", or ride so low that people will think of muffins instead of a sleek silhouette. Is that too much to ask?

Liz, Your style is so classy - I love it!

Jingle said...

SUPER cute pages! I am sort of hoping for an Epic 6. Sort of. Lots of. You know how that goes. We'll see.

thearthurz said...

I would love a necklace from the vintage pearl for Christmas - or some pretty scrappy paper. Love the layouts!!

Amanda said...

Merry Christmas! I remember all of those layouts. So creative!

I'm hoping for some new slippers from Santa. I'm easy ;)

justynapalasiewicz said...

Hi! Beautiful pages!!
I suppose I would like it if Santa brought me a Flip camcorder so I can record all my holiday memories!

Candace said...

I am hoping Santa brings me scrappy goodies of course, and a nice new pair of slippers!

Megan Barnes said...

I am dying for Santa to bring me your new book, and a pair of Reebok Easytones. (Really, who doesn't want a more toned butt!)
Merry Christmas!

Mindy said...

I would love your new book and the pioneer woman cooks book. I can't wait for the holiday to come and go and maybe I'll have time to scrapbook again -- I've been attached to my sewing machine instead making gifts.

Unknown said...

For Christmas, I wish Santa would bring me my hubby -- sadly, he has to work Christmas day and the weekend.

jen said...

I want an Kindle santa!

Thanks for the chance to win a fab prize!

Anonymous said...

UGG boots would be nice to get from Santa
I have been a nice/good girl
thanks for the chance to win :)

Stefanie said...

I would love a new camera for Christmas, and maybe a little bit of perfume too.

Esther said...

I hope to get some kind of delicous chocolate. This is the only time of year that I can eat an entire box and not feel guilty. I want to take advantage of that!

Love your layouts. So cute as always!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!

Julie Batta said...

Merry Christmas!! I would love to have a digital SLR camera. More than likely that won't happen, so I would be happy with some new earrings or a mother's ring.

Dianna said...

I would love to get a family vacation for Christmas! Maybe to Nags Head- ahh peace and joy! :)
Thanks for the giveaway

ArlaMo said...

I'm hoping for a cello. And a treadmill. And slippers ;)

Diana said...

I love all your layouts. They're amazing.
I want a Slice for Christmas--and I'm getting one! I bought it myself and DH will wrap it and give it to me on the 25th.

lohersh said...

Please Santa, bring me a new DSLR! I sorely need it! Thanks!

June said...

Hi Lizzy! Your title made me think of Santa's Naughty list. A couple weeks ago we were strolling around and checking out neighborhood decorations. We saw a big display of Santa holding out a long list of names. We stood there reading the names for a long time. Then we told our six year old son, "Oh no,your name is not on this list." He walked away and thoughtfully said out loud, "that must be the Naughty List!"

Lauren said...

I love Blue Moon!Santa..please bring me lots of toys and scrappy goodies!!!

wadev said...

I would be so appreciative if Santa would bring me a gift card to the local scrapbook shop!

Sara said...

I've asked Santa for some boots (fun dress up ones!), some clothes for work, and a gift card to Hobby Lobby!

TM said...

Here's my official entry for this fabulous giveaway!
For Christmas I would like more TIME for scrapbooking!

Trish Miles said...

Well hello there, all I am asking santa for this year is for my nephew test results to be good news and for him to get healthy, fingers crossed. Thanks for the chance to win such a fab prize.


April Styles said...

I hope Santa brings me your new book in time for Christmas - AND maybe he can help me out in winning this Christmas Kit so I can use all my new ideas from your book!!!

sannika said...


yyam said...


I've been good all year! :)

Happy Holidays to you and your family!

Heather said...

Just stumbled on your blog lately and am so glad I did. Thanks for the inspiration. It's beautiful.
I am unsure of what I want for Christmas.. somedays it feels like I have all I need.

Michelle said...

Happy Holidays!! I would love for Santa to bring me a new laptop or a plane ticket for a vacation :)

Heidi said...

Hi lizzy! I'm hoping Santa brings me a perfect man lol Since that probably won't happened i have a backup request and asked for a fish eye lens :)


I have been extremely good this year!! I really don't want anything, except maybe to win this, so I can have some cute stuff to scrapbook with!

niki said...

hi there! i want Santa to bring me some cold medicine that actually works!!!

kim said...

