I made a colorful mini album about these cute ladies over at the Club CK blog... There's always something cool going on at the Club Creating Keepsake's site so check it out.

We had such a blast together! I love when scrappers get together because everyone lugs around their bulky slr camera and it looks like this...

photos by Kelly Goree
Speaking of Club CK... my friend, Suzy, posted a video about her favorite layout. If you don't know Suzy she is quite funny and her outlook on life is refreshing.
Well, Collin saw me watching Suzy's video & giggling cause she was so serious in it. That's when he decided to make a video parody.
parody definition
- (n) a composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way
Suzy and I were laughing like crazy...
yes, he was trying to be weird in this video
yes, he made that layout.
no, he's not creepy in real life;)
OMGoodness!!! I have tears! I can't breathe!!! Not to encourage him, but that is hilarious. Go Team Edward!
Your husband is HILARIOUS.
OH my word!!! I am HY STERICAL!! Collin you totally rock!! I AM encouraging him!!! Go Team Edward - we would LOVE to see more of your layouts. Holy crap - the DAY my husb would do anything like that! SO so funny!
collin is so funny...creepy yes...in realy life? hmmmmm questionable...
love this post...
kiss kiss
So funny! No wonder Lizzy's so skinny- she is laughing all day long!! Love it.
HEY! I was going to post this video too, but I didn't know how. Thank you for doing it - now I can send all my blog readers to your blog! haha - Thank you Collin for mocking me. You know I love it!!! xoxo
I can't decide which Collin video is better - his favorite layout of the cruise ship karaoke! Too funny!
Bridget N
oh my gosh I'm dying laughing that was so so funny
supposed to say or...not of
oh my goodness..i am laughing so hard right now. i don't know if it was the "i love turtles" or his little dog comment..he is really too funny!:)
That is hilarious!!!!! I love when husbands make fun of scrapbooking! They always nail it!
Ha ha!!! i love turtles! Collin is hilarious! Love your album, it's so pretty!
oh my word...i'm laughing so hard, i'm crying! thanks for the laugh collin! :)
Ha ha! So funny!
TOO FUNNY!!!! I can't stop laughing!!!!!!!!!!
Wow - there are no other words but Wow too freakin funny!
oh gosh, that is so creepy and funny! Liz, your husband is hysterical!
omg...too funny! How did he do this without laughing!?!? You guys are hysterical!!
THANK YOU! I can't stop laughing either--I needed that! :)
jajajaj, so so funny :)
i love your album, the colours are amazing
Oh my gosh, I laughed so hard at his parody! Hahaha The fire to the edge was way awesome!!!!
I am crying laughing at your husband's video! You must laugh all day long!
That is one of the funniest things I have seen in a long time! Especially loved the part with the dog. :) TFS! Made my day!
What a great looking scrapbook and I love all the girlfriend shots.
That is awesome! I love it when the husbands have fun with our hobby/obsession. Good for him!
HILARIOUS! What I would do to be a fly on your wall for a day. Thanks!
Thats a really cute mini album!
I had tears in my eyes watching that video of Collin. From laughing so hard. Brilliant!
I know you found him in high school maybe you should have left him there!!! Only joking.
Hysterical! Just Dang. Stinking. Funny! What fun the two of you must have :)
Love it! Too much!! Made my afternoon at work!!!
THAT. is the FUNNIEST. THING. EVER!! loved it!
your husband is HILARIOUS, i thought i had the funniest husband ever, but Collin might just beat out j in a comedy competition :)
So Funny!! I love frogs!?!
Too funny! Colin is adorable!! You guys make such a cute couple. Love the photos of you gals having fun! I looove your style, Lizzy, I am taking mental notes!! ~Your crafty doppleganger Mary :P
So funny!
From the red button, to the turtle journaling, taking fire to the edge & the dog. That is some good stuff right there :)
HILARIOUS! Team Collin!
Is he for real with that mustache????;) That is creepy in itself!! Hilarious vid!
Collin...so creepy, yet hilarious! SNL should give you a call to do some digital shorts! (You should pair up with my twin brother-in-laws.) I just want you to admit that Twilight is your ultimate guilty pleasure. hahahaha! Admit you love! Seriously cute LO :)
OMG that was the funniest thing I have ever seen. I have tears running down my face!!
Ha! What a ham! Oh, and that mini is so wicked cute!! :)
hahaha that is effin hilarious!!
I am so glad that LO didn't say Team Jacob. Sooo funny! You guys crack me up!
You have a funny hubby :) I just love your mini album.
I just love it when you can take photos with you friends it makes it some much more enjoyable. Looks like you had fun :)
I needed a good laugh. Sooo funny! I've watched it 3 times. I'm totally Team Jacob though!
My husband and I watched this video three times and laughed hysterically. oh my gosh.
I SO needed a really good laugh today...and this provided it! What a nut!
Oh my goodness Colin is too much!!!!! So hilarious!
That is a riot! Thank you for a laugh today!
