Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Let's Celebrate!

I'm so excited
that after months & months
I finally get to talk about my column for
Creating Keepsakes!!
Dear Lizzy!
You know you have them... questions about scrapbooking that you think are silly but really everyone wants to know. Anything from what the heck are 'stickles,' how to emboss, or what's the best way to scan a layout? Starting in July's issue of CK I will (attempt to:) answer your awesome questions.

It's been so fun hearing from fabulous women from all over the world on all sorts of topics. And now it's even more fun because you finally know who they're directed to. So, I guess if there's anything you are dieing to know all you have to do is ask-scrapbooking related of course:)
(Direct your questions about silencing your neighbor's dog or how to change your oil to Collin.)

To celebrate I am having a giveaway!! First email your question to
letters@creatingkeepsakes.com with "Dear Lizzy" in the subject line.
Then leave a comment below and I will pick a winner in a couple days! I'm going to stuff the box with as much goodies as it will allow! Here's a peek!
Yay! Who doesn't love getting scrapbooking goodies in the mail?!!
**Edited** I may have to pick more than 1 winner!!
Off to watch Idol finale-David vs David!!


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Heidi Cocca said...

Congratulations on the new column! I can't wait to check it out!!

Laura Looooo said...

Hey Liz... I just emailed in a question... I hope I could only be so lucky as to win that amazing box....

my scrapbooking time has been pushed aside while I finish up my last week of my undergrad.... yay for graduation on sunday...

sorry I havent commented lately..the room looks great and I cant wait to see your column!

Anonymous said...

The column will be great, always afraid to ask the silly questions you think you should know :) kristi b

BethBG said...

Oh how fun! I can already think of a lot of questions :-D XX's BethBG

Sara said...

Awesome! cant wait to read your article.


Daisy said...

I love this column idea! I know I have a ton of questions, and even if I can't think of them right now, I'm sure someone else out there has the same ones I do.

angismith said...

I love that you are going to have your own column! How cool!

Janna said...

I just discovered your blog 2 days ago. I love it! Thank you for having a contest. I just sent you a question. I can't wait to see your new column! Best wishes on the upcoming birth of your new daughter!!

Anonymous said...

oh fun! i love CK's makeover, it looks great! :)

Erin said...

I'm not leaving a comment to get the free goodies (since I don't scrapbook), but just to tell you that I love that picture of you! You look beautiful in it! Congrats on the column.

Unknown said...

So exciting. I am loving all the new CK columns over the last year. Congrats for you!

Kellie said...

That's awesome! It sounds like it will be a great column, I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

How great is that! I can't wait to start reading your column your such a talented scrapbooker!

Unknown said...

How exciting! Can't wait to see your new baby girl!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your own column, you totally deserve it! I sent you a question. Love your blog!!!
:) angie (ckmb: craftyscrapr)

Becky said...

woohoo! You're going to be the 'Dear Abby' of scrapbooking!! LOL! I can't wait to read the column!

Just sent my email!! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Love the column idea! Can't wait to read it! I just sent in a question! Fun, fun! :)

Heather said...

Ok, you got my question! Now I'd love that box of goodies :) Thanks for the contest!

Lisa said...

Just from reading your blog I know you will have a great column, you're just so darn real! Thanks for all your great fun stuff, for sharing your life and your family, and most of all for not laughing at our silly questions! Many blessings as your big day approaches also... go big sis Avery!!

Jenny said...

Congrats on your new column! I can't wait to read it and look forward to seeing it in July :)

Jaime said...

This sounds like such a fun column . . . I'm excited to read it. Congrats! Oh, and I love how you painted your girls' room . . . looks so cute!

Unknown said...

I just sent my question, I hope it gets answered! :)
I would LOVE to win a box of goodies! Nothing makes me happier when the daily mail comes, and knowing there could be a box chock full of goodies might knock my socks off! :)
Have a Happy WEDNESDAY!

Dale Anne Potter said...

