Now to celebrate I'm going to eat this yummy cupcake don't be jealous because you get something even better! My friend Erin from Designer Blogs is giving away 3 blog makeovers. Erin is married to Mikey. Collin, Mikey and I were chums in high school and still get together for Utah Jazz games every so often (go easy on us tomorrow Lakers!) Erin is so talented at designing blogs & for the month of April all your blog styling needs are 15% off... check out her website here.
Now back to the celebration... Leave a comment with your name & your favorite thing about blogs to win 1 of the 3 blog styling packages. yay! If you don't have a blog this is a great excuse to start one.
Supplies: red dot paper; scalloped circle punch; number '2' sticker
1 – 200 of 480 Newer› Newest»Happy Happy Birthday Blogger Dear, happy days will come to you all year...and you know the rest :)
I love your blog and appreciate the happiness and cuteness you share with the world.
Happy B'day fab cup cake and possibly the best prize ever to celebrate.
What I love about blogs and yours in particular is how they open up your world, you find out about experiences, lives, loves, cuteness, everything wonderful!!!
Happy Blogoversary!
Cool giveaway! I started my blog only this year and I have so many things to learn about blogging. I love to blog surf to be inspired by the beautiful things that make people happy! Cheers, Yvonne.
How fun! My favorite thing about blogging is reading and finding so many great ideas that inspire me!
Happy Birthday! My favorite thing about blogs is keeping up with family and friends.
Happy Blog Day! I love seeing all of the inspiration and creativity out there in the world. It's especially fun to "get to know" strangers through their blogs and be inspired by one another on SO many levels:) LOVE your blog:) Great giveaway!!!
happy second!!
i love taking photos and showing them. i enjoy looking at other peoples photos for a different/new perspective. i get inspired by looking at what other women create and hopefully inspire some people with my stuff, too!
Happy b-day to you! I started my first blog just over two years ago too...
I love blogs. I love that it's visual and textual and can be shared instantaneously and receives comments. I'm addicted and promote the addiction to everyone I know!
Thanks so much for your incredible blog.
Blogs have opened my eyes to the fabulous world of art & the women who make it. I am so inspired by the beautiful things they make & their ability and willingness to share their talent with the world.
{I am very excited to add my own creations into the blog world very soon & would love a super cute blog design!}
We share a birthday! My 29th birthday was today. Happy birthday!
Happy blogoversary! I love stopping by and seeing what fun stuff you have created :) My favorite part about having a blog is being able to keep in touch with family and friends who are far away. That's totally cool to me!
Just had to say - I ♥ Erin! She has played a huge part in my blogging experience - we went to high school together, she did our reunion blog, kinda got me started with my own.
She is also to credit in my finding/loving your blog! {before you were "famous" - I remember checking up frequently in your quest for SOY, look at you now!}
Happy Blirthday! Thanks for inspiring!
P.S. Have you tried the new cupcake bakery in Provo? Sweet Tooth Fairy? To die for and totally NYC worthy!
Woo woo! Happy Birthday! My one year blogiversary is coming up soon. I'm SO glad I got into blogging. I love it because it has opened up my mind to so many new ideas! I have found endless baking, crafting, and just life in general, ideas through following blogs. I love being able to find new inspirations and also reading people's funny stories!
2 Fab Years!!! Congrats! What I love most about blogs is learning from other people who I may not get a chance to meet personally. I love getting my daily dose of inspiration!
It's 1AM and it is painfully obvious (to my straining eyes) that I like blogging a little too much! I love everything about it, from "meeting" new people, to finding inspiration in the everyday.
Happy 2 to you!!! ...and I'm wishing I had a cupcake right about now...
Happy blog day to you. The thing I love about blogs, is seeing how different and diverse we all are. Yet the same as we tell stories about our lives keeping us intouch with one another. Even if we don't think someone is reading these little messages that we write, Some one will find it and we will touch someones heart. And if that never really happens then we have written ourselves a story.
Happy blogoversary!! :D
My fave thing about blogs is how easy it is to stay updated with your friends and their lives. Sure, you'll still need to chat about the deeper things - but you still do that, right?!
Plus - it's inspiring!
Zarah in Sweden
I only love blogs with photos because I love seeing little bits and pieces of other people's lives. I usually look at design and photography blogs the most. Happy blogaversary!
I love, LOVE, LOVE how these little blogs can break down barriers and create friendships from across the board and across the oceans! Technology is amazing!
Happy 2nd blogiversary!
I have a problem. Hi, my name is Jill and I'm a blog-a-holic!!! Really. I kinda crazy about them. I LOVE blogging because I love to 1) keep in touch with my spread out family and mobile friends 2) learn new, fun, creative trades and be inspired by others to reach outside of my little cozy box 3) share a bit of myself - quirky, crafty, silly, serious, mommyness - whatever it is depending on my mood 4) keep track of my running 5) make a family journal - I intend on printing out my blog and making it into a book every 100 posts! 6) finding sweet tunes such as the ones on your blog... etc. Basically, I LOVE BLOGGING!
