Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Let's Celebrate!

I'm so excited
that after months & months
I finally get to talk about my column for
Creating Keepsakes!!
Dear Lizzy!
You know you have them... questions about scrapbooking that you think are silly but really everyone wants to know. Anything from what the heck are 'stickles,' how to emboss, or what's the best way to scan a layout? Starting in July's issue of CK I will (attempt to:) answer your awesome questions.

It's been so fun hearing from fabulous women from all over the world on all sorts of topics. And now it's even more fun because you finally know who they're directed to. So, I guess if there's anything you are dieing to know all you have to do is ask-scrapbooking related of course:)
(Direct your questions about silencing your neighbor's dog or how to change your oil to Collin.)

To celebrate I am having a giveaway!! First email your question to
letters@creatingkeepsakes.com with "Dear Lizzy" in the subject line.
Then leave a comment below and I will pick a winner in a couple days! I'm going to stuff the box with as much goodies as it will allow! Here's a peek!
Yay! Who doesn't love getting scrapbooking goodies in the mail?!!
**Edited** I may have to pick more than 1 winner!!
Off to watch Idol finale-David vs David!!


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krcrafts said...

Congratulations to you!!

DeAnne said...

Hi Liz,

How exciting for you to be a part of CK!!! I have emailed a question to you and can think of many more!!!

De Anne

julieann said...

I am so excited to read your new column!!! I so love seeing your lay outs in Ck & here on the blog:) Congrats Elizabeth!!!!

Christa said...

Just sent an email!!! :) Thanks!

cydders said...

YEAH!!! CONGRATS on the column! you rock! that goodie box looks yummy!

thanks for the chance!


cydders said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your article! Can't wait to see it.
Debbie C.

gibkidsmom said...

Just left you a ? for your column and would LOVE to be entered in your drawing! Can't wait for tonight's results on American Idol! Go David A!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your column! I can't wait to see it.
Debbie C. in Georgia

Anonymous said...

1st of all, congrats on the column! Can't wait to see it! CK mag is my FAV mag and i am absolutely giddy when i see it in my mailbox! :) Just sent a email to Dear Lizzy with my question :) Love the new baby room, and happy soon to be birth!

Anonymous said...

Would love to win...love your style

Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog and I really look forward to read your column.
With best regards from Sweden,
Katarina Skylare

Melissa McAllister said...

Congrats on the column. Can't wait to read it. -Melissa

Melissa Bell said...

I'm so excited to read your new column. I just love your work. Thanks for all the inspiration!


Stay Funny said...

Congratulations on the new column! Really great idea and my question was sent! Take care with baby #2!

Beth said...

Hi Elizabeth, I'm looking forward to your column -- I always have lots of questions. And man, that birthday french toast looks wonderful!


Suz said...

Congrats on the column! I really like your style and know it's going to be something I turn to first in the magazine and then go back to again and again....

Great goodies - would LOVE TO WIN THAT!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Great blog! This is my first visit and I'll be visiting regularly. Sent in my question. Thanks!

Lacey said...

Congrats on your new column! You are so awesome and I know everyone will be inspired by your suggestions!
P.S- Love the new bedroom colors! So cute!

Anonymous said...

Your column sounds great! I just read about it (and your blog) at CK!

emily said...

love your blog! That post from your husband on your bday was fantastic!
pick me! :)

Brooke said...

Congratulations on your column. Wow way to become popular is offer prizes :)

12 DAYS to go!!! GOOD luck. Can't wait to hear her name. The room looks great. Similar to what I am doing but I am using bright green and pink. I am still wondering if that will work. . .

Anonymous said...

I can't think of a question to send. When I do I'll come back and email it :)

Looking forward to reading your column. I always enjoy reading your blog.

Natalie said...

Congrats on the new column in CK. I can't wait to read it.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to read your comments and column!

Abby said...

Pick me! Pick me! After all we both have a daughter named Avery! :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new Column, can't wait to check it out soon. Have just emailed you a question ;)

Many thanks and all the best with the baby :D

Kelly said...

congratulations on your new column cant wait to read it. I just love your blog. Thanks for the chance to win!


Poeta said...

How cute is your picture? Good luck with the pushing! The second should be easier, right?

I emailed you a question about sewing...

Emily in ABQ

Alex King said...

Welcome!!!Glad to know who is fielding the questions. Good luck with your birth!

Anonymous said...

By the way, the girls' room looks beautiful! Good choice to go with the accent wall. Boy, is that one responsive hubby! ;)

Anonymous said...

