Monday, May 10, 2010

What are we thinking...?

Photo taken 6 days after Quincey was born
Some people might ask what the heck are you thinking? Well, I'll tell ya...

-We're thinking that since we are already in baby mode and haven't slept through the night in 4 years...
-We're thinking that since we've become extremely skilled parents & can hold both kids while balancing breakfast in one hand and filling up a sippy in the other hand
-Lots more hugs and kisses
-Collin mastered changing a diaper in 3 seconds flat
-We think it would be an adventure to be outnumbered--kids to parents
-More and more love in our home
-We're thinking that the moments of chaos like an entire box of Kix poured onto the floor are outweighed by tender parenting moments (notice I did not say outnumbered...)
-Since I'd forgotten all about morning sickness and wanted a 24/7 reminder
-We miss that baby smell, tiny baby toes & sweet baby moments
-That there's a little one up there ready to come down to us
- We feel so so so grateful to be able to have children

3 months along ♥ due in November ♥ expecting baby #3


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Cali and Brett Smith said...

Congratulations on baby # 3 Liz! I'm so happy for your guys!

Leslie said...

Oh! Congratulations to you and Collin! That's wonderful news! :-)

kim and frank said...

Congratulations! How exciting!

Jess said...


Samantha said...

CONGRATS to you and your growing family Liz! Such exciting news! :-D

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

Yay!!! Congratulations!

Michelle said...

Congatulations!!!! :)

Elisa said...

wowww Lizzy!! what a new!!! congrats for you 2

Tiff said...

Congratulations!!!!!! I am SO happy for you :) I would love a baby #3, but DH insists on man on man defense ;)

lauren said...

congratulations to you and your family!!! enjoy every moment!! :)

Lacey said...

congrats on baby #3 to come! Best wishes

Unknown said...

Congratulations! For some reason when the nap picture was posted whistles went off...hee hee!

Jason and Amy said...

wow! thats awesome congrats. seems like everyone is getting pregnant right now. maybe we should get on the bandwagon..... or maybe not quite yet :)

Jamie said...

Congrats!!! So exciting! You guys are the cutest family ever!!!

Marti said...

How exciting!! Congratulations!!

Stephanie Baxter said...

Congrats to you both! That's fab news!

Susan Yates ( said...

how sweet! Congratulations to you and your family.

Martina said...

awww how cool, congrats - u guys r really lucky to have kids :)


Andrea said...

Yay for more cuteness on the way!!!

naomi chokr said...

OMGoodness! Im looking forward to your new journey!! How exciting!!! So happy for you. I hope one day I get the courage to tell my husband... ok we're ready!

bethmorgan said...

Congrats on baby #3!!!!

I had a sneaking suspicion you were pregnant when you posted the picture of you napping on the couch and said you were doing that alot!

Stef said...

CONGRATULATIONS! So truly happy for you all. I'm tellin' you - number 3 made it all easier for me. Crazy? Yes. But I've never been happier, more inspired, more relaxed.

Such exciting news!

Kara said...

yea yea yea!! LIZ!! That's awesome!
I met you in Houston years ago when you were pregs with Q!

I thought you were pregs too!!
I am 14.5 weeks along with #4 and we are SO SO SO overjoyed too!! You guys are going to be amazing parents to 3!!

mandyb said...

so another little Liz or maybe even a little baby colin!!!!

congrats guys!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Elizabeth and Colin! Another lucky child will be welcomed into your family :)

AmieeAya said...

Yay! congratulations!! what a blessing they are :)

Nicole Spasiano said...

That is so exciting!
So wonderful!!

j.leija said...

congratulations! can't wait to hear the names picked out :)

Jen said...

Heartfelt congrats!

Ashley said...

Congratulations !

lyndsey @ the stationery place said...

woo hoo! the cat's finally out of the bag! yay for babies. can't wait for our play dates.

gladys said...

What exciting news--congratulations to both you and Collin!!!!

Nancy Wyatt said...

YAY! So happy for you guys!! The girls are going to be awesome big sisters! Congrats from Texas!!

Jennifer Cowan said...

I knew it..... right after you posted the photo of you napping with one of your girls! I thought... I bet you she is prego.