Thanks for the fun give away!!!
my favorite thing about blogs is just that they make me happy...happy reading them, happy writing them...just happy!
i love blogs... edited and unedited candid photos with charasmatic journalin!!! i love that most about blogging... and sure love your blog!!
Happy blogiversary!!!
I love reading my friends blog. It helps us to keep up on those little thoughts that just run around in our brains.
I love reading my friends blog. It helps us to keep up on those little thoughts that just run around in our brains.
Happy Blogiversary!
My favorite thing about blogs is the inspiration they provide and the connection to people throughout the world that are like minded.
happy Blogversary.
It is my 21st wedding anniversary today too. Happy day.
I love being about to keep a diary online to let family and friends know what we've been up to, but also as a reminder when I want to scrap our lives - there I will find my photos and snippets pf journaling all ready.www.semplydone.blogspot.com
Happy Blogiversary! Just love, L-O-V-E your blog!
I love how through blogging I have made new friendships and strengthened old friendships. I love how I can get a glimpse into other's everyday lives and how I can get support in my own life. I love the outlet my blog has given me and the escape others' blog give me;). I LOVE blogging!
Happy Birthday!!
I am addicted to blogs! I LOVE seeing glimpses of other people's lives! And I love sharing parts of our lives with friends and family!
Heather Oswald
Happy, happy blogiversary to ya!!
I love to blog surf and did so for a long time before I got up the nerve to start my own. I do wish I had a ultra cool blog like yours though! Then again I guess I would have to be ultra cool like you and the mister. That just ain't happenin'! lol I guess I'll have to settle for a neato blog. ;)
Something I love about blogs is the amazing inspiration there is out there in the blogosphere. I have tried many things since discovering blogs that I never would have before. My life has been totally opened up. A very cool thing I assure you.
Happy Birthday! Love your blog btw!
I am a SAHM of 4 beautiful babes and I keep pretty busy running this home of ours and keeping everyone happy. As you can imagine, my me time on the computer is rare, but I love bloggin' so much because it helps me feel like there are other great women out there who are just like me. I often put myself last on the list and so connecting with "the outside world" and sharing a bit about my life and what inspires me really helps me feel connected to others and good about what I am doing as a person and mother/wife. It is time wisely spent!
My name is Justyna Skinner and the thing I love about blogs is the convenience of it and giving you the ability to meet new people, even if you don't ever get out of the house (as a college student, I'm lucky if I go to the grocery store!). By reading blogs, I've been led to even *more* blogs and, in turn, been inspired by so many people. Every time I think I've got artist's block, I come across a new post and want to go out there and just *create*. Blogs allow me to share my opinion, get things off my chest, display my achievements, and stay in touch. They also let me lead the life of a so-called artist. I used to think blogs were silly, but now I can't imagine not checking my favorites several times a week. They are simply the greatest invention ever :-)
Happy Blogversary!! Will have to go check how long I've been doing mine now!!!
Happy Blogiversary!! Wahoooo!
My favorite thing about "bloggin" is how I feel a after I make a post---YES--another memory that will not allude me.
Thanks for all you fun ideas.
Happy 2 Years!!!
I love blogging because it allows me to share photos with my family. We live an ocean apart (I'm in Hawaii, and the rest of the gang is on the mainland). They're all coming over for my wedding in July, and this way I can share with them the preparations, as well as how much my fiance, dog, and I are growing and changing. (Looking at all of your great layouts on this blog and stealing ideas is a close second!)
Well the thing I love about blogs is that u get to be inspired by others everyday life and crafts and create something for ur self aswell
Happy blogoversary!
My favourite with blog's is all the friends you get!!
Hugs from Maria Therese
I don't have a blog yet, but I've been using my family photo share website on Shutterfly as a "mock blog".
I would LOVE to start one! Blogging is the highlight of my day. I blog and then scrapbook.
Happy scrapping everyone!
I love keeping track of family that is so far away. It's basically the only way to watch their kids grow up and it's absolutely the next best thing to being neighbors!
Congrats on celebrating your blog birthday! I love blogs to look and get inspired. There are so many wonderful and talented people out there and I find it amazing that we get to look at so much inspiration from all over the world. Smiles Catherine
Happy, Happy Blogoversary!
I just love blogland, cause that you can keep updated with family and friends all over the world...
Sophia Allison, from South Africa
Happy, Happy Blogoversary!
I just love blogland, cause that you can keep updated with family and friends all over the world...
Sophia Allison, from South Africa
Happy Blirthday! My fave things about blogs are the inspiration I get and the realization that most ppl are as normal as I am (take that however you want to ;).
Hi Lizzy! I love your blog and mine is so pathetic I stopped using it! I could definitely use a makeover!
I have wanted to start a blog but didn't know where to begin and didn't want it to look like alot of the others around. This would be a great kick in the pants to do it.
