Tuesday, October 28, 2008

a very pink post

My friend Jamie is a Stampin' Up demonstrator slash creative genius who sent me her inaugural
scrapbooking kit, and all I have to say is ah-ah-awesome! I love the colors, the paper, the embellies, the whole thing! I had a total blast putting together this mini-album for my little Q-Bear! The chocolate & pink papers are so versatile & worked perfectly with her photos. I started by cutting some chipboard into 3 1/4"x 8" pieces with a total of 7 pages. I covered each page front and back with the yummy papers.

My favorite part was adding the ruffled ribbon to the edges. Using my sewing machine, I stitched a loose line across the middle of the ribbon, gathered it a bit, then secured it down with some glue dots at the end of 4 of the 7 pages.
The "giggle" text and other cute words are actually stamps from a really cute Stampin' Up set (call Jamie for some help with that;)
Once I finished the pages, I whipped out my trusty Bind-it-All to quickly turn my pages into an album. (Which is now available in pink, but I can't justify having 2... yet!) Oh Bind-it-All...what would I do without you?

I saved all the journaling to the last page where I wrote a letter to my Q-bear.

If you want to make an album like mine or get your hands on all this yummy goodness, check out Jamie's (new) site here!
To start her venture off right, we're giving one of these fabulous kits away! Leave a comment with the Trick-or-Treat candy you would never trade as a kid...or the candy you'll sneak out of your kid's bag...mmmm...Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. I'll choose a winner in a couple days.

PS I've gotten a lot of questions about blurb and how it's not working with blogger... which is so weird because a couple days before I did that blog post I started my book & I use blogger. Hmmm. I wonder what's up with that? I will look into it. :)


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Unknown said...

Oooh...I'd love to win this! My fave is definitely Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. :)

Heather said...

I would never trade PB Cups or Baby Ruths....yummy goodness!

Marty Walden said...

I wouldn't trade tootsie rolls or Butterfingers!

Unused Account said...

I would KILLLLL for this amazing kit.

But could I borrow your genius brain to put it together?

Favorite candy as a kid was Snickers bar.
Least favorite then ADN now...Bit-O-Honey.
What kind of weird candy is that?!

Shannon said...

I would have to say Reeses Peanut Butter cups as well, no trading those cups of goodness, and my kids wouldn't miss 1 or 2 of them out of their treat bags...

daurenet said...

Wow you mean I am the first one? Has never happened to me before. Such a cute book. Candy, that is all mine is Butterfingers. Heath bars are good too. but favorite lately is Jr mints. Lizzy I met you at the scrapbooker of the year. I put our pic up. Check it out. Love your blog.

Janna said...

What an adorable kit! Thanks for offering everyone a chance to win! I'd never trade kitkats or twixes. In fact, sometimes I buy those with the plan of handing them out to trick or treaters, but sometimes they never make it to the candy bowl.

Kiggies said...

I would never trade anything chocolate!!!!!!!!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE me some yummy chocolate. Now that I am older, the darker the better. Choose me! Pick me!

julieann said...

I would never ever give up Reeses anything, ask my husband:) Love this super cute kit & what you did with it!!

Author said...

Vanilla Tootsie Rolls. Yum!

kiki comin said...

anything chocolate..they can have all the gummy sugar they want as long as the chocolate is mine!

Anonymous said...

This is such a cute kit! Love brown and pink together. The candy I sneak out of my girlies bags are the kit kats. Love em:)

DebbieJ said...

What a lovely sweet album of your Qbear. I have to say I can't resist the jellybeans and M & M's!

Cheeziemommie said...

anything reese's ALL THE WAY - lucky for me (but not for my waistline) I am the ONLY one in my family that likes peanut butter so it works out pretty well :)
LOVE the ruffled ribbon on the edges!

Nicole & Brian said...

My favorite trick-or-treat candy without a doubt are Mary Janes (better known as that gross orange and black taffy). It was great because no one else liked them, so I was sure to get plenty :)

Anonymous said...

I would never trade chocolate drops!! I know that sounds funny but the choc chips or drops you put in cookies are really yummy eating them out of the packet!!

Rachel said...

as a kid my favorite this time of year was corn candy but now... not so much. just give me any sort of chocolate. This is the cutest kit. i love stampin' up. Rachel

Anonymous said...