I emailed a question.
I guess I need to re-subscribe to CK!!! LOL

Mary Dawn said...

exciting news, awesome goody pkg...have a great night

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is a lot of goodies for giveaway! Pick Me! Pick Me!

Spencer Family said...

How exciting! I have a few questions...I'll definitely email you!

Hayley said...

Congrats on the new column!!! I think you will do a GREAT job at it!! Can't wait!!

Hayley said...

Congrats on the new column!!! I think you will do a GREAT job at it!! Can't wait!!

Hayley said...

Congrats on the new column!!! I think you will do a GREAT job at it!! Can't wait!!

Britt said...

hey girl!

SO excited for the new column! That rocks!

Brandy said...

I love the "Dear lizzy" idea! I can't wait to get my next CK with your new column in it! There's always questions I have, but either never think to ask or don't know who to ask! Thanks! I sent a couple questions... that box looks yummy! :o)

Anonymous said...

How very exciting! I lOOOVVVEE the room! Can not wait to read the column! Congrats on that!
Amy S.

Ashley said...

I emailed a question. Congrats to you! That's exciting!

Anonymous said...

Awesome, Can't wait to start reading your column-

Unknown said...

Email sent :)
How cool is your new column and all the very best for the next week or so till the new baby arrives :)

Jen D. said...

Congrats on the column. I am excited to read it next month. Hope to win some goodies...I could use a little inspiration and help. :) Sadly, I don't know what stickles are, maybe that should be my first question.

James and Erin Joseph said...

I love getting the magazine and finding the stuff you've done! Congratulations! Keep inspiring!


Gioconda said...

I absolutely love your style and look forward to what you will share. Can't wait to get my issue. And thanks for sharing the goodies.

Sara Ancich said...

This column will be so fun to look forward to...congrats to you!!

You look great in your picture for being 9 months along ;)

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and often pop in just to be inspired. Congrats on the new column, will be looking out and forward to it! Also, thanks for your generosity. I will certainly love to receive it! That will certainly make my day, month, year!=)

Jodilyn said...

Congratulations on your new column Elizabeth. I find your work very inspiring, so I look forward to reading your answers to scrapbook questions.

It was great to have a chance to meet you at the Convention in Mesa.

Leslie said...

Best wishes for a safe delivery! I hope you'll answer my question. Irregardless, I'll be looking forward to your column. It's bound to be very informative. TFS :)

Alicia said...

Hi Lizzy! I found your blog through a mutual friend we have and absoultely LOVE it!! I have to admit that I am one of your blog stalkers! :) You have the cutest ideas and I love your work! Can't wait to read your new article. Since I've found your blog, I am ready to renew my subscription to CK that I let lapse a few years ago--looks like they just keep getting better and better!

Always, Amy said...

I can't wait to see what kinds of questions AND answers we get to see. I know we all have those "burning questions" that we think are dumb! What a great idea for the magazine, CONGRATS to you!

Grace Tolman said...

sounds like a great column. I can't wait to read your answer to my questions. ;)

Latrice said...

How fun for you!!! I definitely have some stupid questions I need answered. It'll be nice to hear more from you too!! I'm off to email in my question.

joscelyne cutchens said...

YAY for your column! I have emailed a question or two... I hope I get your box of goodies! :)

Unused Account said...


I emailed my burning questions! LOL!

I am hoping to win some new goodies to make my cross country move more bearable.

Seriously...I could read Lisa'a book on the plane and all would be right with the world!

Crossed fingers!

amanda p. said...

hey a win win situation! I get advice from you and/or and fabulous free stuff! Yeahoo! :)

jennie said...

Yah for your new column! And yah for giveaways!!!! I love reading your super cute blog and seeing your creative expressions.

Anonymous said...

This is such a fun idea. Who dosen't have a few burning questions to be answered? I know I do! Congratulations on the column. Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

OK, I just sent my question in, but I am really curious, Collin- how DO you shut the neighbor's dog up???
Penny M.

Katy said...