By the way, the girls' room looks beautiful! Good choice to go with the accent wall. Boy, is that one responsive hubby! ;)

Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the concept! Congrats on baby...mine is due in 6 more weeks.

Anonymous said...

Congratulation...I cannot wait to read your column...YEAH!

Anonymous said...

Mission accomplished: question emailed! I'm so excited to see your new column, and thanks so much for the generous giveaway!

And omg, baby girl will be here any day now...yay! :)

mikeamanda said...

I say - I want to hear from older women and moms - what are the top 5 things they wished they had written down when it happened. What do I need to make sure I capture right now, because I have already conceded I can't capture Everything, what would they concentrate on?

Cb5 said...

Congrats - I cant wait to read the new column!

jess said...

Hi Elizabeth! I discovered your blog after reading about you in the CK issue with you on the cover, I've been hooked ever since! Your ideas are really fun, funky, and inspirational. Can't wait to read your new column! Maybe my question will be one you'll answer at some point! Good luck! ~Jess

Anonymous said...

Congrats and hope you pick me - a novice but soo in love w/ scrapbooking!!! I look forward to your column and just dropped my subscription form in the mail so I can look forward to reading your articles.

mj said...

i know you have many, but i am pretty sure i am your most addicted blog stalker! i love all of your cute ideas...i am way excited for your column...it saddened me when you won SBOY but were only featured a few times in CK...let the fun begin!

Lori said...

That is so cool...did you ever really imagine that scrapbooking would take you here?!?!


Anonymous said...

This should be such a fun column! I'm really looking forward to it! You look so amazing in you new preggers pics! You rock!

Mrs. Fletcher said...

Can't wait to see your column! I love your work!

Jen said...

Looking forward to something new and fun in the July issue!

Hope to win the goodies!
Portland Oregon area

Anonymous said...

That's so exciting! I can't wait to read your column!!!! Thanks for the awesome give-away:)

Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

Congrats! can't wait! great idea!

Rachel said...

The column is such a great idea! I can't wait to get my questions answered! Adding your blog to my bookmarks now! - Rachel

Kathryn said...

Hi Elizabeth,

I love your work, so I'm sure I will enjoy your column. Congratulations!

Kathryn M

Tina said...

What a great idea!!!! Congratulations on your newest venture with CK. I am sure the Dear Lizzy column will be a great success. We all have those sorts of questions and it will be nice to read the answers each month. Wow, how are you going to do that with your new expanding family.

Great job!!!!

Take care,

Lindsay said...

Way to go!!!
Cant wait to get ALL my questions answered!

Stacey said...

Wow! Sounds awesome! Your blog is sooo cute too!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Looks like a very fun goody box!!!

Unknown said...

Hi, Lizzy. Congrats on your new column in CK! I'm looking forward to reading it. I just sent off my question a few minutes ago.

Thank you for being an inspiration. I really love visiting your blog. Enjoy the rest of your week!


Anonymous said...

congrats on the column!

kellygrl27 said...

This column could be the answer to all of life's little problems! Life is scrappin', right?

Mimmers49 said...

Congratulations on a new baby...how exciting a new bundle of joy to scrapbook!! I am certainly glad I am signed up for CK newsletters or else I would have never found your blog. I can't wait to be inspired by you again and again!!!

Kimberly S.

Unknown said...

so exciting to find another scrapbookers blog to read. I'm addicted! Looking forward to keeping track of your blog!

Liz said...

Fabulous column, can't wait to read on... just another great addition to CK Mag...love your blog!! Wonderful giveaway!! Thanks!!!

Liz T

The Cox Family said...

I left you a question. Looking forward to the new article. You are an inspiration! Jen Cox

Unknown said...

I can't wait to see this column. This is going to be too fun! ^_^

Traci said...

Hey Lizzy!

I sent a question that I do hope will be answered. Seriously, I'm not sure what to do and I have yet to find a Papers Anonymous support group anywhere around. I definitely need some help.

Christina Carnoy said...

I emailed a question!!!

Brock Family said...

Congrats on the column. I can't wait to read it and see your awesome layouts! Go David Cook BTW!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog! Good luck in the next few weeks...sounds like it's going to be busy! I have an Avery too, so I love the name. Also have a Cooper, but I don't really think it would work for a girl! :)

Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I visit this blog more than I email my own mother....is that weird??

Best wishes for a quick and easy delivery, any day now???


linda said...

Dearest girly, congratulations.
Can't wait to read your new column. I have emailed my question thank you.
Linda, from Australia

jolie said...

Cool! Thanks for answering questions and giving away fun stuff!