My fave was anything chocolate! I've been known to sneak a Kit Kat or two from my step daughter's bag...
Such a cute kit - perfect for the upcoming birth of my daughter - she is due Christmas Day.

Allison from NS, Canada

Stacy said...

Back in the day the "rich" people only gave out chocolate so anything I got chocolate was hidden from others :)

What I get out of the kids bags is banana laffy taffy (ssshhhhhhh, don't tell)

Sarah C. said...

mmm... anything chocolate.

i have some info on blurb. i emailed blurb bc i know that blogger used to work in the past. Blurb is saying that Blogger changed something on their end, which then made the slurping tools obsolete. Blurb says they are working with them, but it's not going quickly. They are hoping it is fixed by the start of the new year. They suggest a fix of just copying and pasting your pages into booksmart. I do have a friend who uses blogger and she can still slurp her pages, but she does have the older version of booksmart installed. Sorry for the lengthy comment, but I just thought I would share my info. :) Love the blog and your column in CK. Sarah

Ellen said...

100 Grand! I love 'em and they are hard to find. Great kit and great book!

Ms. Cheryl said...

sooo cute... i'll steal a tootsie roll from my kids loot, and if they aren't looking, anybody elses also. hahahaha

Michelle Whitlow said...

I'm always stealing Reece cups and 100 grand bars out of my kids' bags! Another one of my favs are Smarties. Mmmmmm candy.....!!!!

Tricia Wilson said...

Great kit, those colors are great! My favorite candy is anything chocolate, especially Snickers. Yum!

{amy k.} said...

Love that kit, would LOVE to have it!!!

Ohh favorite candy, that's hard- I'm a huge sweet tooth! I love Reeses and nutrageous. I love classic tootsie rolls and tootsie roll pops too. Oh I'm excited for Halloween!

amydc said...

I'll be mooching Reese's PB Cups and tootsie rolls from my girls.
Great kit. Jamie rocks!

Jodie said...

My favorite candy as a kid was Hershey's Krackle. These days I am in love with Kit Kats - can't get enough of them.

Happy Halloween.

noel joy said...

very cute little book. :) i think i have all of that stuff at home right now. (oh, and there is a very cute line of girlie clothes at gymboree that would match beautifully!)

Becky said...

Hmmm...it's a toss up between Snickers and Butterfingers. I love them both!

Mrs. Morty said...

I wouldn't trade anything chocolate or bubble gum as a kid. These days I'm stealing all the Twix and Butterfingers I can get my hands on.

~Telah said...

Jamie does rock! I'm lucky enough to have gotten one of these kits too and they are so totally awesome!

Love the mini album. I wish I had enough of the product left to make me one!

Christine said...

Oooh... Twix and Gummy Life Savers, for sure. Good thing I have a 20-month-old who doesn't notice that her candy bag keeps getting lighter!

Jen said...

fabulous album. i did not and will not give up my junior mints. don't even try to take them.

Lindsay Bateman said...

GORGEOUS project! So great...love the layouts and color scheme. Perfect for your little "Q" bear! Definitly the one candy I would never trade as a kid would have to be caramilk bars. Those were and still are a definite fav!

Unknown said...

I love that kit! The candy I would never trade as a kids were the caramel candies with the white center....now, I always steal the Reese's peanut butter cups or the Hershey milk chocolate bars. Yum!

Anonymous said...

Looking back though, I don't think that my sister and I would ever concider trading, and we always thought eachother either had more candy, or stole the others! Ha! That's funny to think back on, thanks for that! I would say milkyway midnight is my favorite!

Wendy said...

So adorable! I steal the Milky Way bars out of my kids' bags...love the Tootsie Rolls, too!

Andrea said...

As a kid, I'd never trade Sour Patch Kids. I'd trade anything now for chocolate!

Jen Moyer said...

cute cute kit!!! My favorite was anything different than candy like stickers or pencils even a toothbrush!

Naomi Ockeman said...

OOOO I love the sixlets...the chocolate balls in a little tube!!

LOVE them....

Sabrina said...

Candy Corn MMMMMMMmmmmm. And Kit Kat

luvzenkm2 (Leea) said...

I solve the problem of sharing my PB Cups with the kids by getting my own...as a kid only person would share them with was dad,(mom not a sweets person) as he would always get me more...Thanks for the chance...

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't trade Crunchie Bars! Not sure if they sell these any where else but NZ though...?

ambersrose said...