Great idea! Good luck with your new column-writing adventure (and your new baby on the way!)

Katy B.

Leauriy said...

CONGRATS! What a great idea for a column. can't wait to see it.

Heidi said...

How cool is a dear lizzie column, what a great idea! I'll be sending questions by the dozen!

Love your blog! You are just too cute.

Kaylyn said...

Congrats on the column! Can not wait to get the edition!! Your baby bump is stinkin cute!

Kristen said...

congrats...can't wait to see it in print! i'm a cook fan...but i think archie is the winner...kristen in nor cal

tessa said...

OOOOOOO i love this Idea!! I think CK is a great magazine, and I think this will be a perfect column for
Creating Keepsakes!! I went right ahead and sent a mail to the adress yoy gave us!! Congrats so much!!


yoyin said...

Hi, Lizzy :) I would absolutely love to win those yummy treats!!! Would the fact that I am from the other side of the globe and probably the farthest from you count? :) {You are truly an inspiration. Congratulations!!)

KiwiMich said...

Hey Lizzy!
I see by your counter that you have only 12 days to go til you meet your new wee girl - how cool! Bet you can't wait for cuddles!

New Zealand

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new column, I'm looking forward to reading it!

PattiM said...

Congratulations on your Dear Lizzy column.... How did you manage to keep that great news to yourself??? I would have spilled the beans through my excitement....Whoooooo Hooooooo for you....

Pattie's passion

I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!!!

Taylor & Kyra said...

All I can say is, "holey moley"! How do you do it? Just a week to go until you give birth and you have enough energy to fill a whole room, and then some! Congratulations on the new column - how exciting! I've sent an email question. Thanks, Gloria :)

Kay said...

Oh yippie skips on the new column!! How very exciting! I can't wait to see it.

Also wanted to let you know I've been keeping your little family in my prayers as you come into the home stretch! Many blessings on that!

Off to send in my question.

Anonymous said...

I sent a question to Lizzy, but I am very excited about this....you truly are the best!


Melanie B said...

so awesome about your column!! Can't wait to read it, loove your LO's & reading your blog. Would love to win the pack & am sending you a question hopefully not too curly. You are cool. Be blessed.
Melanie B (aussie)

Unknown said...

i think i'll subscribe to CK magazine and have it offered for my birthday so i'll get to read your column each month yeah!!!
Oh and by the way i love the red wall...
Fabienne from France

Leash42 said...

I'm so glad you will be answering all our questions (even if they seem like "no-brainers"). Got the Creating Keepsakes "how to" video the other day. You came out really good in it. Good job!

Sarah E. said...

Super excited for you. I sent a question just a few minutes ago. I would love to win your box of goodies. Nothing brightens your day like a box of scrappy goodness!

Zarah said...

Very cool! HUGE congrats from me! (No mail though - I don't wanna break your finances and I'm in Sweden! *grins*)

Ally's Corner said...

What a great idea! There has been so many times I've wanted to ask a question but didn't know who to ask.

Angie said...

congrats on the new column-sounds awesome!!

Stacey said...

What a smart idea for Creating Keepsakes to hold onto you! You are so creative and very beneficial for their business! I've been wondering something...do you do a separate scrapbook for Avery because I'm interested in seeing how "caught up" you are with all of your goings on (baby on the way, painting rooms, keeping your scrap area so organized, etc. etc.)?

Thanks - Stacey

Jingle said...

Wow! Wow! Wow! That is one fun looking collection of goodies!!! I just sent you a great question and I would love to have it answered someday! LOL! Thanks for offering this chance to win and to share our questions with you! Have fun with your new column!

Jennifer Ingle

Jeanette said...

What a wonderful idea for a column! Congrats on being the one to write it!! Awesome, I'll be looking for it!!!

Anonymous said...

Finally someone to get answers from! :-)

Congrats! I'm looking forward to your column (thank goodness I decided to subscribe to CK, then I won't miss your articles!)

Just sent a question to Lizzy...

Joanne said...