Anonymous said...

Hey Lizzy,

I emailed my question and would lOvE to win that box:).
cOngRaTulAtIOnS on your new column! You are perfect for the job... you always have great new ideas.


Anonymous said...

Dear Lizzy

What a great idea! Looking forward to the column.
I would like to wish you and your family all the best for the upcoming birth of your little girl, how exciting for Avery being a big sister.
Love your blog, thanks for letting us share your world.


Dettao said...

Congrats on the column. Can't wait to read it.

Joy said...

Who doesn't love free stuff..oh love you little ones "new" room. Very chic.

Anonymous said...

I am a huge fan of your scrapbooking style and blog, and now your new column! Hope to win your giveaway. And best of luck to you and your baby!

Anonymous said...

Love that you are going to do the 'Dear Lizzy' column - such a fabulous idea!! Can't wait to see the July issue!

us*limes said...

ok, this is not a question for your column, which is great by the way! but who does your hair? where do you get it cut? is this person in UTvalley or SLvalley? seriously, i need a new "stylist". tired of asking for an inch and getting 10.
and your blog rock's my world! i love it. and good luck with delivery! avery is a lucky gal.

mbchetti said...

Congratulations on your new column. Looking forward to what will be asked and answered. Always fun to learn new things....

Anonymous said...

How fun! SO glad I just renewed my subscription. Have always loved your scrapbook & personal (i.e. those green and white polka dot, peep-toe wedges)style. Looking forward to your tips and tricks.

Kim said...

Lizzy~ Congrats on your new column...how fun! I can't wait to see all the questions you help with!

And (of what you have given us a sneak of) your raffle gift looks AWESOME! I hope I can be lucky enough to get selected!



tanyawebster said...

sign me up pretty please! awesome news about your column!! YAY!! :)

{amy k.} said...

first of all congratulations- how fun is that!

second of all- I would love to win that amazing box! I'm out here in FL where the great scrapbooking things are far and few between. It's the one thing that I absolutely love and helps me to cope with some of the yucky health problems.

and third- like I've said before... I totally admire your work! You are so creative and not to mention beautiful- your family and all! I can't wait until I can grab the July CK!

Here's to american idol, healthy pregnancy, and winning the wonderful prize! :)

Jen said...

i LoVe getting scrapping goodies in the mail. congrats on the new column.

Pink Heather said...

Can't wait to read your new column! Especially if you answer my question ;) Thanx for the giveaway. Heather

creativesomething said...

felt fusion and thickers and prima!!! yay!!!!

Jake and Jessica Fillmore said...

Liz I have never seen so many comments posted in my entire life. Your blog, or should I say you are super popular. Well my question is.... what is the best way to stick pictures onto scrapbooking paper without damaging the photo. And what kind of camera do you use for all of your fabulous photos????

Jake and Jessica Fillmore said...

Liz I have never seen so many comments posted in my entire life. Your blog, or should I say you are super popular. Well my question is.... what is the best way to stick pictures onto scrapbooking paper without damaging the photo. And what kind of camera do you use for all of your fabulous photos????

Sabrina said...

Congratz!!!! I love your blog, and pages, and now I know I will love your column!!!

Monica said...

I emailed my question! Congratulations on the new column and the new baby!

Scrappy Kat said...

Wow! Congratulations on your column. How exciting is that? Your work is an inspiration to me and always has that "happy go lucky" vibe to them! I just emailed a question (great idea and I can't wait to see your column and all those questions that I would want to ask too).

EmmaJ said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you to have a regular column in CK. I love your work and can't wait to hear from you more!

Anonymous said...

Hi Liz,

I'm so excited to hear about your column and what a great way to kick it off, with a cool giveaway!! I just e-mailed you a question and I can't wait to hear your answer.

Thanks so much!

MommyMe said...

Cool idea for a column!! It is much needed! Love to hear others questions and the solutions!



alyssa said...

Congrats on the new column. I can't wait to read it!

Rena said...

hey Liz, you look great in that picture. Obviously it was taken before your beauty of a baby bump!
Anywho, I am so excited for your new column. I appreciate all the work you do for the magazine. I love reading it. I just sent off my box with my album in it for SOY!! ~wish me luck! And good luck to you on a safe and fast delivery!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to your new column. Now I can get answers to the multiply scrap booking questions I have!

Frances C.

Julie Batta said...

Hi Elizabeth,

It would be so awesome to see my question in your column. Thanks for doing this giveaway, all the goodies look like a lot of fun!!


Leah said...


Libby said...