Reeses PB cups! :)

ambersrose said...

Reeses PB cups! :)

Brandy said...

My husband is actually worse at stealing candy from the kids' buckets than I am! Luckily my favorites (Reeses PB cups and Milky Ways) are usually ones that my kids don't eat! So.. if my husband doesn't get to them first -that's what I'll snatch!

I JUST got a bind-it-all for my birthday last month and this kit would be a perfect first project!

Shirley said...

Forget sneaking candy out of kids' bags! My husband just digs into the supply meant for trick-or-treaters. Skittles and M&M's are no longer available . . . can't say that I didn't have a hand in it.

The Sonboul's said...

What a beautiful thing you've made! I love...LOVE all the ribbons and ruffles! YUM!

PS don't worry about me for this give away ;) LOL I wouldn't know what to do with all the pink! Being that I have two boys.

Hope you're doing great.

natalienicole said...

bu, bu, butterfingers, with rolo's in a close second.
hope your halloween is a blast!

Christen E. Krumm said...

tooties rolls were def my favorite.

Wendy said...

I definately would have to sneak some PB cups out of my son's bag :).

Michelle said...

As a kid I would never trade Baby Ruths. Now...pretty much all of the chocolate has to be "mom-tested" :)

Michelle in S.F. UT

Spencer Family said...

Reese's were my favorite too! Of course I will probably resort to stealing anything with chocolate and peanuts--yum!

Kim said...

Cute kit! You are so creative- love your ideas- like slightly gathering the ribbon! I wouldn't trade Butterfingers growing up. Yum!

The J9 said...

Amazing! What a fun kit - and what an incredible album you made with it! I am in awe. My candy would have to be Three Musketeers or Payday candy bars.

Abbey said...

My favorites were Reese's and three musketeers. Love the kit!

Anonymous said...

Loves this album - favorite candy is twix.

Jamie said...

That is adorable!!!!!!!
I could never live with out baby ruth and milky way...my hubby is the reese's thief!!
That album would be perfect, one of my friends had a little baby girl this morning!!! 26 hours of labor!! could you imagine!! What a fun idea for a gift!!
thanks for the chance!!
you rock!!

June said...

TWIX. Love that crunchy, chocolatey, caramel goodness. I'm secretly hoping the kids will get lots this time around.

Mel said...

Goodness! I love what you've done with the kit. I've been eyeing the bind-it-all and the Slice for that matter for a while now. My birthday is coming up...so who knows! :) I love love Reese's peanut butter cups. One of the other few things that I wouldn't trade when I was little were the pixie sticks, and the bit-o-honey. Now it's chocolate chocolate chocolate!
Mel in Oklahoma :)

Denise said...

My fav was reese peanut butter cups...they still are today too! I used to trade my 4 siblings for all of their pbc's if they would let me....they usually did! Thanks family! Never thought about that since I was a kid! Love a chance at your giveaway! Have a great HaLLOWEEN!

momof5foxes said...

I am going for my ultrasound on Thursday, and am SOOOOO hoping it's a girl (I have one born on the same day as Q, and 3 boys)! I will sneak anything chocolate out of their bags and also the sweet tarts....luv em'!

Anonymous said...

That album is SO cute!

I seem to be sneaking the individually wrapped Twizzlers out of my daughters candy basket. They're so fresh! Mmm...

Julie Batta said...

KitKats, Twix, Reese's, Snickers, if its got chocolate I'm a takin' it!!!

Toni said...

Yum, I'm sneaking Kit Kats I can find! CUUUUTTEEE pink supplies. I have two boys, so I LOVE scrapping GIRLY pages of me when I was little. This would be such a fun project to do!

Anonymous said...

B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!!! Thanks for sharing this idea!

I loved Clark Bars & Zagnut's as a kid! Hmmm, do they even make them anymore?

Vicki said...

Peanut butter cups all the way!!

Tiffany said...

Love the kit!!!-and my fave as a kid were Bit O Honeys-now I will be checking my kids bags for "poison" in the heath bars!

kborges said...

My favorite is Almond Joy with Reese's PB cups in a close second. I love the kit and would love to use it on the only girl in our family, my niece!!

Shannon said...

I love this kit! It is beautiful! The one candy I would never trade is Reese's peanut butter cups! They are addicting!

Kelly Shoroye said...