WOW..all kinds of exciting things are happening for you! Looking forward to reading the column...awesome giveaway!!

Haley said...

Congrats Liz! What an honor - well deserved. Looking forward to reading it.

The box of goodies I think is calling my name! :)

~ alli ~ said...

Congratulations on your new column! Thanks for having a fun giveaway! My question is on its way...

4guysandagirl said...

Hey! I just sent my email. Are you getting extra excited over the new little one's arrival? 12 days will fly!! Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the column. Love the room for the girls, I don't know how you do it all. I too am waiting for Collins answer on shutting the neighbors dog up. lol.
Anyway congrats on everything. Hope Collin will be posting pics right away when the new one arrives:)
Yvonne B

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to read your column! Thanks for the opportunity to win some free goodies!

Anonymous said...

I just sent over my question, can't wait to see the new article in CK.

Michelle said...

I'm so excited about your new colum!! Congrats Liz!!! :]

Kimmie said...

Congrats Liz, oh my i would love to win those goodies...heck id even share :) Cant wait to read your column!

Kimmie said...

Congrats Liz, oh my i would love to win those goodies...heck id even share :) Cant wait to read your column!

Delane said...

Oh goody! I can't wait to get my questions answered!! Good luck with the new baby girl, my boys are so jealous, they wanted a baby sister soooo bad! Enjoy and shower her with kisses.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to your column... I've really enjoyed all of your posts here (and the music too!!)

Heather said...

Wow, you look so skinny! Love the idea for the new column; can't wait 'til the new issue comes!

Good luck on the upcoming birth of your new baby girl! This is a great time of year to have a baby; all those cute onesies and summer dresses...

Take care!

emily anderson said...

holy moley lizz! that is sooo exciting!
i can't wait to read it...and that picture is super cute of you. love it :)

and oh yah...pick me!

April F said...

Congrats on the column!!! My subscription just ran out, but I am definitely renewing it now!! I love seeing a young scrapper that I can relate too!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new column. I'm looking forward to the July issue and reading your answers to all the questions.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the column - looks like some great goodies you are giving away, too!

None None said...

I just e-mailed a question and am looking forward to reading the column when it is published. Thanks for offering the goodies... hope I win. :)

Kim said...

I left a question for "Dear Lizzie" and I hope you will have an answer for me! Your goodie box looks so fun! Can't wait to read the column and I LOVE your room you painted for the new baby. What color was it exactly, I'm hoping to makeover my daughter's room this summer and think that bright color would be just the thing!

Kim in MS

tammyj70 said...

I can't wait for your new column. You deserve it girl!! BTW Love, love, love the chair in your scrap space!

Stacy said...

Yay, I am so stoked about your new column! I love reading your blog. It just makes me happy. I emailed a question, and I look forward to sending more your way!

Take care,

Rae said...

I have sooo many questions. I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love your blog - it's one of my secret (now not-so-secret) indulgences! Congrats on the column - I can't wait to read it - and also on your soon-to-be arriving little one! I just sent a question - thanks for all your sharing! Your style ROCKS!

Amy said...

Congratulations! The new column sounds like fun. I've sent off my question; now to wait and see if it gets picked :-)

Christine said...

Congrats! Looking forward to reading your column!

Sharla said...

Congrats! I just left my question and can't wait to see your column. That's going to be one lucky winner of your goodies!


Amanda said...

I'm interested in the column.

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to see your column. Thank you for sharing your creativity with us!

Teresa A.
Glendale, AZ

Anonymous said...

i am so excited for your column and you are so cute and creative.


Alicia Sharp said...

Congrats to you on your new article! I cannot wait for it to come out! I am off to e-mail my question! Thanks for the give away!!

lexsmama said...


I just sent a question (or two) myself!

Congratulations on the new column! I bet you're as giddy as a schoolgirl now that you can talk about it out loud.

I can't wait to see who wins the box, and boy, I hope it's me!

Hope you're feeling well today!


Reina said...