Congrats!!! I am due too... on Halloween.

Anonymous said...

Angie Worthington

Julie Keller said...

I had a sneaky suspicion. Congrats!

Unknown said...

So happy for you guys, congratulations!!! Maybe a little boy this time??

Kitchener On

Leslee said...

Wow this is so exciting! I've been trying to convince my hubby that we need another, but he wants to wait a little longer! congratuations!!

Deborah said...


Laura1943 said...

Congrats !!!!!

Renee Zwirek said...

Congrats! Ah, so, you were having a little munchkin on the way (I knew it)! So exciting! SO happy for you all! Will you be finding out the sex of this baby to pick out your names or do you have them all in mind? God bless.

Sammie said...

Congratulations! How exciting!

Mandi said...

Wow!!! Congratulations!!!

Dani said...

Congratulations how absolutely wonderful!

Rachel said...

What fabulous news!!! Congrats :)

joscelyne cutchens said...

Wow, Congratulations to you all! :)

Cameron said...

Congratulations! :)

(And thank you so much for being grateful! :))

Angela W said...

I knew it! Congrats! That is so exciting!

Eva said...

Felicidades! Congratulations from Spain!! I love your job, your designs and you have a really sweet family!

Ann Cicilie said...


Such good nes, I'm so happy for you!!!

Keshet said...

Congratulations! Wonderful news!

Lora Oliver said...

Congratulations!!! OMG! This is wonderful news. This little one is so lucky to have such a wonderful family awaiting it's arrival.

diana albright said...

there must be something in the water! congrats to the kartchner family!!

Anonymous said...

Yaaaaaaaayyy, happy for your family!! Babies are the best, tee hee ;)

Jamie :)

Kasey said...

I'm so happy for you guys! Yay! Can't wait to "meet" the new Baby Kartchner!

Lots of love for ya'll! Happy and healthy nine months. :)

hiscrappergirl said...


Unknown said...

Woo hoo! Congratulations! It's funny because me and my mom (who also follows your blog) were just talking yesterday about how cute your kids are and we wondered if/when you'll have another! Can't wait to "meet" the new baby! Congrats! :)

Michelle B said...

Congrats! I am cooking baby #3 myself...due in August! Good luck to you!

pakosta said...

Congrats to your family! yay! that's just awesome! I always wanted 3-5 kids!!!!! I hope it's another girl secretly!!! cannot wait to find out! tara

EmJay said...

Congratulations. We are expecting #3 in September. For all the same reasons...pure insanity...oh and that awesome thing calld love.

Jackie said...

Congratulations! Great News!

Nancy L. said...

Congrats on the great news!!

Sara said...

Congrats! I thought something was up when you didn't deney those comments asking if you were prego or not! I have three, and that is where we decided to stop, I can say that I am officially over the desire to reproduce any more. But, there is nothing like having three kids. Two just seems sort of lonely to me now, and I wouldn't trade it for anything! Can't wait to see your cute little prego pics!

kristina proffitt said...

Congratulations, Liz!
I'm pregnant with my second and due at the end of October! :-D BIG hugs!

laura vegas said...

huge congrats liz!

Candace said...

I hope it is a boy, you may need the hormone levels balanced out a little ;) Congrats to all 4 of you, what a blessing ;)

Dawnie said...

Name this one Dawn, please!

Ashley said...

I was soo excited when I read that! congrats!!!!! I love reading your blog and think you are very talented and beautiful! I'm excited to see the little one in a few months :)

Nicole said...

very exciting news!!! congrats!!! :)

Latrice said...

I was going to ask you if you were pregnant!!!! Aaahhhhh! How fun. I could tell by the clothes you had been wearing to all your classes and events. You Rock girls. Crossing my fingers for a sweet baby boy to join your bunch.

AniB said...

Congratulations! That's awesome! Hope you have a healthy easy pregnancy.

Aubree said...

Congratulations!! We are outnumbered ourselves but the chaos is worth the reward!

shelby valadez said...

Congratulations! Such wonderful news!

D said...

Wonderful, exciting news. So pleased for you! Congratulations.

BrookeK said...