What a georgeous end product! I would defiently never trade, (and steal from my kids bags) 3 musketeers. Mmmmmmmmmm!

Kimball and Ashley said...

A moment of silence for Tootsie rolls...
Definitely Tootsie Rolls!

Anonymous said...

That is the cutiest KIT!!!!!
Awesome colors!!

My Candy that I so............ would not give away is called Sugar Daddy's ****LOVE**** them.
I don't see them around much anymore. I have to go to a special store to find them...
I have to get my fix of them only at Halloween. Hard, carmel, heaven!!!
Thanks for the give away!
Debby :)

Nancy said...

Oh my gosh I'm going to date myself.. but back in my day most Halloween candy was what we called penney candy because it just cost a penney LOL. Sometimes the "rich" people would give out regular size chocolate candy bars.. my fave Butterfingers or Chic O Sticks YUM!

Stacy said...

I will steal Reese's PB cups of course, and my all time fave is a york peppermint patty!

Love the album! I need to get me one of those Bind It Alls! :-)

Cass said...

Gorgeous album! I love peppermint chocolate of any kind!

Just call me "B" said...

Reese's cups! No way! Not trading them!

Wendy said...

Snickers candy bars...if I could get away with it!

Ariana Rose said...

Hey, I printed my blog (blogger) through blurb a few months ago and it worked just fine. Really cheap, too.

I'm so with you on the Reese's Cups. They were the only candy I would not trade as a kid and that I will be sneaking from my daughters' bags!
This year I think I'll have to sneak a 3 musketeers, too. lol

Amy said...

Totally cherry tootsie roll pops for me. Yum! If it was chocolate I would say Milk Duds.

Unknown said...

Great kit - I love what you did with it!

My favorite candy was Whoppers. They weren't very popular so when I got them, they were not for sharing.

Anonymous said...

the crunch bar!

angie said...

Adorable mini album.
I'm all about the Reese's Peanut Butter cups... I like the mini ones better.

Jodilyn said...

Snickers or Butterfinger. Actually my favorite candy changes quite often, so it would depend but Snickers and Butterfinger are also high on the list, so I will go with those.

Anonymous said...

I'll be keeping my eyes open for Reese's Cups (unfortunately for me, my girlys will be too!).

Oh, that ruffled ribbon is sooooo girly and wonderful!

Ashley said...

How cute! Love what you did with the kit. Halloween candy...I love 100 Grands and Take Fives.

My blog worked with Blurb just fine. Maybe it is just a temporary problem.

Mindy said...

LOVE it!!! But my sewing machine might just groan at me, I've been using it too much (?) if that's even possible...
Fav candy...
Reeses are a first if you are a Pitcher... it's in the DNA... so I have to go for Mounds, I am safe there cause no one like coconut! All mine!!! (hehehe...)

camille said...

Hi I will try to still yours but you will hide it and then whip it out around easter and we will all want some and you will give me smarties I love you
P.S. if you sang you would sound like Lenka

ConnieC said...

I always wanted the Snickers. I would trade my sister for hers.
It's a cute little book. I love the ribbon detail.

Cass said...

Love your love-book to your Q-Bear!

As far as the candy ... I wouldn't give up Oh Henrys!!

Arlene said...

As a KID...Razzles. Mmmmmm!!! Now you can tell how old I am! Love the kit! :D

Jaime said...

Oh, I LOVE Stampin' Up! stuff . . . what a great kit! My favorite Halloween candy . . . definitely M&Ms.

Unknown said...

I thought it was the best when I got some kind of small toy instead of candy. But I would never trade a Twix or Milky Way! I could write an Ode to Caramel, I love it so much! YAY for fabulous scrapbooking giveaways!

Debra said...

I absolutely LOVE this kit!! It is so adorable.
I would never trade my snickers bars or my M&Ms..then or now :-)

Kay said...

I would never, never, never trade anything with caramel. It worked out quite well since I don't like chocolate (*gasp* I know) and my sister doesn't like caramel.

I can't wait to see what the girls will be for halloween. So fun!

Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

MMMMMmmmmmm...could never trade the Fun Dip Candy (that stuff where you dip the candy stick in to the flavored sugar).

P.S. Two thumbs way up on your mini book! That kit is a gotta have! -Michelle

jodie said...

Oh mine was Butterfingers!! Still sneak those from my kiddos when they aren't lookin'....LOL

Love the album!