Congrats!! That is so exciting and your new baby girl should be here soon too! I can't wait to meet her sweet little face.

Katie said...

Congratulations on your new column! I am so excited to see it!!

Lauren said...

Dear Lizzy, Can I just say I love your scrap desk and chair..Too cute!! Congrats and can't wait to see your new column!

Anonymous said...

Lizzy - I just sent you a question - can't wait for your articles! You have such a great, fun-loving style! Thanks for the inspiration! I'm praying for you and your new baby that all will continue to be well!

Martha Boland

Lauren said...

Congrats on your new column! I sent a question in - well, several actually! :) About how you design your pages!

Hope baby & mom are doign and feeling well!

Lauren said...

Congrats on your new column! I sent a question in - well, several actually! :) About how you design your pages!

Hope baby & mom are doign and feeling well!

Jodi said...

I've written you a question and it's on its way! I can't wait for your new column... I love reading your blog so I'm sure I'll love your column too! Congrats!

obxpatti said...

I just sent you a question. It is so great that you finally have your column up and running. I'm looking forward to seeing some of the questions and answers. Thanks for the giveaway!

chksngr said...

SO looking forward to this! I can't wait to see it!

Anonymous said...

Hello from Taiwan!
What a nice idea to have such kind of column!
I hope where we live doesn't affect your draw, if I need, I don't mind to cover shipping cost (^^;)

Anyway I first hope you deliver your 2nd cutie without any trouble! wish you and your family all the best!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new column! I just emialed a question, thanks for the contest!

Michelle (from KY)

Karen said...

Congrats on the column. Just emailed you a question. I watched the AI finale last night and just loved DC. Guess I have a thing for rocker boys.....

Karen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Colleen Ryan said...

Hi Elizabeth,

I can't wait to read your column! I look forward to CK every month, and now I'm looking forward to it even more.

My question has been sent along, can't wait to read your responses to all the reader queries.

Hope the pregnancy is going well,


Erin said...

Oh my goodness that prize pack looks amazing! I would love to win it! Your blog is so awesome I seriously check it daily to see if you have updated!

Dana said...

I LOVE these types of columns! There are usually questions that i didn't even think about that get answered! Can't wait!!! Congrats!

Cass said...

So exciting to have your own CK column now ... just your cup to tea, indeed!
Happy last few weeks countdown, hope you're feeling well!

Becky said...

Stumbled upon your blog from the CK newsletter - love it. Thanks for the chance to win the giveaway & congrats on the new column in CK mag! Sent in one of my questions that's been on my mind lately. Hope you're having a great day!

Davinie Fiero said...

Congratulations on your new column!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new column!!

Sara said...

Congrats! You are going to be wonderful! You are the "Carrie (SATC)" of CK Magazine!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the new column! I emailed you a question. Thanks again and good luck! Dawn

Shannon said...

Wow great news about the article that will be so much fun along with so informative.

Love the new room by the way.

Lisa V said...

Hi Liz
Congrats on your babay girl and being SOY. I love reading your blog and your music ROCKS! I can hardly wait for your new column , love the new look of CK

Unknown said...

does that say 131 comments already!!!! GOOD PETE SIS i won't even bother :) see ya tonight!

Melissa said...

Congrats! I can't wait to read the column! I'm sure there'll be tons of good information in it!

Susanne said...

Can't wait for your column!I just emailed my question to you. Would absolutely LOVE to get all that scrapbooking goodness!

Conniecap said...

congrats on the new column and the new baby.

Connie C.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Congrats on your article. You deserve it. I love looking for your layouts and articles in CK each month. Blessings!

kimberly said...

Loved your scrap room peek in CK and the article where you "swapped" layout styles! Looking forward to your article in July's issue.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea for a new column. Congrats! So exciting! I love your work, it is so inspiring.

That pile of goodies would definately make for some happy mail!!

Amber said...