What a wonderful blessing - congratulations!

Haley said...

Congrats!!! Having 3 kiddos rocks! :) Here's wishing you plenty of rest before your life gets even more crazier!

Shemaine Smith said...

Aww wonderful news! I already knew tho...hee hee I could tell in the video you did for Dear Lizzy with your fab flowers and from the pics with the Go to Gals from Papercrafts but I didn't spill the beans :)

Mon Petit Violon said...

Congratulations! Wonderful news! :-)))) You have beautiful family and wish you all the best with #3!

nichole said...

congrats! only a month apart...

Carrie said...

Yay...congratulations! I was getting baby vibes, if that is even possible over the net. :) So happy for you and your family!

Scrapamum said...

Congratulations! I'm feeling left out. All of my friends are pregnant with #3.

Reina said...

Congrats!!! You weren't being lazy taking naps you were busy growing a baby:) So enjoy the naps and take them every chance you can:)

This West London Life said...

WOW!!! Such wonderful news for you, many congratulations.

Altaira McComb said...

Congratulations! I am in negotiations with the husband to have baby #2 - he wants to wait a little longer. No matter the sex of the baby , he/she is gonna be gorgeous! I'm itching to "meet" the baby as well!

Esther said...

So exciting! Congratulations!

carla said...

I understand what you're thinking! I'm expecting my 3rd in November also. It just happens that my other two are within months of your girls. For sure, that's one reason I'm drawn to your blog. =)

Melissa said...

Congrats! That's wonderful news

The Savvy Scrapbooker said...

Congrats! How exciting!

Amy said...

Congratulations! Babies are blessings

Kami said...

Congrats!! I was starting to think my pregnancy radar was off, but I was right. I had a feeling when you were referring to naps more than normal =).

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you both, that is fantastic news!

RobinG said...

OMG I am so happy for the two well four of you!!! I have 3 & really wanting another one..CONGRATS!!!!

Nancy said...

AMAZING congratulations. So many babies are due to arrive this november!

Kendra said...

And that fairy tale continues. ; ) Congrats, Liz!!!

kismet art said...

that just makes me smile. congratulations to your family. and I love your list-I am very familiar with most of the items on it:)

Abbey said...

Congratulations! I'm so excited and happy for you!

Unknown said...

HOw fun liz! congrats to you both.

Michela said...

YAY!! Congratulations to you both!! Love hearing about little babies on the way- wishing you all the best along the way!!

CreativeChretin said...

Congrats!!! How exciting! Can't wait to hear if it's a boy or girl!

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

Congrats. I thought you might be preg.

Mariangeles M said...


Tina Cockburn said...

Congratulations! Three is a magic number. =)

Lacey said...


Jenni said...

BIG congrats!!!! so happy for you! hope you are feeling well and praying for a healthy pregnancy and baby! xo

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Somehow I was waiting for a post like this!

Capescrapper said...

So happy for both of you! It certainly seems that this happy little family can make room for another!

Colleen said...

OMG! Congrats!!! This explains all of the napping... Now what's my excuse? Hee!

Jennifer said...

So excited for you ... congratulations!

Carol said...

Congrats! Baby #3 are the best. You will love it. I sure do.

Amanda Sevall said...

Congratulations!! How exciting!! :) Being one of three, I can tell you that three is an excellent number!! :)

Sorie said...

Congrats on #3! It's an amazing journey. Smart to go ahead before you feel any sense of being in control. My prayer for you is peace + health (for all)

JamieW said...

Congratulations, Lizzy! You can't post nap pics without raising alarms! :) You will love having 3! Ours are 4.5, 2.5 and 7 weeks. It's totally doable and completely wonderful!

Unknown said...

How absolutely beautiful, wonderful and sweet! Congratulations a million times over!

Maeghan M. said...


Brenda Weaver said...

Congrats! That's so exciting and wonderful!

Lolo&HudMommy said...

Congratulations on #3!!

GryA said...

I just got my second girl, and its so fantastic!!!!

{amy k.} said...

so exciting! you 2 make amazing parents! i'm so excited for you!

Joaniebolognie said...