Melanie said...

This will sound totally LAME but I would always trade away my tootsie rolls for my sisters sun maid raisins in those cute little boxes. And to this day there's nothing you can do to make me trade away rocket candy! Mmmm... pure sugary goodness!

Coastal California said...

love what you did with the kit, inspiring!
As for the no trade candy, anything BIG! My mom only let us keep 2 out of our bag so I went for size....as for swiping, my kids know I love anything caramel so those Caramel Apple Lollipops.....in fact maybe I should hand out those this year!

Laci J said...

Good work on that awesome album, its super cute! My favorite candy was the candy bars whatever kind. I grew up in a small town in alaska so not many trick or treaters so our neighbors would by big candy bars and let us come to the door a couple times. I liked that better than what normal people do. hehe

Holly said...

I'm with you on the PB Cups! There's just something about them that is pure goodness:o)

Amy said...

So darn cute! You have the best ideas!

I would never trade 100 Grand--that is, if I were lucky enough to get them!

Carly said...

Elizabeth, I LOVE your blog and this book is BEAUTIFUL!!! Will you tell me how you got the soft, pink effect on your photos? They're so precious...
My favorite Halloween candy was, and still is just about any chocolate candy bar - snickers being number one. I'm embarrassed to admit that I bought a few bags of candy bars "for trick-or-treaters" a few weeks ago, and I guess I need to get more because I already gobbled up an entire bag of snickers!
Thanks for sharing all your gorgeous projects!

Unknown said...

I like to sneak my kids' snickers, twix, nestle crunch, mr. goodbar. Luckily, with 3 trick-or-treaters, I can sneak one from each and noone notices any missing candy.

Anonymous said...

When I was a kid, it was all about the mini Hershey bars. Now, I love the Almond Joys. Can you believe that? Those grossed me out when I was a kid. And now, I don't even have to sneak them away from my four kids... they willingly give 'em up. :)

Anonymous said...

When I was younger, tootsie rolls were my very favorite, and I have to say that they are still my favorite. :) We used to play poker with our halloween candy (and our younger siblings candy, shh!). Don't ask how we knew poker at 9, but...

Anonymous said...

I'm with you...Reese Peanut Butter Cups! Both as a child and now. Yum.
Laura in BC

a said...

absolutely adorable album!

my favorite treat overall would be the hershey's bars! you'd have to fight me for them...even to this day. and i'm 31 years old now!

Angie said...

Your book is absolutely adorable! I would love that kit!
I sneak all of the chocolate out of my kids bags every year, but they are getting older and might notice. I might have to start negotiating.

Jen Schow said...

When I was younger, tootsie rolls were my very favorite, and I have to say that they are still my favorite. :) We used to play poker with our halloween candy (and our younger siblings candy, shh!). Don't ask how we knew poker at 9, but...

Julie-Ann Wells (Jewels) said...

What a luscious set!!! I would love to make a bok like this for my two daughters!!! Thanks for sharing a great project!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! What a beautiful album! I so would love to make one for each of my 2 granddaughters! One is 2 yrs. old and the other is brand new!! only a week old!

And the candy, humm, tootsie rolls, butterfingers, bits o' honey were always my fav. But now my boys are too old to trick or treat! Dratz!

Michelle Laulu said...

Snickers all the way! I say you on studio 5 today and loved your pages! Great job!

felicia said...

my husband would actually be GLAD if i won something scrapbooky if it included his favorite peanut butter cups! Happy Halloween:)

Raysha said...

As a kid, I'd never give up Dots or Pixie sticks. I think I'll be swiping anything chocolate from the bag this year.

Anonymous said...

Definitely ANYTHING chocolate or chocolate flavoured! My chocoholic tendencies started early :o)
BTW, can't beleive how much Q. looks like her daddy!!! WOW!

Anonymous said...


Bonnie Young said...

Mmmmm, I would say milk duds or dots. Those are my halloween poison of choice. Way cute album too

Unknown said...

Gimme a break, gimme a break, break me off a piece of that...(remember Andy's plight trying desperately to figure out that elusive candy bar)...
KitKat. I would STILL never trade!

Anonymous said...

Love the mini...great color combo!!

I would never trade those small little flavored tootsie rolls. I loved those things!!

tessa said...

we never went trick or treat when I was a child (we didn't have alloween in norway) but now as a grownup we have halloween party, so I'm going as a angel this sathurday with lots of glitter

Cheryl said...