AHHHH!!! That video has me totally cracking up!! So creepy haha!!! Glad he's not that creepy in real life, he sure plays it well though :) Thanks for such a good laugh, you're so lucky to have such a goof by your side everyday! :)
Oh my gosh--Collin's video was so freaking funny! My husband and I were just watching it and laughing our heads off!
I haven't laugh this hard in a long time. Keep it at it Collin!!
How on earth can you not be cracking up every single day? He is hilarious! He had it down to the dog! I love it!
Great work, Collin! You're gonna be giving those CK girls a run for their money (and RPatz, too!)
That parody was hilarious!
Holy Buckets that was so flippin funny. I adore the distressing with burning:) LOL.
make room Saturday Night Live...
make room.
Distressing with burning, eh? I smell a new trend. haha. So, when does he take his act on the road? ;)
I thought it was funny enough to share with my husband. He appreciates Collin's humor. :)
Sometimes I wonder if Collin has a little too much time on his hands...seriously too funny!
that was hysterical! thanks for the giggles :)
That was soooo funny! I can't believe he did that whole thing without even cracking a smile! Tooo funny!
;) is that u snickering in the background, liz? love it!
oh man that was funny!!!
hi, love the video!
I was trying to find your colorful mini album on the CK blog, but i can't find it- can you post the link?
Thanks, becky
Oh my gosh . . . too funny!
OMG!!! I think i wet my pants laughing so hard. The way Collin held his mouth was too funny and when he said "I took FIRE" to the edge cracked me UP!! I totally pictured him holding a flame thrower and wearing goggles. Too funny!!!
On a calmer note...LOVE your mini album. Adorable....that makes me just smile, not wet my pants. No disrespect. :o)
hahahaha!!! i love how he acted so UNMANLY:) that was soooooooooooo funny:)
I just blew coffee all over everything! That is SO funny! I watch Collin's before Suzy so then I laughed even more when I saw hers! LOL
That was a riot! You are a lucky girl.....great job, hysterical husband and 2.5 cuties. Life is good.
Go Team Edward!
OMG! Colin is hilarious!!! I love it!! So funny!
I haven't laughed that hard in so long - thanks!!! Love the incorporation of Twilight!!
ROFL!!!!! What a fun hubby you have!!!
This is way too funny =D he should keep doing this videos
He is too funny! Just tried to watch this at work and made it 5 secs, but I had to stop because I was laughing so hard.
That was a HOOT! Thanks for sharing!
He is too funny! I love it...how awesome to have such a fun husband!
Holy Crap! THAT is freaking funny. Is that your dog, or did he just borrow it for this creepy thing? HA! The layout is so dang hysterical too. Funniest thing I have seen in a LONG time!-Tiff
very funny...he should do more
Thanks Collin, now I done peed my pants, lol!
This is the funniest thing!
Love the book, looks like you had a blast with your friends, Collin is a funny one that's for sure! My ten year old daughter got a kick out of him. Suzy's video was a cute one too.
That is way too funny!!! hahahahahahaha LOVE IT!!!
You need to tell Collin that he has waaaaaaay too much time on his hands and that he really shouldn't squeeze the dog ... perhaps he could submit his layout for publication, a winner for sure ... he knew he was so talented!
I love that he had the idea to do that, but the fact that he went to all the trouble, making the layout and creating the video... he is hysterical. I bet you guys laugh all the time. How fun!
Stay classy Collin !
Nicely done.
Too stinkin' funny! I have tears! :)
That was awesome! thansk for the smile :)
It's 4:47 am at my house and I'm muffling my laughter because I don't want to wake up the kids but OMG this is so stinkn' hilarious! My stomach hurts and tears are running down my face because I'm laughing so hard :)
hahahahahahaha.....i couldnt check this out at work the link was blocked so i rushed home and my make up is running i was laughing so hard!!! I think he might start giving you some competition now LOL thanks for the greatest laugh ever colin after one heck of a long day!!1
that was too funny...thanks for sharing that video! you and your husband make me smile :)
That was so funny! I love how he supports your career and has fun with it too!
Why is everyone saying that was funny? I was dead serious. That page took me 4 days to finish people. You are all DIS-invited to my birthday party!
seriously beyond terrific. i needed a good laugh today!!
HILARIOUS! thanks for the laugh - definitely needed during this rainy, gloomy day
Hilarious! I am in tears! Thanks for a good laugh.. Too funny : )
here's a cute idea for that circus party...
Collin needs to make some more videos, he's hilarious! Who is the person chuckling behind the camera?
Yay, 100th comment! My prize?
... A REALLY GOOD LAUGH!!! Collin, you are hilarious! The hijacked post on Lizzy's blog were funny but this one tops the list. I hope to see more of these videos in the future. Thanks Lizzy for sharing this! :-)
I just now got around to watching Collin's parody of Suzy's video! OMG!! my daughter is asking me what's so funny. It was too hilarious. Love the dog.
Absolute genius! Collin you should be more famous than your wife - as a comedian! Really!!! I've made every member of my family come & have their own private viewing. Just LOVED it...
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