That's very cool! More interactive formats are always a great idea! Way to go.

GINGER said...

Love your blog. This is my first comment on it. But I couldn't resist with that great prize package. You have some of the funnest ideas. Thanks for sharing:)

K said...

I'm excited to read your column. I love your style. Of course like everyone else, I'd love to have a ginormous box of supplies come to my house to live and cheer me up after a bad few weeks! Congrats on your column and upcoming baby. What a fun time in life for you.

Oh Happy Day Design said...

You are going to have your work cut our for you, answering all our questions. I look forward to reading your new spot in CK mag.

scrapsofmine said...

Congratulations on the new Column! Sounds fun and I can't wait to read it. I posted a question already for you. Hope you can help!! Best of luck!!!

Leslie P.

Anonymous said...

I love to read your blog, you and your husband are both entertaining...can't wait for the new article!

Grace said...

Congrats on your column and I love your pics in your blog!!!

Pamela said...

I sent my email off. Would love to win these goodies, but there are also already 303 comments ahead of me. :)

Oh, and wasn't the finale AWESOME! :)

Meggan said...

Hi Liz,

Wow! What an awesome idea for you to do. I think this is going to help out a lot of people, myself included.

I just got through emailing you. Thank you for this awesome opportunity to get in depth insight to the scrapbook world.

Take care, oh and how about that American Idol last night- David Cook!

Meggan P.
Sequim, WA
(CKMB scrapbooknmommy)

Sophie said...

Congrats on the column...can hardly wait to read it next month!!

LisaAnn said...

Love the idea for the new column! You have such a sweet space to work, too. Good luck with your column and hope you get to me question =)

Joanne said...

Everyone loves a giveaway huh? Thanks for sharing all the great stuff!!

Anonymous said...

Great Blog! I emailed a question over - best wishes for you for your new column and your new baby!

Jen said...

I am so excited for your new column!! It sounds awesome. Those goodies look pretty fabulous too!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Elizabeth! I just discovered your great blog!! I absolutely love your style! Congrats on your new column! :)

PS - I love your playlist! :)

Kristi B. said...

So Many awesome things going on in your life! Congrats on everything! :o)
I sent me e-amil question.

Anonymous said...

Awesome new article. I love my CK subscription and I love your blog. Hope I win your giveaway.

Holly Rice said...

You are such an inspiration to us all, your a wife, mother, sister, daughter and still have the time to blog and do give away's. Good luck with your delivery in a few days.

I left you an e-mail. Hope you can help with my question.

Anonymous said...

congrats on the new column. I love your blog and my CK subscription. I hope I win your awesome giveaway

{amy k.} said...

oh yeah- I was also going to tell you about my friend who does great photos. I'm sure you know lots of photographers- even you take the cutest ones but if you wanted some of you and your new little one check out blushphotography.blogspot.com

I love her work and her prices will be reasonable as well. Congratulations again- 11 days to go... how exciting!!!

Cassie said...

I just sent a "Dear Lizzy" question in! Can't wait to see your new article.
Is "Dear Lizzy" the one you wrote for your SOY entry? just curious.

Cassie said...

I just sent a "Dear Lizzy" question in! Can't wait to see your new article.
Is "Dear Lizzy" the one you wrote for your SOY entry? just curious.

{amy k.} said...

p.s. let me know what you think! And tell her that I sent you her way... maybe she'll be able to work something out for you!

Anonymous said...

this is going to be so much fun! I emailed you my question.... :)
lots of love :)

Elisabeth C.

Liz said...

Fabulous column, can't wait to read on... just another great addition to CK Mag...love your blog!! Wonderful giveaway!! Thanks!!!

Liz T

amandaV. said...

Yay Lizzy!!
how cool is that! can't wait to see all the great advice pouring out, lovin the new CK!

Thanks for the chance at some really cool stuff!!

amydc said...

Man, tons of comments.
I've said it many times, but i think you rock!
Your scrap style is so awesome.

amydc said...

Man, tons of comments.
I've said it many times, but i think you rock!
Your scrap style is so awesome.

Nancy said...

"Dear Lizzy"
How Fun! Congrats and Best Wishes on your new column! I already emailed you a question.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new column! How exciting... Love your Blog!

Becky Elliott said...

Congratulations, Lizzy! Please enter my name in your give-away contest!!
Becky Elliott

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this idea for a column!! I love to know what other people are thinking about. I sent you a pretty good question in my eyes! ;)

Wendy Holifield

*Beatriz Jennings* said...

How cool! congrats! :)

Megan said...