When I was a kid, it was anything chocolate. But my absolute favorite was a Hershey's bar. I really love your mini book! It is just too cute!

gypsyscrap said...

I'll kill for this fabulous kit, it's absolutely amazing! Love it!
Thanks for a giveaway and congrats to Jamie! New site is really nice!
Halloween was not popular in my country when I was a kid but nowadays It's becoming more and more populat especially with children))) Most popular candies are chocolate for sure!
King regards,

Amanda said...

wow, you are so good, love this album, the pics, all of it! mmmm cady...twix bars or butter cups, loved the dots too! i had a great neighbor too who had giant halloween cookies made for us - it was very cool and i always think about her at halloween. better than candy!

Natalie Park said...

I was the oldest one in the family and my little brother and sister didn't realize that I would always trade them for all the "good stuff" like snickers, dots, tootie fruities, etc. and give them the stuff I didn't like...anything with peanuts. LOL! I love halloween! By the way, awesome job on Studio 5 today! You are so amazing!

Karen Foster said...

OMG!!!it is absolutely Almond Joys and Mounds. Love the coconut and almonds!!! I still "call" those when my kids dump their bags Halloween night. (they gladly give them up)

Anonymous said...

Being an Aussie, we never had many people particpate that much :( BUT i would NEVER trade for a chikito bar! YUMMO! we are deprived over here missing out on Halloween :(

Anonymous said...

My favorite candy to this day is a Sugar Daddy. No way to wrench it out of my sticky paws. Thanks for offering the blog candy. Love your blog and your play list. I leave it on most days at work to help lighten the day.


Anna said...

My favorite is the mini Snickers!!!

HoweverAlthough said...

Snickers. No question. I love that album and I need this kit. So pick me. :) I have a new niece and this would be perfect!

Tracey said...

I love your album! It is gorgeous!!!!

I think when I was a kid I would never trade my chocolate bars. Now as an adult, I love to sneak the tootsie rolls!!

AndreafromNoVA said...

Something that is oh so good and oh so hard to get out of your teeth. Sugar Babies!! Yum love 'em. Kinda appropriate for this post too. :)


Andrea J

Kim said...

Snickers, snickers, snickers. I'm already scheming how to get them out of my kid's bags while they are at school (smiles). Would LOVE to win this adorable kit!

Ryan Rules the Summer said...

I wasn't the best sharer as a kid. We didn't get much and I wouldn't give up any chocolate. Now that I have kids, I will give up anything to see their smiles. I would love the Kit.

angie worthington said...

the book for your little Q-bear is awesome...pink & brown is one of my favorites combos...i don't have a bind-it-all, yet...lol...

what a wonderful giveaway...i LOVE stampin up products, they are great!!!...

None None said...

What a great giveaway - thanks for the chance to enter. The mini-album is too cute! As for my candy that I could never bear to give away (even now as an adult) would be Reese's PB cups too.

Kris said...

I love this kit!

Twix are my favorite--I will have to stash a few away....

Amy said...

MILKY WAYS! Still to this day they are my favorite! Yum!

Michelle B said...

snickers! Hand them over!!!

Kimmie said...

oh i love 3 Musketeers...and i get them every year, well this year i might pass as im trying to lose weight

Elisha Wiggins said...

Ummm yeah, Reese's peanut butter cups would be that candy for me! Love your album--too cute!

The Schaper Scene said...

I definitely sneak anything chocolate out of my daughter's bag.....especially snickers! It doesn't really matter to her though because she prefers the non-chocolate candy....works out nicely!

-me said...


I steal the 'Nerds' candy by Willy Wonka.....I'm not a big chocolate fan! I think that I am addicited to candy! :-)

Melissa C.
Louisville, KY

Amy said...

Oh my gosh your little book is so stinkin cute! You are so talented! And thanks to you and Jamie for sharing...
Okay, hands down it has got to be the Reeses PB cups! And I think we have our kids trained! Last night Bella had ballet class and they got some treats after class, there were 2 Reeses in the bag and she said, we can eat the rest but I am saving these for Dad! That's my girl!! ;)

Dawn said...

SUPER CUTE!!! I would never trade my gum... I loved it. So much so that I used to sleep with it in my long hair... haha.

Anonymous said...