I would love for Santa to bring me some scrapbook goodies for Christmas!!!

julieann said...

All I want for Christmas this year is time with my family:) Its been a busy year and it's time to catch up!!
Happy Holidays to you & your sweet little family:)

luv2stamp2 said...

I'd just love to have a little extra cash to buy some goodies! It's definitely been put on the back burner for the last month or so! A kit would work, too! lol
Jeanne in Denver

Anonymous said...

Cute kit! All I want is a safe, fun trip for my family!

Cody,Kendra,Kendall,Osker said...

How cute! I want these cute scrap goodies for Christmas!

Alena said...

I'm really hoping Santa brings me your book!!! Merry Christmas to you!

robynbum said...

All I want Santa to bring is a calm 2010 with no family emergencies. Time to enjoy my family and scrapbook.


Darlene said...

I need a new camera. I threw mine in the washing machine. Ugh! I had it my jacket pocket and forgot it was in there. I can't wait for Santa to come (I need it for my december daily)so I have to get it for myself. Just had to share. Oh thanks for the chance to win all that yummy stuff.

Brandi said...

I would love a new camera because my digital SLR died last January! While my little point & shoot works well, I miss my big zoom! Thanks!

Tessa Buys said...

I've been good! I am easy to please - scrappy stuff! So long as my family is happy, healthy, and having a wonderful Christmas, I really don't need a thing. But I wouldn't mind that gorgeous kit!


Claude said...

Liz, your layouts are gorgeous!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Elisa said...

love your layouts!!!
thanks for the chance to win!

Howard Family said...

Hi Liz! I've read your book cover to cover several times now...I just love it. :O)

And for Christmas I'm asking for a side-winder bobbin winder because I'm sick of having to refill my bobbin when I'm in the middle of sewing something. ;o)

Thanks for the chance to win!!

mustangkayla said...

I think Quincey Rose is one of the cutest names I have EVER heard! Just adorable...almost makes me wanna have another one... ;) (okay, not really, but thats how much I like the name)! Fantastic layouts!

Angie N said...

I'm asking for my hardwood floors to finally be sanded and finished. I'll even help!

Kirsten said...

Is a maid too much to ask for? Oh how I could use one!!!

Really all I want it some quiet time to spend with my family. I don't "need" anything.

Merry Christmas, thanks for the inspiration.

Melanie said...

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and many memories to scrap - I wish Santa wuld bring me a dishwasher - but I will be happy to have my kids with me and good memories to scrap - A dishwasher would just be over the top!!


Helen said...

What a great stash of goodies! My shipment of personal belongings arrived from overseas into our new house this week - seriously unwrapping all our precious possessions so long in storage is all the Christmas presents I need! Have a wonderful Holiday season yourself!

Cali and Brett Smith said...

I would love for Santa to bring a new3 job for my husband... he just graduated and I guess that is enough of a present already!
Having family for the holidays is better than any gift I could ever get.

Rhonda said...

Merry Christmas to you and your cute little family!! Enjoy our blog so much.

For Christmas, I would really just a nice few days with my family - peace and happiness. We are planning a move in the coming year so I know the craziness is about to begin soon. Ha!

Thanks for the chance! :-)

Heather said...

Lovely kit! Thanks for the chance to win!

Janine Rachau said...

Blue Moon has awesome kits! Thanks for the chance! I'm hoping Santa thinks that I have been nice enough for a photo printer this year.

Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

I would love your book! For Christmas I would really like the confidence to know that my scrapbook pages are good because my children will love them and I enjoy making them and that is all I need to know! I love your blog! Merry Christmas!

Katie from Kansas!

Scrappy Girl said...

I would love to win some scrappin goodies. For Christmas I am dreaming of some white bookshelves for my scrap room and an adorable bracelet from Betsey Johnson!

amandarae said...

HI! Thanks for sharing you layouts! I really like seeing some examples of how to use many photos in a layout!

Amber said...

All I want for Christmas is some time with my family!! =)

Unknown said...

and I've been good.

Shara said...

My Christmas present came a week early...I just found out I'm pregnant and I'm honestly in complete shock still. I can't keep up with my two kiddos scrapbooks and now I have a third one to start working on.

Erin C said...