WOWZERS!!!!! Congrats!!!! 3 kiddos are amazing!!!!

Krys72599 said...


Christine@Sally,Ry,andLaLa said...

Wonderful news! Congrats! You'll find #3 just learns to go with the flow:)

Wendy Sue said...

Congratulations! :o)

Kris said...

Congrats, can't wait til we are blessed with one of our own!

Unknown said...

congrats! (:

Danielle said...

girlie, i've almost commented a couple of times to say 'you are so pregnant!' but i thought you'd tell us when you were ready :) congrats on baby number 3!

NeverEnoughTime said...

being outnumbered it a great thing!!! My 5 are worth every crazy moment!


Janelle Wind said...

Huge congratulations!! What a lucky bubby to be coming into your family xx

Amy said...

Oh...yay for you and your family! So happy for all of you!! Lucky little baby to be born into your loving fam!!

Alison said...

Oh my goodness, congratulations! That's the best kind of news! Wishing you a happy and healthy nine months!

Olivia said...

Congratulations on the wonderful news :)

Nicole B said...

OMG! Something is definitely in the water! Wishing you and hubby a very happy healthy baby and secretly maybe hopefully its a boy!

Anonymous said...

Congratulation...hope everything goes fine for you & the baby. May God bless you and your family.
Love a friend

Kristen said...

Congrats! As a mama of three I can tell you I survive each day...and that third will bring you more than you ever imagine!!

Natalie Winterstein said...

Congrats!! :)

Celeste said...

Couldn't happen to a nicer family! Congrats!

Mauri said...

congratulations! When I saw that post of you napping I had a feeling you guys were going to be announcing something soon. Maybe it's because I am expecting baby #5 and I'm exhausted and need a nap all the time. Good luck!

Susan said...

There's no news that's more exciting or wonderful than announcing that you're expecting a baby! Best wishes and joyful expectations to the whole family!

Adele said...

How wonderful! I never did have three - started with 2 and then jumped to 4, but yeah - the more the merrier! Enjoy!

Baird Family said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!

Tori said...

Congrats how exciting...I too like the thought of beind outnumbered by kids someday! :)

jill said...

Have 3 of my own -- three is GREAT!!! Congratulations.

Marti said...

Yeay! I have three babies and it's the best. Congrats to you all!

Judy said...

What wonderful news!! Congratulations...hope it's a boy

Maggie Massey said...

Congratulations!!! How exciting for your family!!!!! #3 is the best...I wish you guys all the best in the world!

Jodi C. said...

YAY!!!! CONGRATS!!! I am SUCH A SAP...I have tears in my eyes, I love the beautiful things you wrote!!! Babies are such a miracle and blessing!!!

My daughter was born in Nov and so was I!!! It's a GREAT month. Don't know if you have a scorpio in the house yet...if you don't I can tell you all about them.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for creating the amazing and beautiful Dear Lizzy line that I LOVE to play with!!!

Michelle said...

so this explains the naps.....

Nita K. said...

Awesome news!! Congrats!

Unknown said...

They say the third is the charm... Congrats to you and your family!!!

Gloria said...

Congrats Liz, such a wonderful news!!! My best wishes for you and your family ;)

Amber Zimmerman said...

Oh my!! Congrats! I'll have what you and Steph Howell are drinking. ;-)

Sheila Cruz said...

Congratulations! See, you couldn't fool us for long. We knew you were expecting.

Karen said...

congrats to your sweet family!

susy said...

And the world can always handle more beauty :-) Congrats.

Michelle Burry said...

How wonderful! Congratulations, Liz! Blessings to you and your family!!

Chloe said...

LIZZY!!! That is SOOOOOOO exciting!!! Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you, Collin and the girls!

Amy said...

How exciting! Congrats!!!

Ady said...

congratulations... I can't wait to meet you at Spark belly and all...

jen geigley said...

HUGE congrats to you guys!!

Tracey Holdyk said...

Huge, big, enormous, happy congrats to you and colin and the girls. What wonderful news and thanks for sharing.

Kirsten said...

congrats! Wondering when you were going to spill the beans, worst kept scrapping secret out there! Naps and illness are dead give aways

Mama to Jayden said...


petunia670 said...