Happy Blogiversary!
My favorite thing about blogging is being able to keep in touch with long distance friends & family. My husband and I moved away from where we grew up just a few years ago. I love reading special updates and funny stories from my friends far away!
Happy blog birthday! Hands down, my favorite thing about blogs is the creative energey and inspiration I get whenever I visit blogs like yours :) I definitely need to up the cute factor of my blog and would be thrilled to win this giveaway! -Sharyn
Happy Blog Anniversary! What I love about blogs is the sharing that takes place. Lots of talent out there and everyone is so willing to share their expertise.
Thanks for the chance to win this awesome prize. I don't have a blog yet, but have been thinking about starting one for awhile now. This would be perfect!
Happy blogy Birthday!
What I like, actually love about blogs is that I have met wonderful, talented women in the past 10 months and have become friends with. They inspire me daily, give me strength, make me laugh, make me realize that it's ok if at times I am not perfect and they leave me the sweetest comments on my pages or my daily ramblings :) Have a wonderful day and good luck to all the ladies!
Happy Anniversary on your blog.
I am a new blogger and would love love love a makeover by someone who knows what they are doing. I am so inspired by all the blogs out there as well as the ideas and inspiration they provide. It's as if you are having coffee with a friend.
Happy blogiversary! I love that I can keep up with friends through their blogs...especially since we don't always have time to talk all of the time since we are all busy with our little kiddos! Also, love that I can be inspired by someone that I don't even know--like you!!
I love reading blogs because I get to know the wonderful women behind the craftiness I love. I have "met" several new friends through blogland and I am inspired on a daily basis through blogs. I have gotten inspiration for my life as a mom, wife, friend and crafter through other blogs. And I have expanded my musical taste through your blog, Elizabeth!
Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary! Your blog is one of my faves! Mine desperately needs a makeover, so I love this giveaway! Thanks for sharing daily.
Happy Blog Birthday!! I love blogs you get Great ideas for any craft. Blogs are an inspiration to me. I love your blog thanks for all the wonderful ideas.
Stevens Point, WI.
i love feeling connected to sweet & creative ladies from all over. and i love seeing glimpses into lives i would otherwise never know about. :)
-sarah b
Happy 2nd birthday - love blogs because it keeps you in touch with people, gives you inspiration and gives you the ability to help people also.
Have wanted to start one for a long time.
Nicky from Canada
I love having a blog and I love visiting other blogs. I just love that it is a great way to share this wonderful hobby of ours. Every blog I have ever visited has inspired in some way. Thanks everone for taking the time to share.
Happy Blirthday! What I love about blogging is getting to "know" people I may never actually meet, and keeping up with people I haven't seen in a very long time. I also love seeing other people's creativity. It's so inspiring!
everyday i am amazed by ladies and gents who share a piece of their lives. i am inspired by the beautiful creations, photos and activities.
Ann Arbor
Happy Blog Birthday! I love the wonderful cheer your blog brings to my days! Thanks!
My favorite thing is looking at all the craft & home projects. Boy, could my blog use a makeover!!
Happy blog birthday!!! I love that blogs are an easy way to record the everyday. I could spend hours reading...
Hey! Happy Birthday to one of my favorite blogs!!
If I could be one of the winners, I could start my own blog - have my own blog birthday - and a have an extra reason for CUPCAKES!!!
Rhonda :-)
Well, there are a couple of things I really love about blogs. I love how much you can learn from other people and how inspiring their creativity can be. And...I also love that I'm keeping some type of history for my family of our lives (which would be much more beneficial if I updated my blog regularly!).
Anyway, thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite part about a blog is that I can record everyday events about my three little ones and get to share that with all of my family. I really like to see others ideas too!
My favourite thing about blogs is that it keeps you connected to the world and fun, creative people. I am a stay-at-home mom of twins and discovering the blog-world made some of the long, lonely mommy days more enjoyable. I'm so thankful for blogs and blogging.
Thanks Elizabeth! And Happy Anniversary!
I love that my blog helps me keep up with when I took a picture for my 365 book!! I love my blog and made it private cause I write so much about my children, but it really could use a make-over or maybe I can just make a 2nd blog that public...that'd be really cool!!!!
would love a chance to win a makeover - love her work.
Happy 2 year anniversary! I love blogs for SO many reasons...but...I think my favorite are the fabulous ideas I get from them!
My Favorite thing about blogs is coming away inspired. Whether it's a cute scrap page, an awesome quote, or just inspiration to eat a yummy cupcake!!. I have to confess i check your blog a couple times a day... you inspire me, so THANKS!!!!!!!
I read blogs to get inspired!
Happy Blogaversary! Thanks for the giveaway, I love reading your blog.
hi :)
happy bloganniversary!!!! by the way: i looooove your blog!! :D
what i love about blogs?? i love to get inspired about blogs of my favorite scrappers!! (and also wedding blogs). they give me so many ideas and it is just great to look in someones other life :)
how fun is this?! happy blogging birthday! i love how blogs can keep my friends and i connected, even across the country.