Hi! Merry Christmas! I am asking Santa to bring me Adobe Photoshop for Christmas. And a bag of chocolate Reisens would be nice too. : )

Montana Farmhouse said...

I for sure have scrapbook supplies on my list! Do I need them......probably not......but do I want them YES!!! I think I’m on the nice list!!!

heidi said...

I've been loving all the things you have been making with your big shot, I want one to be able to cut fabric and felt, that would be so fun for me!

Amber said...

oooh, so cute!

what i want for christmas is a vacation with my husband to... well, anywhere. he's been working full-time + going to school and just finished this week. YIPPEEEE! ( :

Abby said...

Love your layouts!

I would love to have a machine to emboss with and a couple new paper lines for Christmas. :)

JennC said...

Christmas time is my favourite time and this year I wish for Santa to bring me a remote control for my camera so I can be in the holiday pics too ;0) Plus any scrap supplies he feels fit to supply me =)

Oksana said...

I want Santa to bring me a new camera and some scrap paper for my albums)

shelby valadez said...

oooh fun! I am hoping that Santa brings me some embroidery supplies and your new book! :)

hiscrappergirl said...

I must have been an extra good girl cuz I got what I wanted... My hubby home with us!! (He'd been gone for 5 months for training) Plus your book!! LOL!!!

Debbie said...

I really dont need anything, but of course I wouldnt mind a few gift cards to shop the sales with, but mainly I just wish for happiness and a better new year for some of my family and friends who are going through some tough times right now.
Merry Christmas,
Debbie D.

Pink Heather said...

That looks like a wonderful pile of goodies. Hope I win.
I'm also hoping for Photoshop under the tree this year. I've just started really playing with my photos and want to learn more.

Anonymous said...

What I really want is to find the Connect 4x4 that my son asked from Santa. Can't find it anywhere :(
Thanks for the chance to win!!

Melissa and Justin said...

Would love a Flip camera or something like it. Have a 18 month old and would love to capture those great "little moments." BUT also am perfectly content to get to watch her open all her gifts from Santa:)

Anonymous said...

I would be so happy if Santa brought me a new pair of UGGs since there is now an awful slit in them...Thank you for the giveaway!
Happy Holidays!

Poetic Dreams said...

I've disliked Christmas, ever since my Mother threw away my Christmas doll.It was a Ginny Vogue Doll. She was my prized baby doll, because I told her all my secrets. My mother tossed my baby because I had a wrinkle in my bed linens. I want Santa to bring me back my Ginny Baby. I miss her, sounds silly but I do.
Hope Ya Christmas is Merry.

Olivia said...

Great LOs, love the simplicity of the wedding one! I'd like Santa to bring me the Mistletoe card for my Slice :)

Kimberly C. said...

How fun!!! I am hoping to find your book under my tree this year!

Jocelyn said...

I am hoping a new lens for my camera is under my tree this year:-) I sure would love to win this bunch of cool scrappin stuff!!!!!

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

I want a long-reach-heavy-duty stapler...and I want to win this prize! ;o)

Laci J said...

I want santa to bring me a new pan set.

Michelle said...

I'm hoping Santa will bring me a new computer, keeping my fingers and toes crossed!! Merry christmas!!

Jennifer Serrano said...

Whoo hooo, I want I want!
Santa thinks I have been very good this year and he wants to get me lots of new scrapbook goodies, right?

GLOANN said...

What do I want for Christmas? Honestly if I could just have every one of my children and grandchildren home for Christmas I would be one happy Mom and Grandmom.

Stef said...

I would love to win some pretty seasonal products! As for Santa, I would love a day to myself to dig in to some crafty projects! Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

I would love for Santa to give me another year of health and happiness for my family! And I love Blue Moon Scrapbooking!

Anonymous said...

We are heading to Florida in February for a that is our present to each other....but just once I would love for my hubby to surprise me with something.....those kind of things are so unimportant to him.....
Jennifer F

Deanna said...

I would love for a new shower curtain and set of towels. Silly, I know, but the ones we've got are getting so scratchy!

Thanks for hosting the giveaway.

Sandy said...

Lovely layouts - thanks for sharing! Our baby's safe arrival on Christmas eve would be the best gift ever! =)

Michelle said...