Yay! Congratulations to you both. What a sweet happy little family.

Pip Prosser said...

A huge congratulations to both of you ... hope that your morning sickness has eased ... explains the napping on the couch photo ... enjoy the pregnancy journey ... can't wait to meet #3 ... Pip

Suzy West said...

Hey there beautiful!!! huge congrats!!!

Laura said...

Wow, so cool, I totally got chills! Congratulations! You two make cute cute kiddos!!

Cynthia Baldwin said...

This is wonderful!! Congratulations to you and your family!

noel joy said...

congratulations my dear friend! your sweet baby will be one more fabulous addition to the world!

Anonymous said...

I thought you were preggers ... I just had a feeling from your photos lately. Congrats!

Jo-An said...

congratulations!!! what wonderful news!

Sara Ancich said...

yay yay yay yay yay.

Veronica Milan said...

yay CONGRATS. And I knew it from that napping picture. can't fool us!

Michelle Vandepol said...

congrats :) so thrilled for u

It's Been a Day! said...

congrats to you both! i found the adjustment to 3 kids was a lot easier than the adjustment to 2. I know, it sounds weird, but that was my experience! you guys are great parents! congrats!


Sandra T. said...

Oooooh! I'm so happy for you! Can't wait for November! ;) Would you rather a boy, or a girl? - if you don't mind my asking :)) Thanks for sharing and keep us updated!

Vanessa (aka V'ness, Nessa, oldschool) said...

woohoo...knew it with all that sleepin!!!

EmmaJ said...

Congratulations! Such wonderful news!

juliescrapbook said...

Wonderful news! Bravo!!

Starr Mercer said...

Awww, congrats! We couldn't agree more with your post...we're expecting baby #3 as well in August.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your wonderful news! Very exciting!

jesslea said...

3 is definitely a fun number! Congratulations

LIly'sMummy said...

Congratulations Liz and Colin! I bet they will be just as gorgeous as you and your other two girls! I love being pregnant, I have just had my second 4 months ago and there will be no more! But would love to be pregnant again!
Can't wait to meet the new bundle of joy! Congrats again!

Megan R said...

Congrats guys, thats very cool, you both do seem to do it very well with lots of cool and panache!!

Anonymous said...

Praying for a BOY here, greetings from Austin!

Anthonette said...

A big congrats on the news, Elizabeth! Happy for you.

Anonymous said...

I knew it! I was going to comment and ask when you were going to spill the beans. You just had that look :). Congratulations!

La grande cupcake said...

Yeah! Way to go Collin!!! Congrats Liz!!!!

Giny Cortés said...

Wonderful news, just wonderful! You are blessed! Congrats to the whole family.

summer said...

congrats!!!! that is so exciting, more beautiful babies in the world :) and I love that you mentioned this baby was a gift from above, so very true!

Heather Vo said...

Oh my goodness, what fabulous news!!! Congratulations!!!

Sara said...

That's just AMAZING news!! CONGRATULATIONS to your expanding family!!

story of a boy & a girl said...


Hannie C said...

Wow Liz!!! Congratulations!! So happy to hear that and read how positive you both are about the new comer..hahaha.. fun family and beautiful kids!

Gretchen said...

yay! congrats lizzyk!

Angie said...

I knew it! Ever since I saw that cute napping picture I have been wondering. Congratulations...three is so much fun!

Anonymous said...

Yay you!!! What a treat! :) I'd love a #3! :) So glad you two are so full of joy right now - what a happy time!

Rene Sharp said...

Congratulations on your wonderful news!! As a mother of 3 kids I know you are going to be extra happy!! I almost wish I had had a
4th! Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy, have you had much morning sickness?

Sharon said...

Congrats! So blessed :)

Jennifer said...

Oh my goodness!! Congratulations Liz!! I love the way you announced it. I had to scroll down to confirm my suspicions after the first two lines. Do I sense a scrapbooking page coming soon? :)

Tammy Wilson said...

Congratulations, babies are such a gift!

Kat said...

congratulations!!!! that is such exciting news...good luck with the pregnancy and hopefully morning sickness will stop soon :)

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