I love that my blog gives me a way to keep up with the day to day stuff of life since I can't seem to keep up with scrapbooking at the moment.
Happy blogoversary! My favorite thing about blogs is being able to share your projects and inspire others at the same time. I love that you can say "this is what I created" and "this is why I created it". It's a major creative release for me. :)
happy blog-birthday! I love following blogs because it is a way for me to to become inspired and i love to hear what other moms and crafters alike are doing. i hope your blog stays running strong for a long long time because it is one of my favorites! happy day to you!
Happy Birthday! I just love your blog!
I enjoy blogging, as well, for a number of reasons. First, I blog to keep family members up to date with our stories. I also think it is a great way to share ideas, copy ideas, and steal ideas. hee hee. But mostly, I like blogging because it is my ticket to the outside world!
Happy blogday, Just Us!
I love blogs because... I've met so many lovely bloggers with interests like mine, and I get so inspired by the work of others (like you!) and it...makes me happy!
Ilove blogs because it allows me to connect with people from all over. I find that my friends here in my own town do not have the same crafty interests that I do. As well, I have always wanted to experience living in the USA as I am from Cananda and blogs allow me to vicariously live out my dream. My ext dream is to actully meet one of my blog friends in person!
I'm the world's worst about journaling. My blog helps me journal in a fun and creative way. This is especially important to me now that I have a daughter!
Happy Anniversary!
I like reading a few positive blogs to give me mini breaks from my busy days with the children.
And all the sharing of creativity gets me excited to work on projects I've started but need to finish.
Wow, I've been stalking this blog for 2 years!! Time flies when you're having fun! :) I love seeing all of the oh-so-creative ideas on the blogs I check out!! Thanks for the fun!
I love blogs because it is fun to keep up with family and friends. I love to check blogs to get fun crafty ideas too!
I love getting a glimpse into other moms' lives, love seeing the creativity of other women and love getting inspired to do more in my own home,kitchen or projects.
Happy blog birthday to you! My favorite thing about blogs is feeling like the bloggers I read regularly are actually my friends!
Happy Blogger Birthday! I visit your blog often for your cute scrappin stuff and home deco ideas. You always bring a smile to my face - your family always looks so happy. I strive to be the same!
Happy Birthday Blog! You are always so happy girl! I would love a blog makeover..I just don't have the time to sit down and mess with doing it! It would be great to win.
I love my blog because I use the journaling on my scrapbook pages! I also love learning new things through other blogs and keeping up with friends.
This is a GREAT giveaway! How much fun to finally get set up. I love your pics, they are always so FUN!
Happy Blogiversary . . . what a GREAT giveaway! :) I have several blogs that I read on a daily basis, I like that you honestly feel like your a part of that persons life . . . you feel all their sorrows and joys. You get to see their kiddos grow up right before your eyes. And I LOVE all of the creative talent that you can see and consume . . .
I love that blogs let you keep in touch with friends and family who aren't near. It's also a great reminder to take lots of pictures. Thanks for the great give away.
I started my blog after my son was born as a way to keep family updated. We live 5000 miles away, but I don't feel like they've missed out on much. Thank goodness for technology... and cute blogs!
I love keeping up with the daily life of my friends through blogs...plus there is the added bonus of seeing life in pictures. What could be better?
Happy 2 years! :) My favorite thing about blogs is that they can connect you with so many different people. People you wouldn't meet otherwise in real life.
Ahhh...happy 2nd anniversary. It also happens to be my son's 6th Birthday.
I love that I can keep the Grandparents, other Family and Friends up to date about our little family via a blog. They get to stay updated and I remain the good daughter, relative and friend for sharing. Yah!
Have a great anniversary! And I'm off to ensure my son has a wonderful birthday!
Happy Blogaversary!!
I don't have blog, but you are right this would be the great time to start one looking great and all!! Thanks for the chance to win!
Happy Blogaversary! Enjoy the cupcake :)
Great giveaway! The thing I love about blogs is learning and sharing all aspects of our lives and the inspiration to be found in blogs is incredible!
Happy Blog Birthday!! Hope you enjoy that cupcake-I don't live too far-maybe I'll come eat one too. :)
Honestly-my favorite thing about having my own blog is the fact that some of my pictures are stored somewhere. One of my biggest fears is that my computer will crash or be stolen or something and then I will lose a lot of my photos!
The thing I love about reading other's blogs is getting new ideas! I love finding creative things to do on people's blogs. The highlight of my day. :)
Happy Birthday, Just Us!!!
I would say what I like most about blogging is being able to keep friends and family up to date on what the kids are doing and posting pictures of them. I used to e-mail each person pictures. Blogging is much easier and takes much less time. :-)
I also love that I am able to keep up with my friends and the "goings ons" in their lives!!
