Remember that one time, when I wanted to be a more health conscious mother and bought 3 bottles of organic carrot juice from Costco?
Then no one would drink the orange concoction. Great. Now what?

Well, being the competitive person I am, I knew I couldn't lose a battle to carrot juice. Or hear Collin say "told you so" forever. Or be the only one chugging this stuff down.
So, I figured out the perfect solution-colorful, silly straws.
Oh, & if I'm desperate, some apple juice stirred in to trick even Collin into drinking it. mwah ha ha.
*A quick photography tip for back lighting.
First, I had my aperture set to 2.8 and Quincey was a completely black silhouette. Next, I upped it to 5.0. Then, with a quick adjustment to the meter she completely lit up. It was magic. :)
I love a fresh cup of organic carrot juice, especially after you pour it out and fill said cup up with orange Fanta.
I love you.
You are one smart Mama!
great photography ears perked up with that one. thanks.
i love your photos:) i can use all the help i can get. i'm a wanna be manual focus kind of gal!
Loveing the photo - I have 3 carrots, an apple, a kiwi and some parsley every morning.
Looks like dirt
Tastes (almost) like a sunny day.
Seriously. I never anticipated loving carrot juice. And you are totally right about straws, they don't even need to be novelty in this house - if its got a straw in the cup Ruby will drink it!
For a sillette look, meter off the light and for a more backlighting look, meter off the subjects face.
Thanks for the photo tip! Little Q looks so adorable sipping her carrot juice...although I have to say I don't like carrot juice either.
I think I just gagged. lol!
Aaaaahhhh, very tricky!! :)
Such a sweet photo! I just made a page about my little guy, who's the same age as Quincey, using a straw for the first time and it's a very similar photo, with nice window light shining in. Zachary loves juice, check it out if you get the chance, I just posted it to my blog.
i saw that stuff at costco today. my son said "look mommy they have orange juice at costco!" yeah not what you are thinking buddy.
Try mixing it with orange juice. Yum!
That is too funny - we have loads of curly straws floating around my house.... or at least we USED to until mom got lazy and put them in the dishwasher.... eekkkk! They don't come out quite as curly as they were when they went in! I would recommend hand-washing those puppies. :D
Gorgeous pic of Quincy! Thanks for the photography tip. I Love It! I'm sorry, stupid question...Did you do that in M, Av, Tv, or P Mode or C1, C2 (I don't know)? Or does it not matter? I'm so sorry, I'm still learning and playing around with my Canon. Thanks again for the quick tip :) !
The secret to carrot juice is mixing in some orange juice. It's the only way I'll drink it! ;)
Nice trick! So its true, UT got snow! WOW!!! We're having 70 degree weather with no clouds in Alaska, swimsuits on, gardening and all kinds of hot weather stuff. AWESOME!!! I'm sure its heading your way!
P.S. I ordered from Blue Moon just so I could get your stuff. I'm really excited about it, even though I have most of it already, you can never have enough of the stuff you love!
Hi Lizzy - i found your blog yesterday after receiving a whack of Dear Lizzy goodies from a blog giveaway. I LOVE them. They are so so gorgeous and perfect to use with little girls.
Thank you for your photography tip - still learning.
Love your blog!
Silly straws can make anything taste yummy. Well, almost anything ;o) BTW what lens did you use? Do you have a favourite lens?
Silly straws ROCK! Your such a fun mom!
fresh homemade carrot juice tastes great but the stuff out of the package... hmmmm.... wouldn't drink that either - it just tastes so artificial... but the fresh one is really sweet and just great
This picture is SO precious! She is just adorable - on the last post too. She looks like Colin! And I love the layout on your last post - it is amazing and perfect! I like the way you used the striped crate paper! I tried buying carrot juice for the kids once too and it didn't fly - should have thought of the fancy straws!
i wish colorful silly straws would help make my little boy drink healthier things. right now my go-to drink is strawberry carnation instant breakfast drink with sweet potato or carrot puree mixed in. he loves his "strawberry milk" and i feel better that he's getting a dose of veggies as well. we mummies have to be creative.
Carrot juice.. mmm! I hubby makes me Carrot and apple juice all the time! My kids loved it when they were little. maybe put a couple apples in your juicer for a nice surprise for most the people that you offer it to make a funny face then they sip and and then sip again.. then before you know it .. all gone!
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