I just emailed a question. Congrats on the new column! I look forward to reading it.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one with lots and lots and lots of questions, not just one? :)

Looking forward to seeing pictures of your new baby girl. Here's hoping you get lots of sleep and "you" time until she arrives, and then soaking up that sweet new baby smell...easily the best smell in the whole world. :)

justynapalasiewicz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
justynapalasiewicz said...

Hey! I just sent my question. I feel like I sort of copped out by using an idea you mentioned in your post. But in my defense, scanning a 12x12 layout is one thing that has stumped me ever since I started scrapbooking. I would love to know how to make my layouts look like those in the magazine, with the journaling visible and all that. Congrats on the new column! Avery's room look awesome (I love that lamp!). You've got to be stoked for the new baby!!! Any names yet?

- Justyna

Mrs. Morty said...

What a fun article, I can't wait to have all the scrapbooking mysteries revealed to me!! Congrats on the article and the up coming new little one :)

Kristy said...

Hi Liz,

I e-mailed my question in. Your prize looks very cool. Thanks for doing this.
Can't wait to see column!!


Anonymous said...

Great idea with the column. I am sure it will be a huge success. Love the goodies in the goodie box. Pick me Pick me.

Unknown said...

Great Idea...the column! Can't wait to see the questions...and ANSWERS!!

Heather Chick said...

I would LOVE this! I am in love with all of your projects, layouts, and choice of music...so inspiring!!! Thanks so much, Heather C.

Heather Chick said...

I would LOVE this! I am in love with all of your projects, layouts, and choice of music...so inspiring!!! Thanks so much, Heather C.

Heather Chick said...

I would LOVE this! I am in love with all of your projects, layouts, and choice of music...so inspiring!!! Thanks so much, Heather C.

heather said...

congratulations on your new column! i look forward to reading it and getting new ideas.

Amy said...

congrats on the new column - can't wait to read it! :)

loving the color combo in avery's room - too cute, but not babyish.


Anonymous said...

Wahoo! You are starting a column, congratulations! Sent my email with a question to you already, Dear Lizzy. tee hee. Love your blog.

Nicole M

Linda said...

Congrats! I enjoy your blog and can't wait to read your new column.

AmyInKy said...

Congratulations on the new column! I look forward to reading it. I always try to remind myself that there is no such thing as a stupid question! ;)

AmyInKy said...

Congratulations on the new column! I look forward to reading it. I always try to remind myself that there is no such thing as a stupid question! ;)

Elise said...

What a fabulous idea for a column--I just emailed you my question! Love your stuff!

Funky Finds said...

Just found your blog through the CK newsletter. Hello! Jessica :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome new column! : ) Great giveaway! : )

Unknown said...

That is so exciting about your column - congratulations! I look forward to reading all the questions and answers - I know it will be great. And thanks for the chance to win some goodies - yeah!

Lesa said...

Congrats on the column and on the pregnancy! I look forward to it.
I sent in my question and can't wait to read what others have to ask as well!

Anonymous said...

Just sent my question and now leaving my comment. LOVE the new paint in the girls' room. Can't wait to read what you name the new arrival. The box of goodies looks fantastic! -Lauren

Anonymous said...

I am glad there is someone out there that can finally answer my scrapbooking questions! I am really looking forward to reading your articles!!!

Anonymous said...

lizzy...awesome! loving the picture of you! you are to cute!

ummm as a newbie to the scrapbookin world i have a TON of questions for you. pick me! pick me!

Holly said...

Just emailed a question to you! Hope you're feeling great with your pregnancy! Your nursery looks adorable!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to the column! I love that CK keeps things fresh and exciting by continuing to add new content.

Michelle said...

Just sent my silly question. Can't wait to see your new column!

Just Sew Sue said...

A new baby to photograph and cuddle, lucky you. I asked How do you make time for scrapbooking with work and children? Ha ha

a la mode blog said...

you are so darn cute and inspiring! even my husband loves when i read your blog because he loves the jason mraz playing from your blog : ) i click on your blog daily and can't wait to see what you've done - congrats on the column and new baby!