Thanks for offering such a fun giveaway!!!
Happy Blirthday!! I stalk your blog----in a good way-----not in a creepy way-----i promise. I love the music. I love the photos. I love the creativity. I love the happy feeling it gives. I haven't started a blog. I've contemplated it.......I really have........but, I know how much time I waste on yours and I wonder how much time I would waste on my own. ohhhhhh but if I won it- it would be the perfect excuse. Just think in a couple years I would be eating cupcakes with ya ;) I know everyone needs to see the fabulous farming/creative/country/fun/ life I live. So PICK ME!!!!! PLEASE OHHH PLEASE PICK ME! :) Thanks.
Happy Birthblogday! I blog to figure out as well as remember like this http://karenz-korner.blogspot.com/2009/04/unexpected-reaction.html. I blog so my kids and grandkids can figure out and remember. I read other peoples blogs because I'm often inspired, entertained and connected to others in a way that I wouldn't be other wise. There are some really amazing, ordinary people out there!
How cool for you, congrats! What a great giveaway too! I love blogs because they are an endless source of inspiration!
Andi (from CKC)
I just started reading your blog. Thanks for the inspiration and happy blogirthday.
What I love about blogging-have been doing it about a year-is that it helps me get some thoughts jotted down so I that I will never forget them for my children's sake. It is my electronic journal...also love connecting and reading and becoming inspired through others blogs. LOVE yours and happy blogiversary to you!
Congrats on 2! Your blog is so much fun to read. I love getting a little glimps into peoples lives through their blog. Maybe some day I'll have half as many readers as you do... getting a prettier blog might help ;).
Happy Blogiversary to you! I love your blog! What I love so much about blogs is looking at photos and getting ideas. Reading blogs make me so happy in fact, that I seldom have time to keep up with my own! Maybe if I had that blog makeover...
Happy 2 yr! My favorite thing about blogs is getting caught up with old friends and even making new ones!
-Becca Jeppson
1. Its like a diary you can share with friends.
2. It pushes me to take pictures so that I can share them.
3. It lets me share cards and scrapbook pages I make, and gives people ideas.
4. I originally set it up to share the progress of our log home, which is temporarily stalled due to season of the year and the economy - but has turned into so much more!
5. It allows me to share things with my sister and her girls who live 450 miles away.
6. Since I enjoy reading everyone else's blog, it allows me to "give back".
7. It allows me to keep a running history of what's happening in my life and look back at the trials and tribulations happening at the time.
8. Although sometimes I'm bad about posting, I'm always thinking about things I want to post and share.
9. Its fun to "tinker" with technology and figure out how to add different gadgets and widgets to my pages.
10. The design element of the blog itself is fun, except that I'm terrible at graphic arts and blog design so I'm hoping I win this BLOG MAKEOVER!
Okay I made up a public blog and if I win maybe it can get a makeover, but thanks for the idea to make one!
I love the fact that I can "journal" about our life and then have it printed in a book with pictures in all. Kind of like an instant scrapbook.
I've found blogging a great way to remember all the different events I want to scrapbook - all the pictures and the journaling are already there and ready to be scrapped.
Well my name is Jill. My favorite thing about reading blogs is the inspiration (in many forms). My favorite thing about blogging is that I can document things I wouldn't necessarily scrap about. Plus, my daughter has a birth family that stays caught up on her progress through my blog.
happy cupcake day!
i love others blogs for all the inspiration.
i love my blog, because it is another place for me to grow and learn about myself.
pick me pick me! :o) Thanks for 2 years of AweSoMe posts!
Fun Day in Blog land....My favorite thing about blogs is staying connected to people in my life....and finding new people that share with!
Happy Birthday/Anniversary!! What I love about blogs and blogging is the fun and creative ideas I get from all the blogs I visit and updating friends and family on what is going on with my kiddos(and sometimes me and my husband!).
Congratulations on your bloggiversary!
Happy anniversary! My computer crashed earlier this year and took with it my log of all my second baby's firsts. I was so thankful for the information in my blog so I could still scrapbook fairly accurately when all these milestones happened. So, I love that blogs are another way to preserve milestones (and they don't die with your computer!!). Cara
What I love about blogs...getting a glimpse into people's lives and realizing that most people are really good - it gives a glimpse of hope with all the doom and gloom we hear everywhere!
Happy Blogaversary... my blog could use a like prettying up!
Your blog is so uplifting and always brightens my day! That looks like such a yummy cupcake! Enjoy your day and celebration.
I love blogs for many reasons, the first that come to mind being all I learn from them - scrapbooking tips and ideas, recipes, other web resources - and how they make me laugh, cry, feel, and reACT. Don't have a blog, but have a great use for Erin's expertise if I win. Thanks for the opportunity!
Love it! She is quite talented. Thanks for the chance to get a blog makeover.
I love seeing all the crafty things people come up through their blogs. I think it's also a fun little glimpse into peoples lives, it makes yo u just feel more connected!