Super cute album! I love the colors too!

Since I don't want my little ones to eat tooooo....much candy, I always help out by eating those yummy kit kats, snickers, peanut butter cups, oh....pretty much anything with chocolate!

Anonymous said...

Yummy! For me it was the Reeses too, but back then it was just the PB cups. Now I love all of the other kinds of Reeses too...especially the Fast Breaks!

Carol F said...

Reeses PB cups!!!

Adorable kit!


Anonymous said...

Such a cute little album. I am getting convinced that I should get a Bind It All.
Okay, the candy I would never trade....peanut butter cups.

Anonymous said...

I *love love love* snickers, milky ways, peanut m&ms, and almond joy! I wouldn't trade those for the world! I don't have children yet but I still buy my favorite candy to hand out to trick or treaters - and keep some for myself! :)

Anonymous said...

I love to go through my son's Halloween candy bag and pick out all of the BIT-O-HONEYs. You don't see them very often, but when you do MMmmmm!

Amy from Alaska!
Go Sarah!

Megan said...

I would never trade my Buterfingers! I'd love to win this kit!

Anonymous said...

POPCORN BALLS! Don't touch my popcorn balls...

anniekate said...

Reese's PB Cups too....nothing more delic!

Anonymous said...

Popcorn ball girl, Cindy from Illinois.

{VICKI} said...

I would NEVER trade anything Sour!! I would always choose sour over chocolate.

As a Mom, I pick the hard candy out of my son's treat bag. Apparently the people who give hard candy do not have kids?


Jill said...

I would never give up my Kit-Kat Bars! I was always so mad when my mom stole them from me when I was little...she liked them just as much as me!

Cute album! I love how simple it is!

Anonymous said...

Almond Joy!! NEVER!!
This book is cute; I hope my ultrasound on Tuesday the 4th shows that I am in need of this!! If not my best friend is due in two weeks with a girl!! Perfect gift!! Perfect timing. Wish me luck!

Your blog inspires me to no end!!
Thank you!


Anonymous said...

This album is ADORABLE and I would love to win the kit to make one myself! Secondly, are you saying the Bind-it-All has come out in PINK? What?!? I can't justify having 2 of them either, but I want, I want! LOL

Corinna www.myscrapbooklife.com

Scrappy Girl said...

I love the M&Ms and Reeses Peanut butter cups! That album is so adorable...I love Stampin Up.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh...I love that kit. Pink and brown my favorite color combo!

I will be stealing ALL the milk duds from the Halloween bags this year....can't get enough!

Brooke said...

Cute album. I put a bind it all on my christmas list...gotta have one.

As a child (seems so long ago) I saved anything red (cherry, strawberry) I love hard candies...could go for a big bag of those strawberry candies that the wrapper looks like a strawberry...YUM

Anonymous said...

This kit is gorgeous - you made an amazing album! I will be sneaking pretty much anything chocolate from the halloween stash - especially snickers and reeces pb cups.

Lisa Lew said...

Snickers baby!!!

Thanks for the note.:)

Miss Kathy said...

This kit is beautiful. Of course your baby girls are too!

I have to admit I sneak tootsie rolls and milky ways from the grandkids Halloween loot. Thank goodness they don't mind.

Miss Kathy said...

This kit is beautiful. Of course your baby girls are too!

I have to admit I sneak tootsie rolls and milky ways from the grandkids Halloween loot. Thank goodness they don't mind.

LeAnne Smith said...

TWIX... My all time favorite. Just love that cookie inside!!


Ps. I too just recently saw that the Bind-It-All comes in Pink! That would be so perfect for me since I'm the only girl in the house!! (Guess I'll stick with my blue one for now.)

Susan Slinkard said...

Since our little one is not yet a year old, any 'trick or treating' will result in my husband and me being FORCED to devour her goodies. Oh well. The sacrifices we make as parents! Deep down, I'm hoping to get lots of those small Butterfinger candy bars. Good for the taste buds...bad for the dental work!

Aartee said...

Reeses's Peanut Butter Cups for sure!

Diana Waite said...

Reese's peanut butter cups baby!! I would take them out and hide them!! :) Had to protect the investment from my brothers!

Bettina said...

Love, love, love the ruffled ribbon at the end of the book! I totally steal Reese' Peanut Butter cups - my all time favorite.

Laura said...