Love your work... can't wait to read your new little article. Oh, and by the way, I love your playlist!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited about the column. Congratulations!
Gadsden, AL

Diana said...

Hi Elizabeth/Lizzy
I loved your column about your workspace. It was very inspiring, and I really loved that striped/rainbow rug on the floor by your bookshelf. Do you mind if I ask where you got it?
Also: your sewing machine looks soooo tiny. I would buy one if I could find a small one. Is it like a super tiny one or does it just look small in the picture?
I was inspired to do a "make me happy" page based on the one you had featured in your scrap space. It didn't come out quite like yours, but I love it. Now I just need to find a 12x12 frame to put it in. I have to be careful though or I'll frame all my pages! (I look at my pages over and over.)
I'm a beginning scrapbooker -- I just started last August -- but I am totally hooked.
Anyway, I really wanted to tell you how much I like your scrapbook pages, and just your style in general--very fresh and very inspiring. And congrats on the baby about to be born!
By the way, the other column where you switched with another scrapbooker--your original pages were much nicer (smile).

Samantha said...

Congrats on the new column, Liz!! Thanks for offering such a fun give-away, too!!

PS - Loved AI last night!! My favorite David won :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats, beautiful girl!!! That is so darn exciting!!!!

Danielle said...

I look forward to seeing the layouts you'll create for your little one. :) My daughter is almost 14 months old and I am always looking for new ideas in creating pages for her.
Danielle from NY

Cassie said...

coll! i wondered when you would start being featured with a monthly article!

Colby said...

Just emailed ya. Love the pic for your column. And cannot wait for your soon-to-come baby photos...wow, only 10 more days?!?!

Donna said...

Hi! I love your blog! How do you get the music on there? I signed up to playlist.com but can't figure out how to get it on my blog!

Donna said...

Hi! I love your blog! How do you get the music on there? I signed up to playlist.com but can't figure out how to get it on my blog!

Cass said...

I've emailed a question. :)

Congrats on the new column!

Monkdabutt said...

Hey there, sending my question to you as soon as this comment is finished. The room looks awesome. Can't wait to see the new little one.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your Dear Lizzy column. I look forward to reading it.

Anonymous said...

I am looking foward to your new column. I know I will learn something new.Thanks....

julie.schellin said...

just emailed a question regarding multiple photo layouts...sooo looking forward to your column AND an announcement of the arrival of your sweetie! :)

Jamie said...

Congratulations on the new column! I am new to your site but you have a lovely family. Good luck with the new baby!

asherdee* said...

yay! i love give aways. pick me. I'm in need of new inspiration.

Gina said...

congrats on your new column!!!! Looks like an amazing prize pack!

irene said...

Congrats on the new colomn, sounds great! And thanks for the giveaway, it sure would be someone's lucky day to win this price. Love what you did with the room. Love the red wall. Bye Irene

Anonymous said...

Looking foward to your 'Dear Lizzy' column in CK. Thanks for the opportunity to win this cool prize pack and also for sharing the many great ideas, stories, and photos on your blog! You truly inspire.
Austin, Texas

Anonymous said...

Hey Liz! I just emailed in my question...so happy for you on your new column, CONGRATS!

christa said...

Congrats Elizabeth. . .I'm very excited, it sounds like a great concept. Let's be honest, CK could really use a little change up and something a bit more stimulating. I wish you the best of luck with BOTH your upcoming projects!


Mom of 3 Boys said...

Congrats on your column...how fun and exciting! I just emailed in a question! Thanks for your goodies contest. fun fun!

Linda 85 said...

Congratulations on the new article! I love your style and your blog.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new baby...she should be coming any day now. That is really crazy cause I remember when you announced it..not that we know each other personally, but I feel like with blogging you "know" everyone ;)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new column, can't wait to read it. Love that babies room. It looks fabulous.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that sneak looks so fun! Just posted my question to CK. Looking forward to the July issue of CK!!

-Vicki J. Wade
Newton, Iowa

xxxxx said...

Hi Elizabeth,

I sent a question! Congrats on the new column! Best of luck with all of your new ventures... new baby, bigger family, new column! You are an inspiration to us all! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for that box of goodies! :)

ginger said...

Congratulations on your new column. I am sure I'll be reading it soon. Good Luck and hopefully I win as I don't win these kind of contest. It's worth a try.

Anonymous said...

Dear Lizzy,
Just left a question and can't wait to get it answered. It's the second, if not third time I put that question out there.
Looooove your blog, your talent, the easy listen music accompanying reading your lines.
Congrats again on the baby to come. -Claudia

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