Adorable cupcake! Looks delish. I need serious help on my blog and would love to win. I love blog because of all the free tutorials and inspiring ideas. I could get lost for days looking at everything.
Happy 2 year blogging anniversary!! I just celebrated my 3 year blogging anniversary yesterday (Apr 22)!!
What can I say, I LOVE my blog! I update it EVERY day as I am doing Project 365! It's a lot of work, but I love reading through all the everyday moments that I write about. At the end of the year I'll make a book with all my posts to coincide with all the weekly layouts I'm doing. Should be a great keepsake!
I think I would be lost without my blog, it's my way of documenting our family through the ups and downs!
I try my best at making my blog look nice & pretty, but I would SO love someone to design my blog for me!! What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win :)
Happy Blirthday!!! I do my blog because it a great place to keep in touch with far flung friends and family. I love reading blogs because they are glimpses into others' lives, creativity and knowledge. I have learned so much from reading others blogs that and it has made my life so much fuller - Like your unique style from home, scrapbooking to dressing (I am excited I will be buying the cutest pair of yellow canvas peek toe flats that when I saw them I said those are so Lizzy!! I would never have bought them before...).
cool giveaway!
2 years, really? Wow that flew by. I love blogs because it is such an easy way to keep in touch with friends/family all over the world, and to get amazing scrapin' inspiration
Happy Blog Birthday!! You have one of the best blogs and I can't wait to see what you do next! I love reading blogs for the inspiration and fun...but many days it's just to escape realty for a few minutes.
Thanks for the chance to win a blog makeover...boy do I need one badly!!
Happy Blog Day! I truly love reading your blog and seeing all your inspiration.
I have 2 blogs. One all about our family, but mostly just our kids! The second one if for project 365.
happy blog anniversary! i love blogs b/c they are so inspiring--from scrapping ideas to life in general. it is amazing how you can get to know people you may never meet in person but you feel like you know them so well by what they write! thanks for sharing your life with all of your followers!
Happy Blog Birthday! I am a bolgholic...I don't even want to tell you how many blogs I am following. Our blog currently services as a "stay in touch" service for friends and family since moving overseas. I guess I read all those blogs for something that feels like home. Thanks for the chance to win!
Liz~ Here is to TWENTY TWO more years. Love your blog:>
My favorite part about blogs well ... the contests of course!
Karen Foster
Check out my blog. I have not had one comment yet! Hockey Mom X 2
My blog is all about keeping family and friends updated with pics and stories of my two year old twin girls. It's my "easy" scrapbook, and I secretly LOVE getting compliments from those who keep up with my blog.
Blogging is my new addiction! I love posting and browsing other people's sites. It is my way to journal about what is going on in my life, from my daughter to dating to scrapbooking. I love keeping up with friends and "following" their sites to see their latest creations! It is a great way to keep up with people from all over the world!
Happy BLOGoversary!!
Am I too late? I would love a blog makeover! My favorite things about the blogging world is being inspired by women all over the country and world! It's so nice to find kindred spirits. AND congrats on your two year anniversary! I should confess...sometimes I leave your blog open for a long time after I've read it just to listen to your music! Love it!
Happy Blogoversary!!! :)
My fave thing about blog is when I read other people that are goin through the same things as me. Also, blogs can be an EXCELLENT source of inspiration!
I love that blogs are a place to share your story with others or just for yourself. It's also such a wonderful place to share ideas and interesting finds. There are so many creative people that I follow, like you. I look to your blog to get creative inspiration, or just to smile. Thanks for the chance to win.
Happy birthday to this sweet, sweet little blog of yours...
I am blown away continually by the creative inspiration and friendships...deep bonds that have developed since I started blogging, over 3 years ago...
Our little group of lady friends is planning a real life meet up in spring 2010! So excited for that.
It's so, so thoughtful Elizabeth to do all the amazing giveaways that you do...
My favorite thing about blogs is family. My mimi loves that i have a blog that she can keep up to date with us. She checks it everyday and she calls it a "bog".
My favorite thing(s) about blogs...staying connected with family/friends, documenting the day to day lives of our 3 kiddos and learning (getting inspired) from other creative moms!
Yay!!! Yours was the first blog I fell in love with. I love your style, sense of humor, cute little family. I love that blogs connect me to women across the nation. Thanks, you are the best.
what i love about blogs
- scrapbook-related: you get fantastic ideas and inspirations (always a plus!!)
- family & friends: keep in touch with each other, and keeping updated
Happy Blogoversary!!
I love blogs. I love the creativity people share the best. Blogs let us shine in our own ways. My little blog could really use a makeover, I am a new Mom and could use a makeover too but my blog needs one first!
I just love blogs. #1-Just me. I love to be inspired by blogs. I don't have one yet but would love to start one, maybe to inspire someone else.
Love this blog... you have such a colorful, fresh style!
I don't have a blog -- yet -- but what I love about READING blogs is how people share their lives with the whole wide world. That takes courage.