As a kid I never gave up my tootsie rolls. Nowadays my grandkids gladly hand over any Maryjanes they get to me. I love them!

Courtney ;-) said...

I, too, can't pass up a peanut butter cup! YUM-O!!!!

lexsmama said...

What a sweet book for Q!

I loved sorting through all the candy goodness when I was a kid, and trade out the ones I didn't like to my sister. Though I loved all the candy bars and peanut butter cups, my favorites were the fruit flavored tootsie rolls and the orange and black peanut butter taffy things. I was easy to please.

Val said...

Gotta keep the reese's and snickers. I would also keep the bazooka joe gum too. :)

Unknown said...

Mmmmm Reeses Peanut Butter cups or snickers bars.

Lesa said...

I love, love this kit...almost as much as I love Reeses...

Jingle said...

Very pink, indeed! I love it! I love the gummy stuff! I will be hunting down the sour patch kids and the swedish fish! I never gave up those...or gummy bears, either! Mmmm...leave the chocolate and give me something I can chew! LOL!

Monica said...

Definitely the Reeses...I would steal them from my sisters bags as my stash dwindled! ;)


Anonymous said...

I would never trade reese's PB cups!!
The book is adorable, my favorite color is pink and I love it even more when it's with brown!! I would love to win this kit!
Thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

definatly always have to have the reese peanut butter cups!!!!! isn't it the breakfast of champions...lol love your lil qbear book...so adorable!

Leslie said...

Adorable book!!! Hmmm . . . I have quite a sweet tooth, so there's not a lot of candy that I'd actually turn down. . . but my fave Halloween candy would have to be the 100 Grand bars!! Yum!

Emilyt said...

CUTE kit and mini-album. I love pink & brown together. (Do you think we'll look back in ten years and say that looks dated?) I love Milky Ways. Always traded my Snickers with my sister for hers! I sneak them away from my gir;s' bags now. :)

Gale said...

There was a woman who made and gave out homemade fudge at Halloween. I would pay my three younger siblings for that fudge!

Heather said...

Reese's! I don't buy very many, cuz if there were leftovers I'd be in trouble!

Florencia Luciano said...

Love your blog! This kit is gorgeous, my favorite color too.
I always take all the tootsie rolls from my daughter bags. mmm....
Pick me, pick me!

Kathy said...

I would love to get my hands on this kit. The Halloween candy I MUST have is Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. My Fave!!!

Anonymous said...

Any chocolate! I was willing to everythig but the chocolate :)

Anonymous said...

I would never trade nerds! My mom never let my sister or I get them from the store so when we got them trick or treating it was great!

tschmaltz said...

I am new to scrapbooking and don't have an album done yet. I would love to have this mini album for my girls to show off right away!! This mama LOVES Bit-O-Honey (almost as much as this site)! I tell my children to always choose them at parades and Halloween!

Lara said...

Twix. Something about that carmel cookie goodness that I can't stay away from!

Shirlee said...

I hated those popcorn balls, and would trade them for anything! But I always had a sweet place for Twix.

Lisa said...

Definitely tootsie pop suckers... although I've never counted how many licks it takes to get to the center of one of those!

Valerie said...

I wouldn't trade anything with milk chocolate—especially Kit Kat's, but you could have all the Tootsie Rolls of mine you wanted. Still dislike those today.

Kim Ryden said...

Very cute album! I love the ribbon that you sewed to the edges! SO CUTE!

I never traded Reese's PB Cups either!

Anonymous said...

I would never give away my Resses Peanut Butter Cups, Snickers or Popcorn balls. Or those wax bottles with the liquid in them-remember those candies. Kinda gross but had to have them!
Carly-craftiegal @ CKMB

Debi said...

I think I was born with a love of chocolate because even as a kid, you could not get my chocolate away from me. I have 7 girls so this would be a great kit for me.

Anonymous said...

Funny candy for a kid but I could NEVER trade my Tootsie Rolls! I hated Smarties.... but they were my mom's favorites so somtimes I would trade to get more for her!
Liz Michaud
PS: Love that kit!!!

steph said...

I never gave away my Twix. I still cringe when I offer my bowl of candy to friends and family...secretly hoping they will overlook the Twix!

Theresa & Keith said...

I would never trade my tootsie rolls, and neither will our oldest daughter!

The mini album looks great!!! I love the brown and pink combo!!!

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