Shelle and Dan said...

I'm very excited for your column in CK. I'm sure you'll help out a bunch of us.

The Boys Mommy said...

Congratulations! I already love CK, but will love it even more now with the How-to column:)

I submitted a question...it was the blog banner how-to...hopefully that's "scrapbooky" enough.

Good luck to you and your family with your new arrival coming so soon! Looking forward to hearing all about her!

Cindy said...

Hi Elizabeth,
When I grow up I want to be just like you! Your creativity is astounding and your personality is so bubbly!
I have recently been hooked on reading scrapbooking blogs and every day I walk away inspired. How do you do it all? I love how you incorporate everyday things into your pages. LOVED the use of flashcards on your page this week! As a teacher I am sure I can round up a few of my own flashcards, perhaps a little tattered though! A while back I saw a page you had done in Creating Keepsakes where you used regular playing cards - loved that too!
I don't know if you would consider sending that box of goodies all the way to Canada, but I guarantee those supplies would be put to good use - along with the flashcards I will dig out!
Blessings, Cindy

Joanne said...

Congratulations on your new column. Your post box is going to be very full

AngMomof3 said...

Hey Elizabeth--

Congrats on the column! I KNEW they'd take advantage of your talents beyond the SOY award!

AngMomof3 said...

Hey Elizabeth--

Congrats on the column! I KNEW they'd take advantage of your talents beyond the SOY award!

AngMomof3 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new column. :)


Anonymous said...

Congrats, on the column. It should be a good one. Congrats on the second girl, too.

susan m said...

Congratulations on the column. I look forward to reading it.

kristina proffitt said...

Congratulations, girl! That's awesome! I e-mailed a question! Best of luck to you! Hugs!

Anonymous said...

I sent my question! Good luck on your new article.


ScrapGirl in NJ said...

Congratulations on the new column. Can't wait to read it!

Anonymous said...

How exciting for you! And the title "Dear Lizzy" sounds fun! Jean

Anna said...

You have such colorful layouts they are simple, clean and colorful! Your layouts really pack a punch!

Where do you find your color inspiration?


Anna Tremblay

email the question above - so delighted I found your blog it's as happy and cheery as your layouts are!!

Anonymous said...

ooo! I hope my question gets picked for your column!! And I really hope I'm lucky enough to win this fantastic give away!!


Anonymous said...

I look forward to your column.
Good luck!!! :)


Anonymous said...

I love that you are going to have your own column! I like your fun and young way with scrapbooking!

Sarah Doyle said...

what a great idea and I love the 'dear lizzy' title:) too cute! so glad you were given the opporunity to stay with ck for the long term and not just the year! how you kept the secret in.. I don't know:) congrats and good luck in the coming weeks with your little one! thank you for the give away chance***

Scrappy Running Me said...

congratulations on the new column (and finally being able to talk about it!)
i am looking forward to all your helpful tips.

Kindra said...

How fun -- looking forward to the column!

Anonymous said...

How fun! I really loved your "re-do" layouts two issues ago. Maybe that could be another column idea?
Overland Park, KS

Anonymous said...

love your style and would love to win the goods!!

Katie said...

Can't wait to read your new column! Congrats!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on you new column :) HOW COOL!?!?! Can't wait to see it! ShellyJ in OH

Wendy said...

Your column will be a great addition to CK! Love your blog...check it everyday.

Anonymous said...

How much fun you will have with this column! Best wishes in the coming weeks as you welcome your new little family member!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to read your first column!

Laura said...

Congratulations!!! I thing you are a talented woman keep going!!!
I send you my question :D

Anonymous said...

Oh Oh Oh - The box looks like so much fun! My fingers are crossed! You are such an adorable person - Congrats on baby girl #2 soon to arrive!

Toni said...

Yay! Congratulations on your new column, Elizabeth. What an inspiration you will continue to be to all of us. HOORAY!!!

Anonymous said...

Cool column idea!
Can't wait!

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