Happy #2~
My favorite thing*s* about blogs are the inspiring pictures!!
Marcy G
What more can I add as the 146th person to leave a comment? I love Erin's work. I love Erin and have known her for a few years. She is currently my inspiration for adopting a new baby. The blog in my mind is much better than the blog on my site. I'm working on it...
i love that blog do just this. connect people that would never otherwise cross paths. love your style! xo- mj
Happy 2 Years!! I love checking out your blog - there's just something down to earth but totally awesome about it. My favorite thing about blogging is that it helps me keep in touch with friends that I no longer get to see regularly. I'm not gonna lie...I'm addicted!
What I love about blogs is that you are able to keep in touch with people you may not see very often. I love looking at my nieces and nephews and my family who I don't get to see often enough. It is also a fun little outlet, your own space :)
I like blogs becuase I check out what people are doing on my own time. It's liek picking up a book and reading from where you left off. Sometimes, though, its hard to put it down!
Happy 2nd! :) My favorite thing to do I love to blog-surf and find friends blogs.
Happy Blogiversary "just us!" I'm a fan :)
I definitely love so much about blogging ( but I promise to keep it short). I love how people can connect to so many others with only the click of a mouse... You get to learn new cultures, new beliefs, see new sources of inpirstion. You meet new people, and some you really get close to and might even become permanent in your life. You support, encourage, love each other, while sometimes only having the same outlet of creativity in common. I love how blogging brings people together!
Thanks for the opportunity to win... That would be swweeeet!
Happy Blirthday!
I love blogs because there is this great site - Blurb - that can turn your blog into a book. That way I can have a hard copy history of all the things that went on this year (and it means a tad less scrapbooking). Blogging is like really fun personal history writing.
Katy B.
I have yet to start a blog but have been so inspired to since stumbling upon yours! To me a blog should be like an inspiration board; an ongoing collection of beautiful things that make your whole body happy. Would love some help getting started with this amazing giveaway!
Happy 2 :)
I love blogs and having a blog because I can put up all of the great things about my kids and I'm not shoving it in anyones face. They can come see it if they want to and if they're tired of it, they don't have to visit the blog. It's also a nice way to keep everyone up to date on what's going on because we have so many friends and family members out of state. Plus, I think my kids are rock stars!
Happy Bloggy Anniversary!!!
I love blogs for their inspiration!
Happy Birthday Just Us! I've really enjoyed reading your blog and am looking forward to many more great posts in the future.
My favorite thing about blogs is having a place to share all my random thoughts and "meeting" people from all over the world who share my interests and hobbies!
I love this giveaway you're doing!! I just started a blog and need some major help designing something that will draw more readers to it. What I like most about blogs is the fact that you can learn so many neat ideas how to do something that you've been putting off doing. Love the great ideas!
I love blogs because they distract me from work...this may be bad, but oh so true!
Congrats on the Anniversary!
Happy Blogiversary Liz!
I absolutely ♥ your blog and all the happiness and creativity you share with your readers. You are such an inspiration!
I love blogging for so many reasons, but what I love best is how it connects family and friends. I initially created my blog so family and friends could follow us on our journey to China, where we adopted our daughter four years ago. With my daughter getting older and my free time growing shorter, I've also found blogging to be a great way to remember all the events I want to scrapbook!
Thanks for the opportunity to win such a fabulous giveaway!
Happy Blogaversary!!! I don't have a blog...yet, but have been really wanting to start one. I'm just not really sure where to start. Love your blog and so glad you started it.
My name is Esther Palmer, Erin is an old mission companion that I was able to reconnect with by blogging, which is the biggest reason I love blogging so much. As a stay at home Mom that lives far from family it's really important to me to feel like I'm still connected to the world and blogging provides that window. Thanks for your great insights!
Hey Liz...how are ya? Well, my favorite thing about blogs is that (to me) it's considered "journaling":o) I can just look back and remember! Love it! Have a fun day!
So glad you were bored 2 years ago! Love your blog.
I love reading about new things on blogs. Mostly crafty stuff. Fun finds or fun things to make.
happy 2 years!!! did you make that cupcake? it looks awesome!
i love blogs because you get to know a person so well and i love looking back at old posts and seeing how things change : )
Happy Bloggy Birthday!
I am a pretty new blogger and I am loving sharing what is going on in my life. It is really fun having a blog!
I love how blogs give you a chance to share your thoughts, creativity, day to day moments, hopes, memories, celebrations and oh so much more. Its such a fabulous way to show yourself to the WORLD.
PLUS, Its such a great way to connect with other women and moms in the middle of the craziness that family + work brings from time to time.
My favorite thing about blogs is the ideas and inspiration that I receive from others.
My fav part about blogs is they can be a huge source of inspiration. I love reading other blogs and getting ideas. I love the drive I get from hopping from blog to blog.