That layout of Quincey is too cute. I hope you have a happy holidays. lots of fun and scrapbook memories!

CalleLillyCafe said...

I have been good! =) I would love some pretty fabric & scrapbook goodies! And for my girls to have the best Xmas ever.

Unknown said...

Hello there, blue moon.

Anonymous said...

Dear Santa, I've been very very good this year. :)

Jessica Ozburn said...

Cute kit! I would love to win! This is so nice of you and Blue Moon to do this giveaway.

Deanne said...

hey howdy hey! I am looking for any scrapbook supplies Santa wants to leave me :)

Karen Foster said...

Santa could bring me your book of course or the opportunity to be a scrapbbok designer for a cool company like cricut or quickutz. OH and HI!

smahrty said...

I have been very very good and hope Santa brings me a Wii fit! Otherwise some scrappin goodies.

summerdreams said...

I tried to be good, but sometimes I'm just me~would really loved to live in a world where where there was more peace! I love to read your blog your a happy person so thanks for sharing your joy!!!

kristen davis said...

I hope Santa brings me a sewing machine :)

letter A studio said...

I've been a very good girl this year & am wishing for a new camera. It's time to "pop to the full size" as we say in my family :)

Denise said...

I would love a Roomba because vacuuming is one of my least favorite chores.

verybrady said...

am looking forward to a cozy christmas at home with my family and time off to enjoy the season.

Joyeux Noel!

Steffanie S. said...

Define good...(just kidding!). I would like spontaneous creative inspiration for Christmas. That's not asking for much, is it?

Kirsten Gallo said...

Hi! Kit looks great!

AngMomof3 said...


(Now I'm off to finish Christmas cards... thanks for the chance to win!)

Tiffany said...

Hi Liz! Really all I want for Christmas is for my little family to find a place to live (and get out of the in laws house) and for my D SLR to be fixed so I can take pictures.

Have a great weekend!

connie said...

Merry Christmas!

Lora Oliver said...

"Dear Santa, I can explain.." hee hee. I have always loved that saying and have every intention of using it as a scrap title.

I would love to find a year subscription to a kit club under the tree. :)

Connie said...

I want Santa to bring me a new lends for my DSLR. I also emailed my husband with the info . . . wink :)

Asebert said...

Coco Mademoiselle perfume! yummy

Therese said...

I'd be Over the Moon to win the stash! Hope your holidays are filled with laughter and joy!!!

Karen said...

hey liz. love the cute pics of your Q. i am hoping for the pioneer woman cookbook!

Amy said...

Love the kit. So cute!

bt said...

I want Santa to bring me un-interupted time to scrapbook (or at least an organized office/scrap-room so I can get stuff done more quickly), but I'll just settle for smiles and laughter as my girls open their christmas gifts.

Jessie Larsen said...

That kit looks great, thanks! Hope you have great holidays!! :)

Anonymous said...

Love your layouts! I am hoping for Santa to bring me some scrapbooking goodies. I really really would like a new camera and Photoshop Elements.

Allison M.

Gale said...

I'm getting what I want both my kids will be home for Christmas!

stephanie said...

Hey! :) I want some fun tights for xmas! Thanks for the giveaway!!

Caroline said...

love the christmas page!
i would love santa to bring me a new camera!
thanks for the chance!!

familywithfivekids said...

Hi! O.K. I asked Santa for something a little different - It's a glass head from Pier One Imports. I think it will be fun to 'dress up'! crazy huh but lots of fun for $20. I wonder how Colin would end up decorating a glass head? :) lol...

Jennifer said...

I can't think of anything else Santa can bring me for Christmas, I have a wonderful family, great friends, and a new baby girl to spend Christmas with!!! She's a pretty awesome present already!

Scrapamum said...

I think I have been a very nice girl so I hope to get some Wellington Boots and a few things in my stocking.

Angel S. said...

I want a new camera, but will settle for lotion!

Tina said...

Great layouts!! Let's see, I would ask Santa for a Cricut Expression, if it had to be SB related. But, otherwise, just to have my family friends to have a happy and healthy holiday season!! Merry Christmas to all of you.


Elisha Wiggins said...

I want Santa to bring me a Slice machine!

joanne h. said...

a few sweet surprises for Christmas would be fun, thanks for the chance to win, love the giveaways and your blog.

Alison said...

I usually ask for clothes for Christmas, but since I'm 6 months preggo these days, my list is all about scrapbooking goodies! My CM consultant is playing Santa for me this year. I hope...

andrea f. said...

I hope Santa brings me a Slice :)

Abbey said...

I think I'd like something sparkly... or a nap.

Paula said...

I would like a Cuttlebug for Christmas.

ShariK said...

Wanted to say hi to you Liz and to Blue Moon. Great customer service and products. Merry Christmas!

Brock Family said...

Hi! Thanks for the giveaway! I love all your layouts too!

Doreen K said...

Love the give away! and have a very merry and happy christmas.

Anonymous said...

Love your style. Your layouts are adorable.

Hope Santa brings me a photo printer.


just lisa said...

I want some new sweaters and books for Christmas....sounds boring..but I want them so bad!! LOL

Laura Stewart said...

cute pages !

cindy said...

I have one wish for Santa... wustof knife.
That is all I want.
Fingers crossed!!

Baird Family said...

I really want your book! Thanks for the giveaway!

Kerrie B. said...

The one thing on my Christmas list is a Cricut. Great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Cute layouts. Hmmm, what I want for Christmas? A gushy card from my husband would be very nice!

Kim Strother said...

Wouldn't it be nice if Santa got presents for grown ups too. The world would be a better place if we all had the magic in our hearts. So please Santa, bring me pink bind it all.

cards4ever said...

Hi. That kit would be great for me because I don't have much Christmas theme scrapbooking stuff.

Anonymous said...

i don't have much of a list.....maybe some new perfume. thanks for the chance. :)

annette g.

Bonafyde said...

All I want for Christmas is to see my kids smiling and having fun, lotsa good food and time spent together.

Miss Kelley said...

Oh Santa please bring me some crafty goodies! xoxo Caro

PhelpsPhan said...

A roof over our head, food on our table, fabulous hubby, happy healthy kids and lots of photos to scrapbook...I am truly blessed.

PhelpsPhan said...

A roof over our head, food on our table, fabulous hubby, happy healthy kids and lots of photos to scrapbook...I am truly blessed.

~Andrea~ said...

I'll really love a scrap room...

Francis Civira said...

Wow, oh Santa,please I really want a sewing machine with all this crafty goodies!

Annette said...

I can honestly say that I had a hard time thinking of things that I want for Christmas but there isn't anything I really want. There are a lot of things i would like to have but nothing that I could think of to ask Santa for. This kit looks great though

Elizabeth said...

Ooo...I'm a lucky lady, Santa came early and I got a new camera--my first dslr!

Melanie said...

I want a new dishwasher...mine is making an odd sound. And I don't want to become the dishwasher :)

Kami said...

I'm hoping for a blu ray player for Christmas!!

aandersen said...

I would really like a new pair of slippers. My old ones literally fell apart and now my feet are always freezing!

lynnquiltsalot said...

"Santa" and I went shopping for a new lens for our camera! We're all set now to zoom in for some great family pictures.

Jen L said...

My Dad home from the island in time for Christmas - for my mom especially. That's what I'd like. The rest is gravy.

In case you wanted to know said...

I have not been good, so Santa is out of the question......but getting this would be great! Who needs Santa! :o)

Jen said...

I wish I could actually have more time for Christmas -that's what I want! Good, better, best - RIGHT!!! I'm going to do better and give myself what I want! Thanks for the fun! I'm not making sense!

Unknown said...

I have been so good! ;)Looking forward to seeing the expressions on my 2 year old's face Christmas morning!!!

Janell A. said...

Yay for new goodies! I would love to out these in my stocking! ;-)

Cynthia Baldwin said...

Great LOs! I really like the circles you used in the first two, and the photos of Q in the last one are perfectly adorable!
Now - as for Santa, I'd love to receive a new scanner, since mine is on the fritz! Fingers crossed. ;)
Thanks for the chance to win! said...

I was asking for your new book but I couldn't wait for Christmas and had to get it early! I love it and my creative cup is running over with fun ideas!! Thanks for sharing yours. Merry Christmas!

julie.schellin said...

I would love to add to my scrap stash...not that I need anything, but new stuff is always inspiring. So scrap stuff is on my list. Thanks for a chance to win.

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