Taraleigh Gray
Happy Blog birthday! My favorite thing about blogs is keeping in touch with family that live far away. My in-laws live in MO and we live in UT so our blog keeps them updated on their only grandchild, our son.
Happy blogiversary!
I love reading blogs because I find it very interesting to get a peek into someone elses life. I also love crafty blogs for the inspiration and ideas.
Julia Derksen
yay!!! I need help with a blog makeover currently in progress!!!
I love blogs because there are so many wonderful people who I have never met but because of blogging we can connect, be inspired and lifted up!
Happy blog birthday!
I love blogs that make me laugh...I like knowing that I'm not the only mom that sometimes feels overwhelmed. I get lots of inspiration for artsy craftsy stuff from blogs too...I would much rather blurf for an hour than watch TV (unless of course it's AI!)
I'm glad I found your blog. LOVE the music! I've been wanting to start a blog and could really use the help...happy 2 years of blogging to you!
Happy BLoGity Blogversary
I love to visit blogs for the inspiration -- both in the words shared, the colors, the music...what's not to LOvE!!!!
Happy blogiversary! :)
My favorite thing about blogging is that it can update so many people at once and I don't feel bad about "form emails" to mass amounts of people. :)
i love the aspect of using it to document our lives...even the most random things. I love looking back and using it to journal my scrapbook pages. It's great to see what is going on in other people's lives as well:)
I love that my family (no matter how far away) can share in a little glimpse of what our life is like on a daily basis! See pictures of the kids and know what is going on. A blog makeover would probably give me inspiration to blog more!
Yummy looking cupcake! : )
My favorite thing about blogging would have to be all the friendships and connections I have made. I am a shy person but when I am blogging people get to know the real me, and I love being able to share myself and ideas with the world.
Happy 2 year anniversary!
Happy 2 yrs!! I absolutly love blogs! I could spend ALL day long just blog hopping! I think my favorite part about them is the chance to see the creativity of others and explore the lives other people live. So intriguing!
Well Thank you for your daily inspiration that I have come to lean on:)
I really could use the help with my blog and maybe not have to ask my 14 year old daughter for help, she is an artist and I am a wannabe!
That cupcake looks delish. My favorite thing about blogs are the ability to share your life and craftiness with people. It is like having millions of books and magazines at your fingertips. Trust me, I still love me some glossy magazines and books, but this supplements me when I have polished off one and need to feed my desire to read!!
I like having a blog because I use it for jounaling. I can look back on my blog and use the jounaling for the LO I'm working on.
I just wish I could find a place so I can make my blog into a book.
Happy Blogging.
Happy Blog Birthday!!!!!!!!!!
I love your blog and congrats on two years of creativity and beautiful posts!
Yeah! Blogging started out as a way to keep family connected, but now it is all about quickly "scrapping" my family!
Wow awesome giveway!
Happy Blogiversary!
I love reading blogs to get inspiration; to make it through the day, for scrapping, for cooking and to just stay connected with friends and family.
I ♥ reading blogs. I would never have met so many talented people if I didn't stumble upon their blog. Happy Blogiversary!
WOW!!!...congrats on 2 yrs!...so, how was the cupcake?...
i love blogs for the inspiration and i LOVE your blog for the awesome music...and, the pictures you post...and, the gorgeous photos....lol....
Hi! I am from Kazakhstan and far from world of scrapbooking, so blogs save me. I have my own to share my layouts and invite others to join me to scrapbook. Thank you! I really want make my blog beautifull.
I love blogs for the amazing sharing of creativity, friendships, inspiration and uplifting goodness they provide. But above all...it is about the connections that happen between likeminded people, and their passion for life.
So inspiring!
Hi! What a fun giveaway! I love blogs because I get lots of great ideas of fun things to make for my girls. I also like making new friends, however far away they are!
Love your blog! Your scrapbooking pages always get me in the mood to scrapbook, and thats a hard thing to do because I'm suffering from morning sickness and I have an 18 month old :)
Happy Birthday to you! I love your blog and get inspiration for my own blogging/scrapbooking projects. My favorite thing about my blog is that I can share bits of my daily life with my family who all live at least 400 miles away. The grandparents love to check in for updates on my kids :)
Happy 2nd Blogiversary!!!! I'm glad you started a blog you've been such an inspiration. Some of the things I really enjoy about blogs is how resourceful they can be also how you can make friends hundreds of miles away. I enjoy seeing other peoples creativity and just reading funny everyday stories :)
My blog makes me journal more often. This makes me happy because I may not have the time to scrap the memory/experience/picture at that moment, but the blog allows me to record everything I need to know until I can scrap it.
i love read scrap blogs for inspiration !!!
happy aniversary for your blog
First off.. I love your blog! Your scrapbooking style inspires me. I just want to say thank you. Which brings me to answering your question... I love blogs b/c it gives me inspiration daily. I love being able to connect with other women who share the same passions as me. And it makes me feel "normal" when I am able to read everyones ups and downs of life!
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